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Lowongan Kerja


451 – 475 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 18  19  20 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    PT Home Credit Indonesia

    Tanggal Input : 31 Mar 2016

    Nama Pekerjaan : Field Customer Repayment Service Agent - YOGYAKARTA

    Deskripsi Pekerjaan
    Tanggung Jawab :

    • · Melakukan aktifitas penagihan kepada konsumen di lapangan
    • · Pengambilan tagihan pembayaran ke konsumen
    • · Membuat laporan kunjungan
    • · Mencapai target yang telah ditentukan.

    Persyaratan :

    • · Pria, Usia 21 - 35 tahun
    • · Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat
    • · Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Kolektor.
    • · Memiliki kendaraan roda dua dan SIM C yang masih berlaku
    • · Mengenal daerah Yogyakarta dengan baik
    • · Kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik

    Spesialisasi : Risk, Collection & Anti Fraud

    Jenis Pekerjaan : Contract

    Kualifikasi Minimum : Senior High School

    Pengalaman Minimum : 2 Years

    Lokasi Pekerjaan Propinsi-Kota : Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    PT Home Credit Indonesia

    Tanggal Input: 17 Mar 2016

    Nama Pekerjaan: Field Customer Repayment Service Administrator - YOGYAKARTA

    Deskripsi Pekerjaan


    • Supports team of field collectors from back office (allocation of cases, collection of feedback)
    • Proactive contacting of field staff to ensure the desired productivity
    • Prepare Due Letters and sent it to client by registered post.
    • Download report Field Collector from Google Drive
    • Input all report Field Collector into Homer Select
    • Visit Plan for collectors for New cases and PTP follow-ups.
    • Distribute Payment Receipt to each field Collector
    • Register Payment Receipt that has been used by Field Collector
    • Manages stock of receipt books and performs the quality checks on the filled receipt books
    • Prepare Letter of Assignment to Field Collector
    • Register and saving Collateral (vehicle license & certificate) of Field Collector
    • Register Letter Returns.
    • Register New Field Collector & prepare equipment
    • Verify new phone number of client (Based on FC Report) and input into CIF (Homer)
    • Prepares basic reports


    • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, any field.
    • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Clerical/Administrative Support or equivalent.
    • Full-Time position(s) available.
    • Senior high school, min. Background education.
    • Well versed with using MS-Office, Excel & Word.
    • Can Make and check collection reports.
    • Good interpersonal skills and communication skill.
    • Confident and Eager to work in team, handle, resolve and ti

    Spesialisasi : Risk, Collection & Anti Fraud

    Jenis Pekerjaan : Permanent

    Kualifikasi Minimum : Diploma Degree-D3

    Pengalaman Minimum : 1 Year

    Lokasi Pekerjaan Propinsi-Kota : Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    PT Home Credit Indonesia

    Tanggal Input: 14 Mar 2016

    Nama Pekerjaan: Field Customer Repayment Service Sr. Team Leader - YOGYAKARTA

    Deskripsi Pekerjaan

    Tugas :

    • Mengelola performa tim Field Collector agar sesuai dengan tujuan
    • Mendorong performa tim agar lebih efektif dan optimal
    • Memberikan penanganan terhadap Field Collector yang performanya menurun
    • Memberikan kontrol dan evaluasi skema insentif tingkat pertama.
    • Memastikan konsistensi dalam koleksi proses, sistem dan pelaporan
    • Mengimplementasikan proses dan pembaharuan
    • Melakukan training dasar bagi Field CRS Agent
    • Memberikan coaching bagi anggota tim
    • Melakukan review dan memberikan persetujuan terhadap rencana kunjungan
    • Memastikan uang terkumpul dan tersimpan dengan baik di Homer Select
    • Menjadi Account Collector bagi tim
    • Menjadi pemecah masalah tercepat bagi klien atau debitur
    • Pemeriksa kualitas dan performa anggota tim


    • Memiliki SIM C
    • Bersedia kerja di lapangan
    • Memiliki pengalaman dalam mengelola tim
    • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Field Collector di Banking/Financial Service min. 2 tahun
    • Mampu berbahasa Inggris
    • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

    Spesialisasi: Risk, Collection & Anti Fraud

    Jenis Pekerjaan: Permanent

    Kualifikasi Minimum: Diploma Degree-D3

    Pengalaman Minimum: 3 Years

    Lokasi Pekerjaan Propinsi-Kota : Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta

    3 April 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    Posting Date : 15 Mar 2016

    Job Title : District Sales Manager - BANDUNG

    Job Description :

    - Supervising sales team consisting Sales Agents, preparing their sales targets, performance, working schedule, as well as placement mapping

    - Ensuring good sales performance of the Sales team

    - Planning strategy to achieve sales target in a timely manner

    - Opening new POS (Point of Sales) in designated area and maintaining good relationship with existing POS owners as well as owner of potential POS

    - Preparing reports to the City Sales Manager consisting individual sales performance, team sales performance, target achievement, sales growth, etc. periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly)

    Specialization : Sales, Marketing & Advertising

    Type of Employment : Contract

    Minimum Qualification : Bachelor's Degree

    Minimum Experience : 2 Years

    Job Location Province – City : Jawa Barat - Bandung


    Posting Date: 16 Mar 2016

    Job Title : District Sales Manager - MAKASSAR

    Job Description


    • Manajemen Sales Agent tim
    • Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan
    • Membuat strategi untuk mencapai target
    • Membuka POS (Point of Sales) baru dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan POS yang telah ada.
    • Membuat laporan harian, mingguan dan bulanan dari target penjualan


    • Minimal lulusan SMA/ SMK sederajat.
    • Berpengalaman 2 tahun sebagai Supervisor Sales di Perusahaan Finance
    • Mempunyai kemampuan yang baik dalam kepemimpinan, membimbing, penjualan dan analisis.
    • Bersedia untuk mobile
    • Mempunyai kendaraan roda dua & SIM C

    Spesialisasi : Sales, Marketing & Advertising

    Jenis Pekerjaan : Contract

    Minimum Qualification : Diploma Degree-D3

    Minimum Experience: 2 Years

    Lokasi Pekerjaan Propinsi-Kota : Sulawesi Selatan - Makassar

    Lokasi Pekerjaan-Kecamatan : Makassar

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    Internal Auditor

    Job description

    Some essential duties of our Internal Auditor include drafting audit report, control accuracy of financial records, briefing audit findings to management, and preparing recommendation for corrective actions.

    Desired Skills and Experience

    Qualifications :

    • Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable universities.
    • Min. GPA of 3.0
    • Minimum 1 years experiences in Auditing.

    Industry : Tobacco
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Associate
    Job function : Accounting/Auditing


    Mellina Hartono

    HR Recruitment at PT DJARUM

    Dalam hal terdapat keraguan atau terdapat pertanyaan mengenai iklan lowongan kerja PT Djarum dapat menghubungi kami, melalui nomor telepon 088801086611, 088212883220, 088211521022 atau email:

    For further information or inquiries regarding PT Djarum’s vacancy advertisement and recruitment invitation, please contact us at 088212883220, 088211521022 and 088801086611 or email:


    Creative Graphic Designer

    Job description

    As our creative, you will support the activities of our promotion activity with primary responsibility is to design our product packaging and promotion material by the use of any media. This position is based in our Jakarta office.
    Desired Skills and Experience

    Qualifications :

    • Bachelor degree (preferable from Visual Communication Design or Product Design major).
    • Minimum GPA of 3.0 from well-known universities.
    • Previous exposures in Consumer Goods industry will be highly prioritized.

    Industry : Tobacco
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Associate
    Job function : Art/Creative

  • ZEGA376

    3 April 2016

    Instrument & Electrical Engineer  
    Cabot Corporation

    Job description

    • To provide technical analysis, recommendation and long term strategy in terms of Electrical and Instrumentation aspects/standards of plant manufacturing.
    • Serve and to initiate & implement strategic improvements the operations group to meet planned production volumes safely, environment friendly, and on quality at minimum cost. To provide support and help for the project teams if required.
    • To ensure compliance to all policies, procedures, regulations, laws, and maintaining alignment with Cabot Vision & Values
    • Ensure compliance by anyone who comes on the Cabot site with all Cabot and Statutory Safety, Health and Environment regulations
    • Provide strategic planning and technical support to achieve and improve reliability target as well as product quality target in the most cost efficient manner
    • Provide technical support for operation group in maintaining the SHE standards (including PSI element), Field Instrumentations, Electrical Equipment, E/I standard, standard maintenance procedure, maintenance check list and housekeeping
    • Cooperate with Plant IT Engineer to maintain the Control System and ASPEN any other manufacturing system initiatives to support SHE, reliability and quality targets.
    • Involves in Capital Planning Process and support plant improvement project which related to E/I manufacturing
    • Provide technical recommendation for CIP RE initiatives (Spare part, PM/PdM, Training etc)
    • Effectively practice Performance Based Management by coaching and developing employees. Establish team and individual goals with appropriate fact-based results and measures. Prepare training plan as required.

    Desired Skills and Experience

    • Education : Degree in Electrical or Instrumentation Engineering
    • Experience : Minimum 2-3 years in a continuous process industry preferred some experiences in Petrochemical/ chemical Plant
    • Understand the manufacturing system strategy and the integration with E/I system.
    • Good leadership skill, and confident to speak in english

    Industry : Chemicals
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Mid-Senior level
    Job function : Engineering

    Shinta Pangestu

    HR Representative at Cabot Corporation

    Cilegon [Manufacturing] :

    PT Cabot Indonesia Jl. Amerika I Kav. A-5 Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon, Banten 42443 Indonesia

    Phone+62 25 431 1606

    Fax+62 25 431 152

    Jakarta [Sales] :

    PT Cabot Indonesia Talavera Suite, 21st Fl., Unit 1-3 Jl. Letjen TB Simatupang, Kav. 22-26

    Jakarta, Cilandak 12430 Indonesia

    Phone+62 21 2758 4100

    Fax+62 21 7592 5252

    3 April 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376


    5 April 2016


    5 April 2016

  • YERY301

    5 April 2016

    mas ada gak lowongan welder?

  • LASMA911

    5 April 2016

    Ada lowongan kerja partime ga ya??


    5 April 2016

    PT. Kairos Utama Indonesia is IT company that provides qualified business solution to our national and multi-national clients in various fields. As the No. 1 MOST COMPETENT Microsoft GOLD Partner in Indonesia and No. 46 in the World*, We're looking for System Analyst Requirements : - Min S1, University graduate (Related IT) • Min. Experience 5 years with the same position • Have to master on ASP.NET, C#, SQL SERVER 2008, HTML, CSS, XML.. thank you. Have a nice day


    5 April 2016


    5 April 2016

    PT. Bahana Securities, one of the subsidiary of Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia, which is one of the biggest national financial institution located in Jakarta and currently has branches in 26 provinces in Indonesia is welcome you to join us as Legal Officer with the following criteria:

    · Bachelor degree in law
    · Have Min. 2 year of working experience as Legal Officer
    · Have experience in capital market industry
    · Good command in English both oral and written
    · Good understanding of any aspect of Indonesia law.
    · Able to work as team.
    · Fluent in English, both oral and written.
    · Having good communication and interpersonal skills.
    · Proactive and high initiative.
    · Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
    · Computer literate (especially Microsoft office).

    If you are interested to join our company, please send us your CV or resume to (please make sure the email do not exceed 1MB), Please write the desire position on the email subject. Only qualified candidate will be processed. For further information please visit :


    6 April 2016

    Buat kamu yang paham HTML, CSS, menguasai "tools graphic design", serta punya pengalaman sebagai Front End Developer, Yuk kirim cv terbaikmu ke dengan subjek "DESIGNER"

  • ZEGA376

    7 April 2016

    Head of Public Policy, Indonesia
    Jakarta -Indonesia ... A00000004CFAIA2

    Job description
    Facebook was built to help people connect and share, and over the last decade our tools have played a critical part in changing how people around the world communicate with one another. With over a billion people using the service and more than fifty offices around the globe, a career at Facebook offers countless ways to make an impact in a fast growing organization.

    The Head of Public Policy, Indonesia will be the primary contact with the Indonesian government and policy-makers and will work closely with the Public Policy team in APAC and globally. The position will be based in Jakarta and will be responsible for articulating our mission to make the world more open and connected. Successful applicant will become part of a team that is dealing with some of the most interesting public policy challenges of our times including privacy, safety, freedom of expression, the impact of the Internet on established business models, and new opportunities for public service delivery.


    • Monitor the Indonesian political and policy environment for issues that interest and impact the company
    • Work with the Government of Indonesia, private sector partners and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on issues of privacy, safety and security, intellectual property, e-governance, content policy and other technology-relevant public policy concerns
    • Actively promote the uses of Facebook with policy-makers and influencers in both electoral and governing bodies
    • Represent Facebook in meetings with politicians and policy-makers
    • Build industry coalitions to help advance and support Facebook’s policy agenda
    • Communicate Facebook’s positions in public presentations and with media
    • Enhance the policy community's understanding of the Facebook platform bette
    • Advise Facebook teams on public policy matters emerging in Indonesia.


