Lowongan Kerja
2 November 2016
GMT Indonesia is a geological consulting firm and exploration contractor, based in Jakarta, with an in-depth knowledge of the Indonesian exploration and mining business. GMT provides a wide spectrum of necessary services to assist an entry or continuance of mining investment into the dynamic Indonesian mining sector.
Female, Max 30 years old
Min D3 Majoring Secretary or S1 Majoring Management/Business Adm
Having experience Min 3 year as secretary
English is must (both oral and written)
GPA Min 2.7
Fast, independent, self motivated person, good initiative & teamwork
Excellent computer skills
Applicants are required to register their interest with personal details, a digital passport photograph and a single page summary of skills and experience (maximum 250KB) to:
If the candidate passes the first review, they will be contacted and requested to submit a full Resume and proof of qualifications and experience.
10 November 2016
DEBORA588 tulis:
GMT Indonesia is a geological consulting firm and exploration contractor, based in Jakarta, with an in-depth knowledge of the Indonesian exploration and mining business. GMT provides a wide spectrum of necessary services to assist an entry or continuance of mining investment into the dynamic Indonesian mining sector.
Female, Max 30 years old
Min D3 Majoring Secretary or S1 Majoring Management/Business Adm
Having experience Min 3 year as secretary
English is must (both oral and written)
GPA Min 2.7
Fast, independent, self motivated person, good initiative & teamwork
Excellent computer skills
Applicants are required to register their interest with personal details, a digital passport photograph and a single page summary of skills and experience (maximum 250KB) to:
If the candidate passes the first review, they will be contacted and requested to submit a full Resume and proof of qualifications and experience.
hallo mba, apakah ada info loker lg? thank you
14 November 2016
PT Tonsco International, bergerak dibidang Oil and Gas Kontraktor bertempat di Jakarta Selatan. Saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat untuk menempati posisi:
1. Project Leader
2. HSE Officer
3. Civil and Scaffolding Planner & Logistic
4. Civil & Painting/Insulation Foreman
5. Civil General Support Technician NPF (Non Production Facilities)
6. Civil General Support Technician PF (Production Facilities
7. Technician Assistant
8. Blaster – Painting Technician
9. Painting Technician NPF
10. Insulation Technician
11. Scaffolding Foreman
12. Qualified Scaffolder
13. Competent Scaffolder
14. Scaffolding Inspection Assurance
15. Corporate Secretary (JKT)
1. Min. Lulusan S1 (No. 1,2,3, 15), Min. Lulusan D3 (No. 4), Min. Lulusan SMA (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
2. Minimal Pengalaman 5 tahun dibidang yang sama
3. Memiliki Keterampilan dan sertifikat Pelatihan di bidang yang sama.
4. Bersedia untuk bekerja di luar kota / Papua (1 - 14)
5. Familiar dengan Aplikasi Ms. Office
6. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (1,2,3,15)
7. Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam menjalankan proyek khususnya dalam Oil and Gas Industry.
8. Bagi Kandidat yang memenuhi/memiliki kualifikasi diatas silahkan mengirimkan Surat lamaran, CV yang disertai pas foto ke alamat/email:
PT. Tonsco International
Bona Indah Business Center
Jalan Karang Tengah Raya No. 8J Jakarta Selatan
Email : recruitment@tonscoindo.com
14 November 2016
FAO Indonesia is currently seeking for National Project Manager (1 position- Jakarta based), Administrative and Finance Support (1 position), National Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (1 position) and Communications and Reporting Officer (1 position) to be based in Kupang.
For further information and details, please kindly visit
Thank you
14 November 2016
Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.
MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.
Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.
To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :
The Project Finance-Administrative Assistant will provide general financial and administrative support to the Community-based Health and Nutrition Project (CBHNP) within the MCA – Indonesia, and will report to the Operations Manager of CBHNP.
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Follow-up of matters requiring the attention of the relevant personnel and/or Director, especially during their absences, following appropriate consultation with other team-member(s) within the Unit.
· Assist the Operations Manager and Project Finance Officer in ensuring compliance with all aspects of the Fiscal Accountability Plan (FAP) of MCA-Indonesia
· Support the Operations Manager and Project Finance Officer in development of annual budget and budget for activities.
