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Lowongan Kerja


376 – 400 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 15  16  17 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • HENGKY735

    30 Januari 2016

    seeking for intenship ... jurusan pajak

    ada lowongan ?


  • DEBORA588

    1 Februari 2016

    Dear Ladies,

    Sekretariat KPPIP at the Kemenko Perekonomian RI is in searching for a Project Secretary with the qualifications as follows :

    1. Female
    2. Under 40 years of ages
    3. Graduated from Social Sciences or Management or Communications (Bachelor Degree)
    4. Excellent command in English (oral and written)
    5. Having a very good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Ms Excel & Ms Word)
    6. High integirty as the job requires interface with the government intermediaries
    7. The candidate shall has self motivated, talented and hard working
    8. Good personality and appearance.

    The position will be under the contract base and the project will be until December 2016.

    Salary is around 10 million/month.

    Please send your application, CV and copy of certificates to Mr. Ismuwidarto through e-mail address :

    And please mention " Project Secretary KPPIP" at the subject line.

  • DEBORA588

    1 Februari 2016

    We are Multi National Company with the line business of Integrated Marketing Communication located in South Jakarta is looking for :

    Position: Project Manager

    General requirements:

    Degree in Marketing, Business or related discipline
    Experience with major brand agency / printing / PR agencies
    Solid experience and knowledge on marketing communication
    Strong sense in mobile, internet and social media trend
    Fluent in both spoken and written English
    Good in power point and self-motivated with good presentation including Excel program (at least Pivot etc.)
    Proactive, innovative, well-organized, full of idea
    Able to work under pressure and to work on multiple projects with tight schedule
    Specific requirements

    · Minimum 1 years’ experience with same position

    Billing control
    Overall responsibility for the successful initiating, planning design, execution, monitoring and controlling of the project

    Beneficial assessment

    · Experience in handling 2 – 3 Jr Account Executive / Project Executive in one project or one billing

    Excel program (other than Pivot: VLOOK UP etc.)
    The Application Letter and CV should be sent to :

    Only short listed candidate which will be proceed.

  • DEBORA588

    1 Februari 2016

    Dear all,

    PT Mahakam Beta Farma is well recognized for its international quality standard of pharmaceutical and healthcare company. We are an innovative, competitive and leadingpharmaceutical and healthcare company with strong brands and sustainable double digits growth. We are proud to deliver high quality products and excellent services to our customers so they can have better lives. Currently, we are looking for dynamic people with high integrity to fulfill this position:

    Requirements :
    - Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Secretarial or equivalent
    - At least 3 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
    - Preferably staff specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent
    - Age max. 27 years old
    - Have a good interpersonal skills
    - Have a good skills on MS Office and 10 fingers typing
    - Must be fluent in English (spoken & written)

    Please send your update resume with recent photographs to :
    Jl. Pulo Kambing Raya No. 09, Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta 13930
    Or e-mail us at :
    Or log in

  • DEBORA588

    1 Februari 2016


    1. Wanita, usia maksimal 27 tahun

    2. D3/S1 jurusan Sekretaris Tarakanita

    3. Pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) tahun sebagai Sekretaris

    4. Bahasa Inggris aktif

    5. Menguasai MS Office

    Jika berminat silahkan kirimkan cv ke /

  • DEBORA588

    2 Februari 2016

    Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project, SHS
    Title: Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project, SHS

    Grade/Level : G-5

    Location: Jakarta

    Languages required: English and Bahasa Indonesia

    Starting date: Immediately (March 2016)

    Duration: 12 month with 4 month probation


    UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences (SHS) sector aims to develop and promote social policies which uphold peace, human rights, social inclusion and tolerance. The SHS Unit within the UNESCO Jakarta Office works with the government and the civil society on fostering equitable and inclusive human development based on universal ethical and human rights frameworks. In Indonesia, UNESCO is part of the joint UN initiative to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. With funding from the UN Partnership for People with Disabilities, the UN partnership is aiming to achieve two main outcomes in Indonesia: the development of Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities as an active, purpose-driven, self-sustaining coalition to promote and spread the policies that advance the rights of people with disabilities; and supporting national advocacy initiative to upscale the positive transformations occurring at the local level and to push for the improvement of national legislative framework to bring it closer to UNCRPD commitments.

    Under the overall authority of the Director of UNESCO Office, Jakarta and under the direct supervision of Social and Human Sciences Programme Specialist, the incumbent shall provide assistance in the implementation of the project on “Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disability in Indonesia through the Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities”.

    The project will expand the existing Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities to capture Indonesia's municipalities as agents of change - transforming social and physical landscapes to enable the realization of the rights of people with disabilities. The project will organize High Level Meetings of Mayors and special capacity-building trainings for municipal officials and DPOs to facilitate exchange of information and the adoption of the evidence-based, effective public policies promoting disability inclusion. These actions will enable the people with disabilities living in the participating cities to enjoy the benefits of inclusive policies in various spheres of social and economic life.


    Assist the Social and Human Sciences Unit in planning, managing, implementing, monitoring and reporting on key activities of the project.
    Assist the SHS Unit to liaise with the municipal authorities at the local level to facilitate the effective functioning of the Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities, including the establishment of the Network’s secretariat, organization of the High Level Meetings of Mayors and Capacity-building workshops for the municipal government officials and local DPOs.
    Liaise with the DPOs that will partner will UNESCO to deliver capacity-building trainings to the Network of Mayors. Also liaise with two key UN partner agencies – ILO and WHO, to ensure close coordination in the implementation of the project. Participate and contribute to the capacity-building activities when needed, including delivering trainings and presentations;
    Assist in the organization of a National Level Seminar for the Members of Parliament, high representatives of the relevant Ministries, prominent national DPOs and the international community and the Network of Inclusive Mayors to allow for sharing of local policy solutions;
    Regularly monitor the progress of the project and notify the supervisor about any issues that may be hampering its implementation. Assist in conducting the evaluation, monitoring progress and reporting on the results of the project;
    Monitor and ensure that report and financial disbursements are in line with UNESCO’s rules and regulations and ensure their conformity to the work-plan;
    Undertake field visits and missions when necessary;
    Perform any other duties deemed necessary by immediate supervisor or the Director of UNESCO Jakarta Office;

    A Bachelor Degree preferably in development studies, economics, disability studies or other related social sciences field;
    At least 3 years of relevant experience in programme assistance and management with local and/or international organization(s), preferably on disability rights or related field;
    Having knowledge of current policy and regulatory framework on disability and institutional capacity;
    Strong organization skills and the ability to manage multiple partners;
    Strong analytical skills and ability to analyse complex issues;
    Strong computer skills and internet literate;
    Able to work with minimal supervision, and be a productive team player;
    Fluency in spoken and written English and Indonesian. Proven ability to draft documents and express views in a clear and concise manner.
    Having strong communication skill (spoken and written), knowledge of the UN system is preferred.


    All applications in English, with the most recent Curriculum Vitae and P-11 form (UNESCO Personnel History form), and a non-returnable passport–size photo should be sent to the Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Jakarta, and received by COB 18 February 2016, to one of the following :

    By mail for hard-copy to :

    UNESCO Jakarta
    Jl. Galuh II No. 5
    Jakarta 12110

    By email to jakarta(at) with subject the “Vacancy_ Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project”.

    Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and no telephone enquiries will be accepted.

    Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. UNESCO reserves the right to accept or reject any application.

  • DEBORA588

    10 Februari 2016

    Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project, SHS
    Title: Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project, SHS

    Grade/Level : G-5

    Location: Jakarta

    Languages required: English and Bahasa Indonesia

    Starting date: Immediately (March 2016)

    Duration: 12 month with 4 month probation


    UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences (SHS) sector aims to develop and promote social policies which uphold peace, human rights, social inclusion and tolerance. The SHS Unit within the UNESCO Jakarta Office works with the government and the civil society on fostering equitable and inclusive human development based on universal ethical and human rights frameworks. In Indonesia, UNESCO is part of the joint UN initiative to promote the rights of persons with disabilities. With funding from the UN Partnership for People with Disabilities, the UN partnership is aiming to achieve two main outcomes in Indonesia: the development of Network of Mayors for Inclusive Cities as an active, purpose-driven, self-sustaining coalition to promote and spread the policies that advance the rights of people with disabilities; and supporting national advocacy initiative to upscale the positive transformations occurring at the local level and to push for the improvement of national legislative framework to bring it closer to UNCRPD commitments.

    Under the overall authority of the Director of UNESCO Office, Jakarta and under the direct supervision of Social and Human Sciences Programme Specialist, the incumbent shall provide assistance in the implementation of the project on “Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disability in Indonesia through the Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities”.

    The project will expand the existing Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities to capture Indonesia's municipalities as agents of change - transforming social and physical landscapes to enable the realization of the rights of people with disabilities. The project will organize High Level Meetings of Mayors and special capacity-building trainings for municipal officials and DPOs to facilitate exchange of information and the adoption of the evidence-based, effective public policies promoting disability inclusion. These actions will enable the people with disabilities living in the participating cities to enjoy the benefits of inclusive policies in various spheres of social and economic life.


    Assist the Social and Human Sciences Unit in planning, managing, implementing, monitoring and reporting on key activities of the project.
    Assist the SHS Unit to liaise with the municipal authorities at the local level to facilitate the effective functioning of the Network of Mayors of Inclusive Cities, including the establishment of the Network’s secretariat, organization of the High Level Meetings of Mayors and Capacity-building workshops for the municipal government officials and local DPOs.
    Liaise with the DPOs that will partner will UNESCO to deliver capacity-building trainings to the Network of Mayors. Also liaise with two key UN partner agencies – ILO and WHO, to ensure close coordination in the implementation of the project. Participate and contribute to the capacity-building activities when needed, including delivering trainings and presentations;
    Assist in the organization of a National Level Seminar for the Members of Parliament, high representatives of the relevant Ministries, prominent national DPOs and the international community and the Network of Inclusive Mayors to allow for sharing of local policy solutions;
    Regularly monitor the progress of the project and notify the supervisor about any issues that may be hampering its implementation. Assist in conducting the evaluation, monitoring progress and reporting on the results of the project;
    Monitor and ensure that report and financial disbursements are in line with UNESCO’s rules and regulations and ensure their conformity to the work-plan;
    Undertake field visits and missions when necessary;
    Perform any other duties deemed necessary by immediate supervisor or the Director of UNESCO Jakarta Office;

    A Bachelor Degree preferably in development studies, economics, disability studies or other related social sciences field;
    At least 3 years of relevant experience in programme assistance and management with local and/or international organization(s), preferably on disability rights or related field;
    Having knowledge of current policy and regulatory framework on disability and institutional capacity;
    Strong organization skills and the ability to manage multiple partners;
    Strong analytical skills and ability to analyse complex issues;
    Strong computer skills and internet literate;
    Able to work with minimal supervision, and be a productive team player;
    Fluency in spoken and written English and Indonesian. Proven ability to draft documents and express views in a clear and concise manner.
    Having strong communication skill (spoken and written), knowledge of the UN system is preferred.


    All applications in English, with the most recent Curriculum Vitae and P-11 form (UNESCO Personnel History form), and a non-returnable passport–size photo should be sent to the Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Jakarta, and received by COB 18 February 2016, to one of the following :

    By mail for hard-copy to :

    UNESCO Jakarta
    Jl. Galuh II No. 5
    Jakarta 12110

    By email to jakarta(at) with subject the “Vacancy_ Programme Assistant for the UNPRPD Project”.

    Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and no telephone enquiries will be accepted.

    Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. UNESCO reserves the right to accept or reject any application.

  • MEY072

    11 Februari 2016

    salah satu member JK yg aku respect jg karena kebaikannnya ksh link lowongan kemana mbk debora ya..sukses terus walo sdh tdk bergabung di JK..

    Tuhan berkati

  • 11 Februari 2016

    Mohon teman2  info lowongan untuk bagian hrd di daerah jakarta atau tangerang.Thanks

  • HANA914

    11 Februari 2016

    Wahh iya ya ...baru nyadar .... Semoga ybs cepat kembali

    Yg punya info lowongan silahkan lanjut aja ...nti sayapun akan coba share blast blast email dari jobsdb


    11 Februari 2016

    TAHUN 2016

    Bank Indonesia sebagai Bank Sentral Republik Indonesia, kembali membuka kesempatan bagi tenaga kerja berpengalaman di bidang Teknologi/Sistem Informasi untuk bergabung sebagai tenaga kerja kontrak di Bank Indonesia.

    1. Tidak sedang menjalani ikatan dinas atau bersedia melepaskan ikatan dinas dengan institusi lain apabila diterima di Bank Indonesia;
    2. Penempatan awal di Kantor Pusat Bank Indonesia.

    2– 12 Februari 2016

    1. Persyaratan detail untuk masing-masing jabatan dapat dilihat pada
    2. Pengisian aplikasi lamaran pada form aplikasi online dengan memilih bidang yang dilamar, misalnya: 18009 – Database Administrator
    3. Dalam pengisian form ini, pelamar tidak perlu menyampaikan attachment file CV dan cukup mengisi data secara benar dan lengkap
    4. Setiap pelamar hanya mengisi 1 (satu) lamaran untuk 1 (satu) lowongan pekerjaan;
    5. Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan diproses untuk tahap selanjutnya
    6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan wewenang Bank Indonesia dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

    Informasi dan keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi: CONTACT CENTER BANK INDONESIA 131

    atau lebih jelas  bisa open ... rmasi-2016.aspx

    GBU all ..O:)

  • YULI878

    11 Februari 2016

    Mohon info lowker kakak... Area Surabaya... Thx GBu


    12 Februari 2016

    Pengumuman Rekrutment Pegawai Non PNS Biro Hukum, Sisinfo dan Kepegawaian

    NOMOR : 05/PPSES.3/02/2016

    TAHUN 2016

    Dalam rangka mendukung kelancaran tugas dan fungsi Bagian Kepegawaian pada Biro Hukum, Sistem Informasi dan Kepegawaian LKPP, bersama ini LKPP mengundang Saudara yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat untuk mengisi lowongan tenaga tidak tetap (Pegawai Non PNS) Tahun Anggaran 2016, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

    I. Posisi Lowong :
    1. Staf Pendukung Manajemen Pengadaan Pegawai (Kode : SPMPP), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang;
    2. Staf Pendukung Kearsipan (Kode : SPA), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang;
    3. Staf Pendukung Pengembangan Pegawai (Kode : SPPP), sebanyak 2 (dua) orang;
    4. Staf Pendukung Keuangan (Kode : SPK), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang.

    II. Persyaratan Pelamar
    1. Persyaratan Umum :
    a. Warga Negara Indonesia;
    b. Batas usia pelamar paling rendah 25 (dua puluh lima) tahun dan paling tinggi 30 (tiga puluh) tahun pada saat pendaftaran;
    c. Lulus Perguruan Tinggi dengan minimal IPK 3,00 dari skala 4,00;
    d. Nilai Akreditasi Jurusan/Program Studi minimal B yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional-Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT);
    e. Terampil menggunakan Microsoft Office;
    f. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan;
    g. Tidak pernah terlibat Narkoba;
    h. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
    i. Memiliki integritas dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi;
    j. Mampu bekerja sesuai target.

    2. Persyaratan Khusus :
    a. Posisi Staf Pendukung Manajemen Pengadaan Pegawai (Kode : SPMPP)
    • Pria/wanita;
    • Pendidikan S-1 Manajemen;
    • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang SDM/ HRD (diutamakan).
    b. Posisi Staf Pendukung Kearsipan (Kode : SPA)
    • Pria/wanita;
    • Pendidikan S-1 Kearsipan;
    • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang Kearsipan(diutamakan).
    c. Posisi Staf Pendukung Pengembangan Pegawai (Kode : SPPP)
    • Pria/wanita;
    • Pendidikan S-1 Manajemen/ Psikologi/ Manajemen Pendidikan;
    • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang SDM/ HRD(diutamakan).
    d. Staf Pendukung Keuangan (Kode : SPK)
    • Wanita;
    • Pendidikan D-3 Akuntansi;
    • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang pengelolaan keuangan di instansi pemerintah.

    III. Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran :
    1. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran Online di dan mengirimkan dokumen lamaran yang terdiri dari :
    a. Surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Pejabat Pengadaan Biro Hukum, Sistem Informasi dan Kepegawaian;
    b. Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk;
    c. Pas foto berwarna ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 1 lembar;
    d. Salinan ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pihak yang berwenang;
    e. Tanda bukti hasil CAT maksimal dalam 2 (dua) tahun terakhir yang diselenggarakan oleh Instansi Pemerintah dengan komposisi minimal Tes Pengetahun Umum (TPU) : 70, Tes Intelejensi Umum (TIU) : 75 dan Tes Karakteristik Pribadi (TKP) : 126;
    Catatan : Bagi pelamar yang belum pernah mengikuti tes CAT, bersedia mengikuti tes CAT pada tahapan rekrutmen selanjutnya yang akan dikoordinasikan oleh LKPP.
    Pengisian formulir pendaftaran dan pengiriman dokumen lamaran paling lambat tanggal 16 Februari 2016 pukul 12.00 WIB.

    2. Dokumen lamaran dikirim dalam format pdf melalui alamat email : dengan subjek : Lamaran Staf Pendukung Kepegawaian(spasi)kode posisi yang dilamar.

    3. Dokumen administrasi lainnya seperti :
    a. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK);
    b. Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Puskesmas/ Rumah Sakit Pemerintah;
    c. Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Puskesmas/ Rumah Sakit Pemerintah/ BNN;
    d. Fotocopy sertifikat yang relevan (bila ada)
    diserahkan ke Panitia Seleksi pada saat pelaksanaan wawancara.

    4. Seleksi dilakukan dengan sistem gugur dan keputusan Panitia Seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

    IV. Lain-lain
    1. Penempatan Tenaga Tidak Tetap (Non PNS) berlokasi di Jakarta;
    2. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses tahapan seleksi di Jakarta atas biaya sendiri;
    3. Seluruh tahapan seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun

    Info Lengkap Open :

    Gbu all..O:)

  • SULIFAN148

    14 Februari 2016

    hai kak lastrie, kalo boleh tau job title sbelumnya head hrd atau hrd staffnya?

    LASTRIE609 tulis:

    Mohon teman2  info lowongan untuk bagian hrd di daerah jakarta atau tangerang.Thanks

  • DEDY149

    17 Februari 2016

    Program Beasiswa CA - IAI & ICAEW

    Website: ... tid=&id=894

  • DEDY149

    17 Februari 2016

    Lowongan di Triputra Group: (11 Feb 2016 - 11 Maret 2016)

    Link :

  • TEGUH830

    24 Februari 2016

    Mohon infonya kl ada lowongan internal audit perusahaan swasta lokasi di kota mn aja..

  • NIKSON126

    24 Februari 2016

    Ada lowongan kerja gak untuk penempatan di medan atau manado di perusahaan leasing..

  • FENNY651

    1 Maret 2016

    Info Lowongan Kerja

    Kami, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi elektronik di daerah Jakarta Pusat, sedang membuka lowongan untuk posisi Staff Admin bagian Pajak dengan requirement sebagai berikut

    1. Wanita

    2. Pendidikan  D3/ S1 Jurusan Akuntansi/ Administrasi/ Perpajakan

    3. Mengerti dengan sistem perpajakan di Indonesia

    4. Mempunyai sertifikat Brevet A/B lebih baik

    5. Mampu bekerja baik dalam tim maupun secara mandiri.

    6. Jujur, bertanggung jawab, punya inisiatif yang baik dan mampu belajar secara cepat

    7. Minimal pengalaman 1 tahun dalam menghandle perpajakan perusahaan

    Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV, Copy Ijazah dan Transkrip anda ke:

    GBU all

  • MASRIC120

    1 Maret 2016

    Mohon dong info pekerjaan yg Tamatan SMK automotive dan kalau ada yg di bidang instrumen electrical

    saya juga bisa mengeLAS

    Pengalaman bekerja 3 tahun di bidang instrumen

    mohon info nya ya


    3 Maret 2016

    Lowongan kerja Properti Terkemuka PT Alam Sutera Realty :

    send CV ke :

    lowongan : ODP, Goverment Complianc staff, marketing communication staff, Advertising and promotion staff, people development staff, finance staff, marketing in house dll.

    Sesuaikan sama basic anda atau pengalaman kerja.

    Kalau sesuai kriteria ntar di panggil ikut psikotes.psikotes sistem gugur. kalau lolos interview HRD dan terakhir User.

    Silahkan mencoba.


    5 Maret 2016

    Untuk Lowongan Customer Service BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, sudah bisa di akses hari ini..

    Silahkan open :

    Gbu all..O:)


    10 Maret 2016

    Rekrutmen Pegawai Non PNS Biro Hukum, Sistem Informasi, dan Kepegawaian LKPP

    Posisi Lowong :

    1. Staf Junior Programmer (Kode : JP), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang;

    2. Staf Senior Programmer (Kode : SP), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang;

    3. Staf Helpdesk Officer (Kode : HO), sebanyak 1(satu) orang;

    4. Staf Administrator Jaringan (Kode : AJ), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang.

    5. Staf Pendukung Administrasi (Kode : PA), sebanyak 1 (satu) orang.

    Info Lengkap :

    GBU all..O:)


    12 Maret 2016

    Seleksi Terbuka Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Madya dan Pratama di Lingkungan Kementrian BUMN Tahun 2016

    Jabatan Lowong :

    - Staff Ahli Bidang Komunikasi Strategis dan Hubungan Industrial

    - Staff Ahli Bidang Tata Kelola Sinergi dan Investasi

    - Kepala Biro Hukum

    - Asisten Deputi Layanan Hukum

    - Asisten Deputi Data dan Teknologi Informasi

    - Inspektur

    Syarat dan Info lengkap, Open :

    Gbu all.. <:)


    12 Maret 2016

    Ada lowongan nih buat teman-teman yang familiar and jago di bidang Medsos (BBM, Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, dsb..) :-D


    Info lengkap, bisa Open di : ...

    Gbu all..<:)

376 – 400 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 15  16  17 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan