Dating site Kristen pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia

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Lowongan Kerja


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  • DEDY149

    12 Maret 2016

    EVENT PRJ 2016

    PT. Jakarta International Expo membuka penerimaan calon

    karyawan temporer untuk Event Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2016.





    4.Digital Marketing

    5.Marketing Event

    6.Marketing Gambir

    7.Media Center

    8.Promotion & Sponsorship

    9.Legal Business

    10.Information Officer


    12.Civil & Maintanance

    13.House Keeping

    14.Food & Beverage


    16.Legal Permit

    17.Modula System

    18.Parking & Traffic Management.

    19.Production House


    21.Security & Sefety

    22. Sweeping


    24.Gate Management

    25. Karnaval


    27.Event Guide


    Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat di Pintu C. Arena

    JIExpo. Jl. Benyamin Sueb. Kemayoran. Jakarta Pusat.




    2016 (TERMASUK LEBARAN, 6 & 7 JULI 2016)









    HRD JFK 2016

    PT. Jakarta International Expo

    Gd. Pusat Niaga, Arena JIEXPO Kemayoran

    Jl. Benyamin Sueb, Kemayoran

    Jakarta Pusat 10620



    5.Minimum umur pelamar 18 tahun atau sudah memiliki KTP.






    5. FOTO 3 X 4 (2 LEMBAR)










    Share temen kamu yg butuh Info ini :)


    17 Maret 2016


    PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa transportasi di Indonesia, yang mengutamakan profesionalisme dan kinerja, memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkarier dan membangun perusahaan. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) mengadakan Rekrut Eksternal Tingkat D3/S1 Tahun 2016 yang bersumber dari Job Fair ITS dengan persyaratan dan kriteria bisa di open di

    Gbu all..O:)


    18 Maret 2016


    Hi Semarang, Let's Join with Us! Syarat : • Pria/wanita, usia max 32 tahun (PFC, EMB, CBRM), usia max 26 tahun (FO) • Pendidikan terakhir S1 semua jurusan • Pengalaman kerja di bidang funding/lending perbankan minimal 1 tahun • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi & daya persuasi yang baik • Berorientasi pada pencapaian target, memiliki networking yang luas • Memiliki pengetahuian produk Wealth/Investment, memiliki sertifikasi AAJI & Waperd (PFC) Apabila ada rekan/relasi/kerabat yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas, dapat langsung membawa CV dan Lamaran kerja

    Gbu all..

    18 Maret 2016 diubah oleh RACHELREY461


    18 Maret 2016


    Christian Broadcasting Network Indonesia is currently searching for great people to fill these leadership positions.

    1. People Development Manager

    2. Call Center Manager

    3. Project Manager

    4. Facility Manager

    5. Media Producer

    6. Tax & Accounting Supervisor

    General specifications:

    1. Having vision and passion in using creative media to make disciples.

    2. Aligned with our corporate values: christ-centeredness, humility, integrity, compassion, and excellence.

    3. Minimum education: Bachelor degree.

    4. Minimum 5-yr experience in related field and 2-yr experience in leadership position.

    (For detail job description and spesification, please visit

    CBN Indonesia's media ministry reaches nearly 20 millions audience and handling more than 120,000 respondents annually.

    It includes "SOLUSI", one of the longest running programs in Indonesia's broadcast history, "GENERASIZERU", a movement-oriented youth program, "SUPERBOOK" the award-winning animation series, along with its Sunday School partnership program, and "" (JC website & JC Channel), one of the most influential Christian online media in Indonesia.

    Send your CV and portfolio to

  • YENNI619

    18 Maret 2016

    Info lowker area jatim lulusan sma dong


    21 Maret 2016

    Pengumuman Rekrutmen Umum PT PLN (Persero)
    Tingkat Sarjana (S1)/DIV/DIII Tahun 2016 via Bursa Karir ITS ke-31

    PT PLN (Persero) merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa kelistrikan terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan visi untuk “Diakui sebagai Perusahaan Kelas Dunia yang Bertumbuh kembang, Unggul dan Terpercaya dengan bertumpu pada Potensi Insani”, PT PLN (Persero) berkomitmen untuk melistriki seluruh Nusantara. Bergabunglah bersama kami!

    Bidang / Jurusan pendidikan yang dibuka :

    a) S1/D.IV :
    • Teknik Elektro, Arus Kuat, Sistem Tenaga Listrik (Kode : S1/ELE)
    • Elektronika, Kendali (Kode : S1/ALE) (Bukan Telekomunikasi)
    • Teknik Industri (Kode : S1/IND)
    • Teknik Lingkungan (Kode : S1/LIN) (Bukan Teknik Sipil)
    • Teknik Informatika (Kode : S1/INF)
    • Teknik Industri (Kode : S1/IND)

    b) D.III :
    • Teknik Elektro, Arus Kuat, Sistem Tenaga Listrik (Kode : D.III/ELE)
    • Elektronika, Kendali (Kode : D.III/ALE) (Bukan Telekomunikasi)
    • Manajemen Pemasaran, Administrasi Niaga, Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi
    Perkantoran (Kode : D.III/MAN)
    • Teknik Sipil (Kode : D.III/SIP)

    Info Lengkap : ... r-ITS-ke-31.pdf

    Waktu Pendaftaran : Selama Bursa Karir ITS ke-31 (23-24 Maret 2016)
    Gbu all..O:)


    21 Maret 2016

    PT Sucofindo, salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi sebagai Project Management Officer. Posisi tersebut terbuka luas bagi seluruh warga Indonesia, utamanya lulusan Teknik Sipil.

    Berikut syaratnya:

    1. Pendidikan Sarjana (S1): Teknik Sipil;
    2. Penempatan: Jakarta;
    3. Berkewarganegaraan Indonesia (WNI);
    4. IPK minimal 2,75 (Lulusan PTN) atau minimal 3,00 (Lulusan PTS) dari skala 4.00;
    5. Fresh Graduate/sudah berpengalaman kerja;
    6. Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman kerja terkait bidang teknik sipil;
    7. Memiliki kemampuan memimpin dan bekerja sama dalam team;
    8. Memiliki kemampuan menjual jasa & melakukan presentasi penjualan;
    9. Lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan/tulisan);
    10. Umur maksimal 27 tahun pada saat mengajukan surat lamaran;
    11. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO);
    12. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai suatu instansi pemerintah ataupun swasta;
    13. Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan pegawai perusahaan sebagai suami-istri; kakak adik kandung/tiri/angkat; orang tuaanak kandung/tiri/angkat; dan,
    14. Hanya yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi di Jakarta
    15. Batas waktu penerimaan lamaran tanggal 28 Maret 2016.

  • ZEGA376

    22 Maret 2016

    Ada lowongan Arsitek ga? diutamakan domisili Bandung-Jakarta?


    22 Maret 2016

    Kak Zega mau mendesign & membangun rumah tangga ya ? : D

    ( skali kali oot min, piss.. )

    ZEGA376 tulis:

    Ada lowongan Arsitek ga? diutamakan domisili Bandung-Jakarta?


    22 Maret 2016

    Kak Zega check this out,, ada buat arsitek kak..


    Trans7 merupakan salah satu sebuah stasiun televisi swasta nasional di Indonesia. Trans7 yang pada awalnya menggunakan nama TV7, melakukan siaran perdananya secara terestrial di Jakarta pada 25 November 2001 dan pada saat itulah mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki oleh Kompas Gramedia. Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2006, PT Trans Corporation mengakuisisi mayoritas saham TV7. Untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya, Trans7 kembali membuka kesempatan kepada putra putri Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari Trans7 yaitu :

    ZEGA376 tulis:

    Ada lowongan Arsitek ga? diutamakan domisili Bandung-Jakarta?


    22 Maret 2016

    RACHELREY461 tulis:

    Kak Zega check this out,, ada buat arsitek kak..


    Trans7 merupakan salah satu sebuah stasiun televisi swasta nasional di Indonesia. Trans7 yang pada awalnya menggunakan nama TV7, melakukan siaran perdananya secara terestrial di Jakarta pada 25 November 2001 dan pada saat itulah mayoritas sahamnya dimiliki oleh Kompas Gramedia. Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2006, PT Trans Corporation mengakuisisi mayoritas saham TV7. Untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya, Trans7 kembali membuka kesempatan kepada putra putri Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari Trans7 yaitu :

    Info Lengkap :

    Gbu all..O:)

  • ZEGA376

    24 Maret 2016

    COOL, Thank you! May GOD always shine upon your face!

    Selamat hari Kamis Putih,,,

    Btw, kalau lowker untuk Psikologi S1-S2 domisili jerman / uni-eropa ada? Maaf merepotkan (bow).

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Tower Operation Administration
    Ooredoo Group
    Indonesia - Jakarta

    Industry : Information Technology and Services and Telecommunications
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Not Applicable
    Job function : Engineering,Manufacturing

    Role Purpose:

    Responsible to conduct end-to-end process of lease-in TLP sites consist of :

    Prepare and monitor TLP site readiness for the Project Rollout, handling relocation site, Evaluate TLP performance within and Collecting data for updating database.


    Preferably minimum Undergraduate (S1)

    Majoring in Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering or Civil Engineering


    Preferably, have fair knowledge in Project Management skill minimum 1 years


    Have good capability in operating Microsoft Office (Word, excel, power point)
    Flexible and adaptable in under-pressure condition
    Preferably, fair in English (spoken & written)
    Have ability to work independently
    Demonstrate solid integrity
    Have enthusiasm to work outside normal office hour
    Demonstrate good negotiation skill
    Have good analytical thinking and problem solving oriented

    Note: you will be required to attach the following:
    1. Resume / cv

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Tower Operation Administration
    Field: Networks & Engineering Contract Type: Full Time - Permanent
    Location: Indonesia - Jakarta Closing date: 31-Mar-2016
    Role Purpose:

    Responsible to conduct end-to-end process of lease-in TLP sites consist of :

    Prepare and monitor TLP site readiness for the Project Rollout, handling relocation site, Evaluate TLP performance within and Collecting data for updating database.

    Preferably minimum Undergraduate (S1)

    Majoring in Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering or Civil Engineering

    Preferably, have fair knowledge in Project Management skill minimum 1 years

    Have good capability in operating Microsoft Office (Word, excel, power point)
    Flexible and adaptable in under-pressure condition
    Preferably, fair in English (spoken & written)
    Have ability to work independently
    Demonstrate solid integrity
    Have enthusiasm to work outside normal office hour
    Demonstrate good negotiation skill
    Have good analytical thinking and problem solving oriented

    Note: you will be required to attach the following:
    1. Resume / cv ... ;ChannelID=1212

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Mail address

    UNICEF Representative
    P.O. Box 8318/JKSMP
    Jakarta 12083

    Visitors' address

    Wisma Metropolitan II
    10-11th Floors
    Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.31
    Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

    Telephone : 2996-8000

    Country code [+62]

    City code: [+21]

    Facsimile : 571.1326

    Email :

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Account Manager, Indonesia
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Sales & Account Management · Full-time

    Businesses that partner with Google come in all shapes, sizes and market caps, and no one Google advertising solution works for all. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing business grow. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.


    • Manage the booking and management of our clients.
    • Report on sales figures internally and take ownership of your deliverables with the leader of your vertical.
    • Serve as a liaison to clients regarding new product launches and advertising opportunities.
    • Provide campaign updates and ensure that our advertisers are satisfied with their ROI.
    • Manage ongoing customer training in all Google advertising solutions.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.

    Preferred qualifications

    • 4 years of work experience (in online advertising industry).
    • Proven track record in advertising sales and media account management.
    • Excellent organizational, analytical and influencing skills.


    Our Large Customer Sales teams partner closely with many of the world’s biggest advertisers and agencies to develop digital solutions that build strong businesses and brands. We enjoy a bird’s eye view on the massive transformation occurring as advertising shifts to mobile and online platforms. We're uniquely situated to help shape how companies grow their businesses in the digital age. We advise clients on Google's broad range of products across search, video and mobile to help them connect instantly and seamlessly with their audiences.

    Lamaran : ... c66f5ec870/form

    25 Maret 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    25 Maret 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Strategic Partnership Development Manager, Android, Indonesia
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Partnerships · Full-time ·

    Google's line of products and services to our clients never stops growing. The Partnerships Development team is responsible for seeking and exploring new opportunities with Google's partners. Armed with your business acumen and extensive product knowledge, you are right on the front line of interacting with our partners, and helping them find ways to grow using Google's newest product offerings. Your knowledge of relevant verticals and relationships with key industry players will help shape our great applications and content for products such as YouTube, Google TV and Commerce.

    As an Android Partnerships team member, you're doing the negotiations that keep Android's growth going. You work closely with Android Product, Engineering, Marketing, and Legal teams on new initiatives and key strategic relationships. You don't just execute; you're a true thought leader who can see multiple steps ahead and identify industry trends and key influencers. Empowered to chart your own path, you run the process from start to finish. You open doors with potential partners and lead exploratory talks with them.

    You are responsible for leading and negotiating Android-related distribution for Google services with manufacturers, mobile networks, electronics retailers, and other entities participating in the creation and distribution of Android devices and services. Initially focused on smartphones and tablets, the role offers the opportunity to work with industry leading Google partners to secure broad distribution of Android devices with Google services and then manage and nurture those relationships on an ongoing basis. You will be able to work autonomously but also collaboratively with Product, Engineering, Legal, and other partner-facing teams to initiate, support and grow our partner accounts.


    • Lead exploratory talks with potential partners, build consensus with senior executives internal and external to Google, and negotiate complex strategic partnerships that are often first-of-its-kind.
    • Drive and execute distribution negotiations for Google services on Android devices.
    • Identify and prioritize partner targets; become an expert on each target’s organization,  business model, and strategic priorities.
    • Build and nurture strong relationships with third parties, working directly with some partners and through “one-to-many” models to reach large partner ecosystems.
    • Serve as the ongoing Android relationship manager helping to realize and optimize value from the partnership.

    Minimum qualifications

    • 10 years of experience in the mobile industry across mobile device, mobile operator, and/or related start-ups with international experience across Partner Management activities.
    • Experience with mobile carriers, mobile or consumer electronics manufacturers, and retailers.
    • Combined technical and product experience across the mobile space.
    • Ability to speak and write in English and Bahasa Indonesia fluently and idiomatically.

    Preferred qualifications

    • Experience with ongoing partner relationship management; ability to serve as an advocate for your accounts internally and work collaboratively to identify opportunities or resolve issues.
    • Strong negotiator with a partnership approach; ability to represent Google in discussions and structure terms to achieve strong ongoing partner alignment.
    • Ability to interpret legal documents and work with attorneys on specific contract language.

    Making the world's information universally accessible and useful doesn't stop at the desktop. The Mobile team builds tools to get you the information you need no matter where you are. Android has become the world's most popular mobile ecosystem, powering billions of devices, from smartphones to tablets, watches to TVs and everything in between. Whether adding to the core Android experience, forging new markets for digital content, creating immersive and portable versions of our products or managing relationships with a global community of developers, the Mobile team is giving you Google on the go.

    Lamaran: ... ea55de0774/form

    25 Maret 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Advertising Sales Industry Manager, Waze
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Sales & Account Management · Full-time

    Businesses that partner with Waze come in all shapes and sizes. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills contribute greatly to Waze's sales team. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide excellent client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Waze's key clients and understand how our product can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.

    At Waze, we leave all egos at the door and concentrate on the job at hand. We value passionate, down to earth, “can do” people who enjoy fine-tuning small details, without losing sight of the big picture. We are looking for the type of person who feels uncomfortable when a day goes by without achieving something impactful. Someone who is driven to get things done and views obstacles as an exciting challenge that demands a creative solution. Above all else, this role requires someone who takes great pride in their work and is inspired and motivated by their role in improving the way millions of people drive worldwide.

    Responsibilities :

    • Generate and grow advertising business across our mobile product line.
    • Prospect, qualify, grow and maintain a regional territory account list.
    • Develop and cultivate deep relationships with agency executives and clients.
    • Manage all aspects of advertising campaigns to ensure we meet performance and optimization requirements.
    • Identify client business needs and proactively develop customized marketing solutions to meet client objectives.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.
    • Preferred qualifications
    • Experience in media account management and/or the advertising industry.
    • Sales experience across a multitude of industry verticals with emphasis on Fuel, QSR, Auto, Retail and Finance.
    • Track record of excellent performance and meeting objectives, with experience of driving new business and/or account management within an online advertising agency.

    Waze's sales team is the link that connects drivers with businesses both big and small. With millions of drivers using Waze, you have access to a platform that can aid businesses in reaching thousands of potential local customers on their mobile devices. We are looking for individuals who are familiar with the world of advertising and who are self starters, team players and ready to be part of a dynamic environment.

    Lamaran: ... 9ef45a2e07/form

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Head of Agency Relations (Indonesia)
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Sales & Account Management · Full-time

    Businesses that partner with Google come in all shapes, sizes and market caps, and no one Google advertising solution works for all. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing business grow. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.

    In this role, you will collaborate closely with advertising agency partners, serve as their ambassador within Google, advocate new Google products and technologies throughout the agency, identify sales and business development opportunities, and develop and manage strong relationships with agency influencers and decision-makers.

    Your objectives are to develop new business opportunities, increase existing business to maximize business growth, support Google's Sales team with research, market analysis and other critical information, and be responsive to all agency needs. You will also collaborate with Google's industry sales teams to exchange knowledge regarding client and agency needs in specific industry sectors.

    Among your many attributes, you are persuasive, gregarious, self-starting, a natural leader and skilled at solving problems and explaining complex issues. You possess excellent communication/presentation skills at the senior level as well as the ability to work closely and constructively with all areas of the business. You're particularly adept at developing close, one-on-one relationships.


    • Advocate Google within the advertising agency community.
    • Solidify executive relationships and drive business growth with targeted agencies.
    • Devise partnership-building strategies.
    • Develop best practices and benchmarking initiatives to optimize agency relationships.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.

    Preferred qualifications

    • MBA or advanced professional degree.
    • 10 years of experience in rich media solutions, online advertising or agency.
    • Familiarity with agencies, media, creative and digital.
    • Established network of contacts with advertisers and agencies (online and offline).
    • Excellent project management, interpersonal and organizational skills, with the ability to drive and implement ideas in a changing environment.

    Our Large Customer Sales teams partner closely with many of the world’s biggest advertisers and agencies to develop digital solutions that build strong businesses and brands. We enjoy a bird’s eye view on the massive transformation occurring as advertising shifts to mobile and online platforms. We're uniquely situated to help shape how companies grow their businesses in the digital age. We advise clients on Google's broad range of products across search, video and mobile to help them connect instantly and seamlessly with their audiences.

    Lamaran : ... c66764413d/form

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Account Manager, Indonesia
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Sales & Account Management · Full-time

    Businesses that partner with Google come in all shapes, sizes and market caps, and no one Google advertising solution works for all. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing business grow. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.


    • Manage the booking and management of our clients.
    • Report on sales figures internally and take ownership of your deliverables with the leader of your vertical.
    • Serve as a liaison to clients regarding new product launches and advertising opportunities.
    • Provide campaign updates and ensure that our advertisers are satisfied with their ROI.
    • Manage ongoing customer training in all Google advertising solutions.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.

    Preferred qualifications

    • 4 years of work experience (in online advertising industry).
    • Proven track record in advertising sales and media account management.
    • Excellent organizational, analytical and influencing skills.

    Our Large Customer Sales teams partner closely with many of the world’s biggest advertisers and agencies to develop digital solutions that build strong businesses and brands. We enjoy a bird’s eye view on the massive transformation occurring as advertising shifts to mobile and online platforms. We're uniquely situated to help shape how companies grow their businesses in the digital age. We advise clients on Google's broad range of products across search, video and mobile to help them connect instantly and seamlessly with their audiences.

    Lamaran : ... c66f5ec870/form

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Language Specialist, Bahasa
    Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia
    Product & Customer Support · Full-time

    Google is a universally recognized name. The Localization team helps Google's ideas and products look, feel and sound natural to users in their own countries. We collaborate with international Engineering, Product and Marketing teams to steer products through the localization process and ensure successful launches across the globe. Our team is an international collection of enthusiastic, creative and knowledgeable people who excel in a fast-paced, culturally diverse environment. You are an excellent communicator who plays a strategic role by building relationships with partner teams to establish needs, deadlines and budgets. You will flex your project management skills in order to ensure that our Localization process runs effectively and efficiently.

    Google's mission is to make all of the world's information universally accessible and useful. We take that seriously for far more than just products in English language. In this role, you will help us make sure that Google is useful and fun for our international users. You have a passion for language and want to shape Google’s voice in your market or region.

    If you are an experienced Indonesian translator, copywriter, linguist, writer or editor with an extensive track record in the creative, marketing, public communications or localization industry or an experienced business/team/project leader with solid translation and linguistic skills, then this role could be perfect for you.

    Work closely with Google's translation and review vendors to ensure localization quality and to monitor language quality data. Develop a good understanding of market expectations for localization quality and how Google's products fit in the market.
    Form a critical part of the Google in-country “go-to-market” team with Marketing, Product and PR to drive localization of Google products. Work closely with local teams to develop specific terminology for new features and products, and shape the Google voice for the local market/region.
    Work with localization project managers and other teams at Google to identify and address linguistic issues. Maintain language references such as terminology databases and the style guide.
    Ensure quality of high-priority products and highly visible materials through quality assurance and bug fixing, taking a hands-on approach as necessary.
    Understand challenges in the localization process and lead broad language quality improvement initiatives at the language and team level, as well as upstream.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.
    • 3 years of experience as a project manager or team leader.  
    • Experience as a Bahasa translator, linguist, copywriter, writer or editor.
    • Ability to speak and write in Bahasa and English fluently and idiomatically.

    Preferred qualifications

    • MBA or Master's degree.
    • Experience within creative, localization or the online marketing/advertising industry.
    • Ability to relate to ambiguity, work independently and be able to chart direction of projects.
    • Detail-oriented, quality-focused and proactive, with strong ability to manage projects.
    • Excellent communication skills and the ability to manage multiple and diverse stakeholders across businesses and leadership levels.

    The Google Technical Services team (known as gTech) provides technical expertise across all Google products to support our global Sales, Business Development and Partnerships teams. We fix any issues on behalf of customers and partners so that our sales teams can focus on what they do best. We collaborate closely with Google's engineering groups to create technical solutions that enable our sales organization to help our customers' businesses grow.

    Lamaran : ... 8b2856b5cb/form

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Account Manager, Mobile App Sales (Indonesia)
    Sales & Account Management · Full-time·

    Businesses that partner with Google come in all shapes, sizes and market caps, and no one Google advertising solution works for all. Your knowledge of online media combined with your communication skills and analytical abilities shapes how new and existing business grow. Using your influencing and relationship-building skills, you provide Google-caliber client service, research and market analysis. You anticipate how decisions are made, persistently explore and uncover the business needs of Google's key clients and understand how our range of product offerings can grow their business. Working with them, you set the vision and the strategy for how their advertising can reach thousands of users.

    The Mobile App Sales team has big ambitions and global reach. You will engage deeply with sophisticated mobile-first businesses, exceed growth goals, and drive change to accelerate Google’s position in the fast-growing and strategic business of app install.

    As an App Sales Account Manager, you will be part of a team dedicated to helping mobile application developers grow their business using Google products and services. You will take ownership of app install business in your assigned market from setting strategy and driving execution to reach the market growth goals. You will work dynamically with both new and existing customers to help grow their business by providing solutions and insights to drive app discovery and engagement. In this position, you will proactively reach out to both new and existing clients with solutions and insights, from account optimizations, to product betas, to strategic performance reviews.

    We are looking for a self-driven, enthusiastic and passionate individual with excellent communication skills and a proven track record in business. You must have an analytical approach in business and be able to work in complex environments. Strong teamwork and excellent multi-tasking skill are critical for your success in this role.


    • Deliver consistently against assigned goals.
    • Prospect and cultivate the app install business.
    • Identify opportunities in your assigned market and build prioritized plan to drive business growth from reaching new customers and working with existing clients to maximize campaign performance.
    • Thrive in forming cross-­functional relationships with New Business Sales, Online Partnerships Group, Developer Relations and other stakeholders to realize advertiser goals.
    • Contribute to the development of Google’s comprehensive suite of app install ad products. Communicate effectively in English and Bahasa Indonesian speaking clients.

    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.
    • 3 years of experience in an advertising sales or business development role.
    • Ability to speak English and Bahasa Indonesian fluently and idiomatically.

    Preferred qualifications

    • Strong understanding of the app developer ecosystem.
    • Proven track record of exceeding sales goals.
    • Demonstrated self­-starter who thrives in a team environment.
    • Extremely proactive, organized, responsible and proven ability to work well with a team.
    • Strong communication skills and the ability to pitch comprehensive advertising solutions over the telephone to high­-end prospects.

    When our millions of advertisers and publishers are happy, so are we! Our team of entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and client-focused team members are the "human face" of Google, helping entrepreneurs both individually and broadly build their online presence and grow their businesses. We are dedicated to growing the unique needs of small- and medium-sized businesses. Our teams of strategists, analysts, advisers and support specialists collaborate closely to spot and analyze customer needs and trends. Together, we create and implement business plans broadly for every type of small business.

    Lamaran : ... e6a4a29cfd/form

    25 Maret 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    25 Maret 2016

    Product Marketing Manager, SMB
    Marketing & Communications;Product Management·Full-time·

    As a Marketing manager, you are a fully dedicated business leader, shaping the future of one of our many Google products. Whether you're on a consumer product (like Gmail, Search, Maps, Chrome, Android) or a business product (AdWords, AdSense, DoubleClick, Analytics), you take part in a complete marketing experience as you lead every facet of the product's journey. From determining positioning, naming, competitive analysis, feature prioritization and external communications, you help shape the voice of the product and help it grow a loyal consumer base. This means you work with a cross-functional team across sales, corporate communications, legal, webmasters, product development, engineering and more. In this role, you'll be involved with product marketing strategy from beginning to end.

    The Google Marketing team is responsible for marketing the company's product portfolio to end users, partners and customers worldwide. Within Google Marketing, Small- and Medium-sized Business (SMB) Marketing is tasked with helping small businesses thrive online and building healthy digital economies. If you have a passion for helping small businesses succeed, driving fast-paced growth of Google in APAC, and working with teams across the world, then this might be the place for you.

    Drive analytical deep dives to derive user insights to shape strategic marketing initiatives. Prepare presentations and clearly communicate findings to senior management and to the broader organization.
    Be the voice of users in APAC to global teams, showcasing the unique needs of this region and shepherding product, marketing, and sales strategy that can best serve the needs of APAC.
    Develop and execute marketing go-to-market plans for Google AdWords with local marketers across the region.
    Minimum qualifications

    • BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience.
    • 5 years of consumer product marketing experience.

    Preferred qualifications

    • In-depth knowledge of the mobile and computing landscape and Google’s position.
    • Demonstrated ability to develop strategy and business plans, as well as analyze customer and market insights and campaign effectiveness.
    • Ability to effectively operate in a fast-paced environment and to work on multiple projects simultaneously in a dynamic and constantly evolving context.
    • Ability to work cross-regionally and cross-culturally within APAC and other teams across the world.
    • Excellent problem solving and analytical skills with a high degree of analytical rigor. Strong leadership and excellent written and oral communication skills.

    Know the user. Know the magic. Connect the two. At its core, marketing at Google starts with technology and ends with the user, bringing both together in unconventional ways. Our job is to demonstrate how Google's products solve the world's problems--from the everyday to the epic, from the mundane to the monumental. And we approach marketing in a way that only Google can--changing the game, redefining the medium, making the user the priority, and ultimately, letting the technology speak for itself.

    Lamaran : ... 8b715491fd/form


    28 Maret 2016

    Untuk lulusan elektro sama oseanografi mohon infonya kalau ada,,, terimakasih Tuhan memberkati

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