· Check the requests for payment to ensure that all supporting documents are available and comply with the payment/reimbursement requirements/policies, i.e. the FAP, Fund Management Guideline.
· ………..
Find us here for more details:
14 November 2016
15 November 2016
Experienced Primary Teacher (English Subject)
Overview & Purpose of RLC
Roshan Learning Center (RLC) is a program of Yayasan Internasional Cahaya Fajar (YICF), a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable peoples in Indonesia. Our vision is to open doors in the future for asylum-seekers and refugees by doing a few simple things in the present: (1) To provide learning experiences for children from preschool through secondary school in English, math, and more. (2) To empower adults to make decisions and take control of their lives. (3) To build a sense of community in which all members respect, value, and encourage each other. We offer an excellent opportunity to serve a population in great need, become part of a dynamic international community, and experiment with progressive approaches to teaching and learning. We will primarily use Cambridge University and Google app resources. Class sizes are small, ranging from 1-15 students, with 8 students being an average size. For more information about Roshan Learning Center, visit roshanlearning.org/ or the Roshan Learning Center facebook page.
Job Description: Overview
We are seeking a person with excellent spoken and written English and teaching experience to teach primary school students age 6-11 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Due to the vulnerable nature of the refugee community, the broader goal of this position is to create a safe and welcoming learning environment while fostering hope and learning in a marginalized community.
Qualificatons: Skills and Abilities
We are looking for someone who: 1. Has excellent spoken and written English. 2. Has a Bachelor’s degree in education and experience in the classroom. 3. Is able to create organized lesson plans and assess individual student progress against learning goals. 4. Is highly organized and able to arrange schedules, information, and materials well. 5. Has the creativity to design teaching tasks that are fun and engaging for all age levels despite environmental and resource challenges.
Qualifications: Personal Characteristics and Values
We are looking for someone who is: 1. Indonesian. 2. Respectful and appreciative of people from all nationalities, religions, ethnic backgrounds, economic strata, and personality types; who loves the diversity and international experience this will provide; and who recognizes the talents, strengths, and resilience of each participant. 3. Warm, compassionate, kind, and sensitive toward a uniquely vulnerable population. 4. Flexible and able to adapt cheerfully in response to last-minute changes that may arise in scheduling, group needs, or task requirements. 5. Trustworthy, highly responsible, and consistently shows integrity and maturity. 6. Humble and willing to do whatever tasks are needed to keep the learning center running well and to serve families who feel forgotten. 7. Fun, who loves to laugh and enjoy people, and who loves teaching.
To Apply
Please send a letter of interest, resume, proof of IELTS or TOEFL score and contact information for two references to Heather Tomlinson and Priska Marianne at welcome@roshanlearning.org.
15 November 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588
18 November 2016
Secretary /Administration
Female Age between 20-25 Years
Min. Diploma Degree from Tarakanita Secretarial Academy
Minimum 2 years experience
Detail-oriented, proactive, and able to thrive in fast-paced
Good Attitude, Honest and High Integrity
Strong interpersonal & communication skills
Excellent communication skills in English both written and oral
Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), having excellent office clerical skills
Strong interpersonal & communication skills
Able to work under pressure
Located in SCBD SudirmanKindly send your Application Letter, CV, and recent photograph to:
Only short listed candidates will be invited for test and interview.
24 November 2016
We are hiring:
Receptionist: Age 20-25 years old. Minimum education diploma all majors. Minimum 1 year experience as receptionist/customer service. Good communication and interpersonal skill, computer literate (Microsoft office application). Proficient in English (verbal & written). Good looking, neat, friendly and sociable.
Secretary (temporary for 3 months): Age 20-25 years old. Minimum education diploma all majors. Minimum 1 year experience as secretary. Good communication and interpersonal skill, computer literate (Microsoft office application). Proficient in English (verbal & written). Able to work in tight deadline and flexible with working long hours.
If you are interested, please send your CV along with a recent photograph to recruitment@ahp.co.id
24 November 2016
Manufacture machining company, located at Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta Pusat.
Requirement :
Female, Single, 19-24 Years Old
SMA Graduated / Equivalent
MS Office and Internet Skill
Great to work both individually and in a team.
Adaptable, hard worker, ready to work under pressure.
Working hour Monday-Saturday, 8 am-5 pm.
Salary IDR 1,600,000 + IDR 800,000 bonus, when achieve production target.
