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  • FLOREN355

    5 Agustus 2015

    rekomendasi untuk accounting dong kak debora.

    kalau bisa daerah Jakarta .


    Sebelumnya trimakasih untuk informasinya .

    Tuhan memberkati :-D

  • WISEMAN786

    5 Agustus 2015

    Thanks a lot for the info

  • DEBORA588

    5 Agustus 2015

    Boleh minta tolong bantuan dari teman2, ada beberapa lowongam kerja yang sudah expired, kebanyakkan ada di page 1-5, mohon bantuannya untuk tekan tanda "laporkan" dan ketik lowongan sudah expired, sehingga admin JK bisa menghapus postingan saya dan semoga membuat teman-teman jadi mudah untuk melihat lowongan yang ada.

    Terimakasih untuk bantuan nya.

    Selamat malam


    5 Agustus 2015

    Rekomendasi acc & bid pembukuan lainnya dong untuk di bandung

    Hehehe thnks

  • DEBORA588

    5 Agustus 2015

    Silahkan disebarkan ke group lain bila ada yg berminat mencari beasiswa utk melanjutkan pendidikan, semoga putera-puteri Indonesia semakin hebat..

    1. Australia Award Scholarship (

    2. LPDP Scholarship (

    3. DIKTI Scholarship

    a. Dalam Negeri (

    b. Luar Negeri (

    4. Turkey Government Scholarship (

    5. General Cultural Scholarship India (

    6. USA Government Scholarship

    a. (

    b. (

    7. Netherland Government Scholarship (

    8. Korean Government Scholarship ( ... &menuNo=349)

    9. Belgium Government Scholarship (

    10. Israel Government Scholarship ( ... nment%20to.aspx)

    11. Sciences Po France ( ... tmy-scholarship)

    12. Utrecht University Netherland (


    13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (

    14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (

    15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (

    16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia ( ... wship-2013.html)

    17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (

    18. University of Twente Netherland ( ... grants/all/uts/)

    19. Sweden Government Scholarship (

    20. Chinese Government Scholarship ( ... =97&id=1422)

    21. Taiwan Government Scholarship (

    22. United Kingdom Government SCholarship (

    23. Panasonic Scholarship Japan ( ... o/requirements/)

    24. Ancora Foundation Scholarship (

    25. Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan (

    26. AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship (

    27. Art Asia Major Scholarship Korea National University of Arts (


    28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan (

    29. Seoul National University Korea ( ... ore-application)

    30. DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship (

    31. Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan (

    32. IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology ( ... ff1257ef5982a08)

    33. International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA (

    34. Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan (

    35. School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia (

    36. Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan

    37. Asia University Taiwan (

    38. Macquaire University Australia ( ... l_scholarships/)

  • DEBORA588

    5 Agustus 2015

    Hi Rein, Risnauli dan Floren,

    Besok aku coba carikan ya loker untuk kalian, kalau ada nanti segera ku posting

  • RIEN186

    5 Agustus 2015

    Iya K Debora, Terimakasih untuk kebaikannya.

    Tuhan memberkati Kk. :)

  • DAMAS641

    5 Agustus 2015

    Salut buat Sdri DEBORA

    kayaknya cocok sebagai MENAKER INDONESIA masa mendatang


  • RIEN186

    5 Agustus 2015

    Semuanya karena KASIH, seperti halnya yang TUHAN YESUS buat bagi kita semua.

    Terimakasih sekali buat K Debora. :)

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Selamat Pagi Pak Dama,

    TErimakasih untuk komentarnya, saya hanya membantu saja koq untuk infokan loker. Daripada saya simpan sendiri lebih baik di bagikan, semoga bermanfaat untuk semua nya.

    Saya gak cocok jadi PNS pak, cocok nya jadi ibu rumah tangga aja, hehehee.

    Have a blessing Thursday pak.

    DAMAS641 tulis:

    Salut buat Sdri DEBORA

    kayaknya cocok sebagai MENAKER INDONESIA masa mendatang


  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Hi Floren,

    semoga loker ini pas untuk mu ya,

    Swisscontact promotes economic, social and ecological development by supporting people to successfully integrate into local commercial life. Swisscontact creates opportunities for people to improve their living conditions as a result of their own efforts. The focus of its systemic intervention in the private sector is the strengthening of local and global value chains. Through its projects, Swisscontact works to enable access to professional training, promotes local entrepreneurship, creates access to local financial service providers and supports the efficient use of resources with the goal of successfully promoting employment and income generation. Based in Zurich, Swisscontact is active in 27 countries and has some 800 employees. For our Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) in Indonesia, we are looking for a:

    Supervisor Cash Accountant

    Overall task:

    · The Supervisor Cash Accountant is in charges to ensure proper cash accounting in Regional and District Offices level and submit financial reporting in timely manner in the SCPP Program to Program Accountant

    · The Supervisor Cash Accountant is in charges to ensure proper accounting in-kind from company incorporation with Project Accountant and Finance Manager

    · The Supervisor Cash Accountant is in charges to measure the best practice internal control on the place in both Regions according to SOP Swisscontact

    Specific tasks:

    a. Review financial report from Regional and District Offices incorporate with Program Accountant in timely manner in accordance to SCPP Program Manual:

    · Receive bi-weekly accounting data (Transactions Import File - MyCash) Regional/District Offices from RFO/DAFO and review proper account codes and correct arithmetical, every 17th in the month

    · Receive monthly accounting data (Transactions Import File – MyCash) Regional/District Office from RFO/DAFO and review proper account codes and correct arithmetical, every 2nd in the following month

    · Reviewed report from respective Regional/District Office will import into MyCash in Main Office of SCPP

    · If report unsatisfied then communicate with RFO/DAFO

    b. Ensure adequate supporting document upon payment voucher from Regional and District Offices and must be file in passion order incorporate with the Program Accountants in Main Office:

    · Ensure all supporting documents upon payment voucher are in accordance to the accounting data received;

    · Ensure all supporting documents upon payment voucher are adequate and approved in accordance to SCPP Program Manual

    · Ensure proper filing of all Regional/District finance documents in a monthly basis

    c. Controlling outstanding cash advance of staff especially the old outstanding (beyond one month) in Regional and District Offices and reporting to Finance Manager and Sr. Finance Manager

    d. Monitor staffs phone usage from Regional/District Office and report the excess limit to HR Unit for Salary deduction in monthly basis

    e. Receive and arrange transfer of monthly money order to Regional and District Offices

    f. Maintain up to date budget VS actual spending for every office in monthly basis incorporation with the Program Accountant and Finance Manager

    g. Measure the best practice internal control on the place in both Regions according to SOP Swisscontact and reporting to Finance Manager and Sr. Finance Manager at least in quarterly basis. Any deviation should report immediately

    h. Checking in-kind monthly financial report from all private company incorporation with the Program Accountant and Finance Manager

    i. Ensure adequate supporting document of in-kind monthly financial report from all private company incorporate with the Project Accountant and in order filing

    j. Prepare monthly summary taxes calculation SCPP incorporation with Finance Manager

    k. Maintain Regional/District Offices bank accounts for any adjustment of signatory, opening new bank accounts, closing bank accounts, including prepares the letter and other required documents to the Bank

    l. Advise Cash Accountant in Main Office when it is needed

    m. Advice RFO and DAFO upon question or any other advice are need and foster good relationship. Moreover, arrange financial workshop if it is necessary

    n. Supporting in semi-annual and annual audit in corporate with Program Accountant

    o. PIC during absence of Project Accountant in Main Office SCPP

    p. Other tasks arise during the course in needed upon requested by Finance Manager, Senior Finance Manager and Program Director.

    Key Performance Indicator:

    · Completed Regional & District financial report in timely manner according to Financial Report schedule.

    · Ensure properly charges of Regional & District Office spending according to budget

    · Ensure adequate financial supporting documents in order to measure internal control according to SOP SCPP

    · Encourages RFO & DAFO in order to make reliable Regional/District Office financial report and problem solve

    · Ensure the monthly Tax Summary Calculation SCPP is paid before 8th of the following month and compliance to Tax Regulation

    · Ensure DAFO and RFO had sufficient training in consultation with FM and Sr.FM

    Communication, Supervision, and Reporting

    Keep good communication and reporting to Finance Manager and Senior Finance Manager for any related work activities.


    The main workplace is located in the Country Office in Jakarta but flexibility is expected from the employee for tasks to be conducted outside the project office.

    Special Arrangement

    This job description can be adjusted according to the development and new requirements of the project upon agreement of both parties.

    Duties applicable to all staff

    1. Actively work towards the achievement of the Program’s goals.

    2. Abide by and work in accordance with the Swisscontact’s code of conduct.

    3. Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager.

    Person Specification

    · University degree in Accountancy, preferably with post graduate qualification

    · Experience of risk mapping & Capacity Assessment on a local level.

    · Minimum of three years’ experience in the relevant field

    · Previous working with one of NGOs

    · Experience of writing narrative and financial report is advantage

    · Experience of planning and managing budget.

    · Experience of risk mapping & Capacity Assessment on a local level.

    · Understanding of opportunities and constraints for sustainable development.

    · Strong sense of responsibility and control

    · Good interpersonal skills and commitment working in a team

    · Skills in computer, software systems (windows, spreadsheet, word processing, e-mail, internet.)

    · Presentation skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

    · Excellent English skills written and verbal.

    Please submit your application letter addressing the above qualifications and experience with your curriculum vitae on August 15, 2015 at the latest to

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews.

    FLOREN355 tulis:

    rekomendasi untuk accounting dong kak debora.

    kalau bisa daerah Jakarta .


    Sebelumnya trimakasih untuk informasinya .

    Tuhan memberkati :-D

    6 Agustus 2015 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Bagi teman-teman yang berminat bekerja dengan United Nation, silahkan membuka web dibawah ini

    Saat ini dibuka beberapa posisi dari beberapa United Nation (Badan PBB).

    God Bless

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Beasiswa PMDSU Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala Tahun 2015
    Program Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk
    Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU)
    Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala 2015
    I. Informasi Umum
    Program Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU) adalah program pelaksanaan studi selama empat tahun bagi sarjana yang baru lulus untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) Indonesia berkualifikasi doktor. Program yang diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) ini merupakan program beasiswa penuh yang mulai diluncurkan sejak tahun 2012.

    Tahun 2015 ini Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) telah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari DIKTI untuk menjalankan program beasiswa PMDSU Gelombang 2. Melalui Program PMDSU, Unsyiah dapat memilih lulusan-lulusan S1 unggul untuk dibimbing oleh para Promotor (Profesor/Dr) handal yang dimiliki Unsyiah dengan track record penelitian dan publikasi internasional. Lebih lanjut, Unsyiah dapat meningkatkan sinergi antara pendidikan dan penelitian, dimana akan terjadi percepatan penambahan jumlah doktor yang memiliki pengalaman atmosfer penelitian yang unggul. Kepercayaan ini diberikan atas dasar prestasi Unsyiah yang memiliki unggulan seperti sarana prasarana, dosen (promotor), dan mahasiswa yang dimiliki. Untuk menjalankan program ini, pimpinan Unsyiah menetapkan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala (PPs-Unsyiah) sebagai leadingnya.

    Mahasiswa pada progran PMDSU ini akan didik menjadi peneliti yang handal, sehingga mampu menghasilkan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan melalui penelitian yang akurat dengan target menghasilkan minimal 2 publikasi pada jurnal internasional bereputasi.
    II. Program Studi dan Promotor
    Secara umum, program Studi yang dibuka untuk PMDSU Batch II secara nasional dan Batch I bagi Unsyiah ini adalah sebagai berikut:
    Ilmu Pertanian ;
    Ilmu Teknik ; dan
    Matematika dan Aplikasi Sains.
    III. Syarat Calon Mahasiswa
    Calon mahasiswa yang dapat mendaftar untuk program PMDSU adalah sebagai berikut:
    Lulusan Program Sarjana yang sesuai/berhubungan dengan kepakaran promotor
    Lulus S-1 dalam tiga tahun terakhir
    Memiliki Nilai Indek Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 3,10 (Skala 4)
    IV. Prosedur dan Jadwal Pendaftaran
    Pelamar terlebih dahulu menghubungi calon promotor yang diminati sebagai calon pembimbing. Daftar promotor sebagaimana dipaparkan pada halaman ini. Bidang kepakaran promotor lebih detail dapat diakses melalui website (DISINI)
    Pelamar mendaftar secara online melalui laman (DISINI) sejak tanggal 14 Juli s.d 14 Agustus 2015.
    Secara paralel, pelamar juga harus mendaftar ke PMDSU Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala (PPS-Unsyiah).
    Berkas pendaftaran berisi curiculum vitae, sertifikat toefl, dan dokumen seperti disebutkan pada point III (soft file: pdf) dijadikan satu foldel dan dikirim melalui email ke Selanjutnya hardcopynya dibuat rangkap 3 dan dikirim atau dibawa langsung ke Gedung PPS Unsyiah dengan tujuan surat kepada Program PMDSU PPS-Unsyiah, alamat Jl. Tgk Chik Pante Kulu No. 5 Komplek Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111
    Pendaftaran pada PPs-Unsyiah dibuka sampai tanggal 13 Agustus 2015, pukul 10.00 WIB
    Pelamar PMDSU hanya diperbolehkan mengajukan usulan kepada satu perguruan tinggi (PT) penyelenggara PMDSU.
    V. Ketentuan Penerima Beasiswa PMDSU
    Kepada mahasiswa yang memenuhi kriteria dan lulus seleksi akan diberikan beasiswa yang meliputi: biaya hidup, biaya pembelian buku, biaya penelitian,dan/atau biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan.
    Beasiswa tidak diberikan kepada pelamar yang pernah menerima BPPS, BU, atau Beasiswa Luar Negeri Dikti pada jenjang pendidikan pascasarjana yang sama.
    Beasiswa tidak diberikan kepada mereka yang sedang menerima beasiswa lain yang bersumber dari dana Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
    Penerima Beasiswa PMDSU yang melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut di atas dikenakan sanksi berupa pengembalian dana beasiswa sebesar dua kali jumlah yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah ke Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN) melalui mekanisme pengembalian yang berlaku.
    VI. Kontak Informasi
    Informasi lebih lanjut silakan hubungi alamat berikut:
    Nasrul Arahman
    PMDSU Gedung PPS-Unsyiah
    Jl. Tgk Chik Pante Kulu No. 5 Komplek Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam, Banda Aceh 23111
    E-mail :, Hp : 081363600197

