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Lowongan Kerja


1201 – 1225 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 48  49  50 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • SHABDY842

    20 September 2017

    PT. Bintang Toedjoe membuka kesempatan untuk berkarir di posisi :


    Kualifikasi :
    - Laki-laki / perempuan
    - Usia maksimal 28 tahun, single
    - Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan
    - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang general affair di pabrik minimal 1 tahun
    - Memahami alur kerja dan administrasi general affair di pabrik
    - Ulet, komunikatif, dan detail
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di Pulomas, Jakarta Timur

    Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke email dengan subyek : GA MFG_(NAMA).

    Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.

  • SHABDY842

    20 September 2017

    Open Position :

    1. Cashier (Soekarno Hatta Airport). Salary up to 4 mio.
    Requirements : Female, Active communication in English, Has minimum 3 years experienced as cashier in retail industry.

    2. Inventory Control (Soekarno Hatta Airport - Sunter Agung). Salary up to 5 mio. Requirements : Male, Active communication in English, Has minimum 3 years experienced as Inventory Control.

    3. Staff Finance / Account (Sunter Agung). Salary up to 7 mio.
    Requirements : Active communication in English, Expert in finance, tax, and account, Has minimum 5 years experienced in Finance and Accounting.

    If you are interested pls contact me by DM or send your latest CV to

  • SHABDY842

    20 September 2017


    We are PT MSM (Djarum-Wings) wants to build a new Integrated Sugar Factory (Sugarcane + Sugar Refinery + Cogen Plant) in east Indonesia. We are urgently needed for :
    Civil Engineering Officer
    - Indonesian, Age 30-40 years old
    - Advance in CAD, concrete and structural steel
    - Sugar Factory & Co-Gen Plant project
    - Placement in Sumba Island, NTT

    Electrical / Instrument Officer
    - Indonesian, Age 30-40 years old
    - Advance in medium voltage and high voltage
    - Advance in PLC/DCS
    - Will be handle Powerplant 22MW Cogeneration project
    - Placement in Sumba Island, NTT

    Please submit your latest CV on :

  • SHABDY842

    20 September 2017

    Head of HR

    Salary IDR30000000 - IDR40000000 per month
    Location Jakarta
    Consultant Angela Putranti

    A rapidly expanding e-commerce start up is looking for a talented Head of HR in Jakarta to take on a newly created role. In this job, you will lead a team and be responsible for all HR-related functions.

    About the Head of HR Role:

    Due to excellent results and future expansion plans, the Head of HR will play a key role in the HR team's continued development and success in its new office.

    Key responsibilities:

    Responsible for HR functions such as employee relations, performance management, compensation and benefits, training and development, recruitment
    Attract and hire great talent to support the grow of the company
    Support employees and managers in understanding and adapting to change in the business / workplace environment.
    Lead ongoing HR projects to support and help improve businesses processes
    To succeed in the Head of HR job, you will need to have the ability to work effectively and cooperatively with senior management teams, across borders and internal matrix.

    Key requirements:

    Minimum 10 years of HR generalist with a major part focusing on talent acquisition
    Strong people management and organisational development experience
    Strategic thinking, and execution ability to set direction and shape future development
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with ability to adapt to a new culture and environment effectively
    Experience in working in a dynamic environment would be a strong advantage
    The successful Head of HR will join a company whose expertise has made them the leader in their field. This well-recognised brand offers a great working environment in brand new offices.

    If you are driven, determined and want to take the next step in your career, this is the role for you. Great career progression opportunities await the right person in this exciting Global Head of Marketing job.

    Apply today or call me to discuss this new opportunity.

    Get in touch

    Angela Putranti
    You have already applied for this role

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    PT Onna Prima Utama searching for ADMIN STAFF, penempatan di Angke.