Job Description :
1. Admin production deadline, remind, and update status to production manager.
2. Delivery control and prepare documents needed.
3. Material stock update and reporting.
4. SOP administration to help streamline production.
5. Administer Key Performance Index for all employees.
Send CV to :
24 November 2016
Perusahaan Telekomunikasi membutuhkan :
S1 Teknik Elektro /Telekomunikasi/Teknik Informatika, dengan IPK minimal 2,90
Memiliki pengalaman dalam installasi and configure systems (Linux/Unix-System)
Memiliki pengalaman dalam system monitoring and security monitoring
Memiliki pengalaman dalam installasi and configure network (TCP/IP,Firewall,Router)
Analisa, desain & implementasi jaringan (Routing, Firewall, NAT, LAN, WAN, TCP / IP dll)
Kemampuan komunikasi
Inisiatif & inovasi
Kemampuan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja
Kemampuan bekerja sama
Usia max. 28 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 Elektro/Komputer
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik dalam troubleshooting jaringan/komputer
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan jujur
Surat lamaran, pas photo dan CV dikirim ke alamat hrd@jas.net.id
24 November 2016
PT. PANCA AGRO NIAGA LESTARI (www.pancaagro.com)
Perusahaan Nasional yang bergerak di bidang agrochemical, agricultural equipment supplies dan juga sebagai salah satu pelaku pembangunan pertanian dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta dan 13 kantor cabang di seluruh Indonesia, membutuhkan kandidat untuk posisi:
1. Accounting Staff
- Pria/Wanita, usia max 28 th, Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi (IPK min 3.00)
- Fresh graduate atau pengalaman di Accounting lebih diutamakan
- Menguasai Jurnal Akuntansi dan Laporan Keuangan
- Menguasai Komputer (Ms Office dan Software Akuntansi)- Lokasi kerja di Jakarta Barat
2. Management Trainee
- Pria, usia max 28 th, single, Pendidikan min S1 segala jurusan (IPK min 3.00)
- Fresh graduate atau pengalaman di bidang Administrasi
- Menguasai Komputer (Ms. Office)
- Bersedia ditugaskan di Luar KotaSurat Lamaran dikirimkan ke:
email: hrdpanl@gmail.com
25 November 2016
drive.google.com/file/d/0B-lmr ... DNMbVhhYlk/view
Saat ini Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSAB Harapan Kita sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi putra putri bangsa indonesia untuk bekerja dan berkarir bersama Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSAB Harapan Kita untuk bekerja dan menempati posisi sebagai berikut ini.
Posisi Jabatan
Perekam Medis
Teknisi Transfusi Darah
Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian
Pranata Laboratorium Kesehatan
Pranata Komputer
Pengadministrasi Umum
Dengan syarat-syarat umum sebagai berikut:
Warga Negara Indonesia
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
Umur pelamar adalah
Usia untuk D3 (per 1 November 2016) : Minimal 20 tahun dan Maksimal 27 tahun
Usia untuk S1 (per 1 November 2016) : Minimal 22 tahun dan Maksimal 30 tahun
Ijazah dari Universitas / Institusi Pendidikan minimal terakreditasi B
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 3.00 (skala 4)
Berdomisili di jakarta
Tinggi badan minimal 155 cm (perempuan) dan laki laki 160 cm
beran badan ideal / proporsional serta berpenampilan menarik
Bagi pelamar wanita yang sudah menikah, pada saat melamar tidak dalam keadaan hamil dibuktikan dengan hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium
Lulus dalam semua tahapan seleksi meliputi seleksi administrasi, ujian tulis, psikotes, ujian keterampilan dan wawancara dan tes kesehatan
Sehat jasmnai dan rohani (dinyatakan surat sehat asli
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap karena suatu tindakan pidana kejahatan dinyatakan dengan SKCK
Apabila diterima bersedia mengikuti semua peraturan yang ada di RSAB Harapan Kita dan sanggup tidak merokok selama bekerja dan berda di lingkungan RSAB Harapan Kita
Diutamakan berpengalaman bekerja di ruang PICU / NICU / ICU
Mempunyai sertifikat BHD / ICU / Anestesi
Diutamakan berpengalaman bekerja dibidangnya
Mempunyai sertifikat CT Scan / MRI
Umur maksimal 36 tahun
Mempunyai sertifikat Refraksionis
Diutamakan berpengalaman bekerja dibidangnya
Pranata Komputer
Diutamakan berpengalaman bekerja dibidangnya
Melampirkan program yang pernah dibuat
Cara melamar
Jika rekan-rekan tertarik dengan informasi lowongan kerja pada Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSAB Harapan Kita dan rekan-rekan telah memenuhi semua kriteria yang diberikan oleh Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSAB Harapan Kita maka rekan-rekan dapat mengirimkan data diri dan alamat rekan-rekan ke
Setiap pelamar diwajibkan mengirimkan Berkas lamaran melalui kantor pos dengan alamat PO BOX 1028 JKB 11010 Bertempat di kantor pos jakarta Barat.
Untuk tatacara pendaftaran bisa di lihat DISINI
Informasi lowongan kerja ini dibuka hingga tanggal 29 November 2016
Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan mengikuti proses lebih lanjut
Selama proses rekrutmen & seleksi, pelamar TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA dalam bentuk apapun
Hanya pelamar yang memnuhi persyaratan dan TERBAIK yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti proses rekrutmen & seleksi
Keputusan panitia rekrutmen & seleksi adalah MUTLAK dan TIDAK DAPAT DIGANGGU GUGAT
25 November 2016
Formasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bandung untuk Non PNS dibuka bulan November 2016 hingga tanggal 29 November 2016. Dinas Kesehatan kabupaten Bandung melakukan seleksi penerimaan calon pegawai BLUD Non PNS di lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan dengan ketentuan:
Dokter Umum - Kedokteran Umum (33 Formasi)
Dokter Gigi - Kedokteran Gigi (15 Formasi)
Bidan - D3 Kebidanan (40 Formasi)
Rekam Medis - D3 Rekam Medis (62 Formasi)
Epidemiologi Kesehatan - S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat Peminatan Epidemiologi (35 Formasi)
Perawat Ners - Profesi Ners (32 Formasi)
Penduduk Indonesia (WNI);
Pelamar dengan umur maksimal 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2016;
Bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa; dan mempunyai integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI);
Pastinya Pelamar belum pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta dan/atau sebagai pegawai tidak tetap lainnya, dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan bermaterai cukup;
Pelamar tidak berkedudukan sebagai calon/Pegawai Negeri Sipil, TNI, dan POLRI;
Pastinya pelamar memiliki kriteria pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan;
Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK);
Dengan riwayat kesehatan Sehat jasmani dan rohani yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari dokter pemerintah;
Calon Pelamar siap sedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Bandung Provinsi Jawa Barat yang dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan dan ditandatangani di atas materai yang cukup.
Minimal Pendidikan D3 Kebidanan;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Pelamar mempunyai Surat Tanda Register Bidan (STRB) yang masih berlaku;
Pelamar siap menjalankan aplikasi komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Rekam Medis
Minimal Pendidikan D3 Rekam Medis;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Pelamar mempunyai Surat Tanda Register (STR) yang masih berlaku atau surat keterangan dalam proses yang dikeluarkan oleh organisasi profesi atau MTKP;
Menguasai dan terampil mengoperasikan komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Dokter Umum
Kedokteran Umum;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Pelamar mempunyai Surat Tanda Register (STR) yang masih berlaku atau surat keterangan masih dalam proses pengumuman dari organisasi profesi atau KKI;
Pelamar siap menjalankan aplikasi komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Dokter Gigi
Kedokteran Gigi;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Pelamar mempunyai Surat Tanda Register (STR) yang masih berlaku atau surat keterangan masih dalam proses pengumuman dari organisasi profesi atau KKI;
Pelamar siap menjalankan aplikasi komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Epidemiologi Kesehatan
Minimal Pendidikan sarjana S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat peminatan Epidemiologi;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Menguasai dan terampil mengoperasikan komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Perawat Ners
Profesi Ners;
Indeks prestasi komulatif IPK Minimal 3,00 dalam skala 4;
Pelamar mempunyai Surat Tanda Register (STR) yang masih berlaku;
Menguasai dan terampil mengoperasikan komputer;
Akreditasi perguruan tinggi minimal B.
Bagi yang berminat dengan lowongan kerja ini, silakan langsung melakukan pendaftaran secara online
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai SELEKSI CALON PEGAWAI BLUD NON-PNS DI LINGKUNGAN DINAS KESEHATAN KABUPATEN BANDUNG TAHUN 2016 ini, Anda dapat menuju sumber informasi DISINI
Demikian informasi terbaru lowongan bulan November 2016 di pemerintahan Kab. Bandung.
25 November 2016
IT Server & Dbase
-menguasai server, droplet, whm, subversion
-menguasai dbase minimal mysql
Salary : min 6jt/bln (nego)
Lokasi: Grogol, Jakarta Barat
email cv ke: cic.community@gmail.com
25 November 2016
Klo ada loker di malang, bidang pendidikan. Trims ya
29 November 2016
Administration Staff
Candidate at least a Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline, max 28 years old
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Computer literate (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Outlook, Ms. Power Point, etc)
Good Interpersonal and communication skill
Good time management skills, able work multi-tasking and able to handle pressure
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
Provide secretarial activity such as arranging business trip for Director, accommodations arrangements & organize meeting
Willing able to be placed in South Jakarta
Email: vilis_candra@ciputra.co.id
29 November 2016
Citra Borneo Indah is a national growing plantation company that established in Pangkalan Bun, Central Borneo. It nurtures professionalism, with the dedication towards the company, our planet and people, as well as the hard work to become a world-class and sustainable palm oil business. In its growth we are seeking a talented professional person to work with our dynamic team as :
Responsibilities :
Work with top management. Take and transcribe minutes of meetings. Schedule appointments, travel arrangement and attend to callers. Take dictation. Provide supervision and work co-ordination of other staff.
Requirements :
Preferable female, max 35 years old and well grooming
Hold a D3 degree in Secretarial
Min. experience 5 years as Executive Secretary or Personal Assistant to Director in Tbk company
Fluent in English (speaking and writing), expert in computer application and internet.
Adaptable yet pleasant personality, multi tasking, able to work under a minimum supervision and under pressure, reliable, hard working, comfortable in interacting with all levels of the organization and target oriented person.
Please send your updated resume together with your updated photograph, copy of graduation certification, training certification and ID card to :
Email : hrd@citraborneo.co.id
HR Department
PT Citra Borneo Indah
Jl H. Udan Said no 47 Pangkalan Bun 74113
Kalimantan Tengah - Indonesia
Telp +6253221297
29 November 2016
S1 Teknik Elektro /Telekomunikasi/Teknik Informatika, dengan IPK minimal 2,90
Memiliki pengalaman dalam installasi and configure systems (Linux/Unix-System)
Memiliki pengalaman dalam system monitoring and security monitoring
Memiliki pengalaman dalam installasi and configure network (TCP/IP,Firewall,Router)
Analisa, desain & implementasi jaringan (Routing, Firewall, NAT, LAN, WAN, TCP / IP dll)
Kemampuan komunikasi
Inisiatif & inovasi
Kemampuan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja
Kemampuan bekerja sama
Usia max. 28 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 Elektro/Komputer
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik dalam troubleshooting jaringan/komputer
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan dan jujur
Surat lamaran, pas photo, Ijasah dan CV dikirim ke alamat hrd@jas.net.id
29 November 2016
MENSA GROUP, comprises of several companies with diversified activity such as import, export & trading pharmaceutical raw materials, food, feed, and cosmetic; generic pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical supplies and dental equipment manufacturing, pharmaceutical; hospital/medical supplies and consumer goods distribution.
Our commitment is to mark our position in the healthcare and other core business in Indonesia; giving priority to R&D, improving marketing activities and distribution channels.
Together with our great team, we invite professional & talented candidates who seek for challenges to fulfill the position as:
1. Strategic Management Specialist
Job Description :
Facilitate PDCA process
Facilitate improvement process
Understand and will be responsible to facilitate the planning cycle process
Requirements :
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from Engineering Industrial
At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Will be advantage if understand about : BSC, ISo, QCC / Six Sigma
Skilled using Excel & SPSS at work
Like to work with data
Easy to adapt with new people and also new environment.
Applicants must be willing to work in HR. Rasuna Said - Jakarta Selatan.2. HR General Affair
Job Description:
Do HR administrative (employee data, attendance, etc).
Maintain employee contract and assist GA Manager for renewal.
Maintain company asset and its maintenance.
Prepare documentation for permit, insurance, etc.
Calculate estimated and realization COGS.
Other tasks may be assigned
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
Have motorcycle and license
Having high motivation to learn something new & work fast
Having good communication, detail, able to work in a team.
Having accounting knowledge (preferable)
Applicants must be willing to work in Puri Mansion - West Jakarta.3. Sales Executive Surabaya (SESBY - AKT)
Job Description :
Selling and promoting hospital equipment
Age between 22-35 years old
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience as sales ethical product.
Good communication skill4. Helpdesk Officer (Helpdesk-CORP)
Job Description :
Support installation for IT equipment
Handle troubleshooting for computer, printer, and other IT equipment
Guide user in using IT equipment
Administrative tasks
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering Computer/Telecommunication.
At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in HR. Rasuna Said - Jakarta Selatan.5. ASP Developer (ASP-CORP)
Job Description :
Accept, analyze, and discussing request with user for developing the web application
Developing the web application (ASP.NET & PHP)
Make sure the web application is running well according the requirement
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
At least 5 years experience in developing web based application
Have deep understanding for programming using ASP.NET & PHP
Candidate must possess concept of OOP
Applicants must be willing to work in HR Rasuna Said - South Jakarta.6. Supply Chain Project Specialist
Job Description :
Conduct improvement projects and implementation along the Supply Chain, including but not limited to :
Lean Manufacturing & Synchronized Planning
Warehouse Management System
ISO 9001
Good Distribution Practice
Vendor Managed Inventory
S1/S2 Industrial Engineering
Min 2 years experience at one of the following areas : PPIC (Production Planning & Inventory control), Material Planner, Demand Planner, Distribution Planner, Transportation Planner, Logistics
Preferably has experience in 3PL industry or Lean Manufacturing environment
Leadership (able to lead improvement implementation and ensure timely deliverables)
Improvement mentality
Proactive, quick learner & independent
Excellent analitical & presentation skill
Solid improvement project experiences
Willing to be placed at Pulo Gadung7. Sales Manager ( SM – MST)
Coordinate sales team to achieve sales target by maintaining relationship with consumer, whilst monitor and ensure raw material and product procurement and delivery process on schedule.
Detail Responsibilities:
Monitor sales team activity
Plan and direct staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and service programs
Developing and Building Teams — Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among sales team members
Review operational records and reports to general manager
Monitor customer preferences to determine focus of sales efforts
Prepare budgets expenditures
Coordinate with principle in executing promotion activity plan
Monitor product registration process
Currently held as Sales Manager min 2 years or as Assistant Sales Manager min 5 years from similar industry.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from FoodTech or equivalent.
Result Oriented Type, Persistent.
Required skill(s): Leadership, sales development, and business strategic planning.
Willing to work at Pulogadung8. Assistant Sales Manager (ASM – MST)
Coordinate sales team to achieve sales target by maintaining relationship with consumer, whilst monitor and ensure raw material and product procurement and delivery process on schedule.
Detail Responsibilities:
Monitor sales team activity
Plan and direct staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and service programs
Developing and Building Teams — Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among sales team members
Monitor customer preferences to determine focus of sales efforts
Coordinate with principle in executing promotion activity plan
Monitor product registration process
Currently held as Assistant Sales Manager min 2 years or as Senior Sales Executive min 3 years from similar industry.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from FoodTech or equivalent.
Result Oriented Type, Persistent.
Required skill(s): Leadership, sales development, and business strategic planning.
Willing to work at Pulogadung9. Junior Regulatory Manager (JRM - PA)
Job Responsibility :
Registered all of new products, variation submission, support for launching new product, developing the local labels, reviewed of local promotional materials, reporting all of pharmacovigilance cases within timeline
Job Requirements :
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy.
Age between 27-35 years old.
Minimum 2 years experienced
Good communication and interpersonal skill.
Patient, hard working and full dedicated.
Fast learner, innovative, self motivated and have a result-driven attitude.
Computer literate for Ms Office
Willing to be placed in Head Office - Kuningan, South Jakarta.10. Engineering Manager (EM - PA)
Job Description :
Confer with management, production, and marketing staff to discuss project specifications and procedures.
Coordinate and direct projects, making detailed plans to accomplish goals and directing the integration of technical activities.