    • 8+ years of demonstrated experience managing legislation and/or government relations and advocacy work
    • Keen understanding of Indonesia's political system, environment and institutions
    • Outstanding judgment and persuasive skills, creativity, and the ability to work in a dynamic environment
    • Experience in policy work for a multinational corporation or government preferred
    • Interest in emerging technologies and policy work
    • Superb written and oral communications skills
    • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia and the English language in both conversation and writing
    • Advanced degree in public policy, a related field or law degree preferred
    • Fluency in technology and a passion for Facebook.

    Industry: Internet
    Employment type: Full-time
    Experience: Not Applicable
    Job function: Management ... A00000004CFAIA2

  • ZEGA376

    7 April 2016

    Strategic Partner Development Manager (Media), Indonesia
    Jakarta -Indonesia ... A00000004CFAIA2

    Job description
    Facebook was built to help people connect and share, and over the last decade our tools have played a critical part in changing how people around the world communicate with one another. With over a billion people using the service and more than fifty offices around the globe, a career at Facebook offers countless ways to make an impact in a fast growing organization.

    Facebook is seeking an experienced Strategic Partner Development Manager, for Indonesia to develop, execute and maintain relationships with key partners. This role includes a broad range of partners including media companies (such as TV, music, news, sports) and public figures (athletes, actors, politicians and TV broadcasters). The Strategic Partner Development Manager will ensure that these relationships meet the strategic objectives of partners and Facebook, and serve as the primary point of contact for both internal and external stakeholders. Strategic Partner Development Managers are the face of Facebook to our external relationships and get to work with some of the world’s largest and most exciting companies and start-ups. This position is located in our Jakarta office.


    • Identify strategic partners, educate them on Facebook’s platform and technology, manage its implementation and optimization
    • Track, analyze and communicate key quantitative metrics and business trends as they relate to partner relationships
    • Become the primary point of contact for and maintain strong direct executive relationships with Facebook’s key partners
    • Proactively resolve business issues with partners
    • Be an internal advocate for the partners Educate public figures on how best to utilize Facebook and Instagram to engage with fans Generate case studies and best practices Coordinate with the partnerships team on joint efforts and communicating with partners


    • Fluent in English language and Bahasa Indonesia
    • BA/BS degree with outstanding academic performance
    • 7-10 years of work experience in relevant industries
    • Basic technical knowledge with deep knowledge of the Facebook Platform
    • Proven track record launching successful Facebook integrations
    • Knowledge of Indonesia media landscape, including TV, print and digital with deep contacts
    • Excellent project management experience, with the ability to lead and handle multiple time-sensitive, cross-functional projects
    • Exceptional communication and presentation skills, and the ability to clarify and summarize complex issues
    • Demonstrated ability to think strategically about complex issues, leading to thoughtful recommendations and action plans
    • Ability to work effectively and cross-functionally with all levels of management, both internally and externally
    • Rapid learner who thrives in a fast-paced environment

    Industry: Internet
    Employment type: Full-time
    Experience: Not Applicable
    Job function: Business Development,Management,Strategy/Planning

  • TINA462

    7 April 2016

    ada lowongan gk buat lulusan sastra ingris (baru tamat).

  • ZEGA376

    7 April 2016

    Rumah Sakit Universitas Gadjah Mada Meruakan salah satu Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada yang dipakai sebagai pelayanan kesehatan umum dan rumah sakit pendidikan bagi mahasiswa UGM. RSA UGM termasuk rumah sakit umum swasta dengan bangunan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan setiap rumah sakit di Yogyakarta. Sekarang Rumah sakit memiliki 123 tempat tidur inap lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan rumah sakit lainnya. Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Gadjah Mada memperkerjakan 22 dokter termasuk dokter spesialis. Pelayanan Rumah sakit memiliki Perlayanan Inap Termasuk Kelas Tinggi dengan mempunyai 16 dari 123 tempat tidur di rumah sakit ini berkelas VIP keatas.

    Berdasarkan Pengumuman Formasi Tenaga Tidak Tetap Rumah Sakit Universitas Gadjah Mada nomor 0754/P/Dir-RSUGM/IV/2016 bahwa Rumah Sakit UGM membuka lowongan kerja Non CPNS sebagai berikut :

    Humas (1 Orang)

        Minimal pendidikan S1 Hukum dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Menguasai legal drafting

        Kemampuan perbantuan hukum

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Pengadministrasi Keuangan (3 Orang)

        Minimal pendidkkan D3 akuntansi dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Menguasai pembukuan

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Perencana Alat Kesehatan (1 Orang)

        Minimal pendidkkan D3 Elektromedik dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Menguasai pengetahuan tenatng alat alat medis

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Pengadministrasi Layanan Medik (1 Orang)

        Minimal pendidkan D3 jurusan ilmu kesehatan dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Pengalaman dalam urusan pelayanan klinik / komite Rumah sakit minimal satu tahun

        Kemampuan mengoperasikan miscrosoft office

        Komunikatif dan mampu berbahasa inggris aktif, dapat bekerja sama dalam tim

    Tim Teknis Pengadaan (2 Orang)

        Minimal D3 teknik sipil dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Paham konstruksi bangunan

        Kemampuan perbantuan hukum

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Asistem Apoteker (3 Orang)

        Minimal D3 Apoteker dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Perawat Gigi (1 Orang)

        Minimal D3 keperawatan Gigi dari PT Berakreditasi minimal B

        Indeks prestasi komulatif minimal 3,00

        Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman yang relevan

    Cara Pendaftaran :

    Bagi yang berminat dapat mengajukan lamaran melalui pos, selambat lambatnya pada tanggal 11 April 2016 cap pos.

    Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada :

        Direktur Utama Rumah Sakit Universitas Gadjah Mada

        Jalan Kabupaten (Lingkar Utara)

        Kronggahan, Trihanggo, Yogyakarta 55291

        Up Direktur Sumber Daya manusia dan akademik

    Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :

    Surat lamaran ditulis tangan dengan jelas dan rapi, dikemas dalam amplop ukuran folio warna cokelat, disudut kiri atas dituliskan Nam dan Formasi yang dilamar

    Lamaran dilengkapi dengan dokumen pendukung berupa :

        Fotokopi ijasah dan transkip nilai

        Daftar riwayat hidup

        Fotocopy kartu tanda penduduk masih berlaku

        Surat keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani dari dokter

        Pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 cm, dan 4X6 cm masing masing 2 helai

        Mencantumkan nomor telepon rumah / Nomor HP yang bisa dihubungi

    Catatan :

        Pendaftaran selambat lambatnya pada tanggal 11 April 2016 cap pos

        Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang akan diproses

        Pelamar harus mengikuti seluruh prosedur yang berlaku



    Terima kasih,

  • DEHOPE594

    8 April 2016

    Apakah teman teman punya info untuk posisi executive chef di pulau jawa ab atau sumatra.


    9 April 2016


    9 April 2016


    9 April 2016

    Ada gak info loker batam,thx.

  • 9 April 2016

    Oo namanya Reynolds Vincent toh...hehehe..

    Maaf OOT.

  • ZEGA376

    11 April 2016

    ERLIANTA988 tulis:

    Ada gak info loker batam,thx.

    Medical Representative
    Batam & Jakarta


    Job description

    Melaksanakan kegiatan promosi produk-produk perusahaan pada rayon tertentu, untuk mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan.

    Desired Skills and Experience

    Pendidikan: S1 farmasi, kedokteran atau ilmu yang terkait biologi

    Pengalaman: >1 tahun di industri farmasi

    Skill: selling skill, product knowledge


    Anda berminat dan ingin melamar, silahkan kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap anda dengan melampirkan pasphoto terbaru, dan kirimkan melalui email dibawah ini dengan mencantumkan Jabatan yang dilamar pada bagian "subject" email anda dan Manager Personalia akan mereview lamaran Anda dan Anda akan dihubungi sesegera mungkin.

    Reno Yusril



    Menara Kadin Indonesia, Lantai 18
    Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 2-3
    Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

    Tel. (62-21) 5790-3940
    Fax. (62-21) 5790-3941


    Meet Servier
    Make your career as unique as you are

    Servier didirikan pada tahun 1954, adalah grup farmasi pertama yang independen. Kami hadir di 140 negara, dengan karyawan lebih dari 21.000 karyawan, termasuk hampir 3000 karyawan bekerja di R&D.

    11 April 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

451 – 475 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 18  19  20 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan