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Lowongan Kerja


976 – 1000 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 39  40  41 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • MENUK766

    31 Mei 2017

    [kak debo... Adakah utk D3 pertanian...terimakasihq]

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Pagj Emmiherli,

    Aku bukan admin jk, suer ... hehehhe.

    Kenapa banyak tahu loker, aku ada join bbrp milist loker ... jadi daripada di konsumsi untuk diri sendiri, dibagi saja kepada yang lain, siapa tau ada yg membutuhkan, berbagi itu indah.

    Happy sunday ya. Gb us

  • DEBORA588

    2 Juni 2017

    The Global Fund bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI dalam program penguatan sistem kesehatan, membutuhkan staf Administrasi Logistik untuk penempatan di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu – Sumatera Utara

    Administrasi/Logistik (1 orang)

    ·       Ruang Lingkup:

    a.   Melaksanakan tugas administrasi dan logistik di tingkat Kab/Kota

    b.   Bertanggung jawab terhadap pegelolaan barang dan jasa di tingkat Kab/Kota

    c.   Melakukan persiapan meeting, workshop dan seminar (termasuk kompilasi dokumen, peralatan dan perlengkapan kantor)

    d.   Memfasilitasi unit lain termasuk konsultan dalam administrasi termasuk filling dokumen (pelaporan);

    e.   Memfasilitasi dalam pemantauan dan penggunaan barang/jasa dan pelaksanaan administrasi;

    f.     Membantu mempersiapkan dokumen kerjasama, persuratan dan legal dokumen termasuk filling dokumen GF HSS project.

    ·       Kriteria:

    1.  Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas (pegawai negeri/TNI/Polri dan sejenisnya);

    2.  Minimal S1 segala jurusan

    3.  Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam administrasi

    4.  Memiliki kemampuan MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

    5.  Diutamakan mampu menulis dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris

    6.  Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah yang dipilih

    Mohon mengisi FORM PENDAFTARAN pada link berikut:

    Lampirkan CV dan dokumen pendukung ke PMTGFHSS@GMAIL.COM dengan Subject: Adminlog - Kab. Labuhanbatu

    Aplikasi lamaran kami terima paling lambat tanggal 12 Juni 2017

  • KALEB643

    3 Juni 2017

    Guys ada loker part time daerah malang?

  • NOFIANI970

    3 Juni 2017

    Hai, ada kah loker khusus lebaran ajj

  • ZEGA376

    4 Juni 2017

    #jogjalowker admin | Co | Fulltime| min D3, max28th | Distr Food Jl RR Barat km 5,4 Mlangi Nogotirto | 08179415715


  • TONY490

    4 Juni 2017


    Ada tau gereja butuh fultime musik info y

    Ada teman 3 org,

    Satu pemain musik,2 lagi pelayan Tuhan

    Yang ingin melayani Tuhan.

    Pliss info y

  • 7 Juni 2017

  • DEBORA588

    7 Juni 2017

    Jhpiego, an international non-profit health organization affiliate of the Johns Hopkins University, builds global and local partnerships to enhance the quality of health care services for women and families around the world. Jhpiego is a global leader in the creation of innovative approaches to develop human resources for better health service. We are currently seeking qualified and experienced candidates for the positions mentioned :


    Lokasi : Jakarta

    Ikhtisar :

    Melakukan pekerjaannya sebagai driver kantor dan menjamin pengoperasian kendaraan dengan aman bagi setiap pengguna kendaraan dari dan ke berbagai Bertugas tujuan sesuai dengan penugasan yang diberikan dengan mematuhi segala peraturan lalulintas yang berlaku, etika dan norma umum berkendara dijalan.

    Tugas utama dan tanggungjawab:

    •Mengantarkan atau menjemput staff kantor, tamu sesuai penugasan baik secara perorangan (manajemen/staff dan tamu) dari dan ke berbagai tujuan, rumah sakit, perkantoran pemerintah atau swasta, institusi pendidikan, pertokoan, dan lokasi sesuai tujuan yang di tugaskan dengan mengutamakan keselamatan, kenyamanan dan keamanan penumpang.

    •Mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas dan segala peraturan yang berlaku selama mengendari kendaraan, melengkapi diri dengan SIM dan STNK kendaraan.

    •Merencanakan dan mempelajari jadwal dan route yang akan dilalui sebelum melakukan perjalanan.

    •Memenuhi permintaan khusus kantor dengan mengambil/menjemput/memberikan barang-barang, surat, dll seperti yang diarahkan atau ditugaskan oleh Admin Assistant / Procurement Officer.

    •Menjaga barang-barang penumpang serta kepercayaan penumpang atau pengguna kendaraan termasuk menjaga informasi penumpang yang bersifat rahasia.

    •Membantu penumpang agar mudah masuk dan keluar kendaraan, bagi pengguna kursi roda, dan membantu penggunaan peralatan dalam kendaraan lainnya.

    •Merawat dan membersihkan kendaraan, kebersihan luar dan dalam dari waktu ke waktu untuk kenyamanan pengguna.

    •Menjaga dan menempatkan kendaraan ditempat aman, menghindari memarkir kendaraan di area larangan parker selama menunggu penumpang.

    •Menjamin pemeliharaan kendaraan dan berkoordinasi secara rutin dengan Admin Assistant (menyimpan kendaraan di garasi, tempat aman, dan membawa ke bengkel resmi untuk perawatan secara rutin).

    •Melaksanakan tugas tambahan yang diberikan oleh Admin Assistant / Procurement Officer .

    Kualifikasi, Ketrampilan dll:

    •Min. lulusan SMA dengan memiliki keterampilan mengemudi

    •Memiliki SIM A

    •Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan berpenampilan diri rapi dan bersih

    •Harus jujur, hormat , sopan dan terpercaya

    •Memiliki tingkat kesadaran, tenggang rasa terhadap sesama, flexible dalam bekerja

    serta memiliki pemahaman akan etika kerja yang baik.

    Silahkan mengirimkan aplikasi Anda sebelum 9 Juni 2017 ke Jhpiego Indonesia Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia, dengan mencantumkan Subject : “Driver” email ke: .

    Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan terpilih.

  • DEBORA588

    7 Juni 2017

    Position Title : Human Resources Officer

    Reports to : Head of Finance and Operations

    Duty Station : Bogor

    Wetlands International has been working in Indonesia for more than 30 years, with very intensive works on sustainable use of wetlands in Indonesia. In order to strengthen and ensure the effective operation of Wetlands International in Indonesia, we are recruiting a position for Human Resource Officer.

    She/he will report to the Head of Finance and Operations and work closely with Management Team of Wetlands International Indonesia.

    Main duties and responsibilities

    · Responsible for implementation and adjustment of the organization’s Human Resources policies and practices in response to changing law, legislation and market conditions

    · Promote correct use of Human Resources policies, procedures, tools and instruments, and advise and support the Management Team on Human Resources policy improvements and changes where necessary

    · Identifies legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting Human Resources functions and ensures policies, procedures, and reporting are in compliance

    · Responsible for the personnel filing system and maintenance of personnel administration database for timely monthly input of personnel changes into the salary administration system

    · Responsible for personnel administration, such as contract preparation and legal registration requirements of the tax authorities and administration of staff benefits

    · Contributes to revisions to the performance assessment system, including preparation of staff capacity development plans and coordination of the yearly process

    · Responsible and coordination of recruitment search and selection procedures

    · Conducts orientation for new employees to help with integration into the organization

    · Advice and support line managers on human resources issues.

    Qualifications, skills and experience requirements

    · Relevant study and/or related experience

    · Working experience (at least 5 years) on issues such as relevant laws, legislation, contracts and conditions of employment

    · Experience in an equal size organization

    · Experience in the administration of a performance review system

    · Experience in the administration of staff benefits

    · Excellent communication skill

    · Good working knowledge of MS-Office

    · Fluent Indonesian and English language skills

    · Experience with salary system

    Apply to:

    Wetlands International Indonesia


    Application documents should reach the Wetlands International Indonesia

    by 10 June 2017

    Only qualified candidates will be shortlisted

    Women and Men are equally encouraged to apply

  • DEBORA588

    7 Juni 2017

    RTI International ( is an independent, nonprofit institute that provides research, development, and technical services to government and commercial clients worldwide. RTI International – Asia Regional Office is seeking to fill the position of :


    Job Summary

    Working together with Senior Finance Officer, the Finance Officer is responsible for recording financial transactions for Jakarta and Asia Regional offices, and to report directly to the Regional Finance Director on a daily basis. The Finance Officer is responsible for the accuracy of these transactions so as to ensure compliance with all RTI and client policies and procedures. The Finance Officer is to regularly assist Senior Finance Officer to review the financial system to identify aspects that can be improved. Under this contract, the Finance Officer will be an employee of RTI International

    Duties & Responsibilities

    •Review all incoming invoices, entry to financial data base & input transactions into Citi Direct & S2B

    •Calculate taxes for each transaction that require withholding taxes.

    •Compile and analyze financial information to prepare financial statements including monthly and annual accounts including:

    ◦Bank/account reconciliation

    ◦Journal entries and general ledger operations

    ◦Monthly financial reports

    ◦Accurate and timely financial reports

    ◦Financial databases

    ◦Scanning of all financial documents and maintenance of quality for reporting purposes

    •Ensure financial records are maintained in compliance with USAID and organizational policies and procedures

    •Ensure all financial reporting deadlines are met.

    •Establish and monitor the implementation and maintenance of accounting control procedure.

    •Assist the Indonesia Senior Finance Officer with preparation and coordination of the audit process.

    •Manage filing of financial and accounting records.

    •Assist the preparation of monthly non‐expendable inventory changes and conduct year‐end physical office non‐expendable inventory count.

    •Manage aging schedule of outstanding advances and review disbursement of vendors advances

    •Maintain accurate financial records and prepare clear calculations to support informational, auditing and operational use.

    •As backup on-train accountant and other finance staff related to Finance and Accounting matter including Accounting System for all projects in Indonesia.

    •Perform other related finance and administrative tasks as required


    •Master’s degree and 1 year of experience or Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and 3 year of experience or equivalent combination of education and experience.

    •Have knowledge in accounting, finance, taxes, and administration. Experience in auditing will be preferable.

    •Excellent communication and writing skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia, including the ability to communicate effectively in a multi-cultural environment and diplomatically manage collegial relationships.

    •Must be detail oriented, accurate and highly organized, able to work well under pressure and tight deadlines.

    •High degree of adaptability to varied working environments and good interpersonal and teamwork skills

    •High standard of personal and professional integrity.

    •Deep knowledge in excel, internet banking and email.

    •Experience in working with QuickBooks software will be an advantage.

    •Experience in project financed by USAID is an advantage.

    How to Apply :

    Please send in your updated CV and a maximum of one-page of Statement Letter in English (“How and why you think you are suitable for the position”) to and indicate the position applied in the email subject.

    The closing date is Sunday, 18 June 2017

  • DEBORA588

    7 Juni 2017

    The Global Fund bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI dalam program penguatan sistem kesehatan, membutuhkan staf Administrasi Logistik untuk penempatan di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu – Sumatera Utara

    Administrasi/Logistik (1 orang)

    · Ruang Lingkup:

    a. Melaksanakan tugas administrasi dan logistik di tingkat Kab/Kota

    b. Bertanggung jawab terhadap pegelolaan barang dan jasa di tingkat Kab/Kota

    c. Melakukan persiapan meeting, workshop dan seminar (termasuk kompilasi dokumen, peralatan dan perlengkapan kantor)

    d. Memfasilitasi unit lain termasuk konsultan dalam administrasi termasuk filling dokumen (pelaporan);

    e. Memfasilitasi dalam pemantauan dan penggunaan barang/jasa dan pelaksanaan administrasi;

    f. Membantu mempersiapkan dokumen kerjasama, persuratan dan legal dokumen termasuk filling dokumen GF HSS project.

    · Kriteria:

    1. Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas (pegawai negeri/TNI/Polri dan sejenisnya);

    2. Minimal S1 segala jurusan

    3. Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam administrasi

    4. Memiliki kemampuan MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

    5. Diutamakan mampu menulis dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris

    6. Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah yang dipilih

    Mohon mengisi FORM PENDAFTARAN pada link berikut:

    Lampirkan CV dan dokumen pendukung ke PMTGFHSS@GMAIL.COM dengan Subject: Adminlog - Kab. Labuhanbatu

    Aplikasi lamaran kami terima paling lambat tanggal 12 Juni 2017

  • WINDY262

    7 Juni 2017

    Di klik link na tpi gk bisa kebuka! Erorr.. :( Napa ya na ka debora..?