Plan and direct the installation, testing, operation, maintenance, and repair of facilities and equipment.
Direct, review, and approve product design and changes.
Direct the engineering of water control, treatment, and distribution projects.
Design and operate manufacturing technology.
Decide the best way to delivery drugs production
Requirements :
MALE, 38 years old.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree Engineering Mechanical.
At least 7 years working experience at Pharmaceutical Manufacturer is a MUST.
Applicants must be willing to work in CIBITUNG, BEKASI.11. Group Product Manager (GPM - OPI)
Job description :
Oversee and responsible for all marketing activities for company products in Indonesia
Requirements :
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree from Biology, Medical Science, Pharmacy/Pharmacology or equivalent.
Experience in pharmaceutical industry is a must, with minimum 3 years experience as Group Product Manager
Have maturity as leader and used to handle a few Product Managers as subordinate
Good analytical thinking to make marketing strategy for our products
Capable ot doing monitoring and controlling about the implementation of marketing strategy
Applicants must be willing to work in HR Rasuna Said - South JakartaIf you meet the requirement send your cv to: recruitment.group@mensa-group.com (MS. Word format, max.500 kb, position code as the email subject).
Put position as e-mail subject. Only shortlisted candidate will be called for further process.
2 Desember 2016
Catalyze is a communications agency dedicated to inspiring and influencing people for the greener good. We
do this by empowering non-profits and businesses to protect nature through communications that create impact. Since Catalyze was founded in 2010, we have worked with some of the world’s leading environmental organizations such as WWF, the World Resources Institute and Global Green Growth Institute, on pressing issues that range from renewable energy to illegal wildlife trade.
As part of our ongoing expansion, we seek a confident, experienced and reliable Finance & Accounting Supervisor to manage and improve our finance & accounting system at our basecamp in Sanur,
Bali. The candidates must be experienced in managing end-to-end finance and
accounting process and knowledgeable in Indonesian taxation. He/she is not
only a hands on and versatile, but also shares the passion of a green lifestyle and work style.Job Purpose
Ensure smooth, timely and accurate operation of all finance related activities.
Achieve a solid and fully comply finance, accounting and taxation system with the applicable regulations
What you will be expected to doReview current Financial System and suggests improvements along the way
Manage cash flow, budgeting, forecasting and expenses control
Prepare, review and reconcile data for periodic and ad hoc financial reports
Handle petty cash and project-related expenses
Prepare and issue payments
Handle all accounting functions, including timely and accurate entries (softcopy and hardcopy)
Handle and ensure a proper and secure administration and filing of all finance related documents
Handle and prepare all tax related operations and reports
Liaise with bank and other relevant external parties
Correspond with clients on matters relating to project administration and finance, including
preparing invoices and ensuring that they are promptly paid by clients
Your experienceMin. 5 years solid experiences in handling end to end finance and accounting
function (ideally has some experiences setting up/revamping finance department)
Good knowledge in Indonesia taxation regulations and practices
Proven professional integrity and initiative
Exposure with NGO/development agency financial system would be an advantage
Empathy and involvement in environmental/development issues are plus point
Your skillsGood interpersonal skills
Good command in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Detailed and still have the versatility to move between tasks/situations
Reflect curiosity and eagerness to keep on increasing knowledge and skill in
finance/accounting/tax areas
For further information and application, send your resume to:
join-us@catalyzecommunications.com2 Desember 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588
2 Desember 2016
Dear All,
We are telecommunication company looking for :
1. QC/QA Engineer
2. OSS & IT Engineers 3
3. Regional Power Engineers
4. Surveillance-Power 15
5. Regional Acceptance & Project Control Officer
6. Regional Operation Support Officer
7. Subcontractor's Documents Acceptance Officers 1If you interest please send your CV to : cunari@huawei.com
2 Desember 2016
Shalom kakak /abang , maaf adakah lowongan pekerjaan untuk lulusan SMA, pengalaman - + 2 thn adm, reception, Accounting,
Tdk terlalu fasih bhs English.
3 Desember 2016
Mohon info loker dong lulusan SMA,stay di cirebon nih :)
3 Desember 2016
kira-kira diantara teman-teman JK ada yg punya investor gak...? lagi ada proyek pembuatan FILM LAYAR LEBAR.. dan membutuhkan investor