    Baca Selengkapnya Di : ... l#ixzz3hzczVJ6Z

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Buat teman-teman yang tertarik, pada saat apply mohon untuk menyertakan PH-11, ini form personal history standard yang digunakan di semua United Nation. untuk lebih detail bisa dilihat di website UNHCR.

    UNHCR Job Vacancy Community Service Assistant - Jakarta

    Job Description

    Under the direct supervision of the Admin/Programme Officer and with enclosed consultation to the Associate Community Service Officer and protection unit, the incumbent will perform the following duties:

    Work with implementing and operational partners as well as with displaced and local communities to develop community-owned activities to address, where applicable, the social, educational, psycho-social, cultural, health, organisational and livelihood concerns as well as child protection and prevention and response to SGBV.
    Assist the office in identifying individuals and families with specific needs, make referrals to UNHCR implementing partners for assessments of their vulnerability and needs and ensure follow up actions.
    Work actively with the refugee committees and community at large in defining and seeking solutions to their problems, with specific measures to involve women and children
    Assist the office in the development of suitable plans and interventions for individuals and groups with specific needs and conduct individual interviews and follow up on individual cases.
    Support participatory assessments by multifunctional teams and ongoing consultation with persons of concern.
    Assist in planning and monitoring of programmes and budgets, with an AGD perspective
    Build office capacity for community-based protection through training and establishing systems for community mobilization and participation of persons of concern
    Perform other duties as required.
    Competencies: Judgement and Decision Making, Analytical Thinking, Planning and Organizing, and Political Awareness.

    Education: Minimum completion of secondary education but preferably a University Degree in law, political studies or related disciplines, with training in the related field of work (such as social work, child protection, SGBV, community development, counselling, needs assessment, etc.) will be preferred.

    Experience: four (4) years of work experience in a similar area or in the wider human rights field. Experience working in a multi-cultural environment or international context is an asset.

    Nationality: Citizen of Indonesia; non –citizen with Indonesia permanent residence.

    Languages: Excellent knowledge of English (written and oral) highly essential; knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia or other UN languages is an asset.

    Desirable Skills: Good written and oral communication skills; computer literacy; good knowledge of UNHCR’s protection mandate; understanding of interviewing techniques; counselling skills; ability to work independently with minimal supervision.

    Working Relationships
    Within UNHCR involving the exchange of a wide range of information;
    With external parties: Immigration Detention Centers; International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNHCR’s implementing partner, Church World Service, and others.
    Supervision Exercised and Guidance Given
    On-the-job training will be provided to the successful candidate.

    Closing Date: 14 August 2015


    How to Apply
    Candidates who wish to be considered for this vacancy should send their motivation letter, CV and signed Personal History/P.11 form (available at HERE), to UNHCR Indonesia at: Menara Ravindo Lt. 14 Jl. Kebon Sirih Kav. 75 Jakarta 10340 Or via email to


    IMPORTANT: Candidates must indicate the post title on the envelope or subject of the email.

    Only those short-listed for interview will be notified.

    6 Agustus 2015 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015


    The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a nonprofit, global research organization dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity. We conduct research that enables more informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of tropical and sub-tropical forest landscapes. We help policy makers and practitioners shape effective policy, improve the management of tropical forests and address the needs and perspectives of people who depend on forests for their livelihoods. Our multidisciplinary approach considers the underlying drivers of deforestation and degradation, which often lie outside the forestrysector: forces such as agriculture, infrastructure development, trade and investment policies and law enforcement.

    CIFOR is looking for

    The establishment of an Information Systems Unit, responsible for developing and maintaining internal systems, requires a team to maintain the live information systems and environments, and provide end-user support. This unit makes sure CIFOR business processes, supported by the
    information systems, are running to their maximum capacity
    Summary of responsibilities
    In leading the operational team the work will include:
    Maintenance of live databases and servers
    Deployment of information systems into the live environment
    Development of a User Feedback Form for third party vendors for further analysis
    Update any release note documents to capture the latest capabilities of each information system, especially in-house developed systems
    Support end-users in the use of information systems. The support may include identifying problems and providing solutions for end-users
    Analyze feedback received from users for further enhancement of systems to meet user satisfaction
    Ensure that information systems and links with other CIFOR systems work to maximum capacity
    Work with IT and Development teams to ensure that products used for systems meet CIFOR standard requirements in terms of hardware and software
    Assist in training users on the use of new/updated systems
    Work with the Development Team in analyzing the design phase of each information system project
    Education, knowledge and experience
    A minimum of a Bachelor degree in information systems or information technology with at least five years of relevant experience as a system analyst, NET programmer and Microsoft SQL Server administrator
    Fluent in written and spoken English
    Strong understanding of object oriented concepts
    Experience of managing an operational team would be an advantage.
    Experience of managing a Microsoft Team Foundation Server, K2 certification in both development and server management, and/or project management would also be an advantage
    Personal attributes and competencies
    Strong analytical skills
    Strong leadership skills
    Good personal organization and priority setting
    Have initiative and capability of working independently and effectively as a team player
    Good interpersonal and communication skills
    Ability to work and interact with people effectively in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
    Ability to work with minimum supervision
    Willing to work outside office hours if necessary
    Terms and Conditions
    This is a Nationally Recruited Staff (NRS) position. CIFOR offers competitive remuneration commensurate with skills and experience
    The appointment will be for a period of two years, inclusive of a six months probationary
    period, with a possibility of extension contingent upon performance, continued relevance of the position and available resources.
    The duty station will be at CIFOR Headquarters in Bogor, Indonesia
    Application process
    The application deadline is 22 August 2015
    We will acknowledge all applications, but will contact only short-listed candidates
    To apply, please visit our career site at HERE

    To learn more about CIFOR, please visit our website at HERE

    CIFOR is an equal opportunity employer Staff diversity contributes to excellence

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015


    Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia menjadi Fasilitator Desa Tangguh Bencana Kegiatan Fasilitasi dan Pengembangan Ketangguhan Masyarakat Tahun 2015.

    Syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

    1. Persyaratan pelamar:

    Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
    Berusia minimal 20 tahun dan maksimum 50 tahun pada tanggal 07 Juni 2015
    Pendidikan minimal D3, diutamakan S1
    Berpengalaman dalam program pemberdayaan/pendampingan masyarakat minimal 5 (lima) tahun untuk D3, dan 3 (tiga) tahun untuk S1
    Tidak berstatus sebagai PNS/TNI/Polri
    Tergabung dalam LSM/organisasi kemanusiaan nasional/internasional
    Tidak sedang terikat kontrak proyek/program lain
    Sehat jasmani rohani
    Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
    Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan RI
    Dapat mengoperasikan komputer minimal Ms. Word dan Excel serta internet
    Diutamakan yang berdomisili di wilayah kabupaten/kota/provinsi pelaksana desa tangguh
    2. Pendaftaran:Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui email dengan subjek email: [nama_lengkap], [kabupaten/kota_domisili], [provinsi_domisili], [pendidikan]

    Contoh: Angela Rumansara, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat, S1

    Email diterima oleh panitia paling lambat pada tanggal 7 Juni 2015 dengan melampirkan semua file (disatukan dalam bentuk zip/rar) :
    Surat lamaran
    Curriculum Vitae (CV) disertai dengan pas foto terbaru
    Scan KTP
    Scan NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)
    Scan ijazah terakhir
    Sertifikat/keterangan pengalaman dari instansi pemberi kerja.
    Surat Rekomendasi dari pimpinan LSM/organisasi kemanusiaan nasional/internasional
    Surat Pernyataan tidak sedang terikat kontrak proyek/program dengan pihak/lembaga lain
    Surat Pernyataan bersedia tinggal di desa lokasi kegiatan
    Mengisi Form narasi strategi pendampingan masyarakat
    Lampiran 1: Kerangka Acuan Kegiatan
    Lampiran 2: Form CV
    Lampiran 3: Form narasi strategi pendampingan masyarakat
    Lampiran 4: Surat Pernyataan

    Lowongan Fasilitator Desa Tangguh
    Tahun 2015

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, an Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta with operation field in Madura,is looking for highly experienced Indonesian professional to join the team.

    (Jakarta Base)
    Directs Commercial and Planning function to ensure all projects are in compliance with PSC fiscal terms and corporate guidelines. Coordinates and provides support related to all kinds of project from economic aspects to all Departments, whenever required.

    • Bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering with minimum 12 years’ experience in related field
    • Has knowledge in Commercial Understanding and justification on Gas Industry, Engineering (Oil and Gas) economic analysis, Production Sharing Contract Schemes, US Securities and Exchange Commission definitions and guidelines on gas reserves, MERAK and QUESTOR software to support daily tasks
    • Broad knowledge in oil and gas operations, Indonesia PSC/JOB/JOA, and financial aspects of PSC.
    • Self-motivated, good interpersonal skill, dynamic team player, integrity, initiative, ability to work under pressure; smart/hard worker; sense of responsibility and HSE concern

    (Jakarta Base)
    Responsibilities :
    Directs the drilling activities on drilling rig or platform, provide onsite supervision to ensure safely and efficiently operation in accordance with COMPANY established operational procedures and policies.

    • University graduated in Petroleum Engineering or Related engineering field
    • 3-5 years of diversified petroleum industry experience in drilling activities. 2 years offshore supervisor experience is preferable.
    • Valid IWCF well control certification
    • Able to use Well view system.
    • Self-starter, innovative, pro-active and work independently. Possess good interpersonal and communication skills. Able to work with numerous personnel from diverse backgrounds.
    • Having proficiency in using advance worksheets features to integrate and analyze quantitative data

    (Jakarta Base)
    • To conduct safety inspection, safety meeting and review JSA, SOP & RA
    • To monitor the implementation of procedures compliance for all jobs as well as safety work practice in field
    • To manage subordinate development through succession planning, performance management
    • To ensure all HSE Procedures are well implanted in field operation
    • To monitor the implementation as well as the results of internal & external safety audits & follow up of action plans to ensure accuracy of safety audit results and enable improvement of safety measures

    • University graduated in Safety Engineering, Environmental Engineering or other related engineering disciplines
    • Minimum 6 years in safety engineering function in oil & gas industry
    • Self-starter, innovative, pro-active and work independently. Possess good interpersonal and communication skills. Able to work with numerous personnel from diverse backgrounds.

    Coordinates and Supervises gas metering activities and produces regular gas delivery reports in full compliance with QHSE regulation.

    • Bachelor degree in Mechanical/Electrical/Instrument/Chemical/Civil Engineering
    • Minimum 10 years’ experience in engineering and construction for onshore facilities.
    • Self-starter, innovative, pro-active and work independently. Possess good interpersonal and communication skills. Able to work with numerous personnel from diverse backgrounds.

    • Implement execution plan including supervising detailed design, fabrication/construction and installation of facilities.
    • Planning and scheduling of the Marine facilities work scope.
    • Proactively monitors, updates and manages the Marine schedule and costs.
    • Determine required staffing levels for the Marine Section.
    • Work with other sections to ensure consistency of design, procurement or critical items, planning, documentation, etc.
    • Assist Project Manager in integrating Marine facilities planning into total project planning.
    • Ensure design for Marine facilities meets Government Regulations, Company standards and specifications, and appropriate industry standards.

    • Bachelor degree majoring in Engineering with 10 years experienced in engineering and construction for FPSO
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Knowledge and experience in handling project management with experience in marine system/FPSO/FPU

    • Implement execution plan including supervising detailed design, fabrication/construction and installation of facilities.
    • Planning and scheduling of the Marine facilities work scope.
    • Proactively monitors, updates and manages the Marine schedule and costs.
    • Determine required staffing levels for the Marine Section.
    • Work with other sections to ensure consistency of design, procurement or critical items, planning, documentation, etc.
    • Assist Project Manager in integrating Marine facilities planning into total project planning.
    • Ensure design for Marine facilities meets Government Regulations, Company standards and specifications, and appropriate industry standards.

    • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Marine), Engineering (Others), Naval or equivalent.
    • At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    • Bachelor degree majoring in Engineering with 10 years experienced in technical and FPSO/FPU marine system in project in oil & gas industry.
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Knowledge and experience in handling project management with experience in marine system/FPSO/FPU
    • Expatriate applicants are also welcome

    Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, please submit your application and updated CV within 2 weeks with subject Position Title by e-mail to:

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, an Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta with operation field in Madura,is looking for highly experienced Indonesian professional to join the team.

    To coordinate and control disciplines involved in hull construction activities to ensure all aspects of construction runs in accordance with the agreed plan and comply to applied regulations.

    • Bachelor degree in Engineering or equivalent
    • 10-15 years’ experience in Engineering and construction for offshore facilities and FPSO
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Knowledge in Oil and gas production deep understanding
    • Expatriate applicants are also welcome

    To coordinate and control disciplines involved in topsides construction activities to ensure all aspects of construction runs in accordance with the agreed plan and comply to relevant regulations.

    • Bachelor degree in Engineering or equivalent
    • 10-15 years’ experience in Engineering and construction for offshore facilities and FPSO
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Knowledge in Oil and gas production deep understanding
    • Expatriate applicants are also welcome

    Assist Senior Head of Hull to direct, supervise and coordinate the performance of FPSO (Hull) Contractor for implementing the engineering, procurement, fabrication/construction, installation, hook up and commissioning of FPSO Hull. Insure the FPSO Hull facilities are to bet built on budget, schedule and with good safety and quality records.

    • Bachelor degree majoring in engineering.
    • Minimum 10 year(s) experience in the engineering and construction management for offshore facilities and FPSO.
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.

    To manage and control transition from development phase to production phase with compliance to applied standards, company’s policies, and other requirements to ensure the production phase can start in timely manner and in line with expected standards.

    • Bachelor degree in Engineering or equivalent
    • Minimum 10 years of experience in relevant field
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Expatriate applicants are also welcome

    • Ensure that the safe systems of work are effectively applied through instruction, supervisor and good communications.
    • Ensure construction activities are complete in line with the construction plan
    • Liaise with the Construction Co-coordinator and the Materials Co-coordinator over material call off.
    • Investigate incidents and accidents involving construction personnel
    • Ensure permits are in place for all activities
    • Ensure construction activities in line with the company approved engineering documents

    • Bachelor degree in Engineering or equivalent
    • Minimum 10 years of experience in relevant field
    • Team player with excellence communication, interpersonal, leadership skills & integrity.
    • Expatriate applicants are also welcome

    Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, please submit your application and updated CV within 2 weeks with subject Position Title by e-mail to:

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    PT BatutuaTembaga Raya (BTR), in cooperation with PT BatutuaKharismaPermai (BKP),is the operator of the Wetar Copper Project, a heap leach solvent extraction-electro winning (SX-EW) Copper Project on Wetar Island, Maluku Barat Daya. An SX-EW Plant will start producing up to 25,000 tonne per annum copper cathode from KaliKuning and Lerokis deposits, with development activities commencing this year. We are committed to develop skills and provide opportunities for all our employees to ensure that we remain a leading and respected mining company. We are URGENTLY looking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to fill the following positions based at site on Wetar Island with roster working system: 5/3 ( five) weeks on following 3 (three) weeks off.


    1. 2 (two) Welder Fitter
    2. 2 (two) Instrumentation Electrician
    3. 2 (two) Light Vechicle/Light Truck Mechanic
    4. 1 (One) Electrical Plant Supervisor
    5. 2 (two) Plant Mechanic
    6. 2 (two) Refrigeration Electrician
    7. 1(One) Senior Maintenance Planner
    8. 2 (two) Senior) Crusher Mechanic

    • To carry out Repairs and Maintenance
    • To Carry out carry out Repairs and Maintenance to electrical and Instrument equipment.
    • To carry out Repair and maintenance LV,LV Trucks and Ancillary equipment and Plant
    • To carry out Repairs and Maintenance to Electrical and Instrumentation Equipment
    • Mechanics Repairs and Maintenance Processing Plant
    • To carry out repairs and Maintenance to electrical and Refrigeration equipment
    • To carry out Repairs and Maintenance to Crusher and Stacking circuits for existing unit.

    General Requirements:
    • Trade Qualification, Mechanical or Electrical Degree,
    • At least 5-10 (five-teen ) years’ experience within position
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills,
    • Eastern Indonesia cultural exposure is desirable,
    • Good English and Indonesian skills,
    • A good team player and capacity to work under minimum supervision.
    • Willing to be placed at the Project Site (Wetar)

    If you want to take your professional career to a new level in a committed, exciting workplace with a dynamic of new technology of copper mining process, please send your application and CV by email (max 350kb). All applications must be submitted not later than 7 days from this advertisement date. Please email your applications quoting the reference number (in English and MS Word format) to: HR & Administration Manager. Email: or

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified.(Please give a position name in email subject)

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    PT BatutuaTembaga Raya (BTR), in cooperation with PT BatutuaKharismaPermai (BKP),is the operator of the Wetar Copper Project, a heap leach solvent extraction-electro winning (SX-EW) Copper Project on Wetar Island, Maluku Barat Daya. An SX-EW Plant will start producing up to 25,000 tonne per annum copper cathode from KaliKuning and Lerokis deposits, with development activities commencing this year. We are committed to develop skills and provide opportunities for all our employees to ensure that we remain a leading and respected mining company. We are URGENTLY looking for suitably qualified and professional candidates to fill the following positions based at site on Wetar Island with roster working system: 5/3 ( five) weeks on following 3 (three) weeks off.


    1. 1 (one) Permitting & Compliance Manager
    • Graduate in law or other related science, minimum ten years’ experience in permitting, reporting and compliances, excellent understanding of regulations and policies related to non-ferrous metals industry and mining industry, and associated regulatory bodies such as forestry, environment, manpower and BKPM, Well exposed to mining industry permitting and compliance practices, good analytical and reporting skills good English and Indonesian skills, computer literate; willing to be relocated to Jakarta with frequent travel to Maluku province.

