Dating site Kristen pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia

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Lowongan Kerja


751 – 775 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 30  31  32 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • MAYA034

    16 Oktober 2016

    Yach dah terlambat....

    Padahal pengen nyoba...

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Buat temen-temen yang mau bergabung dengan KPK, khusus untuk lulusan S1.

    Pendaftaran mulai tanggal 1-11 Oktober 2016.

    Makasih iwanxa553 untuk informasi nya.


    16 Oktober 2016

    Adminnya JK,

    Sya yg sedang butuh 1 org, bukan cari pekerjaan :) Terimakasih tanggapannya.

    CHRISTIN016 tulis:

    JK ada yg sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan untuk Marketing IT?

    [Dari admin: Shalom, saat ini kami belum memiliki lowongan kerja untuk Marketing IT. Terima kasih atas minatnya. Tuhan memberkati.]


    16 Oktober 2016

    Website dan Perusahaannya dicek terlebih dahulu sebelum melamar kerja ya.

    *Info Lowongan Kerja*

    Ada info nih untuk para Fresh Graduate, anak-anak muda Indonesia lulusan  Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia maupun tamatan Luar Negeri untuk mengisi posisi-posisi di bawah ini:

    1. Management Trainee

    2. Development Program

    3. Fulltime Employee

    4. CPNS

    Berikut ini Perusahaan-Perusahaan Nasional dan Internasional serta Instansi Pemerintah yang saat ini membuka lowongan pekerjaan di atas per Oktober 2016:

    1. *PT. Wijaya Karya (Wika) Persero*

    2. *PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk*

    3. *PT. Yamaha Motor Indonesia* ... /job_vacancies/

    4. *PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero)* ... opment-program/

    5. *PT. Euro Management Indonesia*

    6. *PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero)*

    7. *PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur* ... xport-divisioni

    8. *PT. Medco Energi International*

    9.  *PT. Freeport Indonesia*

    10. *PT. Pertamina* ... bs/vacancy.aspx

    11. *Kementerian ESDM* ... ndaftaran.html#

    12. *McKinsey Indonesia*km ... rs-in-indonesia


    13. *Boston Consulting Group Indonesia*

    14. *Pricewaterhousecooper (PwC)*

    15. *PT. Gudang Garam Tbk* aan

    16. *Islamic Development Bank* ... amp;pageid=2004

  • DEBORA588

    17 Oktober 2016

    Urgently needed!!

    Executive Assistant

    PT Leetex Garment Indonesia Branch Tangerang

    Job Description :

    Checking & Respond email

    Preparing document for agreement, working contract, etc

    Helping export import department

    Requirement :

    - Max 30 Yeard Old

    - Fluent in english both oral and written

    - Fluent in Mandarin

    - Min Bachelor degree in Economic / Law

    - Computer literate

    - Good Personality

    - Placed in Tangerang and Jakarta

    Email your Application & CV to below address :

    Dewi Sarah

  • DEBORA588

    17 Oktober 2016

    We are consulting company in management and technology area. Currently, we are seeking for :

    Project Admin/Secretary ( Project Based )


    Background Education : Min. Bachelor Degree in Administration/Secretarial

    Experience : Min. 2-3-Years in similar position

    Skill Required : Fluent in English, computer literate, can do attitude, willing to learn and able to work multitasking.

    Location : Bekasi

    If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your resume (not exceeding 500kB) to :

  • DEBORA588

    17 Oktober 2016

    Bambu Digital is an exciting and innovative Australian Digital Agency. We are looking for an innovative, driven, experienced “Account Executive” & "Graphic Designer" to work with us in Jakarta, Indonesia.

    Our company is one of the fastest growing agencies in Indonesia and provides an excellent opportunity for talented and career. Our goal is to employ the most talented people, to provide the best work environment and build excellent careers for our team members. Check us out here:

    Please email your CV to me Many thanks and good luck!!


    Job Descriptions :

    ·         Maintain project and great relationship with clients

    ·         Maintain timeline and internal team  

    ·         Interpreting the clients business needs

    ·         Share and discuss internally with other departments / divisions needed

    ·         In conjunction with the business strategy set by General Manager, develop business to ensure revenue and profitability with long term successful performance

    ·         Promote the image, capability and integrity of the company to the clients

    Requirements :

    ·         Able to speak in English fluently (both spoken & written)

    ·         Bachelor degree of Marketing Communications

    ·         At least 2 year(s) sales experience, ideally in related fields

    ·         Has Good Negotiation Skills

    ·         Customer Service Oriented

    ·         You need to be a team player and logical thinker who can identify issues and solve problems.

    ·         Capable of Identifying New Opportunities

    ·         Able to work independently and to coordinate several activities simultaneously

    ·         Able to work under pressure

    ·         Good planning and organization skills

    ·         Proven ability to delicately solve sensitive matters

    ·         Willing to be placed in Jakarta Office

    ·         Full-Time Position(s) available


    Job Description: Design for all internal and external communications, across all online and offline media by creating visual interpretations which include brands, campaigns, publications, advertising, website or e-communications and events


    Good knowledge in User Interface and User Experience

    Passionate in creating great design execution

    Smart worker and able to work independent or as a team

    Comprehensive knowledge in Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, and Sketch

    Willing to work in Bambu Office, Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 05.30pm

  • DEBORA588
  • DEBORA588

    18 Oktober 2016

    Kami PT Kirana Sakti Komputindo, Perusahaan Swasta Nasional yang bergerak dibidang Information Technology (IT), merupakan Business Partner resmi dari Hewlet Packard dan memiliki customer di seluruh Indonesia.

    Saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat untuk menempati posisi berikut :

    Administrasi General Affair

    Kualifikasi :

    ·         D3 Manajemen/Perkantoran/Informatika

    ·         Wanita (20-27 thn)

    ·         Memiliki pengalaman dibidang administrasi general affair

    ·         Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Office & Internet)

    ·         Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik

    ·         Dinamis, minat belajar & motivasi tinggi

    ·         Berdomisili di Mampang & sekitarnya.

    Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

    ·         Bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh kegiatan administrasi general affair

    ·         Melakukan pembelian general affair

    ·         Bertanggung jawab terhadap jadwal kurir & mobil operasional

    ·         Filing & korespondensi

    Bagi Kandidat yang memenuhi/memiliki kualifikasi diatas silahkan mengirimkan Surat lamaran, CV yang disertai pas foto ke alamat/email:

    PT Kirana Sakti Komputindo

    Jl. Warung Jati Timur No. 18

    Jl. Kalibata Utara II, Komplek Pelita Air Service No.25 Kalibata-Pancoran Jakarta Selatan 12740

    Telp : +62 21 791 88468

    Email :

  • ZEGA376

    25 Oktober 2016 ... amp;oe=5894FE26

    THE HARVEST (pattisier&chocolatier) membutuhkan segera:

    1. CASHIER
    5. WAITER

    kualifikasi :

    • Wanita, max 27 tahun (1)
    • Pria, max 35 tahun (2,3)
    • Pria/wanita, max 27 tahun (4,5)
    • Pendidikan minimal SMA sederajat (1-4)
    • Berpenampilan menarik (1,5)
    • Mempunyai sertifikat garda pratama (3)
    • Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun
    • Fresh graduate lulusan pattiserie/tata boga (4)
    • Bersedia kerja shift
    • Penempatan jogja

    Kirim lamaran lengkap ke :

    THE HARVEST (Up: Manager)
    Jln. C.Simanjuntak No.5 Terban, Yogyakarta

    (Selatan pom bensin terban, ruko sebelah toko helm pas lampu merah)

    25 Oktober 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • DEBORA588

    27 Oktober 2016

    Dear All,

    Mohon bantuannya untuk repost  posisi General Admin cum PA Director.

    Perusahaannya di bidang oil and gas ( Lokasi kantor di Warung Jati Barat (buncit, mampang) dekat Imigrasi Jkt Selatan.



    General Admin cum PA Director

    Job Desc:

    ü  With management staffs, assist with the timely distribution of material to the Board

    ü  Drafting of letters, correspondences and documents

    ü  Support the Board with meeting, travel and other arrangements

    ü  Other duties may be assigned as necessary.

    ü  Maintain records of RFQ/PO/SQ/Sales Orders/LCs/So on

    ü  Assisting Director on legal / statutory/ legislations compliance related to MOM / others

    ü  Communication with government bodies related to Legal documents of companies

     Handle Petty Cash

     Handle attendance of employees

    ü  Data entry and upkeep of the organization's databases, ensuring a high level of accuracy

    ü  Provide administrative support to management and other staff


    Educational Qualification

     Bachelors’ Degree with 1-2yrs experience

     or D3 with 2-3yrs experience

     Any one of the above are prerequisite

    Knowledge, skills and abilities

     The ability to communicate in English confidently.

     Proficiency in the use of computer programs for:

    • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Outlook, Excel)

    • Internet

     Proficiency in the use of office equipment:

    • Computer

    • Voice messaging systems

    • Fax

    • Photo copier

    Please send your CV, resume , expected salary latest 1 week after this post to  Thanks.

  • DEBORA588

    27 Oktober 2016

    United Nations World Food Programme is opening a position as Programme Associate (Kupang based).

