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just say it ... what you feel, what you think


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  • MAYA509

    4 April 2018


  • IAN754

    4 April 2018

    The Girls with a broken heart are always wiser.. (Sudah Rumus)

    Wishing you the best of luck.. :up::up:

  • 4 April 2018

    Feel melekkk terus ,udh jam segini msh melekkk

  • IAN754

    5 April 2018

    Google Doodle of the Day :

    You may shoot me with your Words, You may cut me with your Eyes, You may kill me with your Hatefulness..

    But Still, like Life, I'll RISE...

    - Dr. Maya Angelou -

  • 5 April 2018

    Satu dari dua, Dua dari satu.


    5 April 2018

    Rasaku meluntur saat aku paham ttg dirimu..cantik sj tdk akan cukup jg hrs berbudi pekerti.yah setidaknya trmksh sdh diijinken berkenalan..

  • MAYA509

    5 April 2018

    IAN754 tulis:

    Google Doodle of the Day :

    You may shoot me with your Words, You may cut me with your Eyes, You may kill me with your Hatefulness..

    But Still, like Life, I'll RISE...

    - Dr. Maya Angelou -

    Continue,,,,,no one cannot cut me.

    Because I am a Diamond. 😊

  • JANGAN506

    5 April 2018


    5 April 2018 diubah oleh JANGAN506

  • 5 April 2018

    Terpikir tulisan di profil salah satu anggota JK. Penikmat senja, kalau saya pengagum senja.

  • MARINA562

    5 April 2018

    Syukurlah distop admin tu  thread. Ga ada esensinya smskli, ga bikin pintar juga ga bikin dunia mjd lebih baik.

  • MECIHO808

    5 April 2018

    capek...baru pulang dari pasar...😴

    tau gini capeknya jd pedagang, nyesel pensiun dini dr dunia model😂

  • MAYA509

    5 April 2018

    MECIHO808 tulis:

    tau gini capeknya jd pedagang, nyesel pensiun dini dr dunia model😂




    Komen sangat menyalahi aturan mimin...😱😱😱😱😱😱

  • MECIHO808

    5 April 2018


    MAYA509 tulis:




    Komen sangat menyalahi aturan mimin...😱😱😱😱😱😱


    5 April 2018


  • MAYA509

    5 April 2018

    Kidding kaaak,,,,,,,

    Pastinya mules dikit.


    MECIHO808 tulis:


    MAYA509 tulis:




    Komen sangat menyalahi aturan mimin...😱😱😱😱😱😱

  • SANTY423

    5 April 2018

    Stuck between "I need to save money"

                       and "You only live once"

  • IAN754

    5 April 2018

    Hallo sist Maya...

    Woww.. What a coincidence!

    Mrs. Angelou has the same name as yours... :-D:up:

    Wait.. There's another quote by the tough woman..

    Here it goes... :

    "Think like a Queen.. A Queen is not affraid to fail.. Failure is another stepping stone to Greatness..."

    - Oprah Winfrey -

    MAYA509 tulis:

    Continue,,,,,no one cannot cut me.

    Because I am a Diamond. 😊


    5 April 2018

    Need more ink

  • MAYA509

    5 April 2018

    Heyyo bro Ian,

    Oprah do looked up to Mrs. Maya Angelou as her spiritual teacher.

    Though,,,,"being queen is overrated." By Queen Rania of Jordania.

    Prefer to,,,,"Educate a boy, he can teach her family when become a man. Educate a girl, she will teach the world when become a woman." Queen Rania. 😊

    IAN754 tulis:

    Hallo sist Maya...

    Woww.. What a coincidence!

    Mrs. Angelou has the same name as yours... :-D:up:

    Wait.. There's another quote by the tough woman..

    Here it goes... :

    "Think like a Queen.. A Queen is not affraid to fail.. Failure is another stepping stone to Greatness..."

    - Oprah Winfrey -

  • IAN754

    5 April 2018

    Oprah do looked up to Mrs. Maya Angelou as her spiritual teacher.

    - Correct.. :up:

    Though,,,,"being queen is overrated." By Queen Rania of Jordania.

    - Simply because She came from the Royal Family.. It may refer to Prince Harry's statement.. "No Royal wants to be King or Queen.."

    They're probably having the same feelings :-(

    "Educate a boy, he can teach her family when become a man. Educate a girl, she will teach the world when become a woman."

    Was that really from Queen Rania of Jordan??

    MAYA509 tulis:

    Heyyo bro Ian,

    Oprah do looked up to Mrs. Maya Angelou as her spiritual teacher.

    Though,,,,"being queen is overrated." By Queen Rania of Jordania.

    Prefer to,,,,"Educate a boy, he can teach her family when become a man. Educate a girl, she will teach the world when become a woman." Queen Rania. 😊

  • MAYA509

    6 April 2018

    IAN754 tulis:

    Though,,,,"being queen is overrated." By Queen Rania of Jordania.

    - Simply because She came from the Royal Family... It may refer to Prince Harry's statement.. "No Royal wants to be King or Queen.."

    "Educate a boy, he can teach her family when become a man. Educate a girl, she will teach the world when become a woman."

    Was that really from Queen Rania of Jordan??

    Nope, Queen Rania not from royal family. Just like Kate Dutchess of Cambridge. Ratu Rania bukan dr bangsawan, sama kyk Katenya William.

    YEP! That quotation from Queen Rania whom only queen that will not wear hijab.

    Yoi, kutipan dr Ratu Rania.


    6 April 2018

    Butuh lebih banyak tidur..  biar mudah melupakan 😁

  • JANGAN506

    6 April 2018

    suhunya panas

  • WAHYUDI195

    6 April 2018

    Whatever You Think Think The Opposite..


    6 April 2018

    Apa yang aku pikir saat ini?

    Intinya saat ini sedang dalam masalah yang sangat besar, ga punya kekuatan, terhimpit, sesak, dan sedikit tersirat dalam pikiran di mana Tuhan?

    Rasanya pengen nulis forum sendiri sekalian minta pendapat. Apakah anggota di sini pernah merasa seperti Tuhan itu gaada?

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