Lowongan Kerja
25 Juni 2016
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) adalah suatu Badan Hukum
Publik yang beroperasi sejak 01 Januari 2014 (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai PT Askes (Persero)) dan memiliki visi “Cakupan Semesta 2019” di mana paling lambat 1 Januari 2019, seluruh penduduk Indonesia memiliki jaminan kesehatan nasional untuk memperoleh manfaat pemeliharaan kesehatan dan perlindungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar kesehatannya yang diselenggarakan oleh BPJS Kesehatan yang handal, unggul dan terpercaya. Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia (SDM), bersama ini dibuka kesempatan bagi para lulusan sekretaris atau sejenisnya untuk bergabung sebagai Pegawai Tidak Tetap (PTT) di BPJS Kesehatan.Persyaratan/Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
Usia maksimal 25 tahun (per 31 Desember 2016)
Belum menikah
IPK min. 2,75
Tinggi badan min. 155 cm
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
Keterangan :
1. Pelamar mendaftarkan dirinya ke Kantor Pusat BPJS Kesehatan, Jl. Let. Jend. Suprapto, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, Gd. Brataranuh Lantai 3, tanggal 24-25 Juni 2016 mulai pkl. 09.00 – 15.00 WIB dengan membawa berkas lamaran dalam map berwarna kuning, yang terdiri dari :
a. Curriculum Vitae/Data Riwayat Hidup (mencantumkan Status Pernikahan dan Tinggi Badan);
b. Copy KTP;
c. Copy ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir dari Universitas/Perguruan Tinggi (bagi yang belum
memiliki ijazah bisa menggunakan Surat Keterangan Tanda Lulus);
d. Copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir;
e. Pas foto ukuran 4x6 berwarna latar belakang biru sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar;
f. Copy Surat Referensi dari tempat bekerja sebelumnya, jika sudah pernah bekerja.
2. Pelamar akan langsung mengikuti walk-in interview setelah mendaftarkan diri dan mengumpulkan berkas. Pelamar yang setelah dilakukan validasi berkas oleh Panitia tidak memenuhi persyaratan di atas tidak diikutkan dalam walk-in interview.
3. Proses Penerimaan ini TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA / GRATIS. Waspadalah terhadap pihak-pihak
yang mengatasnamakan BPJS Kesehatan dan meminta sejumlah bayaran selama proses berlangsung.
4. Pelamar yang lulus Seleksi Administrasi dan Wawancara Awal akan dimumkan melalui telepon/SMS.
5. Seleksi selanjutnya adalah Psikotest. Waktu dan tempat tes akan diinformasikan bersamaan dengan pengumuman seleksi administrasi.
6. Keputusan Panitia adalah bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
bpjs-kesehatan.go.id/ -
25 Juni 2016
- Management Trainee PT PP (Pembangunan Perumahan) (Persero)
PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join the Management Trainee Program in our company :
1. Civil Engineer - Management Trainee (Jakarta)
2. Electrical Engineer - Management Trainee (Jakarta)
3. Instrument - Management Trainee (Jakarta)
4. Mechanical - Management Trainee (Jakarta)
Info Lengkap : recruitment.ptpp.co.id/ -
25 Juni 2016
26 Juni 2016
Dibutuhkan 15 Sales Internet & Tv Cable (First Media) Area JAKARTA
kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Pria / Wanita Usia Min 19 tahun Max 30 tahun
2. Pendidikan SMA/D3/S1
3. Pengalaman/Non pengalaman
4. Memiliki kendaraan
5. Siap kerja lapangan dan target
6. Disiplin dan jujur
7. Mempunyai sim c
Benefit :
1. Gaji pokok 3.100.000 IDR
2. Insentive Besar (25% -85%)
3. Jenjang karir
INFO (Rony) 0812 944 30400
Note : ~ Tidak ada pungutan biaya dalam bentuk apa pun , tidak tahan ijazah
Untuk info lebih lanjut segera hubungi yang bersangkutan !.
27 Juni 2016
Welcome to Wahana Visi's Career World!
Wahana Visi Indonesia is local partner of World Vision in Indonesia. Wahana Visi implement its programs in more than 55 Program Offices across 9 provinces. Wahana Visi has been working for more than 20 years and focusing programming effort on health, education and economic development across transformational development, humanitarian emergency affairs and advocacy ministries. We are also part of an active NGO consortium in the areas of advocacy, child protection, health, community empowerment and disaster management.
Wahana Visi Indonesia is currently seeking the following position :
Indonesia Haze Response Manager (Code: IHRM)Location: Jakarta
Major Roles:
This position has responsibility for the one year Indonesia Haze Response Project based in Jakarta with location range: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Maluku Utara to ensure that the program is implemented in accordance with the program design, quality objectives, time frame and budget.Qualifications:
Bachelor degree in Health, Law, Management; master degree will be an advantage.
3-5 years work experience in managing relief or development program, experience with grant funding is an advantage.
Ability to manage a team of diverse development sector experts/specialists.
Understanding of humanitarian industry especially on health and advocacy.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.All employment is conditioned upon satisfactory background checks.Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Please mention the following format in e-mail subject:
Indonesia Haze Response Manager (Code: IHRM)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang
Major Roles:
Ensure high level service to staff related to Personal Data Administration by promoting staff understanding, delivering on time service to increase staff satisfaction, trust and engagement.Qualifications:
Bachelor degree in HR management or any related subjects.
Preferably min. 2 years working experience in HRIS.
Demonstrate good customer service and project management skills.
Attention to detail and ability to deal with strict confidential information.
Thorough knowledge and skill of Microsoft Office.Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Personnel Data Management Officer (code: PDM)
Personnel Data Management Officer (code: PDM)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang
Major Roles:
Provide overall leadership in managing and address organizational risk and security by identifying strategically the organizational current and future risks, developing risk management strategy, continuously monitor organizational resilience and increase organizational capacity to manage risks and security, to enable the achievement of organization strategic objectives.Qualifications:
Bachelor degree in Management, International Development or any relevant fields; master degree is preferable.
Min. 3 years working in development program, work experience in risk management field is an advantage.
Excellent problem solving and project management skills.
Ability to identify opportunities to improve performance and efficiencies in existing systems.
Fluent in English (min. TOEFL: 500) and excel in work with MS office.Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Risk and Security Management Specialist (Code: RSM)
Risk and Security Management Specialist (Code: RSM)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang
Major Roles:
This position is responsible for emergency preparedness and response management when emergency situation occurs including mobilization of resources to ensure effective emergency relief responses is implemented.Qualifications:
Preferably master degree in Disaster management, International Development, Social Works, Management, or relevant degree; or Bachelor Degree with at least 5 years experience in humanitarian aid/relief works/ programming.
At least 3 years experience working in humanitarian industry works; international experience is a plus.
A good understanding of the humanitarian policy environment including current knowledge of the latest policies, research, international standards and developments in the field in the humanitarian sector.
Fluent in English (min. TOEFL score: 500)Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Emergency Response Specialist (Code: ERS)
Emergency Response Specialist (Code: ERS)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang
Major Roles:
To lead and direct Wahana Visi Indonesia advocacy works at local, regional and national levels in alignment with the global partnership and national office strategies and policies.Qualifications:
Preferably master degree in Public Policy, International Development, Social Works, Management, or relevant degree.
Min. 5 years working experiences working in Community development/TD works (international experience is a plus) include min. 3 years work in managerial position.
Experience in producing written materials for advocacy purposes including developing high level policy and paper.
Excellent strategic thinking skill and ability to influence others using diplomacy to bring about change.
Fluent in English (min. TOEFL score: 500).Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Advocacy Director (Code: ADV)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang
Major Roles:
This position has is responsible to support Publication & Internal Communications Manager in producing and publishing audio visual materials that are in line with Wahana Visi Indonesia’s strategy to build its image as a professional, committed, trustworthy, impartial and responsive Christian humanitarian organization.Qualifications:
Bachelor degree in Photography, Videography, Broadcasting or any related degree.
Having 1-2 experinces in production and development of communications strategies as well as public information and advocacy materials.
Interactive with audiovisual hardware and software
Have taste of design, art and colour matching, photography, human-interest and documentary films, and other relevant subjects
Fluent in English, both in written and verbal (score TOEFL 500)
Good interpersonal and communication skills.All employment is conditioned upon satisfactory background checks.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Videographer
Resource Acquisition and Management Director (code: RAM)
Location: Jakarta
Position Type: Full- Time/Regular
Nationality : Indonesian nationality or expatriateMajor Roles:
In this position you will serve as leader to lead all efforts of WVI to increase and diversify its international grant funding base, ensure quality fund management of international grant funding base.
Qualifications:Preferably master degree in Economics, Marketing, Communications, Social Science, Engineering, Public Administration or other relevant subjects.
At least 3 (three) years professional experience in leadership position, plus 5 (five) years exposure in Resource Development and External Engagement particularly in International development funding.
Demonstrated success in securing international development funding from sources such as USAID, DFAT, EU, other International Aid Agencies and local fundraising program.
Fluent in English, both in written and verbal (score TOEFL 550 or equivalent).
Excellent analytical thinking.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Track record of success in networking, partnering and donor relations, include international network with a proven ability to maintain strong and up to date knowledge of grant and local fundraising opportunities and trends in international relief and development.Please mention the following format in e-mail subject: Resource Acquisition and Management Director (code: RAM)
Program Officer (Code: PO)
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
Major Roles:
To provide technical assistance to the Operations team in the program design, grant acquisition, implementation, evaluation and reporting and also as a key liaison between WVIndonesia donors and project/program implementers.Qualifications:
Min. S1 degree in relevant field
Min. TOEFL Score 550
Min 2 years experience in humanitarian works
Competent in Log frame designs
Strong experience in project management (design) and proposal writing
Excellent communication skillPlease mention the following format in e-mail subject: Program Officer (Code: PO)
Please send your application with updated CV to RecruitmentIndonesia@wvi.org.
28 Juni 2016
Hi all,
Job vacancy !
Very2 urgent !
Euromedica Group (Klinik Estetik dan kecantikan) Need some position:
1. Admin Sales ( Urgent) 1 position temporary 3 Month Female and good looking... Can use Ms Office (Excel, power point and diagram)
2. Sales consultan (28 Position)
Female or Malem Good looking and have experience in Marketing
3. Branch Manager ( 3 position)
4. Marketing Manager( 1 position)
5. Finance Manager ( 1 position)
6. Finance Supervisor ( 1 Position)
7. Beautician (5 position)
Please send your cv to our email oktrina.angelia@euromedicagroup.com and we are open walk in interview every day at 9am.
Adress: Jl Iskandarsyah No 97. Depan wisma Iskandarsyah Blok M South Jakarta.
Please help me for share this vacancy.
Thank you
Note: (Titipan post ka Debora)
28 Juni 2016
Mohon info lokernya jika ada buat accounting/tax...thanks..Gbu
28 Juni 2016
Malem teman teman, apa ada info lowongan untuk HRD manager atau business development manager area tangerang atau jakarta barat? Jika ada boleh sharing. Trimakasi buat infonya. Gbu
28 Juni 2016
maaf, aku mau tnya apa bisa orang dari luar daerah jakarta untuk melamar di Euromedica Group?
DEBORA588 tulis:
Euromedica Group sedang mencari beberapa posisi
28 Juni 2016 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
5 Juli 2016
Thread yang selalu menarik, daku infokan ke beberapa sohib deh yang sedang cari posisi kerjaan, siapa tau cocok.....(",)
8 Juli 2016
Hi, Ada yang punya pengalaman sebagai Produser atau sutradara [atau asistennya] ?
Terima kasih sebelumnya.
8 Juli 2016
Masih buka loker yg di danau sunter untuk sekarang???
DEBORA588 tulis:
....Atau Kirimkan Ke :
9 Juli 2016 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
12 Juli 2016
- Business Development Manager, Synthetic Rattan REHAU (Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta)
As a premium brand for polymer-based solutions, REHAU is a worldwide leader in the sectors of construction, automotive and industry. You encounter our systems every day, without even notic-ing them, and whilst they may be invisible, their benefits are always tangible. More than 19,000 employees at 170 locations around the world apply their expertise and innovative skills every day to exceed the expectations of our customers. Our performance ensures the continuous growth of our independent and privately-owned company.
Job Requirements
• Degree in business or a Technical or demonstrated technical knowledge/skill on polymer Science obtained on the job or through vocational training is preferred. Applicants with experience in interior products design are welcome to apply
• Excellent knowledge of outdoor weaving products and the market is advantageous
• Proven success in sales ability and demonstrable full knowledge of the sales process
• Adopt a positive and determined approach to researching and analyzing new business opportunities
• Independent and able to solve problem and work under pressure
• Confident negotiator and able to ‘close the deal’
• Good people relations skills
• Strong communication skills in all forms including written, oral, email, telephone, and presentation
• Good project management skills and drive to implement approved strategies and plans
• Good knowledge of Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint software programs
• Good command of local & English LanguagePT REHAU Indonesia. - www.rehau.com -
Plant Jakarta: Hyunday Bekasi, International Industrial Estate, Jl.Inti II Blok C10 No. 12A
17550 Bekasi - Lippo Cikarang. E-Mail: HR.Jakarta@rehau.com -
12 Juli 2016
- Production Operator - Dispensing Boehringer Ingelheim (Indonesia-Jawa-Bogor)
Boehringer Ingelheim is a research-driven pharmaceutical company and one of the top 20 pharmaceutical firms worldwide. Headquartered in Ingelheim, Germany, Boehringer Ingelheim operates globally in over 100 countries and has more than 47,700 employees. The focus of the family-owned company, founded in 1885, is researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing new medications of high therapeutic value for human and veterinary medicine. In 2014, Boehringer Ingelheim achieved net sales of about 13.3 billion euros. R&D expenditure corresponds to 23.1% of its net sales.
Description: Carry out the manufacturing process in accordance with quality standards Boehringer Ingelheim, EHS, and GMP.
Duties & Responsibilities: Function for Dispensing,Requirements:
Education: SMK or Diploma.
Working Experiences: At least 1 year in pharma industry.
- Thourough, focus, obedient.
- Familiar with GMP environment.
- Experience in using pharma manufacturing machine will be an advantage.
- Willing to work in shift.apply on Web : careers.boehringer-ingelheim.com/
If you have any question on the recruiting process, please contact:
recruitment@boehringer-ingelheim.comPrimary Location: Africa, Asia, Australasia-Indonesia-Jawa-Bogor
Organization: ID-PT Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia
Schedule: Full-time -
13 Juli 2016
Thanks atas forumnyaa
Saya Jrusan akunting in Medan,
Mohon info lokernya
Terimakasih bnyakk
13 Juli 2016
Jika ada info Lowongan Asisten atau Supervisor di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit.
please help to share. Thanks
11 Agustus 2016
Tolong infonya dong, saya tamatan SMA jur IPS dari Medan. Kalau ada lowongan disekitar medan tolong dikasih tau. Terimakasih
11 Agustus 2016
sore tman-tmn..... mohon info kerja bagi tmn yg tgl di sekitar jayapura dan papua barat...sy diploma 3 jurusan komputer pengalaman 2 tahun....terimakasih
11 Agustus 2016
11 Agustus 2016
Info lowongan kerjanya bahasa inggris semua kebanyakan... btw udh ada yg diterima ga dari iklan low kerjanya...ya kalo ada monggo buat testimoni tentang langkah stlh dpt share info low kerja dari sini....
Tks udh blh koment,
[Edit admin: Beberapa kalimat dihapus oleh admin karena dapat menyinggung. Mari kita menghargai usaha orang lain memberikan informasi yang mungkin tidak (belum) bermanfaat bagi kita pribadi namun bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Terima kasih. Tuhan memberkati.]
7 September 2016 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
13 Agustus 2016
Boleh tolong info ya lowongan buat ramatan sma umur 35 tahun.thanks bgt buat bantuannya.GBUs
13 Agustus 2016
adakah info loker bag. admin utk usia 35 juga kah teman2..terima kasih sebelumnya
13 Agustus 2016
Waduh!!! Kok paling rendah sma ya,,,berarti aku g bisa daftar nih,,,
Hemm nikmati aja deh jadi tkw,yg penting dapurnya bisa ngebul tiap hari,hehehehe,,,
14 Agustus 2016
Jangan berkecil hati yang tamatan tinggi saja belum dapat-dapat kerjaan. Malah bersyukur karena meskipun pendidikan tidak tinggi tapi Tuhan masih menyayangi bahkan pendidikan rendah masih mau melakukan yang oleh pendidikan yang lebih tinggi" malu" untuk melakukannya karena terbeban mental. Malah saya ingin jadi petani tapi sayang tidak punya tanah.
ELISA859 tulis:
Waduh!!! Kok paling rendah sma ya,,,berarti aku g bisa daftar nih,,,
Hemm nikmati aja deh jadi tkw,yg penting dapurnya bisa ngebul tiap hari,hehehehe,,,
14 Agustus 2016
Shalom Alleichem
Dibuka lowongan untuk jd pengemudi kendaraan online.. Mobil yg dbawa adlh jenis MPV tahun 2016 manual.. Persyaratan :
1. Pria / Wanita (anggota JK klo bs)
2. SKCK Asli dan msh berlaku
3. SIM A aktif
4. Android yg memiliki RAM min 1GB
utk pertanyaan lbh lanjut silahkan hub 0857 - 1951 - 5959 (whatsapp / sms only)
semoga info ini bermanfaat bg rekan2 JK semua..
GOD Bless always =)