    If you are interested, kindly follow below link: ... P&username=

  • DEBORA588

    27 Oktober 2016

    Yayasan Danamon Peduli didirikan pada tahun 2006 dan didedikasikan khusus

    untuk melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan CSR dari Bank Danamon dan Adira selaku

    anak perusahaan yang berorientasi pada keberhasilan jangka panjang dan

    pembangunan nasional yang berkelanjutan.

    Bagi Danamon, pelaksanaan program CSR merupakan investasi sosial yang

    berperan memperkuat kegiatan utama dan kelangsungan bisnis bank dan anak

    perusahaan. Dalam melaksanakan program CSR, Yayasan Danamon Peduli

    menempatkan diri sebagai mitra pembangunan, katalis, sekaligus sumber

    pembelajaran bagi semua pemangku kepentingan.

    Kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Program Officer, dengan kualifikasi


    1. Jabatan

    o Program Officer

    2. Lokasi penempatan:

    o Jakarta.

    3. Persyaratan:

    o Pendidikan minimum D3;

    o Usia maksimal 40 tahun;

    o Domisili di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya;

    o Pengalaman dibidang isu sosial dan pemberdayaan masyarakat;

    o Memiliki skill komunikasi advokasi;

    o Mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris (pasif);

    4. Ruang lingkup pekerjaan:

    o Membantu Manajer Program dalam mendesain, pengembangan, implementasi

    serta administrasi yang berkaitan dengan program serta mendukung

    perencanaan, supervisi, pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan semua kegiatan di bawah


    Apabila berminat, silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke

    Demikian saya sampaikan

    Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang diberikan, saya mengucapkan terima kasih

    Salam peduli,

    Christian O.X Paendong | Manajer SDM & Operasional

    Yayasan Danamon Peduli

    Menara Bank Danamon, 21st Floor

    Jl. H.R Rasuna Said, Kav.C-10

    Jakarta Selatan 12940 - Indonesia

    Telp. 021-80645000 ext 1286; Direct 021-80645299

    Faks. 021-80645288 / 89

    Hp. 085959567374 I


  • YULIANA044

    27 Oktober 2016

    Please klo ada loker freelance di share ya trims...

  • HANS292

    27 Oktober 2016

    YULIANA044 tulis:

    Please klo ada loker freelance di share ya trims...

    Ada baiknya jg dishare spesifikasi kamu spt apa, sekalian diinfokan juga freelancenya dlm bidang apa? Apakah spesialis galian kabel, pembantu rumah tangga atau direktur

    Mana tau ada bos2 pencari tenaga kerja di sini yg tertarik

  • YULIANA044

    28 Oktober 2016

    Info loker freelance spesifikasi nya patner bisnis , kerja part time untuk hari libur , kerja online dll buat tambahan pasti banyak juga yg  butuh info ini thanks all

  • DEBORA588

    28 Oktober 2016

    Job Description

    We are now accepting

    applicants for two short term Civil / Structural

    Engineers to support the review

    the design submittals for community and commercial renewable energy projects. This

    Expert must be available for short term duration over the coming months.

    The program

    aims to promote environmentally sustainable, low carbon economic growth in

    rural Indonesia. The program will provide a combination of technical and

    financial assistance to support rural economic development that raises real

    incomes of Indonesians in a manner that reduces reliance on fossil fuels,

    improves land management practices, protects natural capital, and complements

    efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and environmental degradation.

    The program will involve local communities and local and regional governments

    in these activities to improve the implementation of government policies and

    regulations that support low carbon development, as well as build capacity of

    local communities in natural resource and environmental management.

    Main Responsibilities:

    To review the design submittals for community

    and commercial renewable energy projects

    Job Requirements

    Candidate shall be available for short term

    duration over the coming months

    University degree in a discipline related to

    civil/structural engineering

    At least ten or more years of experience with

    civil / structural engineering works

    Familiar with hydropower

    Have experience in civil structure and/or


    Have knowledge in structural engineering

    Ability to operate software such as SAP,

    StadPro, and/or other related structural software

    Experience with projects implementation in remote

    areas of Indonesia

    Must be fluent in written and spoken English and

    Bahasa Indonesia.

    How to Apply

    Please Apply at: or by visiting our

    website at

  • DEBORA588

    28 Oktober 2016

    Mechanical / Piping Engineers

    Job Description

    We are now accepting

    applicants for one short term Mechanical / Piping

    Engineers to support the review

    the design submittals for community and commercial renewable energy projects. This

    Expert must be available for short term duration over the coming months.

    The program

    aims to promote environmentally sustainable, low carbon economic growth in

    rural Indonesia. The program will provide a combination of technical and

    financial assistance to support rural economic development that raises real

    incomes of Indonesians in a manner that reduces reliance on fossil fuels,

    improves land management practices, protects natural capital, and complements

    efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and environmental degradation.

    The program will involve local communities and local and regional governments

    in these activities to improve the implementation of government policies and

    regulations that support low carbon development, as well as build capacity of

    local communities in natural resource and environmental management.

