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  • CAPRI600

    23 Maret 2017

    mohon bantuan nya untuk lowker daerah segitiga bisnis/ strategic area. e.g : Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, Thamrin, Rasuna Said.

  • DEBORA588

    26 April 2017

    National Support for Local Investment Climates (NSLIC) / National Support for Enhancing Local and Regional Economic Development (NSELRED)

    BOOKKEEPER (Staf Pembukuan)

    Latar Belakang:
    Proyek National Support for Local Investment Climates (NSLIC) / National Support for Enhancing Local and Regional Economic Development (NSELRED) adalah proyek kerja sama antara Pemerintah Indonesia (BAPPENAS) dan Pemerintah Canada (Global Affairs Canada) yang berfokus pada perbaikan iklim investasi untuk UMKM (di seluruh Indonesia) dan untuk memperkuat dukungan kepada Pemerintah Lokal dalam hal memfasilitasi pengembangan ekonomi lokal dan regional (di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dan Provinsi Gorontalo).

    Proyek NSLIC/NSELRED sedang mencari seorang Bookkeeper (Staf Keuangan). Lokasi penugasan di Jakarta. Kontrak akan berlaku untuk periode satu tahun, dan bisa diperbarui selanjutnya.

    Tugas utama dari Bookkeeper adalah memastikan sistem dan prosedur keuangan yang ada, termasuk di dalamnya petty cash, biaya-biaya, advance perjalanan, rekonsiliasi bank, penerbitan dan pengelolaan cek/BG dan pengarsipannya tetap terjaga dengan baik dan benar. Tanggung jawab secara spesifik termasuk di dalamnya:
    · Mencatat transaksi-transaksi keuangan harian dan membukukan prosesnya ke dalam Quick Book accounting program;
    · Memverifikasi seluruh transaksi keuangan dan memastikan transaksi-transaksi tersebut tercatat di dalam pembukuan secara tepat, termasuk juga transaksi-transaksi keuangan yang terjadi di Kantor Cabang;
    · Membukukan transaksi sampai tahap QB trial balance;
    · Memastikan adanya pemeriksaan silang atas setiap transaksi yang telah dibukukan;
    · Mengisi dan melengkapi form-form pajak penghasilan karyawan dan form rekonsiliasi buku bank;

    1. Memastikan seluruh data keuangan dan daftar harta benda diperbaharui secara periodik dan disimpan dengan aman;
    2. Memastikan terdapatnya kontrol atas klaim biaya perjalanan staf, biaya-biaya workshop/pelatihan, serta adanya dokumen pendukung atas biaya-biaya tersebut yang telah dicek dengan benar dan memadai;
    3. Seluruh pengeluaran biaya proyek di Kantor Cabang telah dilakukan cek ulang olehnya;
    4. Memastikan bahwa setiap tahapan di dalam prosedur pembelian telah diikuti secara konsisten dan dilaporkan kepada Senior Finance Officer atas setiap temuan penyimpangan yang terjadi, baik di kantor Pusat maupun Kantor Cabang;

    Bertanggung jawab kepada: Senior Finance Officer NSLIC/NSELRED.

    Latar Belakang yang diinginkan:
    · Pengalaman sebagai staf keuangan minimal 7 tahun;
    · Penguasaan dan pemahaman atas prinsip-prinsip pembukuan dan tata laksana keuangan secara umum;
    · Pengalaman dalam perhitungan, pencatatan dan mengelola angka-angka keuangan dan pengarsipan;
    · Ketrampilan data-entry, berkerja akurat dan penuh perhatian pada detail;
    · Trampil menggunakan program keuangan Quick Book;
    · Sarjana S1 Keuangan;
    · Pemahaman yang dalam atas Pajak Penghasilan Karyawan dan BPJS sebagai nilai plus;

    · Gaji akan ditentukan melalui negosiasi pada saat terpilih. Tingkat gaji adalah mirip sama dengan proyek donor hibah lainnya.

    Persyaratan Melamar:

    Paling lambat hari Jumat tanggal 28 April 2017, silakan mengirim surat melamar, C.V. dengan 3 referensi kepada:

    NSLIC/NSELRED, Jim Matuli di

    Hanya yang terpilih untuk diwawancarai akan dihubungi.

  • DEBORA588

    26 April 2017

    Position title : FINANCE OFFICER

    Report to (Supervisor) : Finance & Accounting Manager

    Department : Finance & Accounting

    Location : Padang, West Sumatra (first three month work in Medan office) with frequent travel with-in cluster; eg. Sikakap and Siberut)

    Terms of Contract : This is a long term position. However, initial contract will be Fixed Term, 1 (one) year, with possible extension upon satisfactory performance

    Objective of the position :

    - Responsible for providing assistance to Finance & Accounting Manager in financial and accounting process for West Sumatra cluster, e.g. maintain cash flow for field office and program (in Siberut and Sikakap); assist on Monthly Financial Reports; ensure all financial reports in line with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS), Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP), FH financial policies and procedures, donor/partner requirements, and all other applicable laws, rules and guidelines; budgeting; asset management; finance documentation; etc.

    Key Tasks and Responsibilities :

    1. Handle cash flow request and cash/fund release for the field office and field staffs (eg. Siberut and Sikakap area)

    2. Check cash/program advance request/report (in coordinate with Finance Assistant)

    3. Maintain supporting documentation for all transactions

    4. Ensure availability of transaction document such as invoice, assignment letter, accounting forms, etc

    5. Make good documentation of finance documents, including copy, scan and filing system regularly

    6. Prepare journals for the cash/program advance report, etc

    7. Do monthly account reconciliation, esp. program advance

    8. Monitoring petty cash in field office (eg. Siberut and Sikakap)

    9. Maintain the fixed asset (list/register) and assist on regular check physically for updating asset list

    10. Assist on annual budget process

    11. Preparation and coordination of audit process.

    12. Other finance & accounting responsible as per requested by supervisor

    Minimum Required :

    a. Education/Experience:

    - Bachelor Degree in Accounting

    - At least 5 years experiences in similar position in NGO or private of development

    - Combination of commercial and not-for-profit financial accounting experience highly preferred

    b. Knowledge/Skill/Abilities:

    - Good knowledge and familiar with accounting software; Sun System Accounting Software highly preferred

    - Knowledge of Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS), Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP), Tax, and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

    - Fluency in English, written and oral

    - Strong computer skills in Microsoft office, especially MS Excel & MS Word

    - Ability to work effectively in an atmosphere of multiple projects, shifting priorities, and deadline

    - Good analytical skills & excellent personal and interpersonal skills, honesty, good self-confidence, independence and consistence

    - Ability to perform to a high level under limited supervision

    - Accuracy, attention to detail and number

    - Could work well under pressure and independently in a fast-paced and dynamic environment

    - Fast learner and ability to work independently and in a team

    - Multi-tasking person

    c. Desirable

    - Previous audit experience from reputable audit firm(s);

    - Brevet A and Brevet B certified

    Please send your attachment in one email :

    - Application

    - Updated CV and salary expectation

    - Certificates etc

    - Recomendation Letter and
    - Contact of 3 person who can give us references about your self (their email and phone),


    only in Ms.Word, PDF or JPG/JPEG format (no zip or rar )

    no later than May, 2nd 2017. Please put “FO” as email subject, and please put your name after CV and/or cover letter title (e.g. CV-James / Cover letter-James ).

    We will contact it you meet our criteria.

    Recruitment Team

    Yayasan Fondasi Hidup

  • DEBORA588

    26 April 2017

    Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) is one of Germany’s oldest and largest social welfare organisations with over 200 offices and a membership of 1.2 million. ASB has been working in Indonesia in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs since 2006.
    ASB’s work in Indonesia focuses on community empowerment to build resilience and self-reliance through an inclusive whole-of-community approach. The provision of technical assistance to government implementing partners is also a core focus of our work. ASB’s Indonesia Office is an innovator in the delivery of large-scale community and school-based DRR projects and is a co-founder of the Disability-inclusive DRR Network (DiDRRN). The office is actively engaged at the policy level regionally and internationally with a particular focus on ensuring inclusion post-2015.
    As part of an initial recruitment process, ASB is currently seeking expressions of interest from qualified and committed individuals for the following position:

    Human Resources & Admin Coordinator

    Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    Duration: 2 years
    Start: Immediate
    Vacancy: National position
    Salary: ASB offers a competitive salary package commensurate with experience
    Closing: May 02, 2017

    Summary of job profile:

    To provide human resource services and support to ensure the smooth running and successful delivery of ASB Indonesia’s projects in line with ASB regulations, Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) and agreed partner regulations and expectations.

    Desirable qualifications:

    Minimum Bachelor’s degree.
    Minimum 4 year of experience in similar position
    Knowledge of Indonesian labour laws is preferred
    Knowledge of Immigration regulations is an advantage
    Knowledge of BPJS regulations is an adavantage
    Capable of working both individually and as part of a team
    Demonstrate ability to create a supportive working relationship and healthy working environment
    Flexible, able to multi-task, able to work independently and work well under pressure as a team player in a multicultural environment
    Excellent problem solving skills and ability to work with a minimum of supervision
    Demonstrable knowledge of admin procedures and compliance
    Excellent written and spoken English is essential
    Willingness to travel and be flexible in the situation of emergency

    ASB is an equal opportunities employer. Qualified individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Please read the following carefully:

    Qualified applicants should send: a) application letter outlining your interest b) curriculum vitae max: 2 pages clearly describing your relevant qualifications and experience c) 2 referees contact details.

    Applications to Ms. Artini: using the subject line: IDN1701_HRAC

    NOTE: A failure to follow the above application format will result in applications being disregarded.

    Only electronic applications accepted and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

  • APRY008

    26 April 2017

    min hrus llusan apa ka?/sepu2 ak cow umur 26 D3 aja blm krja2

    RMS482 tulis:

    RS Grha Kedoya Jakarta Barat (Argo Manunggal Group) is looking for Account Payable Staff. Having min 1 year working experience. Range salary IDR 4-6 mio. Bagi yg berminat, bisa send personal message ke aku :-)

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    Lembaga Pendanaan Untuk LSM Membutuhkan: Staf Administrasi / Manajemen Keuangan di Jakarta

    Perhimpunan Indonesia utk Pembinaan Pengetahuan Ekonomi & Sosial adalah organisasi nirlaba (non-profit) yang merupakan lembaga payung dan penunjang pendanaan bagi institusi dan organisasi2 nirlaba lain yang bergerak dibidang pengetahuan ekonomi dan sosial di Indonesia. Perhimpunan memiliki dan mengelola dana-abadi yang tiap tahun disalurkan melalui program hibah kepada LSM/NGO lain yang mempunyai visi & tujuan yang sama/sejalan dengan missi Perhimpunan.

    Deskripsi tugas/pekerjaan:

    Perhimpunan membutuhkan tenaga Staf Administrasi/Manajemen Keuangan dengan lingkup kerja sbb:
    Membantu Bendahara/Pengurus Perhimpunan dalam semua kegiatan manajemen dan administrasi keuangan Perhimpunan.
    Menyusun Rencana Anggaran Penerimaan & Belanja Perhimpunan setiap tahun;
    Membuat Neraca tahunan dan Perhitungan Rugi/Laba;
    Mendukung dan memfasilitasi transaksi dan administrasi keuangan harian Perhimpunan serta memastikan semua berjalan sesuai dgn aturan yang berlaku.
    Meneliti dan memeriksa semua Proposal dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) Program Hibah yang diajukan oleh LSM/Organisasi Mitra Perhimpunan;
    Meneliti dan memeriksa Neraca dan Laporan Pertanggung-jawaban Keuangan Program Hibah dari semua LSM/Organisasi Mitra Perhimpunan serta memeriksa dan memverifikasi semua bukti-bukti pengeluaran dana sesuai dgn RAB yg diajukan.
    Melaksanakan semua transaksi dan komunikasi keuangan dengan pihak Perbankan, termasuk transfer pembayaran gaji & honor staf, uang transport Pengurus, bayar uang muka, dsb.


    Pendidikan S1 atau minimal D3 dibidang Akuntansi.
    Usia max. 35 tahun dan punya pengalaman kerja minimal 2-3 tahun di bidang keuangan, diutamakan pengalaman keuangan di organisasi nirlaba/Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM).
    Memiliki kemampuan komputer dgn aplikasi keuangan, khususnya MS Office (Word/Excel, Power-point) dan Internet.
    Diutamakan yang memiliki kendaraan bermotor sendiri.
    Diutamakan yang mampu menulis dan berbicara bhs Inggris.
    Lamaran kerja:
    Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat, harap segera mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja disertai lampiran CV, copy KTP, dan foto diri melalui email ke: dan atau dikirim langsung ke kantor BINEKSOS, Jl. Pangkalan Jati I no.71, Pondok Labu-Cinere, Kota Depok 16513 .

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better.  We've begun to build a national organisation that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia.  To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”.  As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorised by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

    Executive Secretary

    1 personnel based in Jakarta, code: OS-CO


    The Executive Secretary is expected to assist CEO and COO and work closely with the Board of Patrons, Supervisor, and Management Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik and senior staff member (EILT).

    Please visit our site for more and/or:

    Updated CV and application letter should be sent to

    Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format:

    <OS-CO ><your name>

    Closing date for application is up to  4 May 2017

    (Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis (TB), still the second most deadly infectious disease in the world. KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation has a strong reputation in national and international TB control. KNCV is an international center of expertise for TB control that promotes effective, efficient, innovative and sustainable tuberculosis control strategies in a national and international context.  We are an organization of passionate TB professionals, including doctors, researchers, training experts, nurses and epidemiologists. We aim to stop the spread of the worldwide epidemic of TB and to prevent the further spread of drug-resistant TB. As a non-profit international organization, KNCV is active in over 40 countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. The central office is located in The Hague, The Netherlands. KNCV Indonesia helps to combat tuberculosis in Indonesia in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

    Challenge TB

    KNCV is the lead partner in Challenge TB (CTB), the new USAID-funded 5-year global program to decrease TB mortality and morbidity in high burdened countries. We lead an international consortium with eight partner organizations: American Thoracic Society (ATS), Family Health International (FHI 360), Interactive Research & Development (IRD), Japanese Anti Tuberculosis Foundation (JATA), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), and the World Health Organization. The overarching strategic objectives of Challenge TB are to improve access to quality patient centered care for TB, TB/HIV, and MDR-TB services; to prevent transmission and disease progression; and to strengthen TB platforms.

    Currently KNCV is looking for a:


    Duty Station: Representative Office, Jakarta

    The Receptionist will responsible for handling the front office reception and administrative duties, including but not limited to welcoming all visitors and directing them appropriately; notifying the appropriate staff of the arrival of the visitor; answering the KNCV telephone professionally and promptly, transferring the call if appropriate (introducing the caller before putting the call through), taking messages if needed; sorting & distributing mails; managing the meeting room schedule and any other admin related work a required.

    Key Responsibilities include:

    Be the first point of contact for all enquiries, callers and visitors to KNCV and direct to the relevant people in a welcoming and efficient manner.

    Welcomes all on-site visitors, determines nature of business, and announces visitors to appropriate personnel.

    Arrange with the Office Assistant drinks and snacks for visitors and where requested meetings.

    Answer all incoming telephone calls with KNCV standard greeting in a prompt and bright manner.  Ensure the telephone is covered at all times and that calls and messages are dealt with promptly and correctly.

    Ensure that the reception area is well maintained – clean and tidy at all times.

    Maintains electronic contact and information lists.

    Handle, record and monitor all incoming and outgoing documents ensuring that they are distributed/sent to the appropriate people in a timely and efficient manner.

    Provide support with organising meetings and other events as requested.

    Under the direction of line manager, support KNCV logistic activities e.g. staff movements, archiving of documents, etc.

    In collaboration with the Program Secretary and HR Department – keep a record of all travel in and out of the office and calendar of meetings/events (internal and external).

    Provide support related to office utility management related to the building and building maintenance, including disseminating messages and announcements from the Building Management Office to KNCV staff.

    Work closely with the Office Assistant to provide other support where needed.

    Ensure office security such as: maintain a log book for visitors, ensure the door is remain closed as required.

    Qualifications and Competencies:  

    Minimum diploma degree

    Minimum 2 years demonstrated experience in administration/secretarial work

    Strong Computer skills and advanced in email, word and excel

    Excellent written and oral communications skills, in both Bahasa Indonesia and English

    Pleasant personality

    Excellent interpersonal skills, including patience, diplomacy, willingness to listen and respect for colleague

    Able to create a supportive working environment amongst all staff

    Able to work as part of a team or individually

    Motivated, proactive and willing to learn

    Punctual and reliable

    KNCV offers a flexible and supportive work environment and strongly encourages developing your skills and abilities to further your career opportunities.

    Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV and application to by 10 May 2017 at the latest.

    Please ensure to put the post you apply for in the subject line of your e-mail.

    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-IDN is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of Grant Administrator, Jakarta.

    This position will be based in Jakarta and report to Grant and Budget Manager. The job holder will be responsible to provide administrative support in reporting the use of project budgets / funds in accordance with WWF Indonesia's regulations / policies and donor policies and financial standards. Grant Administrator also contributes to the preparation of audit and fulfilled its required documents /needs including data and supporting documents which at the end ensure the accountability of WWF to the donors and supporting organizations.

