Mari kita belajar Bahasa Inggris.
17 Januari 2017
Are you a teacher?
Trnyata ibu guru,, dan beberapa yg berprofesi jadi guru disini,,, jadi malu hehehehe
DINA121 tulis:
Youre utmost welcome Brother
Thank you for welcoming me too
Sorry for the late response
17 Januari 2017 diubah oleh ZEGA376
17 Januari 2017
Hehe saya cuma pengajar kok bukan guru. Klo guru biasanya adanya di skul. Saya adanya di luar skul gituuuu hehe salken..
Knpa malu. Toh sama2 belajar di sini
ZEGA376 tulis:
Are you a teacher?
Trnyata ibu guru,, dan beberapa yg berprofesi jadi guru disini,,, jadi malu hehehehe
18 Januari 2017
YOURE VERY WELCOME artinya boleh boleh saja
YOU,RE THE ONLYONE artinya kamulah satu satunya
TENAAGER. Artinya. ABG, remaja
KEEP STRONG. Artinya. Tetap kuat
OVERCOOK. Artinya. Terlalu matang
UNDER COOK.....................Artinya. Belum matang
NOT RESPECT. Artinya. Tidak tanggap
SAY SORRY. Artinya. Minta maaf
SAY HELLO. Artinya. Kirim salam,menyapa
SAY GOODBYE. Artinya. Mau pamit pulang
20 Januari 2017
Good morning
Artinya Selamat pagi
Good night
Artinya Selamat malam
Good bye..
Artinya Selamat dah..
Hehehe :P
20 Januari 2017
Thanks all udah bikin aku ketawa....
Berasa hidup jadinya....
21 Januari 2017
TENAAGER. Artinya. ABG, remaja
mungkin penulisan yg benar "Teenager".\\//m
22 Januari 2017
Today is Sunday.
Hari ini hari matahari.
22 Januari 2017
Hello? Salam kenal semua
22 Januari 2017
HAPPY SUNDAY. Selamat hari Minggu
MULTITASKING . Tugas ganda
BISEKS. . Menyukai pria dan menyukai wanita
FLEXIBLE TIME. . jam bebas
CLASSIC. :. Timeless
22 Januari 2017
MARIA331 tulis:
Hello? Salam kenal semua
Hello, salam kenal juga :)
Salam = regard
Kenal = know
Semua = all
Hello, regard know all
22 Januari 2017
Have you watch "Sully", the movie? It about a flight 1549, "US Airways" that have a force landing on Hudson river because oth of failure engine after hit birds. This film tells stories from couples Point of View, including from ATC officer in charge. Do i say it right? By the way, it would tells you A LOT! I'm still speechless...
Sudah pernah nonton film "Sully"? Filmnya tentang pesawat dengan nomor penerbangan 1549 yang terpaksa mendarat darurat di Sungai Hudson akibat Gagal Mesin setelah menabrak burung-burung. Film ini bercerita dari berbagai sudut pandang, salah satunya dari sisi Petugas/Pengawas di Menara Pengawas Udara/Pemandu Lalu-lintas Udara. Bener ga sih istilahnya? Ngomong2, filmnya bagus banget dan banyak pelajaran yg bisa kita petik dari darinya. Ga banyak komen dah...
DANIEL705 tulis:
thank you sir. PK-JDK start engine complete request taxy to runway 25
22 Januari 2017
22 Januari 2017
Sore pak Zega. Sedikit memperbaiki tata bahasanya y pak. You did great! If you are really the one who typed it without any technology assisstance hehehe. Salam damai.
Have you watched "Sully", the movie? It is about a flight 1549, "US Airways" forced to landing on Hudson river because of failure engine after hitting birds. This film tells the story from a couple who happens to be the flight passengers including from ATC officer in charge. Do i say it right? By the way, it would tell you A LOT! I'm still speechless...
Sudah pernah nonton film "Sully"? Filmnya tentang pesawat dengan nomor penerbangan 1549 yang terpaksa mendarat darurat di Sungai Hudson akibat Gagal Mesin setelah menabrak burung-burung. Film ini bercerita dari berbagai sudut pandang, salah satunya dari sisi Petugas/Pengawas di Menara Pengawas Udara/Pemandu Lalu-lintas Udara. Bener ga sih istilahnya? Ngomong2, filmnya bagus banget dan banyak pelajaran yg bisa kita petik dari darinya. Ga banyak komen dah...
3 Mei 2017
@T.S. (Bro ZEGA376): I'd like to ask for permission to paste a message posted by a friend in our WhatsApp chatting group. Just for fun, and just for laugh.
Thank you in advance, by the way.
Senyum sejenak :
1. INGGRIS : Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road
INDO : jalan pelan2 di pinggir jalan
JOWO : Mliper
2. INGGRIS : Falling backward and then hit own head
INDO : jatuh ke belakang dan kepala terbentur
JOWO : Nggeblak
3. INGGRIS : Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face)
INDO : jatuh ke depan
JOWO : Njlungop
4. INGGRIS : Smearing one’s body with hotointment or liquid and then massaging it
INDO : melumuri tubuh dengan cairan lalu memijat
JOWO : Mblonyohi
5. INGGRIS : Riding an old bicycle
INDO : mengendarai sepeda tua
JOWO : Ngonthel
6. INGGRIS : Got hit a truck that is moving backward
INDO : tertabrak truk yang mundur
JOWO : Kunduran Trek
7. INGGRIS : Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano
INDO : semburan awan panas yang menuruni gunung meletus
JOWO : Wedhus Gembel
8. INGGRIS : A small,sharp thing embedded inside one’s skin
INDO : Kulit kemasukan benda kecil dan tajam
JOWO : Tlusupen
9. INGGRIS : Thing getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity
INDO : keluar dari tempatnya karena gravitasi
JOWO : Mbrojool
10. INGGRIS : Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one’s head/body
INDO : kejatuhan benda pada kepala atau tubuh
JOWO : Kebrukan
11. INGGRIS : Drinking straight from the bottle without using the glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth
INDO : minum langsung dari botol tanpa gelas
JOWO : Ngokop
12. INGGRIS : Difficult to open eyes because something is shining very bright
INDO : susah membuka mata krn silau
JOWO : Mbelereng
13. INGGRIS : Hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert
INDO : berpegang erat pada sesuatu
JOWO : Gondhelan
14. INGGRIS : Falling/tripping accidentally because of a hole
INDO : terjatuh ke lubang
JOWO : Kejeglong
15. INGGRIS : Being over active carelessly
INDO : menjadi hiperaktif tapi tidak hati2
JOWO : Pecicilan
16. INGGRIS : Felling unwell because of cold temperature
INDO : merasa tidak enak badan krn dingin
JOWO : Kademen
17. INGGRIS : Releasing “wind” from the body thru a coin drawn across the skin’s surface
INDO : mengeluarkan angin dari badan melalui gesekan koin ke permukaan kulit
JOWO : Kerokan
18. INGGRIS : Finding by accident something good or useful without looking for it
INDO : menemukan sesuatu yang berguna secara tidak sengaja
JOWO : Ndilalah
19. INGGRIS : Expression or gesture due to a sudden appearance (of something)
INDO : ekspresi krn kemunculan sesuatu yg tiba2
JOWO : Mak bedunduk
20. INGGRIS : Water come out from your mouth
INDO : air keluar dari mulut
JOWO : Ngiler
21. INGGRIS : A lot of water come out from your skin
INDO : keluar air banyak dari kulit
JOWO : Gobyos
22. INGGRIS : Doing something with your finger
INDO : melakukan sesuatu dgn jarimu
JOWO : Ngutek'i
23. INGGRIS : Have something between your teeth
INDO : ada sesuatu di antara gigimu
JOWO : Sliliten
24. INGGRIS : Accidentally poke your eyes
INDO : tdk sengaja mencolok mata
JOWO : Keculek
Ojok lali, di-share yo ben tambah akeh seng eroh lek boso jowo iku istimewa gak kakean omong.
3 Mei 2017
Btw...trnyta "pecicilan" bhs jowo..tho.
So..simple ya..
FAJAR882 tulis:
@T.S. (Bro ZEGA376): I'd like to ask for permission to paste a message posted by a friend in our WhatsApp chatting group. Just for fun, and just for laugh.
Thank you in advance, by the way.
Senyum sejenak :
1. INGGRIS : Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road
INDO : jalan pelan2 di pinggir jalan
JOWO : Mliper
2. INGGRIS : Falling backward and then hit own head
INDO : jatuh ke belakang dan kepala terbentur
JOWO : Nggeblak
3. INGGRIS : Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face)
INDO : jatuh ke depan
JOWO : Njlungop
4. INGGRIS : Smearing one’s body with hotointment or liquid and then massaging it
INDO : melumuri tubuh dengan cairan lalu memijat
JOWO : Mblonyohi
5. INGGRIS : Riding an old bicycle
INDO : mengendarai sepeda tua
JOWO : Ngonthel
6. INGGRIS : Got hit a truck that is moving backward
INDO : tertabrak truk yang mundur
JOWO : Kunduran Trek
7. INGGRIS : Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano
INDO : semburan awan panas yang menuruni gunung meletus
JOWO : Wedhus Gembel
8. INGGRIS : A small,sharp thing embedded inside one’s skin
INDO : Kulit kemasukan benda kecil dan tajam
JOWO : Tlusupen
9. INGGRIS : Thing getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity
INDO : keluar dari tempatnya karena gravitasi
JOWO : Mbrojool
10. INGGRIS : Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one’s head/body
INDO : kejatuhan benda pada kepala atau tubuh
JOWO : Kebrukan
11. INGGRIS : Drinking straight from the bottle without using the glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth
INDO : minum langsung dari botol tanpa gelas
JOWO : Ngokop
12. INGGRIS : Difficult to open eyes because something is shining very bright
INDO : susah membuka mata krn silau
JOWO : Mbelereng
13. INGGRIS : Hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert
INDO : berpegang erat pada sesuatu
JOWO : Gondhelan
14. INGGRIS : Falling/tripping accidentally because of a hole
INDO : terjatuh ke lubang
JOWO : Kejeglong
15. INGGRIS : Being over active carelessly
INDO : menjadi hiperaktif tapi tidak hati2
JOWO : Pecicilan
16. INGGRIS : Felling unwell because of cold temperature
INDO : merasa tidak enak badan krn dingin
JOWO : Kademen
17. INGGRIS : Releasing “wind” from the body thru a coin drawn across the skin’s surface
INDO : mengeluarkan angin dari badan melalui gesekan koin ke permukaan kulit
JOWO : Kerokan
18. INGGRIS : Finding by accident something good or useful without looking for it
INDO : menemukan sesuatu yang berguna secara tidak sengaja
JOWO : Ndilalah
19. INGGRIS : Expression or gesture due to a sudden appearance (of something)
INDO : ekspresi krn kemunculan sesuatu yg tiba2
JOWO : Mak bedunduk
20. INGGRIS : Water come out from your mouth
INDO : air keluar dari mulut
JOWO : Ngiler
21. INGGRIS : A lot of water come out from your skin
INDO : keluar air banyak dari kulit
JOWO : Gobyos
22. INGGRIS : Doing something with your finger
INDO : melakukan sesuatu dgn jarimu
JOWO : Ngutek'i
23. INGGRIS : Have something between your teeth
INDO : ada sesuatu di antara gigimu
JOWO : Sliliten
24. INGGRIS : Accidentally poke your eyes
INDO : tdk sengaja mencolok mata
JOWO : Keculek
Ojok lali, di-share yo ben tambah akeh seng eroh lek boso jowo iku istimewa gak kakean omong.
3 Mei 2017
Well hello everyone, how was your day?
Hope all of you had a great day today,
It's time to rest now :) have a good rest, sleep well tonight, don't let the bug bites
See you all again tommorow..
With love
~me :)
3 Mei 2017
NON401 tulis:
Btw...trnyta "pecicilan" bhs jowo..tho.
So..simple ya..
Yes, it is Sist. "Pecicilan" is a Javanesse word. Bahasa Indonesia often adapt words from other languages, including from our tribes languages.
Thanks for your time reading that post. And let's presume learning, and sharing English knowledge.
3 Mei 2017
AYUSARI311 tulis:
Well hello everyone, how was your day?
Hope all of you had a great day today,
It's time to rest now :) have a good rest, sleep well tonight, don't let the bug bites
See you all again tommorow..
With love
~me :)
Hello to you too, Sist Ayusari.
I'm doing great, thanks.
Well, if it is time for you to go to bed and have a rest, please. By all means. Hope you'll have a very nice rest too.
See you, and God bless.
4 Mei 2017
Semoga bisa mendapatkan pasangan di Jk yang bisa berbahasa Inggris. Amin.
4 Mei 2017
Yeaahh. It doesnt have to be as fluent as the natives. But at least with her/him, you can go travelling around the world and won't get lost, right? :)
4 Mei 2017
Teen = belasan
Age = usia
Er = pelaku/ orangnya
Teenagers: org2 yg berusia belasan a.k.a remaja :)
ZEGA376 tulis:
TENAAGER. Artinya. ABG, remaja
mungkin penulisan yg benar "Teenager".
4 Mei 2017
Yup. I just realise that it's Javanesse, I thought it's Bahasa.
Ok..let's learn.
I keep doing up my English.
Anyway.. thanks yaa
FAJAR882 tulis:
Yes, it is Sist. "Pecicilan" is a Javanesse word. Bahasa Indonesia often adapt words from other languages, including from our tribes languages.
Thanks for your time reading that post. And let's presume learning, and sharing English knowledge.
4 Mei 2017
Hello everyone.
Meet with me again. How's everyone doing today? Good? Great? Or just so-so?
Hey.. why don't we play a game? An English game. Let's have some fun with words. Maybe by doing this, we can learn and improve our English, while at the same time, we can also get to know to each other a little bit better.
Alright. This is what the so called "Guess what or who I am" game.
Question #1
I am the end of life but also the start of earth.
I wait in the middle of the ocean but not there in the bank.
I stay very close to the beginning of the death.
I am able to enter in the heaven but also there in the midst of the hell.
What Am I?
Anyone wanna try? Please. (*Monggo..
4 Mei 2017
Letter E.
4 Mei 2017
Letter E