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Buat teman-terman terkasih yang tertarik untuk berkerja di United Nation, ada kesempatan terbuka. Silahkan untuk me-klik link dibawah ini. Nanti teman-teman silahkan klik posisi kerja yang dirasa sesuai dengan kriteria dan kemampuan teman-teman. Lowongan kerja bisa untuk posisi apa saja, karena saya rasa pasti teman-teman datang dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan dan pekerjaan.

    Selamat mencoba dan Tuhan memberkati.

  • DEBORA588

    7 Juni 2017

    Bisa coba yang link yang ini

    WINDY262 tulis:

    Di klik link na tpi gk bisa kebuka! Erorr.. :( Napa ya na ka debora..?

    7 Juni 2017 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • 9 Juni 2017


    Radio Heartline Fm

    Manager HRD

    1. Pria

    2. Pendidikan min. S1 jurusan psikologi, Manajemen SDM

    3. Mengerti metode-metode test psikologi

    4. Memahami pengelolaan karyawan

    5. Jujur, ramah, dan mau terus belajar

    6. Mampu bertanggung jawab terhadap seleksi karyawan

    7. Berpengalaman min. 2 tahun

    Kirimkan CV & Surat Lamaran ke alamat e-mail berikut:

  • 9 Juni 2017

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Dear all,

    Foodie habit group a culinary-lifestyle company  under Sugar Group Company (Gulaku) is seeking dedicated people who are excited to join our prestigious team apply for the following positions :

    * Driver

    * Waiter (male)

    * Waiter Banquet (male)

    * Commis

    * Cost Control (male)

    Pls send your cv to attn HRD PT.Legenda Kuliner or SMS /WA 081280866080


  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Mohon bantu di share

    Persyaratan :

    1.       Wanita, Lulusan dari Akademi Sekretaris

    2.       Berpengalaman di bidangnya minimal 3 – 5 Tahun dalam menangani pekerjaannya

    3.       Menguasai dan fasih dalam Bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar

    4.       Mempunyai skill berkomunikasi dengan baik, berpenampilan menarik , attitude positif dan Jujur.

    5.     Mampu mengoperasikan computer minimal Ms. Office yaitu : Words, Excell, Power Point , Outlook dan Internet.

    6.       Familiar dengan cara kerja atasan expatriate dari Jepang/Korea

    7.       Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan

    8.       Bisa bekerja dalam lingkungan fast track, multi tasking dan minimum supervisi

    9.       Orientasi terhadap detail dan responsif

    10.   Minimal mengerti mengenai proses ijin bekerja untuk expatriat

    11.   Minimal mengerti prosedur import . masterlist, sampai penerbitan proses LC

    12.   Familiar dengan lingkungan project baik itu urusannya dengan Project Migas / BUMN

    Cover Letter dan CV bisa email ke saya :

    Thank you ya...

    9 Juni 2017 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Dear All,

    We are one of Offshore Shipping Marine Company and currently looking for a qualified candidate to fill the position as Finance Executive with Scope of Work and Qualifications asf:

    Maintain petty cash for all currency and prepare monthly report;

    Maintain bank balance and bank loan report every end of month;

    Prepare cash flow realization report;

    Receive all the CAF, operational cost and pettu cash report;

    Prepare BI report;



    Min Bachelor Degrer majoring in accounting/economics;

    Having 3 yo of experiences in finance;

    Female age max 35 yo;

    Proficient in SAP and excel skill;

    Familiar with Bid Bond process;

    Fluent in english both oral and written.

    Kindl send your resume and recent photograph to my email

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Mohon bantu share,

    perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan sbb :


    # wanita, usia 25-30 tahun

    # Min. pendidikan D3 segala jurusan

    # Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun di bidang :

      Admin Sales&Marketing/ Admin sales/ Sales Support/ Admin Marketing/ Marketing Support

    # Mahir mengoperasikan : Ms. Word, Excell dan Power Point

    # Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (lebih diutamakan)

    # Terbiasa dengan system dan deadline

    # Dapat bekerja sama dalam team

    CV dan Surat lamaran diemail ke :

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Management systems international, inc


    Position: Program Assistant

    Project Summary:

    CEGAH is a 5-year USAID-funded accountability and integrity program that works with a wide range of Indonesia’s Government and non-governmental agencies. The program runs between 2016 and 2021. The project is implemented by Management Systems International.

    Position Summary:

    The Program Assistant position is held by a junior experienced staff whose acquired knowledge and skills enable him/her to independently undertake diverse work assignments (e.g. database, actively engage in program activities, major event/course planning, etc). Work requires extensive coordination with team members in CEGAH to ensure successful performance of the program as detailed in the annual work plan. The PA will be expected to support the work of the Technical Senior staff (Chief of Party and Program Managers) while independently liaising with the implementation level of partner government agencies and CSOs.


    · Assist senior technical staff in the planning, coordination and arrangements for successful conduct of events such as seminars/conferences, training, meetings, presentations, and other (including, when necessary, travel and hotel arrangements, and trip itineraries). Ensuring attendance lists, materials and equipment are prepared and available.

    ·      Set up appointments/meetings with partner government agencies

    ·      Handling administration and financial matters of the program implementation

    ·      Collect and provide necessary information and contribute to the planning, organizing and developing of all aspects of the projects.

    ·      Ensure timely implementation of activities, in accordance with project schedules issued by the Program Manager.

    ·      Draft ToR, letters and/or invitations in both Indonesia and English, as well as documents and forms related to Program activities and administrative matters.

    ·      Communicate and coordinate with the Consultants related to Program activities.

    ·      Maintain an efficient filling system for all administrative and operational records

    ·      Perform other duties and responsibilities assigned by senior technical staff.

    General provisions and limitations:

    ·       All final decisions related to this Project are made by the COP and MSI/HQ responsible and authorized personnel.

    ·       Any communication with USAID is the authority of the COP and MSI/HQ responsible and authorized personnel.


    ·       Bachelor (S1) degree in relevant field of work or related studies

    ·       Minimum 2 years of relevant experience

    ·       Good management and administrative skills

    ·       Experienced in maintaining network with government, NGOs and media.  

    ·       Have the capacity to work both independently as well as in a team setting

    ·       Willing to undertake field travel and work under demanding conditions

    ·       Ability to establish priorities and undertake assigned tasks with minimum supervision

    ·       Ability to effectively address multiple tasks

    ·       Proficient in spoken and written English, and in the use of MS Office Software

    **This is a local position; only Indonesian nationals will be considered.

    Please send CV (including three references) and application letter to  before 7:00pm Jakarta time on Wednesday,  June 14,  2017.   Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interview will be conducted on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate has been selected.

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017

    Position Title       :     Human Resources Officer

    Reports to           :     Head of Finance and Operations

    Duty Station        :     Bogor

    Wetlands International has been working in Indonesia for more than 30 years, with very intensive works on sustainable use of wetlands in Indonesia. In order to strengthen and ensure the effective operation of Wetlands International in Indonesia, we are recruiting a position for Human Resource Officer.

    She/he will report to the Head of Finance and Operations and work closely with Management Team of Wetlands International Indonesia.

    Main duties and responsibilities

    ·           Responsible for implementation and adjustment of the organization’s Human Resources policies and practices in response to changing law, legislation and market conditions

    ·           Promote correct use of Human Resources policies, procedures, tools and instruments, and advise and support the Management Team on Human Resources policy improvements and changes where necessary

    ·           Identifies legal requirements and government reporting regulations affecting Human Resources functions and ensures policies, procedures, and reporting are in compliance

    ·           Responsible for the personnel filing system and maintenance of personnel administration database for timely monthly input of personnel changes into the salary administration system

    ·           Responsible for personnel administration, such as contract preparation and legal registration requirements of the tax authorities and administration of staff benefits

    ·           Contributes to revisions to the performance assessment system, including preparation of staff capacity development plans and coordination of the yearly process

    ·           Responsible and coordination of recruitment search and selection procedures

    ·           Conducts orientation for new employees to help with integration into the organization

    ·           Advice and support line managers on human resources issues.

    Qualifications, skills and experience requirements

    ·           Relevant study and/or related experience

    ·           Working experience (at least 5 years) on issues such as relevant laws, legislation, contracts and conditions of employment

    ·           Experience in an equal size organization

    ·           Experience in the administration of a performance review system

    ·           Experience in the administration of staff benefits

    ·           Excellent communication skill

    ·           Good working knowledge of MS-Office

    ·           Fluent Indonesian and English language skills

    ·           Experience with salary system

    Apply to:

    Wetlands International Indonesia


    Application documents should reach the Wetlands International Indonesia

    by 10 June 2017

    Only qualified candidates will be shortlisted

    Women and Men are equally encouraged to apply

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017


    Position Title

    : Human Resources Assistant


    : Jakarta, Indonesia

    Job Type and duration of contract

    : Full-Time, 1 year contract period

    Closing Date

    : June 16, 2017


    Personnel Administration

    ·     Administering staff health insurance; submitting the claims to insurance provider, monitoring the claim payment, inform to the respective staff regarding claim payment or any outstanding matter related to health insurance;

    ·         Help finance officer in cross-checking time sheets with leave records twice a month;

    ·    Provide secretarial function: make copies and/or duplicates materials as requested HRM; prepare and transmit facsimiles, scanning, filing, etc.

    ·         Entry data: record/inputting staff Annual Leave and Sick Leave into Leave Record;

    ·         Assist Admin Officer in updating hotel (appointed) information, including filing the related documents.  

    Legal Document Process

    ·         Assist with the provision of administrative support to the HRM on Government Relations matter;

    ·         Assist HRM in monitoring Legal Document Process done by the service agent such as:

    -    Stay Permit (ITAS or Ijin Tinggal Terbatas), Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit, Exit Permit Only, Work Permit (IMTA or Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Asing), Laporan Keberadaan/Kedatangan TKWNAP.

    -     Luce Scholar Social/Cultural Visit Visa

    ·        Submit documents to Foreign Affair Ministry, State Secretariat, Labor Ministry, Custom, Police Office and Embassies in processing office and International staff permit and documentations, such as:

    -          Assignment Letter

    -        Visa for The Asia Foundation’s Local staff

    -          Company Regulation, Wajib Lapor Perusahaan, and Wajib Lapor Kesejahteraan Perusahaan

    -          Maintain a good relationship with Government Officers.

    ·      Processing the Legal Document related to Vehicle Registration (STNK) Renewal, PP19, Tax Exemption and other document exclude stay permits/formalities for expat staff.

    ·         Maintain a good relationship with the Government Officers.

    Consultant Administration

    ·            Assist HR Manager in consultancy contract issuance;

    ·            Ensure the supporting document for consultancy contract is completed;

    ·            Prepare draft of the individual consultant contract;

    ·            Work closely with Finance team related to consultant payment;

    ·            Responsible for ensuring the contract is signed and delivered to assigned consultant;

    ·            Responsible for filing consultant contract documents (hard & soft copies);

    ·            Maintain the consultant log (database) is up to date;

    ·       Provide secretarial function: make copies and/or duplicates materials as requested HRM; prepare and transmit facsimiles, scanning, filing, etc.


    ·            Perform miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.


    ·         Minimum Diploma or bachelor’s degree or equivalent education or relevant experience.

    ·        Minimum two year experience as human resources assistance or administrative assistant, preferably in an international organization or large private firm.

    ·         Experience in processing visa, working permits, PP19, licenses renewal, and other legal document.

    ·         Deep knowledge in formalities-Expatriate Legal document procedures

    ·         Responsible and hard worker

    ·         Ability to understand and follow specific instructions and procedures

    ·         Self-starter, enthusiasm, positive attitude, and can work independently

    ·         Experience in processing consultancy contracts

    ·         Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.

    ·         Excellent interpersonal skills.

    ·         High level of professionalism and discretion required.


    Please send your application letter and CV to The Asia Foundation by e-mail to by June 16, 2017. Please write “HR Assistant” on the Subject of the e-mail. The Asia Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

  • DEBORA588

    9 Juni 2017


    Position Title

    : Program Officer – PEDULI  


    : Jakarta, Indonesia

    Job Type and duration of contract

    : Full-Time, 1 year contract period

    Closing Date

    : June 16, 2017


    Peduli is a Government of Indonesia (GoI) initiative to promote social inclusion as a pathway out of poverty. The Coordination Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK, also known as PMK) created Peduli in 2010. The program is funded by the Australian Government through its Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

    The first phase of the program was managed by The World Bank from 2011 to 2014. The Asia Foundation (TAF) was awarded a grant in 2014 to manage the second phase of Peduli. Based on strong performance, DFAT has extended the grant for a further two years. TAF will continue to manage Peduli until the end of 2018.


    The Asia Foundation seeks qualified candidates for Program Officer – PEDULI to work as part of a team to support and oversee funding to Executing Organizations and local level CSOs. Responsibilities include program development, capacity building through facilitation and coaching, monitoring and evaluation, external communications, reporting, grants management and monitoring of program spending. Program Officers have regular contact with other related Asia Foundation good governance programs to foster cross-learning. They also represent the program to partners, government counterparts, donors and other international agencies.

    The focus of this function is short-range in nature, concerned with ensuring that (a) the Eos and CSOs are achieving the agreed outputs and outcomes within the agreed budgets; and (b) implementation issues are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner. The function is primarily concerned with effectiveness of the work undertaken by the Eos and CSOs.


    ·     Assist SPO to set a pillar-level strategic plan that aligns with the overall strategic direction of Peduli (in conjunction with relevant stakeholders) then implement and report on the execution of the plan at the individual pillar level;

    ·     Promoting and supporting EO(s) to take on a more strategic role with government, including brokering partnerships (coalitions for inclusion) at the pillar level;

    ·    Assisting EO(s) to support the changing role of CSOs in promoting and facilitating the mainstreaming of inclusive development;

    ·   Undertake continuous contextual analyses and updates on local developments, and ensure these inform program implementation, including collaborating with specialist staff and good governance advisors in the development of relevant strategies;

    ·     Implement effective risk management activities (as identified in conjunction with Deputy Team Leader and Senior Program Officers) with partners to reduce the likelihood of risk, and monitor and address any breaches in a timely and appropriate manner;

    ·    Collaborate with grants management staff to ensure an integrated approach with Eos;

    ·    Collaborate with monitoring and evaluation staff to set appropriate pillar-related performance indicators and measures, and monitor and report on these;

    ·    Supporting data and documents for SPO to approve annual work plans of the EO(s), in conjunction with those with grants management functions;

    ·   Assist SPO to monitor and oversight the annual work plan of the EO(s), ensuring outputs and outcomes are met and budgets are expended efficiently and appropriately;

    ·    Provide organizational capacity to EOs, particularly in areas such as: program planning and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management; and

    ·    Contribute to ongoing knowledge generation and learning.


    ·     Minimum of 3 years work experience designing and implementing international development    

       programs, with a strong background or specialization of the Peduli target groups, and experience in community-based social inclusion strategies;

    ·     Experience in project management and strategic grant-making;

    ·     Experience in developing and managing capacity building programs;

    ·   Solid understanding and extensive experience with the civil society movement working on issues related to social of excluded minorities;

    ·     Knowledge and experience working with women and people with disabilities is a benefit;

    ·    Experience working with government counterparts, including Kementerian PMK, Bappenas, TNP2K, and Kemensos;

    ·     Prior experience working for international organization or donor agencies a plus.


    Please send your application letter and CV to The Asia Foundation by e-mail to by June 16, 2017. Please write “PO – PEDULI” on the Subject of the e-mail. The Asia Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

  • DEBORA588

    11 Juni 2017

    Wahid Foundation was established to advance the humanitarian vision of KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) in advancing the development of tolerant, multicultural, society in Indonesia, improving the welfare of the poor, building democracy and fundamental justice, and expanding the values of peace and non-violence in Indonesia and throughout the world.

    We are currently looking for professional candidates to fill in several positions for several new projects in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) that will last up to 5 years, as below:

    1.       Business & Innovation Manager

 vacancy/TOR_Business_and_ Innovation_Manager.pdf

    2.       Data & Research Lead

 vacancy/TOR_Data_Research_ Lead.pdf

    3.      Website & Media Social Admin

 vacancy/TOR_Website_and_ Social_Media_Admin.pdf

    5.       Media & Campaign Manager
 vacancy/TOR_Media_and_ Campaign_Manager.pdf

    6.       Regional Coordinator
 vacancy/TOR_Regional_ Coordinator.pdf

    7.       Microfinance/ Innovation Community Organizer
 vacancy/TOR_Microfinance_ Community_Organizer.pdf

    How to apply:

    If you are interested, please send your cv and cover letter (with format in words/ pdf) to with the subject Position name - your name.

    Wahid Foundation is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to gender equality and child protection. Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks (SKCK).

    Notes: All application will be closed by 11th of June 2017 and only shortlisted candidate will be invited for an interview.

  • 11 Juni 2017

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