    Structurally, Grant administrator is under supervision of Grant and Budget Manager for both the project implementation and also the operation. Thus, he/she will also be responsible to Work independently with general policy guidelines / procedures / policies and set priorities and or plan tasks for groups and colleagues; Interact with both internal and external parties, and may affect multiple levels of positions for tasks / jobs to be completed within the specified time; Manage a more complex financial administration that requires substantial expertise; able to supervise groups with diverse colleagues and at the operational level.

    Requirements for This Position are:

    Minimum of bachelor degree or equivalent with background on accounting, economy or financial administration.

    Minimum 2 years experience in complex financial administration and audit

    Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to with the subject of Grant Administrator, Jakarta.

    Applications will be closed 7 days after the publication of this advertisement (May 2nd 2017). Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

    Be a part of us, who is currently working in 28 regions in 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua, with more than 500 staffs and supported by more than 64,000 supporters in Indonesia. WWF Indonesia also works with governments, local communities, private sector, NGOs, civil society, and the public at large

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-IDN is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of Grant Officer, Jakarta.

    This position will be based in Jakarta and report to Grant and Budget Manager. The job holder will be responsible to provide support in budget planning as well as monitor expenditures and ensure appropriate financial reporting in accordance with donor’s provisions, donor strategic plans, PSAK standards and other regulatory requirements in order to provide a good insight into the financial performance of projects / programs at WWF Indonesia.

    Structurally, Grant Officer is under supervision of Budget and Grant Manager for both the project implementation and also the operation. Thus, he/she will also be responsible to provides an in-depth analysis of one or all of the financial sub-functions; contributes to the improvement of processes in the financial sub-function itself; Interact with internal or external stakeholders at the operational level; and also working independently within  applicable policies and procedures

    Requirements for This Position are:

    -      Minimum of bachelor degree (Master is preferable) accounting or accounting system

    -      Minimum 5 years in accounting and accounting system for bachelor, or at least 3 years for Master Degree

    Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to with the subject of Grant Officer, Jakarta.

    Applications will be closed 7 days after the publication of this advertisement (May 2nd). For furter information about this vacancy, please visit our website on Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

    Be a part of us, who is currently working in 28 regions in 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua, with more than 500 staffs and supported by more than 64,000 supporters in Indonesia. WWF Indonesia also works with governments, local communities, private sector, NGOs, civil society, and the public at large.

  • DEBORA588

    27 April 2017

    The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has a distinguished history of scientists exploring and saving wildlife in some of the most remote and wild places remaining on Earth. WCS has long recognized that successful conservation requires a long-term commitment to individuals and places. Such a commitment has defined the culture and style of the Global Conservation Program, including the Indonesia Program.

    The Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) has significantly grown over the last decades, and contributed substantially to the conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia. We currently work in several landscapes in Sumatera and Sulawesi where we aim at protecting threatened species and their habitat. In order to achieve our overall goal of saving wildlife and wild places, WCS-IP is currently seeking for qualified candidates to fill the following vacancy:

    Position:                  Administration Coordinator

    Based in :                Bogor

    Reports to :             Head of Operations

    For more detailed information about Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program, the position and how to apply, please visit our website at; ... oordinator.aspx

    When you are interested on the above position and consider that you possess the necessary qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated curriculum vitae, expected salary, three professional references and a cover letter explaining your interest towards this work and/or this organisation to

    Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format “Administration Coordinator"_(name of candidate)


                                                                         April  30th, 2017

                                                     No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified

  • IWANXS553

    27 April 2017

    27 April 2017 diubah oleh IWANXS553

  • DEBORA588

    1 Mei 2017

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Indonesia is looking for the individual candidate for the post of "Interpreter/ Translator". The post is open for Indonesian National only. Please refer to the link below for Terms of Reference for the post.  

    If you are interested, please send your application together with CV by email to : mentioning the reference code and post in the subject at the latest 07 May 2017

  • DEBORA588

    1 Mei 2017

    SOLIDARITAS membuka kesempatan kepada individu-individu andalan untuk bekerja dan berkembangan bersama SOLIDARITAS sebagai seorang GA & HR Officer. Posisi ini akan fokus pada pengelolaan administrasi kepegawaian dan operasional perkantoran, yang  berkontribusi pada kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan. GA & HR Officer diharapkan mampu menjalankan peran dan tugasnya secara mandiri, dengan supervisi yang minim dari direksi SOLIDARITAS.

    Tugas Pokok

    GA & HR Officer akan bertanggungjawab dalam hal:

    Operasional perkantoran

    Perijinan dan administrasi perusahaan

    Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa

    Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan

    Administrasi terkait Tenaga Kerja Asing

    Administrasi terkait Kontrak / Hubungan Kerja

    Administrasi Kepegawaian

    Profil yang Diharapkan

    Kualifikasi akademik: S1 semua jurusan, diutamakan yang relevan admin HR dan GA

    Pengalaman kerja: 3 – 5 tahun kerja, dan relevan dengan Admin HR dan GA

    SOLIDARITAS akan mengutamakan kandidat yang:

    berpengalaman dalam pengelolaan administrasi tenaga kerja asing

    berpengalaman sebagai GA/Admin HR pada perusahaan di Jakarta atau kantor pusat

    yang paham dan berpengalaman dengan proses pengadaan barang dan jasa

    Benefit Bekerja di SOLIDARITAS

    SOLIDARITAS adalah sebuah perusahaan sosial (social enterprise) yang dibentuk pada 2013 untuk menyediakan jasa konsultasi teknis serta manajerial bagi sektor publik dan non profit, terutama terkait proses produksi, pengelolaan dan penggunaan informasi, dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja program/organisasi.

    SOLIDARITAS merupakan organisasi yang dinamis, memegang teguh prinsip-prinsip kedewasaan dalam bekerja (profesionalisme) dan sangat terbuka dengan pembaharuan. SOLIDARITAS  juga merupakan organisasi yang berorientasi pada pembelajaran dan pengembangan yang terus-menerus (continuous improvement). Sehingga bergabung dengan SOLIDARITAS merupakan kesempatan bagus bagi individu yang ingin berkembang dan belajar, khususnya terkait pengelolaan organisasi yang efisien, dinamis dan fokus pada pengetahuan serta pembelajaran.

