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just say it ... what you feel, what you think


1901 – 1925 dari 20894    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 76  77  78 ... 836  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • MIKHAEL918

    23 Oktober 2017

    Hahahaha.....sepertinya Mbak ini cocok jadi sutradara. Klo sepatu boots, apa ada yg mau pake, pasalnya lebih berat loh...karena sepatu ini biasa dipakai di tanah berlumpur dan berdansa dengan sepatu boots lebih sulit.

    KATHARINA781 tulis:

    ada yang pas,  bisa dansa, mau menggunakan tetapi memilih berdansa dengan yang lain. Prahara sepatu kaca. Bagaimana kalo diganti dengan sepatu boots saja.

    23 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh MIKHAEL918

  • HOPE617

    23 Oktober 2017

    Kgn...  :-/


    23 Oktober 2017

    Kesel pake bgt..dpt sms puluhan kali dri 808 ttg prmintaan telp dri no ga jelas...:(

    Niat bgt ini orang buat ganggu...ckckkcckck


    23 Oktober 2017

    Sebenarnya.. Aku masih..

    Ahsudahlah -_-'


    23 Oktober 2017

    Barengan koment :3

  • HOPE617

    23 Oktober 2017

    FERNANDO207 tulis:

    Sebenarnya.. Aku masih..

    Ahsudahlah -_-'

    Sebenernya, dia pun masih...

    Tapi yaudahlah... :-D


    23 Oktober 2017

    Sebenarnya kalian masih pda hal yg udah2 hahahaha...

    HOPE617 tulis:

    Sebenernya, dia pun masih...

    Tapi yaudahlah... :-D

  • 24 Oktober 2017

    Semua betawal dari kata.... Tutur yg manis menenangkan jiwa...????


    24 Oktober 2017

    TEREHALOHO803 tulis:

    Sebenarnya kalian masih pda hal yg udah2 hahahaha...

    Ya udahlah, biarkan yg sudah-sudah ....



    24 Oktober 2017

    Thank God....thank God....Thank God....thank God....

    Tuhan tahu kok siapa aku...ngga perlu bela diri...betul insult adalah salah satu bentuk penghinaan tp Tuhan ngga akan biarkan aku dipermalukan tidak pernah....

    Praise God....

    Aku mengerti sekarang firman itu....praise God....Amen....

    I blok him....yeay....

  • MIKHAEL918

    24 Oktober 2017

    Hi hi........."Have a safe flight", "Enjoy Your Holiday" and "Take care".... ;-)


    24 Oktober 2017

    Sbenarnya.. Aku dgn kalian berdua itu...  ehmm,, nganu..  Ahsudahlah :-D

    HOPE617 tulis:

    Sebenernya, dia pun masih...

    Tapi yaudahlah... :-D

    TEREHALOHO803 tulis:

    Sebenarnya kalian masih pda hal yg udah2 hahahaha...

  • CIEDIE549

    24 Oktober 2017

    seperti kalian bertiga terlibat rasa #eh maafkuen kalo saya salah kate :-)

    FERNANDO207 tulis:

    Sbenarnya.. Aku dgn kalian berdua itu...  ehmm,, nganu..  Ahsudahlah :-D

  • CUNIETH521

    24 Oktober 2017

    I feel so ngantuk today.. I think kepingin pulang cepet

    24 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh CUNIETH521

  • 24 Oktober 2017

    Semoga Makassar tetap cerah seharian ini


    24 Oktober 2017

    KATHARINA781 tulis:

    Semoga Makassar tetap cerah seharian ini



    24 Oktober 2017

    Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. [10] That is why, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 … "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

           It has been said that God is more interested in my character than my comfort.  I found this truth to be a solace as I struggle through each year’s unique circumstances. Teachers often experience conflict, stress, disappointment, and fatigue during a school term.  We must serve employers, our fellow teachers, parents, students, children, our families, and churches.  We work and live on a stage for all to critique.  Our every move is closely regarded, and our mistakes are often recorded.  Our efficiency is evaluated, and our children are tested.  Under the close scrutiny of our audience, our weaknesses will become conspicuous.  These are often the weaknesses we try hard to cover up, or the weaknesses we deny.

            Scriptures tell us to humble ourselves, to accept the truth about our weaknesses, to submit to our leaders and ask for instruction and support, to lean on others, to ask God for wisdom, and to trust God for strength to overcome.  We often respond with denial, excuse, anger, or pride when confronted with our failures.  Remember that God's strength is made perfect in your weakness.  Your lack may be a chance for someone to serve you as they use their unique gift.  Or it could be an opportunity for you to see God's power manifested through your life.  Your weakness can become your greatest strength as you allow  "the power of Christ to rest upon you" and empower you with overcoming grace.  God's grace is sufficient.  His wisdom is awesome, and his Word is true.  Let the nagging, despised, and hated reoccurring weakness in your life be a pivotal point of turning to God for strength.  His strength is perfected in your weakness.

    Dear God, I don't like to be weak, but if my weakness bends my knee toward your throne, I will be grateful.  I know my perfection is in you alone.  God help me in my struggle.  Teach me to lean on you.


    24 Oktober 2017 funny...let us have fun then...

    Game of thrones....begin...

  • HOPE617

    24 Oktober 2017

    Hoam....  zzzzz

    24 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh HOPE617

  • HOPE617

    24 Oktober 2017

    Foto iban Fernando207 lucu...  :-D

    kemaren2 tanpa foto, giliran udah 'melajang' lg baru deh ada fotonya...  :3


    24 Oktober 2017

    Fto habis kesetrum dia sis...hahhahaha

    Mau melebarkan sayap

    HOPE617 tulis:

    Foto iban Fernando207 lucu...  :-D

    kemaren2 tanpa foto, giliran udah 'melajang' lg baru deh ada fotonya...  :3


    24 Oktober 2017

    Hahaa.. itu yg dinamakan profesionalisme De :3 :v

    HOPE617 tulis:

    Foto iban Fernando207 lucu...  :-D

    kemaren2 tanpa foto, giliran udah 'melajang' lg baru deh ada fotonya...  :3

  • LIN914

    24 Oktober 2017

    Antara rindu, gengsi, malu dan takut di tolak...

    Bikin puyeeeenggg kepala mau ngapain


    24 Oktober 2017

    Wkwkwkwk.....profesionalisme dlm mencari cinta ya.....ngakak.bacanya.wkwkwk

    FERNANDO207 tulis:

    Hahaa.. itu yg dinamakan profesionalisme De :3 :v

  • 24 Oktober 2017

    Tampaknya tadi ketemu anggota JK di harmoni, mau nyapa, tapi takut salah orang, walaupun sudah saling pandang, hahaha..

1901 – 1925 dari 20894    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 76  77  78 ... 836  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan