Embun kala senja
17 Mei 2018
Image quate diatas, terlepas dari benar atau tidaknya, tentu memiliki makna yang dalam. Bahwa kebahagaiaan itu sebenarnya sudah ada dalam diri kita, dalam hidup kita. Yang membuat kita tidak bisa merasakannya, krna ada banyaknya keinginan-keinginan untuk memuaskan ego kita pribadi.
Seseorang awalnya hidup bahagia dengan penghasilan yang cukup. Ia bekerja dengan sepeda motor sebagai satu2nya harta berharganya. Suatu hari, temannya berkunjung kerumahnya dengan mobil mewahnya, ia pun terkagum-kagum. Muncul keinginan untuk memiliki hal yang sama. Sejak saat itu, hidupnya tak lagi bahagia.
Kita bukan tidak boleh memiliki keinginan. Selama keinginan tersebut membuat kita lebih efektif, efisien, membuat kita lebih maximal, lebih berdampak, tentu hal yang wajar. Dan yang terutama, hendaknya keinginan kita sesuai dengan keinginan Bapa. Nite Gbu
17 Mei 2018
Lagu yang selalu menemaniku disaat ku terbaring tak berdaya di sebuah kamar ICU, 14 Tahun yg lalu. Love You Jesus
17 Mei 2018
kurangnya bersyukur turut menghadirkan ego ketidakpuasan dan muncullah keinginan, disaat keinginan belum / tidak tersentuh, saat itu keresahan, bingung, galau dll. kebahagiaan yg sudah ada mulai terkikis perlahan.
Saya pandangannya sih begitu bro Jony 😊😁✌️
JONY310 tulis:
Keinginan www.alena.si/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ego.jpg Image quate diatas, terlepas dari benar atau tidaknya, tentu memiliki makna yang dalam. Bahwa kebahagaiaan itu sebenarnya sudah ada dalam diri kita, dalam hidup kita. Yang membuat kita tidak bisa merasakannya, krna ada banyaknya keinginan-keinginan untuk memuaskan ego kita pribadi.
Seseorang awalnya hidup bahagia dengan penghasilan yang cukup. Ia bekerja dengan sepeda motor sebagai satu2nya harta berharganya. Suatu hari, temannya berkunjung kerumahnya dengan mobil mewahnya, ia pun terkagum-kagum. Muncul keinginan untuk memiliki hal yang sama. Sejak saat itu, hidupnya tak lagi bahagia.
Kita bukan tidak boleh memiliki keinginan. Selama keinginan tersebut membuat kita lebih efektif, efisien, membuat kita lebih maximal, lebih berdampak, tentu hal yang wajar. Dan yang terutama, hendaknya keinginan kita sesuai dengan keinginan Bapa. Nite Gbu
18 Mei 2018
HERI771 tulis:
kurangnya bersyukur turut menghadirkan ego ketidakpuasan dan muncullah keinginan, disaat keinginan belum / tidak tersentuh, saat itu keresahan, bingung, galau dll. kebahagiaan yg sudah ada mulai terkikis perlahan.
Saya pandangannya sih begitu bro Jony 😊😁✌️
20 Mei 2018
~~Holding Space for the Feminine
"When men are unhealed with the feminine, they become cut off from their masculine core and shaky in what it means to hold space.
They over identify with women’s feelings to such an extent they become disabled from their capacity to simply be with her through her storm.
Dreading failure and being unable to cope with the possibility of “fucking it up”, at the first sign of a woman’s volatility they’re out.
Avoidant patterns like shutting her down and shutting her out, demeaning her by calling her dramatic, or heightening his level of stoicism in a moment where her emotions are heightened are all ways the masculine displays his wound to his Beloved.
I can’t begin to tell you the immense amount of pain and grief a woman feels when her partner shuts down in the moment where she so desperately seeks to be held – even for a moment in her chaos.
How painful it is when she feels judged or shamed for her feelings, rather than valid and seen.
Most men have never come face to face with the beauty that can unfold when space-holding is done right because they’re too afraid of being lost in the Dark feminine.
As women, our inner worlds can be turbulent and feral – sometimes our pain seeps past our lips before we’ve fully processed our way through our feelings, and we need to talk it out in order to understand ourselves deeper. It doesn’t always make sense, and what we need is to feel safe.
This process is a chance for a men to witness their woman in one state and gently hold for her as she moves into a higher vibration.
Unfortunately, most men will take her words and wear them like armour, they will identify with her feelings as if they are responsible for them – and knowing they will inevitably fail to change her feelings, they give up.
Space holding does NOT mean changing how she feels.
Space holding is not about DOING.
Space holding is not about judging.
Space holding is an energetic invitation for your woman to feel safe enough to process her shadow emotions, fears, insecurities or moments of vulnerability without shame.
Being in the same room with her is not space holding if you’ve closed your heart or judged her for having her feelings.
Space holding is an awareness that you are not responsible for doing anything, but being present and willing to stay heart open with her even if she withdraws until she feels safe to open up again.
Men, please heal your wounds with the feminine.
Please see your partners in their most vulnerable moments as powerful and capable of moving through their emotions.
Please recognize that while your woman doesn’t need you to do anything, she may be frustrated by battling with your inner 18 year old when all she wants is to feel safe and loved in her moments of darkness.
You have the capacity to be a mountain for your woman.
When you show up and hold space without taking things personally, when you pay attention and LISTEN, when you drop your ego and simply allow her to tell you what she needs – she will shift.
It can take mere moments for a woman to move through the darkness into the light when she feels safe.
But when she is judged, or her partner shuts down, the darkness is amplified and the shift takes much longer.
There’s big work to do in this realm between the Masculine and the Feminine.
Author: S. Aiyana
(And yes, there should also be space to heal the Masculine, it should be an equal journey in Love and respect)
21 Mei 2018
duhh.. yg lokal aja butuh diresapi, udah panjang, butuh translate pula, nga bisa komen dah.. butuh ekstra 2-3x hahahaha.. 🙈 😥 😁
MAYA509 tulis:
~~Holding Space for the Feminine
....There’s big work to do in this realm between the Masculine and the Feminine.
Author: S. Aiyana
(And yes, there should also be space to heal the Masculine, it should be an equal journey in Love and respect)
21 Mei 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
21 Mei 2018
HERI771 tulis:
duhh.. yg lokal aja butuh diresapi, udah panjang, butuh translate pula, nga bisa komen dah.. butuh ekstra 2-3x hahahaha.. 🙈 😥 😁
Wkwkwkwkwkwk,,,,maklum ka. Aku bukan writer, tp sangat bisa spotted qualified writting.
22 Mei 2018
Wahaiiiii embun , datang muuu di kalaaaa senjaaa , butiran 2 mu mampu menyejuk an bunga 2 yang indah disekeliling kamuuu , dan embunpun akan sirnaaa di kalaaaa kamuuu memetik nya untuk hiasan rumah muuu .
Sryyy salah masuk .
22 Mei 2018 diubah oleh SUSI954
22 Mei 2018
JONY310 tulis:
Lagu yang selalu menemaniku disaat ku terbaring tak berdaya di sebuah kamar ICU, 14 Tahun yg lalu. Love You Jesus youtu.be/1qUW8PwYm2s
22 Mei 2018
MAYA509 tulis:
Wkwkwkwkwkwk,,,,maklum ka. Aku bukan writer, tp sangat bisa spotted qualified writting.
22 Mei 2018
I Am Learning To Let Go Of What’s Not Meant For Me By A. Davis
I’m slowly learning how to let go of what isn’t meant for me. I’m letting people exit my life when they are meant to leave, and I am no longer chasing after them. I’m seeing how when one door shuts, another one opens. I’m no longer knocking on closed doors with nothing left behind them.
I’m learning that sometimes it’s OK to welcome endings. I’m letting go of anyone and anything that isn’t meant to remain a part of my life. I’m letting go of the old in order to make room for the new.
I’m learning how to trust myself. And when something doesn’t feel right. then it probably isn’t. I’m learning how to trust my instincts because it sees things that I cannot quite yet. I’m letting my instinct and intuition lead me in the right direction.
I’m learning to let go of old relationships that I have grown out of. I’m letting go of people who no longer contribute to my well being. I’m learning that the longer I keep holding onto the wrong people, the longer it’ll take for me to hold onto the right ones. I’m learning how to fully nurture my relationships with all the positive, vibrant souls in my life. The ones that inspire and push me to be the best version of myself I can possibly be.
I’m slowly learning how to let go of everything and anything that is not meant to stay apart of my life.
I’m letting go of negativity and replacing it with mindfulness. I am using any negative thoughts as my motivation to always spread positivity wherever I may go in life.
I’m letting go of spitefulness and replacing it with forgiveness. I’m no longer holding grudges and clinging onto bitter feelings that have poisoned my thoughts for so long.
I’m taking a step back from the things that no longer serve a purpose in my life. I’m removing myself from any toxic, unhealthy situations that I no longer need to play a part in. I’m letting myself let go of the hurt and pain I’ve carried for all these years. And I’m slowly allowing myself to heal, no matter how long that it will take.
I’m learning to do whatever the hell makes me happy. And to stop living my life a certain way in order to please others. I’m only doing things that bring me the most happiness in life and no longer living in order to satisfy anybody else.
I’m letting go of control. I’m learning how I simply cannot control everything that happens to me in life. I’m letting the universe work its magic on me. I’m letting things happen on their own and I’m no longer forcing things to stay together when they’re destined to fall apart.
I’m letting go of self-doubt. And I’m replacing it with self-growth. I’m basking in my own positive light. And surrounding myself with anything that pushes me to become a better person.
I’m letting go of hatred. And criticism. And anyone who tells me I’m not good enough for something. I’m learning that the only critic I should be listening to is myself. And I will no longer allow the opinions of others pollute my mind. I’m letting go of the person I thought I would be yesterday be and starting to celebrate who I am today.
22 Mei 2018
belum ada selebaran dari RT, suruh kerja bakti lagi ... 🙈 😥
MAYA509 tulis:
I Am Learning To Let Go Of What’s Not Meant For Me By A. Davis
I’m slowly learning how to let go of what isn’t meant for me. I’m letting people exit my life when they are meant to leave, and I am no longer chasing after them. I’m seeing how when one door shuts, another one opens. I’m no longer knocking on closed doors with nothing left behind them.
I’m letting go of hatred. And criticism. And anyone who tells me I’m not good enough for something. I’m learning that the only critic I should be listening to is myself. And I will no longer allow the opinions of others pollute my mind. I’m letting go of the person I thought I would be yesterday be and starting to celebrate who I am today.
22 Mei 2018
HERI771 tulis:
belum ada selebaran dari RT, suruh kerja bakti lagi ... 🙈 😥
Haaak,,,,akakakkakaakakakakak,,,,ayoooo cemungut kak! Learn alot kitah. 😁✌️
23 Mei 2018
Copas dr video yang diposting oleh seorang teman tentang "Pesan seorang ayah untuk pria yang menikahi anak perempuannya".
Yang pertama memeluknya adalah aku
Yang pertama menciumnya adalah aku
Yang pertama peduli padanya adalah aku
Suatu saat jika engkau tidak mencintainya lagi, jangan beritahu dia, beritahulah aku, aku akan membawanya pulang ke rumah.
26 Mei 2018
Kehidupan yang murni dengan kehidupan yang penuh kemunafikan sulit untuk dibedakan. Perbedaan baru tampak mencolok ketika waktu penampian tiba. Di dunia ini, terdapat banyak anak Tuhan yang tampaknya memiliki kemurnian hati tetapi sebenarnya hatinya sudah dicemari oleh tipu daya iblis. Dari buahnyalah kita akan mengenal mereka (Mat. 7:20). Kehidupan yang berbuah memiliki bobot sehingga tidak goyah ketika waktu penampian tiba, tetapi kehidupan yang tidak berbuah tidak tahan uji. Bersiaplah sebab alat penampi sudah di tangan-Nya. Ia akan mengumpulkan gandum-Nya ke dalam lumbung, tetapi debu jerami itu akan dibakar-Nya (ay. 12).
Tidak sulit membedakan kehidupan seseorang yg murni dan kehidupan seseorang yg penuh kemunafikan, lihatlah buahnya yaitu seberapa sering seseorang tersebut dapat bersyukur/mengungkap syukur terutama saat seseorang itu sedang di tampi oleh-Nya.
Karena itu hati2 menggunakan ayat Alkitab sebagai alat berbantahan dan pembenaran diri sendiri. Serta hati2 menyalah-artikan/ menyalah-gunakan hikmat Roh Kudus sebagai tameng untuk pembenaran diri sendiri.
26 Mei 2018
Maybe God Is Making You Wait Because He Wants You To Learn That There’s No Timeline For Anything In Life By Rania N
Maybe you’re not where you want to be at 20 or 30 or 40 because God is teaching you that you can’t keep living your life according to what society is expecting, or what your parents are expecting or what you are expecting. Maybe the lesson is to let go all of the expectations, let go of all the timelines and let go of the notion that at a certain age, you have to be more accomplished than others or you need to have it all together.
Maybe you’re still single because God is trying to teach you another kind of love, the kind of love that you give to your friends, your family, your job and yourself. Maybe he wants you to learn how to live without the constant reassurance and validation you need from a partner and maybe God knows that your journey is full of traveling, self-exploration and movement that getting tied to a partner is not going to be the right fit for you. Maybe he’s teaching you how to walk before you run.
Maybe he’s teaching you the same lessons over and over again because he wants you to learn the art of trying, the art of not giving up, the art of learning how to live with disappointments and how to live with setbacks because they’re always going to accompany you.
Maybe God is trying to teach you that you shouldn’t take life too seriously. Maybe the lesson is enjoying life as it is instead of putting deadlines, timelines and expiration dates. Maybe life is just ageless and timeless and we just have to accept that.
Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go. As if God is giving you a sign to let go without worrying about what will happen because he’s going to reward you with something better.
Maybe he doesn’t want you to be so obsessed with timing and how others see you, maybe he wants you to break free from all these illusions and fantasies you have for yourself and learn how to live peacefully in reality.
Or maybe he’s making you wait because the more you wait, the more you’ll appreciate what you’re going to get. The longer you wait, the longer you’ll keep what he’s going to give you. Maybe he just doesn’t want you to be an ungrateful person, he wants you to value the gifts he’s going to send you and he wants to send them to you when he knows you’re ready to take good care of them.
Maybe God wants you to realize that all these timelines were man-made by people with fixed thoughts and ideas, by people with different circumstances, by people who never even saw you and people who led different lives. Maybe God just wants you to understand that all these deadlines don’t really represent you because they weren’t made for you.
Maybe God just wants you to understand that your life will never be perfect and will never go as planned and you just have to try to love it and love him regardless.
Maybe he’s teaching you how to wait because he wants you to know that you can’t always control your life no matter how hard you try because that’s his job, not yours.
27 Mei 2018
SAURIA580 tulis:
Copas dr video yang diposting oleh seorang teman tentang "Pesan seorang ayah untuk pria yang menikahi anak perempuannya".
Yang pertama memeluknya adalah aku
Yang pertama menciumnya adalah aku
Yang pertama peduli padanya adalah aku
Suatu saat jika engkau tidak mencintainya lagi, jangan beritahu dia, beritahulah aku, aku akan membawanya pulang ke rumah.
iyaa pernah liat video ini, baguss...
27 Mei 2018
MAYA509 tulis:
Maybe God Is Making You Wait Because He Wants You To Learn That There’s No Timeline For Anything In Life By Rania N
Or maybe he’s making you wait because the more you wait, the more you’ll appreciate what you’re going to get. The longer you wait, the longer you’ll keep what he’s going to give you. Maybe he just doesn’t want you to be an ungrateful person, he wants you to value the gifts he’s going to send you and he wants to send them to you when he knows you’re ready to take good care of them.
Keren semua, saking bagusnya, bingung mau delete yg mana hahaaa.... keep writing sista, this text bless me so much..
27 Mei 2018
SUSI954 tulis:
Wahaiiiii embun , datang muuu di kalaaaa senjaaa , butiran 2 mu mampu menyejuk an bunga 2 yang indah disekeliling kamuuu , dan embunpun akan sirnaaa di kalaaaa kamuuu memetik nya untuk hiasan rumah muuu .
Sryyy salah masuk .
hahaaaa.... bener kok sis, ga salah kamar hehee
27 Mei 2018
Mak Comblang
Sudah hal yang umum jika orang yang sdh berumur namun belum menikah suka dijodoh-jodohkan, dikenalkan dengan temen atau saudara dari mereka yang sering disebut mak comblang. Mereka yang mengenalkan kita ke orang lain, biasanya akan memilah, siapa yang kira2 cocok dengan kita. Penilaian ini kadang sering bikin kita happy, namun byk jg yang malah bikin sakit hati.
Orang yang dikenalkan ke kita, menunjukkan siapa diri kita. Jika yang dikenalkan ke kita itu, menurut kita adalah under criteria, maka seperti itulah keadaan kita yang sebenarnya. Misalkan kita berharap mendapat referensi dengan nilai 8, nyatanya yang dikenalkan ke kita, nilainya 5. Maka sebenarnya, itulah nilai kita dimata mereka yang mengenalkan kita tadi, yaitu 5.
Tak usah berkecil hati, tak usah merasa sakit hati. Justru kesempatan itu kt manfaatkan untuk upgrade diri kita, hingga suatu hari, mereka yang hendak mengenalkan daftar list nya ke kita, akan memilih yang terbaik dari yang ada, karena mereka menilai kita mmg layak mendapatkan yang terbaik. Gbu
28 Mei 2018
JONY310 tulis:
Bukan gitu hahaaa... mksdnya, kalo kutip kan kepanjangan, jd pilih yg mau dikutip susah saking bagus2nya tiap paragrap hehee... kk cantik siapa ya?
Wkkwkwkwkwkwkwk,,,,kk syantiex bestie wa kak Jony itu loh. Hayaaaah,,,ms kudu tak sebut.
28 Mei 2018
Kalau saat si pria tdk mencintai perempuan itu lagu, tp saat itu ayah si perempuan sdh meninggal, gimana dong.... Siapa yg membawanya pulang.
SAURIA580 tulis:
Copas dr video yang diposting oleh seorang teman tentang "Pesan seorang ayah untuk pria yang menikahi anak perempuannya".
Yang pertama memeluknya adalah aku
Yang pertama menciumnya adalah aku
Yang pertama peduli padanya adalah aku
Suatu saat jika engkau tidak mencintainya lagi, jangan beritahu dia, beritahulah aku, aku akan membawanya pulang ke rumah.
28 Mei 2018
Iya juga sih. Tp ada maksud dr pesan si ayah yt supaya sang suami tetap menjaga putri nya, mencintai sampai akhir hayat. 😄
HENNY421 tulis:
Kalau saat si pria tdk mencintai perempuan itu lagu, tp saat itu ayah si perempuan sdh meninggal, gimana dong.... Siapa yg membawanya pulang.
28 Mei 2018
Lagu I Loved Her First By Heartland, bisa bikin termehek2 deh.
SAURIA580 tulis:
Iya juga sih. Tp ada maksud dr pesan si ayah yt supaya sang suami tetap menjaga putri nya, mencintai sampai akhir hayat. 😄
29 Mei 2018
HENNY421 tulis:
Lagu I Loved Her First By Heartland, bisa bikin termehek2 deh.
Ho oh sis, kalo dihayati dalem bgt yaa