    SOLIDARITAS memberikan kompensasi yang kompetitif untuk posisi ini dengan merujuk pada pengalaman dan kompetensi yang Anda miliki. SOLIDARITAS menyediakan jaminan sosial terbaik bagi karyawan, sebagai wujud komitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi kesejahteraan karyawannya.

    Selain posisi ini ditujukan bagi kandidat yang mencari pekerjaan purnawaktu (full-time), SOLIDARITAS juga membuka kesempatan bagi kandidat yang mencari pekerjaan paruh-waktu (part-time) yang tentu juga tetap harus memenuhi kualifikasi pengalaman dan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan.

    Proses Pelamaran dan Informasi Lebih Lanjut

    Lowongan ini dibuka sampai dengan 8 Mei 2017, informasi lengkap silahkan cek di website SOLIDARITAS

    Anda berminat? Silahkan klik disini untuk mengisi formulir lamaran online

    1 Mei 2017 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    1 Mei 2017

    Administration Officer (AD) - Jeneponto, Enrekang, Lombok CDP

    About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia

    Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), is an humanitarian non-government organization who works based Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) particularly in child rights fulfilment and community development . Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 17 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

    Duty Station

    Jeneponto CDP (Project Site)

    Enrekang CDP

    Lombok Mertak CDP

    Position Summary

    Responsible for the daily operations of finance and administration area to provide effective support to the company. Common duties include day-to-day financial activities of the organization, filing documents, make agendas and prepare reports. Responsibility also includes driver and janitor .

    Key Responsibilities

    Prepare administration and financial report based on data from all other departments in order to provide seamless operational process.

    Monitor and improve cash-flow management processes to ensure all incoming and outgoing fund are maintained, controlled and comply with the organization's policy and procedures.

    Execute day-to-day administrative tasks (which may include filing documents, preparing reports, etc) in order to provide efficient organization performance.

    Develop and prepare legal documentation of the company (which may include updating foundation documentation status, registration, company domicile, contract renewal, etc) in order to comply with foundation regulations.

    Coordinate with driver and janitor; and distribute job delegation to ensure operational effectiveness.


    S1 / Bachelor; preferably in Finance and Accounting

    1+ years of relevant working experiences

    Minimum 1+ years' experience in NGO

    Ability to work independently and with the team

    High attention to detail and accurate data entry

    A good understanding of accounting practices

    Have a good management skill

    Able to work under pressure and multitasking

    Excellent computer skill ( Ms. Office )

    Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

    Fluent in English and Bahasa

    How To Apply

    Please submit your Application Letter and CV in English.

    Submit To Email :

    Please fill the subject with this format: Position_Duty Station_Name (Example : AD_Jeneponto_Nurani)

    Deadline for submission of applications : 12 May 2017

    Only the qualified candidate will be proceed  

    Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia

    Human Resources Department

    Jl. Bukit Gading Raya,

    Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok V No 18-19

    Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara - 14240

    Head Office:     (+62 21) 4060 0018   ext.3010

  • DEBORA588

    1 Mei 2017

    Finance Officer (Finance & Administration Department) - Head Office (Jakarta)

    About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia

    Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), is an humanitarian non-government organization who works based Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) particularly in child rights fulfilment and community development . Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 17 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

    Duty Station

    Head Office (Kelapa Gading)

    Position Summary

    Responsible for the daily operations of finance and accounting activities to provide effective support to the company. Common duties may include making financial report, analyzing daily transactions, create ledger, and monitor cash flow of the company.

    Key Responsibilities

    Develop financial report that is required by internal and external parties in a timely and accurate manner and in accordance with accepted principles in order to allow monitoring of organization's cash flow.

    Prepare short, medium, and long term budget forecast and communicating with relevant departments to keep track of inflows and outflows in order to ensure the availability of organization's budget in a timely manner.

    Monitor and improve cash-flow management processes to ensure all incoming and outgoing fund are maintained, controlled and comply with the organization's policy and procedures.

    Develop financial reports for all departments (which may include but not limited to general ledger, administrative report, budgeting forecast, financial report, and cash-flow management program) in order to ensure organization's financial health.


    S1 / Bachelor; preferably in Finance and Accounting

    1+ years of relevant working experiences

    Minimum 1+ years' experience in NGO

    Ability to work independently and with the team

    High attention to detail and accurate data entry

    A good understanding of accounting practices

    Have a good management skill

    Good understanding about Financial Report and Forecast

    Able to work under pressure and multitasking

    Excellent computer skill ( Ms. Office )

    Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

    Fluent in English and Bahasa

    How To Apply

    Please submit your Application Letter and CV in English .

    Submit To Email :

    Please fill the subject with this format : Position_Duty Station_Name (Example : FO_Jakarta_Nurani)

    Deadline for submission of applications : 12 May 2017

    Only the qualified candidate will be proceed  

    Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia

    Human Resources Department

    Jl. Bukit Gading Raya,

    Komplek Gading Bukit Indah Blok V No 18-19

    Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara - 14240

  • DEBORA588

    3 Mei 2017

    Temans, siapa tau ada yang berminat.

    Terms of Reference – Procurement Assitant

    Position Title: Procurement Assistant

    Report To: Procurement Specialist

    Working Location: Jakarta

    Project : Peka Sinergi

    Duration : Full time (11 months until end of March 2017)


    PT KM UTAMA Indonesia has been allocated grant funding by the Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia to execute the project, “A Sustainable Training and Certification System for the Renewable Energy Labour Market”, which will support the Government of Indonesia to establish a system of professional training, certification and accreditation for jobs in the new and renewable energy sector.

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and Procurement Specialist incumbent will be responsible for the following duties:

    • Assist Procurement Specialist in managing the project procurement through implementing all policies and procedures related to procurement activities & ensuring that procurement guidelines are followed in all transactions.