    • Pria, 22-28 tahun
    • Minimum SMK Administrasi Perkantoran
    • Fresh Graduate/Minimal pengalaman 1 thn di bidang yang sama
    • Menguasai Microsoft Word, Excel dan Teliti

    Silahkan kirimkan CV anda beserta noted "Admin - Angke" ke, thanks

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    We are looking for SAP Manager for a Multinational Company based in Purwakarta.
    The candidate must have at least two/three full lifecycle SAP R/3 implementation experience (Project Preparation till Go-Live) and preferably candidate who have SAP certification in MM and SD modules.
    If you have these qualification and willing to explore new opportunity, please send your CV to

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    Michael Page Jakarta Barat,

    You will play a key role within the HR department and the company itself. You will support the business (Finance, Legal and General Affairs) and be responsible all HR matters. Team work, being efficient and working smart are core values of this company.
    Client Details
    Our client is a Financial Technology Company and founded in 2014.
    They are growing rapidly and seeking for high professionals such as a talented HR Manager to drive this success forward.
    In this position, you will be:
    Oversee HR, GA, Facilities, Legal and Finance (There will be people from HR, people from GA, Finance reporting to you).
    Make sure the office is operating properly. You will also become the main PIC for renting new office space, moving between offices, determine which office is best for current needs and budget.
    Develop strategies for recruitment, on boarding, and improve employee retention and employee development.
    Drive company fun activities and make sure people are happy. Be able to communicate good news and bad news well.
    Provide advice to the company when the company want to do things from the eyes of legal/tax implications
    Be able to navigate complex government paperwork process and obtain necessary paperwork on schedule
    Revise and make sure our accounting, bank accounts and all financial related stuff are proper and provide advise if things can be made more efficient.
    Handle procurement, purchasing, legal and all other support system in the company.
    Keep improving the process so things can run smoothly and more effective.
    Willing to work overtime to reach goals.
    Successfull Applicant:
    Has more than 5-10 year s experience working in HR/Finance/GA/Legal in a >200 people company
    Familiar with legal documents and government policies
    An individual with a strong sense of responsibilities and independence
    Meticulous, well-organised, able to multi-task well
    Smart and fast thinker
    Willing to travel around the city
    Preferably has background in finance/banking/accounting/law from prestigious firms in indo so understand the context in Indonesian industry.
    Passionate in helping others.
    Personable, cheerful and generally liked by people
    Job Offer
    Dynamic Environment

    For a confidential discussion about this role please contact Mathia Editha on +62 21 2958 8863

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    PT. Gamatara Trans Ocean Shipyard membutuhkan kandidat terbaik untuk mengisi posisi :

    1. Staff Finance

    - Wanita usia min 25 tahun

    - Pend. min. S1 Akutansi Sederajat

    - Mampu mengoperasikan komputer. (Excel,dll)

    - Teliti, cermat & pekerja keras.

    - Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun

    - Penempatan : Kantor Pusat (Cirebon)

    2. Admin Proyek

    - Pria/Wanita usia maks. 30 tahun

    - Pend. min. SMA/SMK Sederajat

    - Mampu mengoperasikan komputer

    - Komunikatif, teliti, cermat & pekerja keras

    - Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan mudah beradaptasi.

    - Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun sebagai admin.

    - Penempatan : Kantor Pusat Cirebon

    Kirim Lamaran Anda ke email: /

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang industri building material (atap galvalum) di daerah Surabaya Utara sedang membuka beberapa lowongan dengan syarat sebagai berikut;
    Operator Forklift (Kode : FL)
    - Laki-laki
    - Usia minimum 25 tahun
    - Pendidikan D3 Semua jurusan
    - Memiliki SIO (Surat Ijin Operasi)
    - Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai operator forklift
    - Memiliki pemahaman K3 dan product knowledge terkait dengan building material

    Silakan kirim surat lamaran dan cv anda ke email atau bisa kirimkan langsung lamaran anda ke kantor kami di
    Jln. Tambak Langon No. 28 Kavling 6 Surabaya
    UP : HRD PT Sumber Mas Gemilang

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017

    Singapore Yard looking for :
    1. Planning Engineer
    2. Structural Superintendent
    3. Structural Engineer
    4. Piping Superintendent
    5. Piping Engineer
    6. Piping Supervisor
    7. E&I Engineer
    8. Painting Superintendent
    9. Logistics Superintendent
    10. Storekeeper
    11. Staging Supervisor

    Keen applicants, currently residing in Singapore, please contact me at

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017




    Pendidikan min. S1 Hukum
    Pengalaman min. 5 tahun di bidang yang sama pada perusahaan manufaktur / industri
    Memahami :
    Sistem Remunerasi
    UU Ketenagakerjaan
    Hubungan Industrial
    General Affair
    Recruitment & Assessment
    Training & Development
    Komunikatif, customer service oriented, memiliki leadership, integritas, interpersonal skill dan analytical thinking yang baik
    Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota
    Bersedia ditempatkan di SEMARANG / SURABAYA / PALEMBANG
    Tuliskan bersedia ditempatkan di kota mana
    Tugas Pekerjaan :

    Mengelola & mengontrol aktivitas kepersonaliaan, rekrutmen & seleksi, serta training dan pengembangan karyawan
    Mengelola & mengontrol sarana dan prasarana kerja karyawan seperti : kebersihan area kerja, perawatan gedung dan kendaraan operasional
    Mengarahkan dan mengontrol pelaksanaan K3 (Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja) di seluruh unit kerja

    Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke :

    HR Division
    Cahaya Buana Group
    Kawasan Industri Sentul
    Jl. Cahaya Raya Blok O
    Sentul – Bogor 16810

  • SHABDY842

    25 September 2017


    Sinar Mas Mining functions as a holding company of PT Golden Energy Mines Tbk, PT Berau Coal Tbk and also other subsidiaries operating in energy and sustainability sector. Currently, we are looking for:
    1. Blasting Engineer
    2. Mine Engineer

    - Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering
    - Minimum 2 years of working experiences in the related field is required
    - Good communication skill and able to work in team
    - Computer literacy
    - Preferably have SIM A, KJL 2, and POP certificate
    - Willing to be located in Berau, East Kalimantan

    Please send your resume to with subject : Position Name.

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Update vacancy in PT Calbee-Wings Food (Sept 22nd, 2017):

    1. GA Admin (placement: plant)
    S1 from English Literature
    Fluent in English
    Expert in Ms. Excel function and SAP

    2. R&D Engineering Staff (placement: Plant)
    Male max . 30 years old
    Min. DIII from Machinery/ Electrical Engineering
    Having GMP knowledge
    Min. 2 years in (analyzing, operating, and modification machine) in FMCG

    3. HR Senior Staff (placement: HO)
    Min. S1 from Psychology
    Fluent in English
    Experience in OD, interpreting psychotest tools, and GA matters

    4. R&D Senior Staff (placement: plant)
    Male max. 30 years old
    Min. S1 from Food Technology
    Min. 2 years experience in GMP, machine and processing knowledge
    Experience in SAP

    5. R&D Spv. (placement: plant)
    Have min. 3 years experiences in R&D Spv.
    Have engineering knowledge

    6. IT Software Engineer
    S1 from Computer Science/ Information Technology/ equivalent
    Have a basic knowledge about CMS, Joomla, MVC Concept, MySQL, Ajax, Glassfish, OOP
    Have skill of web programming (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS), Java, VB, C#, .NET
    Min. 2 years experience in SAP ABAP

    Interested candidates should submit their CV and recent photograph via e-mail to :

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    PT GRAFITECINDO CIPTAPRIMA yang berlokasi di kawasan industri Jababeka 1, membutuhkan SDM untuk posisi

    1. Supir Forklif
    - Pendidikan SMU sederajat
    - Usia 20-40 Tahun
    - PRIA
    - Memiliki Sertifikat SIO untuk Forklif
    - Berpengalaman menjadi supir Forklif
    - Bersedia bekerja secepatnya

    Bila berminat kirim CV lengkap ke:
    *subjek (posisi yang dilamar)*Open options for Hadi Sukaryo’s post
    15 Likes 15 Likes on Hadi Sukaryo’s post

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Production Engineering
    - Laki-Laki Usia Max 40 Tahun
    - Pendidikan Min D3
    - Pengalaman 5 Tahun di Bidang yang sama
    - Mampu Membaca gambar Teknik menguasai system Autocad 2D,3D Catia
    - Memahami Iso TS 16949
    - mampu Bahasa inggris lisan dan Tulisan
    Minat Kirim Cv
    Wa 081318369636

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    TRANS TV looking for "Business Analyst Staff", below the requirement:

    1. Min bachelor degrees ( S1) , with at least 1 year working experience as marketing / business/ commerce analyst

    2. Strong analytical skills with ability to collect, organize, analyze and report with attention to detail and accuracy

    3. Proactive, observant, initiative, accountable, good communication and team player

    4. Understand FMCG, advertising and media industry

    5. Ability to think creatively and strategically

    6. Strong knowledge of MS Office Application ( Excel and power point)

    7. Like TV, entertainment, digital is a plus

    If you meet the requirement please send your CV to:

    26 September 2017 diubah oleh SHABDY842


    26 September 2017

    ANGELINA862 tulis:


    Lowongan kerja sebagai Pendoa di Menara Doa Yayasan Obed Edom


    *Pria, Wanita 18 - 45 th

    *Memiliki Hati untuk Melayani Tuhan dan sesama

    *Dapat bermain musik gitar/keyboard (tidak diwajibkan)

    *bekerja Senin-Jumat Pukul 08:00 - 17:00 WIB

    Yayasan Obed Edom

    Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Ruko Niaga Citra Gran Blok R6 No. 19 kec. Jatisampurna kab. Bekasi

    Kirimkan Lamaran anda beserta Pas foto  ke Email


  • WAHYU573

    26 September 2017

    Ada gak atau lembaga utk belajar supir mobil...kursus mobil...??????

    Belajr mengemudi?

    26 September 2017 diubah oleh WAHYU573

  • WAHYU573

    26 September 2017

    Shalom...mau tanya ne...sama kaka2, apa masih adakah yayasan atau beasiswa utk kuliah dlm negeri tahun 2017 ini.

    Mohon info nya..???

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Sinar Mas Mining functions as a holding company of PT Golden Energy Mines Tbk, PT Berau Coal Tbk and also other subsidiaries operating in energy and sustainability sector. Currently, we are looking for some position;

    1. Procurement Section Head
    2. PPIC Senior Supervisor
    3. HRIS Project Lead
    4. HRIS Support Lead
    5. Data Analyst - Implementation Team
    6. Tax Officer
    7. Finance Specialist
    8. Accounting Staff
    9. License & Reporting Engineer
    10. Technical Superintendent
    11. Frontend Specialist
    12. Scheduler
    13. IT Officer
    14. PMO for Head of Procurement GEMS
    15. Business Analyst, Contract Development, SOP
    16. Operations Officer
    17. Senior Back End Developer
    18. Customer Operations
    19. Business Development Intern
    20. Risk Manager
    21. Strategic Partnership
    22. Industry Expert Plantation
    23. Industry Expert Developer
    24. B2B Sales Officer
    25. Marketing Communications & Relations
    26. Procurement Staff
    27. Proposal Engineer
    28. Product Owner
    29. Support Staff
    30. Procurement Officer
    31. Cowboy
    32. Anak Kandang
    33. Security

    Please send your resume to

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Rimau group adalah perusahaan yang bergerak d bidang pertambangan batu bara. Pelayaran. Perdagangan. Dan energy. kami Membuka kesempatan bekerja untuk berjiwa muda. Energik. Dan ingin mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki. Dan berani melakukan perubahan

    Rimau group open position:

    Site tambang.

    1. Kepala teknik tambang.
    2. Supten produksi.
    3. Supten plant
    4. Mine engineer
    5. Mine plan
    6. Mekanik a2b.
    7. Mekanik adt.
    8. Mekanik workshop sarana.
    9. Mekanik dump truck.
    10. Mekanik support equipment.
    11. Mekanik elektrik
    12. Spv it site.
    13. It staff site.
    14. Hrd staff
    15. Hr Recruitment site
    16. Fuellman bbm
    17. Serviceman
    18. Surveyor mining
    19. Blaster.

    Head office:

    1. Accounting
    2. Staff export - import.
    3. Staff internal audit
    4. Admin purchasing shipping
    5. Admin finance
    6. Graphic design / i.t. staff.
    7. Internal audit staff
    8. Office service. (Ob)
    9. Driver

    Silahkan kirim cv nya segera ke


    Atau kirim kan cv nya ke

    Jl. A.m. sangaji no. 11 L - m. Petojo. Jakarta pusat.

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Waduh, untuk kursus setir sebaiknya lihat di kota masing-masing ya Mas Wahyudi, apalagi anda bberada di kota Barito. Saya pernah banyak lihat kok kursus mengemudi di Balikpapan, Samarinda dan Berau fsn pasti itu terlalu jauh. forum ini dibuat oleh pendirinya khusus untuk informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan.

    WAHYU573 tulis:

    Ada gak atau lembaga utk belajar supir mobil...kursus mobil...??????

    Belajr mengemudi?

    26 September 2017 diubah oleh SHABDY842

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    Untuk beasiswa sebaiknya cari di beberapa website yang menyediakan hal itu. Kalau mau praktis bisa cari via google.

    Melihat usiamu, maaf ya, saya sarankan lebih baik mengikuti kursus ketrampilan saja. Umunya lembaga beasiswa hanya emberikan beasiswa untuk anak yang baru lulus dari SMA/SMK.

    Usul saya temukan minatmu dengan baik dan kursuslah untuk mempertajam minat tersebut.

    Semoga sukses.

    WAHYU573 tulis:

    Shalom...mau tanya ne...sama kaka2, apa masih adakah yayasan atau beasiswa utk kuliah dlm negeri tahun 2017 ini.

    Mohon info nya..???

  • SHABDY842

    26 September 2017

    T. Graha Kerindo Utama (Tissue Tessa) membuka lowongan Research & Development Staff :
    - Pria, Single, usia maksimal 28 tahun
    - S1 jurusan Statistik, Sosiologi, Matematika
    - Menyukai pekerjaan di bidang penelitian pasar (kualitatif ataupun kuantitatif)
    - Penempatan HO di Jakarta

    silakkan kirim CV terbaru ke :

  • SHABDY842

    27 September 2017

    PT.CBA Chemical Industry merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Agrochemical. Perusahaan yang didirikan oleh anak bangsa yang ingin bergerak aktif dalam menyejahterakan kehidupan pertanian melalui produk yang berkualitas baik dengan harga yang kompetitif. Kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk mengisi beberapa posisi untuk penempatan di Serang Banten:

    1.HR Staff
    - Laki - laki
    - S1 Psikologi
    - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang rekruitment minimal 2 tahun
    - Usia maximal 28 tahun
    - Menguasai alat test psikologi
    - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang Oracle lebih disukai
    - Siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
    - Memiliki kemampuan dibidang konseling lebih disukai

    2.General Affair
    - Laki - laki
    - Memiliki pengalaman dibidang General Affair
    - Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
    - S1 Semua Jurusan
    - Belum menikah
    - Menguasai UU Ketenagakerjaan
    - Kemampuan Komunikasi yang baik
    - Fresh Graduate akan dipertimbangkan
    - Mampu bekerja dibawah tenakan
    - Memiliki SIM A lebih disukai

    Apabila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang tercantum diatas silahkan kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda ke
    Dengan format:
    1 file PDF Max 2MB
    Cantumkan nama, pendidikan dan posisi yang diinginkan pada SUBJEK email dan NAMA FILE yang Anda dikirimkan

1201 – 1225 dari 3367    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 48  49  50 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan