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  • SISKA774

    17 Mei 2016

  • SISKA774

    17 Mei 2016

    PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

    PTI is the largest cosmetic manufacturing company in Indonesia. Our experience in 30 years has brought Wardah to be the market leader in Indonesian market and we are ready to develop another innovative brand such as Emina, Make Over, and IX. Over the past 4 years, PTI has grown more than 80 percent per year, with 30 operational area and 6000 employees throughout Indonesia. Now we provide a great opportunity for you to be the part of something great.

    Our MT Program will be devided into several departements:
    Finance and Accounting
    Sales and Distribution
    Manufacture and Supply Chain
    Marketing Development
    Brand and Product Development
    Bachelor Degree from all majors in reputable university (final-year students is allowed to apply)
    Min GPA: 2,80
    Able to work with High Determination, Integrity, and Agility.

    Our PLDP Program will be devided into several departements:
    Human Research and Development
    Brand and Product Development
    Diploma / Bachelor Degree from all majors in reputable university (final-year students is allowed to apply)
    Min GPA: 2,80
    Able to work with High Determination, Integrity, and Agility.
    Apply to

    17 Mei 2016 diubah oleh SISKA774

  • SISKA774

    17 Mei 2016

  • SISKA774

    17 Mei 2016

  • NOEL721

    17 Mei 2016

    YUDI139 tulis:

    Sorry kalau nohok, saya ngomong apa adanya.

    Itu salah satu alasan juga kenapa saya childfree. Anak kecil, disekolahkan sampai sarjana, hanya menjadi beban orang tua di hari tua. Lebih baik pelihara pegawai.

    Andaikan saya seorang umur 50 tahunan, punya anak sarjana, kelakuan anak seperti itu, bawa ijazah keluar masuk lamar kerja. Lebih baik diusir saja. Hanya menghabiskan biaya makanan dan pendidikan saja.

    Jalur hidup tiap orng beda2 om.. Yg penting kan yg dkerjakan itu halal..

  • KARLINA273

    17 Mei 2016

    Lalu kalau semua jadi pengusaha, trus yang jadi pegawai negri sipil siapa lg bro??? Polisi, dokter, guru??? Ga smua yang lo pikir itu bisa diterapkan....itulah manusia, pemikirannya beda2...jalannya juga beda2....s7 buat bro noel721

    YUDI139 tulis:

    Sorry kalau nohok, saya ngomong apa adanya.

    Itu salah satu alasan juga kenapa saya childfree. Anak kecil, disekolahkan sampai sarjana, hanya menjadi beban orang tua di hari tua. Lebih baik pelihara pegawai.

    Andaikan saya seorang umur 50 tahunan, punya anak sarjana, kelakuan anak seperti itu, bawa ijazah keluar masuk lamar kerja. Lebih baik diusir saja. Hanya menghabiskan biaya makanan dan pendidikan saja.

  • YUDI139

    17 Mei 2016

    KARLINA273 tulis:

    Lalu kalau semua jadi pengusaha, trus yang jadi pegawai negri sipil siapa lg bro??? Polisi, dokter, guru??? Ga smua yang lo pikir itu bisa diterapkan....itulah manusia, pemikirannya beda2...jalannya juga beda2....s7 buat bro noel721

    Itu hanya "Cara" sedangkan yang saya sebutkan hanyalah salah satu di antara sekian banyak cara.

    Kamu kerja buat apa sis? Duit kan? Ya sudah pikirkan saja sesuai caramu untuk mendapatkan yang kamu inginkan.
    Oh itu jelas banget sis, ga semua yang kupikirkan bisa kamu terapkan sis, karena cara setiap orang berbeda. Caramu ya caramu, caraku ya caraku. Se simple itu intinya kamu kerja mau duit kan?

    17 Mei 2016 diubah oleh YUDI139

  • 17 Mei 2016

    YUDI139 tulis:

    Itu hanya "Cara" sedangkan yang saya sebutkan hanyalah salah satu di antara sekian banyak cara.

    Kamu kerja buat apa sis? Duit kan? Ya sudah pikirkan saja sesuai caramu untuk mendapatkan yang kamu inginkan.

    Oh itu jelas banget sis, ga semua yang kupikirkan bisa kamu terapkan sis, karena cara setiap orang berbeda. Caramu ya caramu, caraku ya caraku. Se simple itu intinya kamu kerja mau duit kan?

    Bro yudi dari semua forum yang broo ikutin saya lihat pakai logika dan analisa juga maunya seturut kehendak broo j jadi saya pikir ada yang salah

  • RIO415

    19 Mei 2016

    Ada lowongan diperusahaan kontraktor mekanikal elektrikal high risk building kah..? Tolong infonya ya

  • MAWAR250

    20 Mei 2016

    Lowongan kerja dimedan donk mbak/mas yg lulusan SMA. Tapi jgn marketing sma sales, klo ada bagian admin. Tolongin ai yah :D


    21 Mei 2016

    • SPIE Oil & Gas Services Hiring..

    Founded in 2004, SPIE Oil & Gas Services is a specialized subsidiary of SPIE Group, a European leader in electrical engineering, mechanical and HVAC engineering, energy and communication systems. SPIE Oil & Gas Services (part of the SPIE Group) provides a complete range of services to some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies through its network of offices in 25 countries across Africa, the Middle-East and Asia-Pacific.

    Our turnover has more than doubled in the last few years thanks to the dedication of our 4,000 employees to whom we give training, recognition, and genuine opportunities for career development. In order to support this growth, SPIE Oil & Gas Services is always seeking talented individuals to join its teams. For positions open :


    21 Mei 2016

    Nahh..ini dia Kak Arin HR...ayoo share kak..:-D

    ARIN377 tulis:

    Bu rachel hrd juga ?


    21 Mei 2016

    kalau rajin, bisa kok buka search engine:



    3. (sama bagusnya dengan no.1)



    *saya juga sedang berjuang mencari*


    21 Mei 2016

    • Audit Manager - Deloitte

    "Deloitte" is the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting,financial advisory, risk management, tax and related services to select clients.
    • Minimum Bachelor / Master Degree from reputable universities major in Accounting, with excellent academic result (minimum GPA 3.00).
    • Minimum 6 years experiences in Audit professional practice, preferably in an International Public Accounting Firm.
    • Possess Accountant Certification will be advantageous.
    • Strong competencies in the area of client service, problem solving and project management.
    • Articulate and convincing communication skills.
    • Excellent leadership and organizational skills.
    • Able to work in a fast-moving and multi-tasking environment.
    • Capable in developing others and managing talents.
    • Excellent in English, both oral and written.
    • Excellent computer literate.
    • Willing to travel for out-of-town engagements.
    Due to volume of applications, we regret only shortlisted candidates will be notified
    Apply on Company Web :


    23 Mei 2016

    • Leasing Manager- Agung Podomoro Group

    • Monitoring leasing,lease assignment or lease termination on insolvent tenant,tenancy mix & opening of leased unit
    • Propose unit prices,leasing revenue & occupancy rate target based on survey comparison on surrounding competitors to be approved by Management
    • Ensures established target is met
    • Coordinate LOO,leasing report preparation,casual & wall sign & pole sign lease, LOO preparation for newly offered prospective tenant
    • Ensures that non-productive area generates revenue…
    • Oversees all functions regarding leasing & tenant activities in the mall as well as ensure that established target by the company is met if not increase revenue beyond its
    Skill Required:
    • Female
    • Good appearance & communicative
    • Maximum age 40 years.
    • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Marketing or equivalent.
    • At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    • Proficiency in foreign language (english) both written and verbal.
    • Having experince as Leasing Manager in Mall is a must.
    • Full-Time position(s) available.

    PT. Sejahtera Kelola Abadi - Kuningan City

  • CHI488

    23 Mei 2016

    Info dong kak loker bekasi - jaktim - jaksel. Thanks

  • NOEL721

    24 Mei 2016

    Boleh dunk sista yg cantik info loker untuk bidan daerah jakarta.. Trims.. Gbu


    24 Mei 2016

    oh..iya..nanti kl ada di share yah..8-o

    NOEL721 tulis:

    Boleh dunk sista yg cantik info loker untuk bidan daerah jakarta.. Trims.. Gbu

    24 Mei 2016 diubah oleh RACHELREY461


    25 Mei 2016


    31 Mei 2016

    Belum ada yg baru lagi nih, kalau bisa tolong dong lowongan buat guru akuntansi or guru komputer utk jakartal


    1 Juni 2016


    Sebagai sekolah modern yang memiliki perspektif global, Karangturi tetap memegang teguh semangat nasionalis, sebagai akar budaya yang tumbuh menjadi sebuah karakter dan kekuatan Sekolah Karangturi dalam menghadapi era informasi dan teknologi yang terus berkembang.

    Fokus utama Sekolah Karangturi adalah untuk mempersiapkan siswa-siswi menjadi pribadi unggul yang siap untuk menghadapi tantangan global dan meraih sukses di masa depannya. Karena itu upaya pengembangan kualitas di berbagai bidang senantiasa dilakukan dengan serius, sehingga lebih dari 2.200 siswa setiap tahun mulai dari TK hingga SMA, serta lebih dari 200 orang guru dan karyawan siap melaksanakan misi untuk Menjadi Yang Terbaik.


    1 Juni 2016

    • Bank Danamon Indonesia

    Posisi Lowong :

    Account Officer - SEMM
    Acquisition Officer- SME
    Branch Manager - Retail Banking
    Credit Officer - SEMM
    Danamon Development Program
    Personal Banking Officer - Retail Banking
    Relationship Manager - Retail Banking
    SME Development Program - SMEC
    Teller - TSMG

    Info Lengkap :


    1 Juni 2016

    • Onsite Technical Analyst Hansen Technologies

    Hansen Technologies, a global leader in billing and customer care software solutions to the Utilities, Pay-TV and Telecommunications industries is looking to hire a Technical Analyst. The Onsite Technical Analyst is a professional individual accountable for ensuring that the client’s problem domain and associated data are understood and that the system configuration addresses those needs. Open :

  • DEBORA588

    1 Juni 2016

    Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

    MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.

    Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

    To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :


    The Contract Management Specialist [CMS] shall provide a broad range of contract management services.

    The CMS shall ensure that contract administration and procurement activities are conducted in

    compliance with the principles, rules and procedures set out in MCC Procurement Guidelines,

    Indonesia Compact Agreement, and any Supplemental Agreements with respect to Compact funded


    Duties and Responsibilities:

    ·         Provide assistance to the Project Team in the procurement process, liaise with Procurement and Procurement Agent (PA).

    ·         Upon receiving information about the completion of procurement process, initiate the contract process by issuing the Procurement Requisition Note (PRN), finalize and submit the PRN to Procurement Unit and PA.

    ·         ………..

    Find us here for more details:

  • DEBORA588

    1 Juni 2016

    Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

    MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.

    Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

    To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :


    The Specialist will assist and advise of all aspect of the grant management process and financial oversight of the grants. This responsibilities will include:

    ·         Assist in reviewing relevant proposed project/program and relevant budget

    ·         As directed by the Grant Manager, assist the Project/Technical teams (Associate Directors/Managers) in ensuring performance measurement.

    ·         Work with the Grant Management Team [GMT] in structuring payment schedule against project milestones/deliverables.

    ·         Administer grant disbursement requests for payment

    ·         Assist in reviewing grants settlements

    ·         Ensuring compliance with MCC’s, MCA-Indonesia’s policies/rules and any other existing regulations

    Duties and Responsibilities:

    ·         Assist in administration of the full cycle of grants management which includes management of the solicitation process, pre-award assessment’s, negotiation, issuance of the sub award, monitoring and compliance visits and close-out procedures.

    ·         Work by MCC’s Fiscal Accountability Plan and Cost principles, and GP’s grant operations manual(s) that outlines relevant policies and procedures for implementing the financial management of the grant.

    ·         Along with the GMT, work with the GP’s Director and Associate Directors (ADs)/Managers, GPM and Project Management Consultants [PMC] to develop and coordinate a sound, GP-wide grant investment strategy and monitor the performance and risk profile of the entire grant investment portfolio across the renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and forestry and natural resource management (NRM) sectors.

    ·         ………..

    Find us here for more details:

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