    • Assist Procurement Specialist in undertaking the project procurement activities covering the pre-award phase, award, and the post award, such as:

    o Assist in conducting relevant market researches for procurement bid lists;

    o Assist in preparing the bidding documents (and Request for Proposals) and launch Bids;

    o Assist in providing procurement advice to project partners;

    o Assist in conducting (participate in) evaluation and write evaluation reports;  

    o Assist in managing the award;  

    o Assist in assuming the responsibilities for contract management and contract administration, and conduct/participate in acceptance committees;

    • Under the supervision of Procurement Specialist prepare progress and status of procurement reports

    • When required, participate in project technical committees or componnent team meeting in order to ensure timely implementation with a focus on procurement related activities;

    • Update regularly the supplier database and project assets list

    • File and keep soft and hard copies of all procurement documents

    • Any other duties assigned

    Previous Experience

    • At least 3 years of progressive professional experience in a public sector agency;

    • At least 2 years of experience in managing procurement activities within projects funded by international organizations (World Bank, EU, USAID…)


    • Undergraduate degree (S1) in Finance, Business, Economics or related fields;

    • A proficiency certificate from an accredited organization in Procurement is a plus;

    • Demonstrated ability to motivate and promote collaboration amongst diverse teams and team members;

    • Demonstrated organizational and analytical abilities and problem-solving approach with good negotiating skills and capacity to balance project objectives and procurement requirements with client needs

    • Possess the highest degrees of ethics, integrity and professionalism that are mandatory for sound public procurement activities;

    • Fluency in Indonesian and excellent command of written and spoken English


    Fluency in Indonesian and excellent command of written and spoken English

    Application Process

    Interested individuals are to send application with the following documents to and – a) application letter, b) curriculum vitae c) salary requirements

    Deadline for Application

    Tuesday, 9 May 2017

    Kantor nya di SCBD, Sudirman.

  • LIZ681

    7 Mei 2017

    Perusahaan baru bergerak dibidang Konsultan Keuangan membutuhkan staf accounting, pendidikan SMK jurusan akuntansi usia 25th (laki2/wanita), bisa bekerja mobile diluar kantor. Surat Lamaran.dan CV dikirim.via email: ditujukan kepada Ibu Feybe Brigite Imbar jika dihubungi hasil wawancara ok langsung bekerja.

  • LIZ681

    7 Mei 2017

    Perusahaan baru bergerak dibidang Konsultan Keuangan membutuhkan staf accounting, pendidikan SMA/SMK jurusan akuntansi usia 25th (laki2/wanita), bisa bekerja mobile diluar kantor, lokasi Bekasi. Surat Lamaran.dan CV dikirim.via email: ditujukan ke Ibu Feybe Brigite Imbar.

  • DEBORA588

    8 Mei 2017

    Over the past decade, Indonesia has substantially increased its spending on education and now many more millions of children are in school. There is a significant void in knowledge about what teachers in Indonesia are teaching in the classroom, what the primary constraints they face are, and how teaching quality can be more efficiently and effectively improved. The Government of Australia (GOA), through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is seeking to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to fill this void by establishing Innovation for Indonesia?s School Children (INOVASI).

    INOVASI is an ambitious four-year (with the possibility of an extension for another four), AUD 49 million program. It will collaborate closely with the GOI at the district, provincial and national level to develop and implement action-oriented research and pilots to answer the broad question: What works to improve student learning outcomes in Indonesia. It will focus on three sub-topics of investigation: the quality of teaching in the classroom, the quality of support for teachers, and learning for all.

    INOVASI is managed by Palladium on behalf of DFAT, and formally started on 18 January 2016.

    Purpose of the Position: The key role of the IT Officer is to provide IT support and day-to-day management to the project to ensure effective and efficient operations. The role will interact with project employees and vendors supplying services to the project. The role will work closely with and be supported by the corporate IT team. The role will report to the Project Operations Manager.

    For detail information of duties and qualifications, and to apply for the position, please visit:

    Thank you

    Fenny Nasution

    INOVASI Recruitment Team

    Ratu Plaza Office Tower 19th Floor,

    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 9, Jakarta Pusat, 10270


  • DEBORA588

    8 Mei 2017

    Established in 1915 with Helen Keller as a founding trustee, Helen Keller International (HKI) works to save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Headquartered in New York City, HKI currently offers programs in 21 countries in Africa and Asia, as well as in the United States.  The organization combats the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research.

    We are currently seeking a Finance Manager who will be responsible for tracking the financial progress and implementation of all activities of Helen Keller International in Indonesia. Since the 1970s, HKI Indonesia has been working to establish sustainable evidence-based approaches to enhance health and nutrition, improve education for the disabled, and expand access to eye health services for Indonesians, particularly women and children. HKI’s programs are integrated at all levels of the government health and education structures by helping to develop human resources and infrastructure, conduct needs assessments, analyze local context to inform program design and implementation, train personnel, provide basic equipment and supplies, deliver services if needed, and monitor program progress and evaluate program impact.


    Report Directly to:           HKI Indonesia Country Director.

    Direct the Work of:          HKI Finance Staff and Liaise with Senior Operations Coordinator and Program Managers.

    Collaborate with:             HKI Asia Pacific Regional Operations Staff; Governmental, INGO/NGO


    Overall Supervision and Coordination

    ·         Supervise finance Staff and support HKI office to achieve the objectives agreed to in grants and contracts for HKI Indonesia projects;

    ·         In support of the Program Managers, ensure up-to-date information on all financial aspects of programs and activities;

    ·         Develop and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues in the office;

    ·         Other duties as assigned.

    Financial Management

    ·         Prepare and review all finance-related documents prior to finalization;

    ·         Ensure compliance with country-level tax and entitlement regulations;

    ·         Prepare monthly financial reports for headquarters and project reports for donors;

    ·         Ensure  that employee benefits are in compliance;

    ·         Collaborate with the Program Managers to ensure up-to-date information on all financial aspects of programs.

    ·         In cooperation with relevant supervisor, work directly with staff on procurement, HKI, administration, and other finance-related activities to ensure compliance with HKI, donor, and Indonesian financial regulations;

    ·         Ensure sub-grant monitoring and training of local partners of HKI concerning donor policies and procedures. This includes alerting APRO and HQ of the need for a special audit for local sub-grantees, funded by US government grants, that spend more than $300,000 in a fiscal year.

    ·         Submit financial information as requested by external audiences to HKI’s Asia Pacific Regional Office and key Headquarters staff for review and approval before release.

    ·         Lead on office and project annual, semi-annual, and quarterly budgets and financial reports.

    ·         Lead with audit processes for the country, which may include annual financial statement audits in accordance with local laws, HKI required audits (every two years) and donors’ audits in accordance with grant agreements.  

    ·         Prepare financial reports so that they comply with grant or contract agreements.

    ·         Ensure compliance with all HKI financial policies and procedures as well as donor rules and regulations, and the timely submission of financial reports within the guidelines established by HKI and its donors.

    ·         Strengthen the capacity of the finance staff and provide guidance to program and operations teams for finance-related activities.

    ·         Contribute to the generation of concept papers and proposals;

    ·         Develop budgets, budget narratives, and other information needed for submission to donors and others for fundraising marketing purposes;

    ·         Other duties as assigned by the Country Director.

    Skills/Knowledge Required:

    ·         Bachelor’s degree and at least ten years’ experience in accounting and/or financial management or in a closely related field.

    ·         Previous financial management experience with an international non-governmental organization required.

    ·         Demonstrated experience and skills in budget monitoring.

    ·         Knowledge of USAID rules and regulations and other international donors’ rules and regulations would be a plus.

    ·         Managing organization wide audits as well as donor specific audits.

    ·         Good oral and written English language skills.

    ·         Computer literate in the use of word-processing, spreadsheet, accounting software (preferably QuickBooks) and local area networking.


    The information presented indicates the general nature and level of work expected of employees in this classification. It is not designed to contain, nor be interpreted as, a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, qualifications and objectives required of employees assigned to this job.


    Qualified candidates should submit their CVs and a one-page cover letter in the body of their e-mail stating why they want to work for Helen Keller International and why you are qualified for this position to: noting the job title in the subject line, “HKI Indonesia Finance Manager.”

    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications should be received by 12 May 2017

  • 8 Mei 2017

    Bank Indonesia Buka Lowongan Pegawai, Berminat?

    Minggu, 7 Mei 2017 | 13:21 WIB

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.con - Bank Indonesia (BI) membuka lowongan untuk beberapa posisi pekerjaan. Anda yang berminat untuk bekerja dan berkarier di bank sentral, ada baiknya mulai bersiap untuk melamar dan mengikuti proses seleksi.

    "Bank Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada Putra-Putri terbaik bangsa yang memiliki integritas tinggi, ketelitian, dan kompetensi untuk bergabung sebagai tenaga pelaksana (administrasi, pengelolaan uang Rupiah, dan pengamanan) di Kantor Pusat dan Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia di seluruh Indonesia," tulis BI dalam pernyataan resminya, Minggu (7/5/2017).

    Adapun posisi yang dibutuhkan antara lain Operational and Admin Staff (Pelaksana Yunior), Junior IT Staff (Pelaksana IT Yunior), Junior Cashier (Kasir Yunior), Security Supervisor (Pengawas Pengamanan), Electronic Security System Supervisor (Pengawas Electronic Security System), dan Security Planning and Command Center Staff (Staf Command Center dan Perencanaan Pengamanan).

    BI menyatakan, penerimaan lamaran hanya dilakukan melalui aplikasi online pada Periode registrasi online mulai tanggal 6 Mei 2017 pukul 08.00 WIB sampai dengan 11 Mei 2017 pukul 23.59 WIB.

    "Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi secara menyeluruh yang akan mengikuti tahapan seleksi," kata BI.

    Bank sentral menyatakan, keputusan panitia seleksi bersifat mutlak dan final. Selain itu, perlu diperhatikan pula bahwa panitia tidak berkewajiban untuk mengembalikan dokumen peserta seleksi.

    Informasi rinci mengnai persyaratan setiap posisi dan pengiriman aplikasi online dapat disimak melalui Anda juga bisa menghubungi call center (021) 2300313 extension #2427 #2423 #2418 #2410 #2406 setiap Senin sampai Jumat pukul 07.30 sampai 18.00 WIB.

    Penulis: Sakina Rakhma Diah Setiawan

    Editor: M Fajar Marta

    8 Mei 2017 diubah oleh FLORENCE735

  • DEBORA588

    9 Mei 2017

    Dear all,

    PT DMS Investama adalah perusahaan Holding yang tergabung dalam kelompok usaha DMS Group yang berdiri sejak Tahun 2009. Group usaha kami sedang berkembang dan mempunyai beberapa lini bisnis yang bergerak di trading sekuritas, bidang jasa konstruksi, property, trading material bahan bangunan, distributor alat kesehatan ortopedi, poultry business, serta Jasa Laundry.

    Kami sedang mencari para profesional yang termotivasi, dinamis, bertanggung jawab, dan disiplin untuk bergabung dalam tim kami dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

    Jr. Secretary

    Job Description:

    ·         Melakukan fungsi Jr Secretary to CEO.

    ·         Bekerja sama dengan Executive Secretary untuk meng-handle queries dari CEO.

    ·         Meng-handle pekerjaan terkait administrasi dan kesekretariatan seperti filling dokumen, membuat surat, laporan dan minutes of meeting.

    ·         Melakukan front officer function untuk greeting dan welcoming semua tamu untuk CEO.

    ·         Mengatur jadwal, agenda, dan travel arrangement CEO.

    ·         Menerima telepon, Fax, Surat, dan e-mail yang masuk dan mendistribusikannya ke bagian terkait.

    ·         Berkoordinasi dengan Departement dan Divisi lainnya.

    ·         Tugas lainnya sesuai arahan Sekretaris Direktur dan Direktur.

    Job Requirements:

    ·         Usia maksimal 25 tahun.

    ·         Berpenampilan menarik.

    ·         Pendidikan minimum D3 Sekretaris dengan minimal IPK 3.00.

    ·         Fresh Graduates are welcome.

    ·         Menguasai Microsoft office dengan baik.

    ·         Mampu berbahasa Inggris.

    ·         Jujur, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, loyal dan berperilaku baik.

    ·         Mempunyai integritas dan inisiatif yang tinggi serta detail.

    ·         Memiliki kemampuan bekerja dengan cepat dan ulet.

    ·         Memilki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.

    ·         Memiliki etika kerja yang baik dan dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan dan bersedia overtime bilamana diperlukan.

    ·         Dapat bekerja secepatnya

    Salary Range:

    Rp. 3,800,000 sampai dengan Rp. 4,500,000



    Gedung Graha Mampang Lt. 1

    Jalan Mampang Prapatan Raya, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia


    We take pride in our strong team culture & values - Mutual trust, learning, sharing, caring, willingness, cooperation and concern. This includes providing a conducive, family-friendly work environment that enhances our staff's professional and personal growth. We are seeking for highly motivated, dynamic, independent individuals and disciplined person who willing to come forward and can work independently and in a team work and be one of our great team.

    Bagi Anda yang memiliki kualifikasi yang sesuai, silahkan email / kirim langsung lamaran lengkap dan pas photo terbaru Anda (Tampak samping dan tampak depan) ke alamat sebagai berikut dengan Subject e-mail atau keterangan pada amplop “Jr. Secretary”:

    HRD PT DMS Investama (DMS Group)

    Gd. Graha Mampang Lt. 1

    Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No.100 - Jakarta Selatan

  • DEBORA588

    9 Mei 2017


    Institut is looking for




    in Bogor, Indonesia

    Position:  Grants Assistant


    to: Head of Grants Program


    Bogor, Indonesia.


    Relationships: Grants Program Unit,

    M&E Coordinator, Communication Officer, Finance Officer

    Duration and Working Hours: Full

    time, 08.00 – 17.00

    Effective Date: Soon as Possible

    Main Functions:

    1.     To provide administrative assistance in general

    project implementation

    2.     To manage day-to-day liaison with



    To provide comprehensive

    secretariat and administrative support to the Grants Program Unit, including

    taking of minutes, making travel arrangements and related tasks.

    Job Description:

    For Unit



    Provide assistance to the

    Unit in terms of logistics and administrative matters;


    Support the Unit in organizing

    meetings, events and other activities. Prepare minutes of Unit meetings.

    Prepare all documentation of Unit meeting;


    Provide support in terms of

    travel arrangement for the Unit;


    Provide support in terms of

    asset documentation and monitoring in coordination with the Finance Officer

    handling Samdhana’s Asset Management;



    coordination with Grants Program Unit – assign ID number of the

    incoming proposal



    grantees’ logbook



    the issuance of grantees’ contract, collecting grantees reports, etc.



    an efficient and retrievable filing system including backing up soft data for

    Donors, including the required reports



    for project monitoring system with the coordination with M&E Coordinator;



    for grantees information in website with the coordination with Communication


    For Financial support :



    grantees’ financial proposal & report and provides comments on it and

    coaches grantees as necessary;



    site’s visit as necessary

    For DGMI Project:


    Support the NSC members and

    project management team particularly but not limited to travel arrangements and

    financial procedures compliance;


    Provide administrative

    support to the NSC meetings as needed;


    Provide logistics and

    administrative support for meetings, events and other project activities at

    field level as requested;


    Co-ordinate compliance of

    project with Samdhana finance, human resources and administrative processes.


    Perform other responsibilities

    and tasks assigned by the Head of Unit as needed for project implementation and

    compliance with Samdhana and donors’ standard Financial, administrative and

    legal requirements.


    Be responsible for day-to-day

    project correspondence, information sharing and filing ensuring that

    appropriate follow-up actions are taken.


    Assist in preparing

    evaluation reports, annual project reports, and update projects files.


    Responsible for the

    administrative part of preparing grant contracts approved by the NSC;


    Prepare and secure the

    contracts for human resources/service providers needed for project



    and Experiences:


    University graduate degree or

    equivalent working experience preferably with 3

    (three) or more years;

    Knowledge and


    ·       Knowledge of current community challenges and

    opportunities relating to the vision and mission of the Samdhana Institute;

    ·       Knowledge of grants administration;

    ·       Knowledge of finance


    ·       Ability to work with and

    through partners;


    Demonstrated team management, mentoring abilities and experience

    supporting staff teams;


    Attitudes and Habits:


    Fluency in English is a must having excellent

    English communication skills (written and oral);


    Strong interpersonal, networking and communication skills;


    to work effectively in an atmosphere of multiple projects, shifting

    priorities, and deadline pressure;


    Pro-active and responsive in nature;


    Able to work in tight schedule, high pressure working environment;


    Able to work in a team or independently with minimum supervision;


    Self-motivated and

    able to follow through to end of assignments while meeting goals and



    Can work effectively under pressure and has

    positive attitude;


    Has the patience, honesty and willingness to listen

    and show respect for colleagues;

    Willing to extend duty hours to meet deadline/assigned tasks.

    ·       Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work



    Willing to travel, as needed

    Terms and Conditions

    a.    Samdhana will offer a full benefit package of remuneration;

    b.  Three months probationary period, continued with one year working contract

    after a satisfactory assessment;

    c.     Duty station will be in Bogor, Indonesia

    Application procedures

    Please submit your application and curriculum vitae

    in English, relevant experiences, past salary history, three referees soon as

    possible, to,

    placing the job title in the subject line and label your CV with your name.


    short listed candidates will be notified.

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