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just say it ... what you feel, what you think


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  • JANGAN506

    8 Mei 2018

    sebab masa lalu tidak bisa dihilangkan atau terlebih ditinggalkan,akan lebih berarti kalau masa lalu diletakkan pada posisinya yang tepat

    jadi jangan bilang move on,sebab move on hanya sebuah kata bukan tindakan yang benar

    *lagi ngopi bareng sama bocah jalanan

  • MARINA562

    8 Mei 2018

    Kalau sensi dg kritikan org thdpmu jaga juga dong dg bahasamu disini. Org2 itu muak dg yg suka sok religius dan ga empati dlm berucap. Atauuu...memang mau cari sensasi disini?

  • 8 Mei 2018

    sabar dan ikhlas


    8 Mei 2018

    Shalom rekan-rekan,

    Mari ciptakan suasana positif dan janganlah mengumpat dan/atau saling menyindir. Mengungkapkan unek-unek/kekesalan boleh saja, akan tetapi mari ungkapkan secara positif.

    Yuk belajar mengungkapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik dan bijak :-)

    Tuhan memberkati.

  • IAN754

    8 Mei 2018

    Feeling B.L.U.E

  • MAYA509

    8 Mei 2018

    JANGAN506 tulis:

    sebab masa lalu tidak bisa dihilangkan atau terlebih ditinggalkan,akan lebih berarti kalau masa lalu diletakkan pada posisinya yang tepat

    jadi jangan bilang move on,sebab move on hanya sebuah kata bukan tindakan yang benar

    *lagi ngopi bareng sama bocah jalanan

    Jangan hidup di masa lalu. Hiduplah di masa sekarang. Jangan khawatir kan hari esok, karena punya masa nya sendiri.


  • CIEDIE549

    8 Mei 2018

    berjibaku dengan deadline dan tugas; semangattzzz HuHa!!!!

  • HERI771

    8 Mei 2018

    wanita smart kayak gini ..  dibikin enjoy everytime everywhere .. 😁😊

    mba maya jangan bantah hehehehe...

    minta maaf lebih mudah dibanding memaafkan...

    MAYA509 tulis:

    When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power. HOORRAAAAYY!!!


  • JANGAN506

    8 Mei 2018

    MAYA509 tulis:

    Jangan hidup di masa lalu. Hiduplah di masa sekarang. Jangan khawatir kan hari esok, karena punya masa nya sendiri.


    sebab masa lalu itu penting untuk masa sekarang

    tidak ada masa sekarang kalau tidak melalui masa lalu


  • MAYA509

    8 Mei 2018

    HERI771 tulis:

    wanita smart kayak gini ..  dibikin enjoy everytime everywhere .. 😁😊

    mba maya jangan bantah hehehehe...

    minta maaf lebih mudah dibanding memaafkan...

    wuuuaakakakkak....apa yg dibantah? 😂 berbantahan menurunkan vibration (mohon jangan di terjemahkan scr harafiah sebgai getaran duduk dlm bajaj 😂😂😂) aku bro.

    Minta maaf hanya sebatas ucapan. Memaafkan adl tindakan tanpa berucap maaf. Aku pribadi 2 kata: maaf dan cinta sangat sakral dan tidak sembarang ucap.

  • MAYA509

    8 Mei 2018

    JANGAN506 tulis:

    sebab masa lalu itu penting untuk masa sekarang

    tidak ada masa sekarang kalau tidak melalui masa lalu



    Tapi biarkan masa lalu TETAP di masa lalu. Today is Present, hadiah berkat Tuhan bro.

    Itu yg aku imani yah. Ntah pdpt org laen

  • HERI771

    8 Mei 2018

    top 😊

    MAYA509 tulis:

    wuuuaakakakkak....apa yg dibantah? 😂 berbantahan menurunkan vibration (mohon jangan di terjemahkan scr harafiah sebgai getaran duduk dlm bajaj 😂😂😂) aku bro.

    Minta maaf hanya sebatas ucapan. Memaafkan adl tindakan tanpa berucap maaf. Aku pribadi 2 kata: maaf dan cinta sangat sakral dan tidak sembarang ucap.

  • 8 Mei 2018

    Samaaaa mbak...

    Indahnya deadline yaaa..😁😄

    CIEDIE549 tulis:

    berjibaku dengan deadline dan tugas; semangattzzz HuHa!!!!

  • MAYA509

    9 Mei 2018

    💕🔥  Thank you for being.

    "Here's to the men who are learning to get themselves out of the way.

    Here's to the men holding space for those around them.

    Here's to the men who are facing their darkest selves.

    Here's to the men who are facing their light within.

    Here's to the men who each day test themselves to build resilience in a society that has gone soft.

    Here's to the men who admit to their mistakes.

    Here's to the men showing love to their inner child, therein addressing issues of anger and anxiety.

    Here's to the men who are battling and overcoming an internal war each day that no one else can understand.

    Here's to the men who are actively staying grounded.

    Here's to the men who take pride in their masculinity and express it in times of fun and in times of need.

    Here's to the men who understand the importance of physical exertion for their mental well-being.

    Here's to the men standing up to the ego influenced bullying and possession by other men.

    Here's to the men who will not be dictated to by opinion.

    Here's to the men who express their emotions and aggression on one hand and their love and compassion on the other, doing so with conscious thought.

    Here's to the men who are breaking negative patterns of behaviour handed down before them from generation to generation.

    Here's to the men dealing with the trauma placed upon them and learning from those lessons.

    Here's to the men who are forging their own identity in a time of mixed messages from the world around them.

    Here's to the men standing firm in their vulnerability as old paradigms slip away.

    Here's to the men who move with their passions and interests.

    Here's to the men keeping their rationality in times of turmoil.

    Here's to the men who are unlearning what they have learnt.

    Here's to the men who do give a fuck.

    Honouring the sister's who are supporting.

    Honouring the work it takes from both men and women to create a better society.

    Honouring all involved!


    Then one of these men, heal and evolve. Or at least have the state of mind to be able evolve together. I will take of my guards and learn to love him. I will not risk my wings scratch for unevolve man and being pull down my capability to soar to the sky high.

  • SANTY423

    9 Mei 2018

    Hit the nail on the head....good👍

    MAYA509 tulis:

    💕🔥  Thank you for being.

    "Here's to the men who are learning to get themselves out of the way.


    Then one of these men, heal and evolve. Or at least have the state of mind to be able evolve together. I will take of my guards and learn to love him. I will not risk my wings scratch for unevolve man and being pull down my capability to soar to the sky high.

    9 Mei 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN

  • SANTY423

    9 Mei 2018


    Have been in your position😃

    MAYA509 tulis:

    When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power. HOORRAAAAYY!!!


  • RIDHO359

    9 Mei 2018

    Habis makan kok kenyang yah..

  • HOPE617

    10 Mei 2018


  • ALIANA233

    10 Mei 2018

    Udah sebulan lebih gak buka JK ampe mimin email kalo rindu (miss u too) :-D

    #liat2 lagi lah mana tau da yg trtarik :$)

  • MAYA509

    10 Mei 2018

    SANTY423 tulis:

    Hit the nail on the head....good👍

    Prefer over the head. 🙏

  • SANTY423

    10 Mei 2018

    Alright then😄

    MAYA509 tulis:

    Prefer over the head. 🙏

  • MAYA509

    10 Mei 2018

    SANTY423 tulis:


    Have been in your position😃

    MAYA509 tulis:

    When you choose to forgive those who have hurt you, you take away their power. HOORRAAAAYY!!!



    Though playing them a bit is the fun part. 😂😂😂 revealing the true nature of them. 😂😂😂

  • JANGAN506

    10 Mei 2018

    MAYA509 tulis:


    Tapi biarkan masa lalu TETAP di masa lalu. Today is Present, hadiah berkat Tuhan bro.

    Itu yg aku imani yah. Ntah pdpt org laen

    betul....makanya letakkanlah masa lalu pada posisinya yang pas,bukan untuk ditinggalkan atau untuk dilupakan,sebab masa lalu bagian dari pengetahuan kita.

  • GABIELA341

    10 Mei 2018

    Tuhan membuka jalan jalan kecil ditengah tengah kesulitan kesulitan yang besar.. itulah kasih Tuhan...

  • LISBETH921

    10 Mei 2018

    Sis bisa minjem kacamatanya kah

    Ketche euiy kacamatanya 😉😄

    ALIANA233 tulis:

    Udah sebulan lebih gak buka JK ampe mimin email kalo rindu (miss u too) :-D

    #liat2 lagi lah mana tau da yg trtarik :$)

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