    Main Responsibilities:

    To review the design submittals for community and

    commercial renewable energy projects.

    Job Requirements

    Candidate shall be available for short term

    duration over the coming months

    University degree in a discipline related to

    mechanical/piping engineering

    At least ten or more years of experience with

    mechanical/piping engineering works

    Familiar with projects implementation in

    remote areas of Indonesia

    Must be fluent in written and spoken English and

    Bahasa Indonesia

    How to Apply

    Please Apply at:

    website at

    28 Oktober 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    28 Oktober 2016

    Dear all,

    We are looking for Assistant Marketing Manager with below requirement :

    1. Preferably single

    2. Female

    3. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

    4. HONEST and trustworthy

    5. Attention to details, neat, well organized

    6. Good communication in English

    7. Preferably and will be prioritized speaking/understand Chinese language

    8. Able to work independently and with minimum supervision

    9. Responsible

    10. Able to do multitasking job

    11. Responsible and has good kind heart

    12. Has a happy and cheerful disposition

    13. Do a networking and  marketing job

    14. Healthy

    Will be located at South Jakarta.

    Kindly send your email to

  • DEBORA588

    28 Oktober 2016

    WRI Indonesia is national entity (Yayasan) associated with the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global environmental research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity, and human well-being. WRI work with various stakeholders in the natural resources sector to support policy and management that are both profitable and sustainable. WRI work with leaders in more than 50 countries for more than 30 years, with offices in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States.

    Launched in early 2014, WRI Indonesia builds on WRI’s 10-year history in the country, and strengthens our impact on the ground. In the short-to-medium term, WRI Indonesia aims to expand its presence and portfolio to include projects in the climate, energy, as well as city and transportation programs.

    Currently we are looking for several positions at the following link:

    1.   Sustainable Land Use Deputy Director - ... obNumber=788045

    2.   Riau Manager - ... obNumber=791103

    3.   Riau Operation Officer - ... obNumber=791102

    4.   Riau Project Coordinator - ... obNumber=791420

    5.   Monitoring & Evaluation Manager - ... obNumber=791622

    6.   Climate & Low Emission Development Deputy Director - ... obNumber=791623

    Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

    Qualified applicants should apply online at . All applications must be submitted online through this career portal in order to be formally considered.


    Recruitment Team - WRI Indonesia

  • INDRI503

    28 Oktober 2016

    Buat lowongan Bandung ada tidak?

    Lulusan sarjana hukum

  • HANS292

    29 Oktober 2016

    INDRI503 tulis:

    Buat lowongan Bandung ada tidak?

    Lulusan sarjana hukum

    Udah coba apply di j*bstreet in?

    Sarjana hukum byk yg nyari loh... tapi tergantung jg ya..

    Kalo memang lowongan yg tertera di atas blm ada yg cocok bisa dicoba apply ke website2 pencari tenaga kerja

  • INDRI503

    29 Oktober 2016

    Belum koko

    Tapi nanti, aku coba



    30 Oktober 2016

    Bank Danamon PHK banyak tahun ini. Jumat (28 Okt) demo Danamon d Jkt. Apakah Yayasan berbeda dengan Kantor dan Bank.

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Yayasan Danamon Peduli didirikan pada tahun 2006 dan didedikasikan khusus untuk melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan CSR dari Bank Danamon dan ..........

  • DEBORA588

    30 Oktober 2016

    Hi christin, saya juga baru baca berita nya tentang phk bank danamon. Saya sendiri kurang paham ttg perbedaan antara kantor, bank dan yayasan Danamon nya karna saya tidak bekerja disini. Hanya bantu share lowongan kerja nya saja.

    CHRISTIN016 tulis:

    Bank Danamon PHK banyak tahun ini. Jumat (28 Okt) demo Danamon d Jkt. Apakah Yayasan berbeda dengan Kantor dan Bank.

    30 Oktober 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    2 November 2016

    Dear friends,

    We, PT. JAWON ABADI, is a fast growing company in coal industry with integrated one stop service, including mine development, production, logistics and trading etc regarding coal business filed in Indonesia (Korean Company).

    As a growing company, we invite you to join our team as :

    Marketing Administration Staff


    Female, preferably single, max 25 years old

    At least graduated from Diploma 3 majoring in Secretarial or Business Administration

    At least 1 year working experience as Administrative Assistant or Secretary (Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply)

    Good in written correspondence and filing management

    Able to speak in English

    Excellent in Microsoft Office and internet

    Having good communication skill and pleasant personality

    Initiative and proactive

    Please submit your application letter with recent resume / CV and recent photograph to Write your code of expected job on email subject, followed by your name. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.



751 – 775 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 30  31  32 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan