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just say it ... what you feel, what you think


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  • HOPE617

    23 April 2019


  • 24 April 2019

    You make me cry

  • BAYU715

    24 April 2019

    Semoga masih bisa disembuhkan😀✌️

    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    You make me cry

  • 24 April 2019

    BAYU715 tulis:

    Semoga masih bisa disembuhkan😀✌️

    Ini tangis bahagia melihat dari kejauhan

  • BAYU715

    24 April 2019

    Ternyata dapet kejutan istimewa dari yang jauh🙏 kirain🤔🙊

    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    Ini tangis bahagia melihat dari kejauhan

  • 24 April 2019

    BAYU715 tulis:

    Ternyata dapet kejutan istimewa dari yang jauh🙏 kirain🤔🙊

    Kejutannya Hadiah istimewa tentunya yang masih dalam perjalanan doakanlah kiranya selamat sampai pada tibanya di tujuan

  • BAYU715

    24 April 2019

    Jadi kayak doa nya pengamen untuk penumpang, semoga selamat sampai tujuan🙏😀

    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    Kejutannya Hadiah istimewa tentunya yang masih dalam perjalanan doakanlah kiranya selamat sampai pada tibanya di tujuan

  • 24 April 2019

    BAYU715 tulis:

    Jadi kayak doa nya pengamen untuk penumpang, semoga selamat sampai tujuan🙏😀

    Bersyukurlah pengamen pun mendoakan keselamatan tentunya untuk penumpang ya disamping telah dihibur sebelum nya

  • BAYU715

    24 April 2019

    Se7, meskipun tujuannya pengamen tetep mengharap ada imbalan😊

    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    Bersyukurlah pengamen pun mendoakan keselamatan tentunya untuk penumpang ya disamping telah dihibur sebelum nya

  • ANNY595

    24 April 2019

    Thinking about this quote: "Jangan khawatir akan pasanganmu, tetaplah percaya kepada Firman Tuhan yang tak pernah gagal" 😇 Feeling refresh and new 🙂

  • ECHY268

    24 April 2019

    Ketika dlm satu kesempatan bertemu dg 2 orang pria.

    Yg 1, satu keyakinan even khatolik tp.....

    Yg 1 lg dl satu almamater, ga di sengaja ktemu lg sama" satu profesi, semuanya klop tp ga seiman...

    Tuhan, please pertemukan aku dg seseorang yg lgsg klop. Masak sampe umur segini selalu begitu?? 😭😭

  • ECHY268

    24 April 2019

    Matana pe songon matani pamangus....


  • APRILIN663

    24 April 2019

    Don't forget to remember me

    And the love that used to be

    I still remember you

    I love you

    In my heart lies a memory to tell the stars above

    Don't forget to remember me my love

    ( sepenggal song:)

  • OCHI489

    24 April 2019

    Ternyata benar...beberapa rindu memang harus sembunyi2 bukan untuk disampaikan, hanya untuk dikirimkan lewat doa. :')

    ~Garis waktu

  • ROSE184

    24 April 2019

    masih mikirin tugas dan kerjaan yg belum kelar sementara Deadline sudah makin mendekat.. 🤦‍♀️

  • GALIH358

    24 April 2019

    When light's go down, I see , She is the reason

    24 April 2019 diubah oleh GALIH358

  • HOPE617

    24 April 2019


    GALIH358 tulis:

    When light's go down, I see , She is the reason


    25 April 2019

    This might be our last goodbye

  • GALIH358

    25 April 2019

    HOPE617 tulis:


    🐓 as soon as become fried chicken

  • SUSI954

    25 April 2019

    Membuatku bisa tersenyum ajaaa udaa kado terindah buat kuuu .

    Kasiiiii yaaaaa ....

  • CIEDIE549

    25 April 2019

    ditinggal off sebulan lebih, nonggol lagi eh....lha koq sama :-)

  • SULI529

    25 April 2019

    A really rich Chinese man sent his son to the rural area and wanted him to experience poverty. His son lived with a family in the rural area for three days, and when he returned home, he had the following conversation with his father.

    The father asked, “so how was it?”

    The son said “I think it’s alright.”

    “What’s the difference between our home and their home?” the father asked.

    “Wow! There are a lot of differences!” with excitement, the son continued,

    “We have a dog at home, but they have four.

    We have purified water in our swimming pool but they have a really big pond with fresh and clear water, there’s even fish in there!

    There’re light bulbs in our garden while the moon and the stars shine brightly on their fields at night.

    Our garden is limited by the walls, but theirs is limitless. Their garden is like extending to the edge of the sky.

    We listen to the CDs back home, yet they listen to the tweets of birds and other natural sounds.

    Our house is surrounded by walls, but they always welcome friends so their door is always opened.

    In the city, cell phones and computers connect us; there, people are connected closely with the nature and their families.”

    The father was very surprised by what the son said. “Dad, thank you for letting me know how poor we actually are.” The son said.

    “Many people are so poor that the only thing they have is money.”

  • ROSE184

    25 April 2019

    thanks God! finally done....! gak mimpi buruk lagi, dari beberapa hari kemarin ngebut kejar deadline dan tiba-tiba server error... huhhh..

  • 25 April 2019


    CIEDIE549 tulis:

    ditinggal off sebulan lebih, nonggol lagi eh....lha koq sama :-)

  • HOPE617

    25 April 2019

    Team makannya buanyak tapi ndak gemuk2... 🙄😴

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