Mari kita belajar Bahasa Inggris.
4 Mei 2017
FLORENCE735 tulis:
Letter E.
Wow.. you did it right.
LYDIA559 tulis:
Letter E
You're also right.
Good job,
both of you.
4 Mei 2017
Question #2
I'm a five letter word. If you remove one, only two letters remain.
What word am I?
4 Mei 2017
binun,,, dengan kata a five letter word
FAJAR882 tulis:
Question #2
I'm a five letter word. If you remove one, only two letters remain.
What word am I?
4 Mei 2017
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
CIBINK654 tulis:
binun,,, dengan kata a five letter word
hahahaa.. Kata dg lima huruf, Sis; dalam bhs. Inggris tentunya.
Coba aja. Cuma buat fun kok.
4 Mei 2017
seems like you are correct sis.. :))
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
seems like you are correct sis.. :))
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
seems like you are correct sis.. :))
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
Just one word, Sist.
And if you don't mind, please give answer in a full complete sentence. So that the purpose of this game playing - to learn English - might be gained.
But, thanks anyway, for participating.
(*please, try again.)
4 Mei 2017
Drone, prone, clone, ozone, phone, agone
4 Mei 2017
Yup miss...u did it.
All correct except chair.
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
FLORENCE735 tulis:
Drone, prone, clone, ozone, phone, agone
Please, choose only one word, and put it into a complete sentence as your answer.
4 Mei 2017
I am stone.
Stone is 5 letter word. if remove word one(not 1 letter) we will get st.
@fajar : bener begitu kah??? Hehhehe
@ to all friends; hai hai hallo...salam kenal ya..nice to know you
4 Mei 2017
Cones, bones
4 Mei 2017
LYDIA559 tulis:
I am stone.
Stone is 5 letter word. if remove word one(not 1 letter) we will get st.
@fajar : bener begitu kah??? Hehhehe
@ to all friends; hai hai hallo...salam kenal ya..nice to know you
OK. Correct.
You're the first one to hit the right answer.
hahaa.. (*oh ya, salken juga. Nice meeting you.
Alright. Ready for the next question, @everyone?
4 Mei 2017
JK admin won't let you give your phone number to other members in any forums. Wkwkkwkwkkw..
4 Mei 2017
Hehhehe...boleh question please
4 Mei 2017
hampir bener sis,,, kalau dibuang chair. 2kata didepan dibuang..
LYDIA559 tulis:
Stone,chair,alone, that correct???????
4 Mei 2017
iyakk,,, td binun,, knp ada kata five di depannya ada "a"
FAJAR882 tulis:
hahahaa.. Kata dg lima huruf, Sis; dalam bhs. Inggris tentunya.
Coba aja. Cuma buat fun kok.
4 Mei 2017
FLORENCE735 tulis:
JK admin won't let you give your phone number to other members in any forums. Wkwkkwkwkkw..
Thank you for the info.
We need to know that. Nice.
Question #3
There was a green house.
Inside the green house, there is a white house.
Inside the white house, there is a red house.
Inside the red house, there are lots of babies.
Who am I?
(This is more like a riddle actually. And again, please give answer in a complete sentence, along with the explanation, if you don't mind. That will train our English a lot.
4 Mei 2017
4 Mei 2017
Hahhahha,i know the answer ;
That is a watermelon. Green=outer shell White=next layer Red=inside Babies= the seeds
4 Mei 2017
CIBINK654 tulis:
iyakk,,, td binun,, knp ada kata five di depannya ada "a"
"a" (kt. sandang) = sebuah
"five letter" = lima huruf
Jadi, "a five letter word" = sebuah kata lima huruf ... (maksudnya sebuah kata yg terdiri dari lima huruf).
Mudah2an cukup menjelaskan, dan bukan tambah binun..
4 Mei 2017
LYDIA559 tulis:
Hahhahha,i know the answer ;
That is a watermelon. Green=outer shell White=next layer Red=inside Babies= the seeds
Yup. You did it again. Correct.
Or, the sentence is: "I am a watermelon." To be more precisely.
But alright. You got a right answer too, with your sentence above.
4 Mei 2017 diubah oleh FAJAR882
4 Mei 2017 i get the prize???????????????