    2. 1 (one) Permitting Coordinator
    • Graduate from law or other relevant fields, at least 7 years’ experience in mining permitting and formalities, understanding regulations and policies related to non-ferrous industry & mining industry, strong negotiation and communication skills, mining site experience is desirable, strong connection whit respected government bodies such as minerba, environmental office, foreign investments office, immigration and a like, Jakarta based with regular travel Maluku province and Wetar.

    3. 1 ( one ) Permitting & Compliance Administrator
    • University graduate Diploma or equivalent; Secretarial and administrative explore, experience in permitting at least 3 years; strong computer skills, database knowledge is a must strong communication skill, English proficiency and mining industry background is an advantage , based in Jakarta with frequent travel to wetar copper project site and Maluku if necessary.

    4. 1 (One) Legal Specialist
    • Graduate from law, at least 5 years’ experience in mining permitting and formalities or law firm, Capable of drafting legal documents and correspondence to government authorities, Good understanding on related regulations, responsible for updating database and maintain corporate documents., Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills, Good computer skill, Good English written and spoken proficiency. Willing to be placed at the Project Site (Wetar) with frequent to Jakarta and Maluku.

    5. 1 (one) Translator
    Main Accountabilities: Responsible to Translate Company’s documents

    • Graduate Diploma or Degree in English from reputable university, At least 5 (five) years’ experience ,Good communication and interpersonal skills, Good English and Indonesian skills, A good team player and capacity to work under minimum supervision. Willing to be placed at the Project Site (Wetar).

    If you want to take your professional career to a new level in a committed, please send your application and CV by email applications must be submitted not later than 7 days from this advertisement date. Please email your applications quoting the reference number (in English and MS Word format) to: HR & Administration Manager. Email: or

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified.(Please give a position name in email subject)

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    AEL Mining Services is a leading developer, producer and supplier of commercial explosives, initiating systems and blasting services for mining, quarrying and construction markets in Africa and Indonesia.

    AEL currently seeks candidates to fill in following position for an anticipation of its new project in Sumatera and Java:

    - Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Field/Engineering. Mining engineer is an advantage.
    - At least 8 years of similar industry experience.
    - Hold valid POP to obtain POM certification.
    - Hold blaster competency (KJL)
    - Technical blasting knowledge.
    - Good communication skills, in English and Bahasa Indonesia, as the incumbent is required to communicate to management level.
    - Computer literacy.
    - Driving license A.

    - Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering, sufficiently mature with a minimum of 6 years’ experience (with at least 2 years’ experience working in underground mining)
    - A General Driving License.
    - Letter of No Criminal Record from Police (Valid SKCK).
    - Able to proficiently speak and write in English
    - Good communication skills, in English and Bahasa Indonesia, as the incumbent is required to communicate to management level.
    - Technical knowledge.
    - Computer literacy.
    - Hold blaster competency & able to obtain KIM.
    - Hold Defensive Driving Certificate
    - Hold valid POP to obtain POM certification.
    - A Drivers license, B Driving License would be an advantage

    - Senior High School, with minimum 5 years’ experience or Diploma 3 degree with minimum 3 years’ experience or Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 1 year experience (with at least 1 year experience in underground mining).
    - Certificate of Blasting Competency Holder (KJL 2).
    - Operational Supervisory Level 1 Certificate (POP).
    - Computer Literate.
    - Hold a Driving License, B2 Driving License is preferred.
    - Hold Defensive Driving Certificate.
    - Able to communicate English (Written and spoken).

    - D3 SHEQ, minimum 3 years’ experience or Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Engineering or Public Health with 2 years’ related experience (with at least 1 year experience working in underground mining).
    - Driving License.
    - Able to speak and written in English.
    - Good communication skills, in English and Bahasa Indonesia, as the incumbent is required to communicate to management level.
    - Technical knowledge.
    - Computer literacy.
    - Able to obtain POP certification.
    - Hold Occupational Health and Safety professional certificate (AK3 Umum).
    - English spoken & written is preferable.

    - Senior High School with minimum 21 years of age and 9 years’ experience or D3 with minimum 6 years’ experience (with at least 2 years’ experience working in mining underground).
    - Certificate of Blasting Competency Holder (KJL 2) and Hold valid KIM.
    - Hold A Driving License.
    - Hold Defensive Driving Certificate.
    - No Criminal Record from Police (SKCK).

    - Technical High School (STM) with minimum 21 years of age and 3 years’ experience or Diploma 3 with minimum 1 year experience.
    - Hold a driving license (SIM); hold B2 Driving License (SIM B2) is preferred.
    - Hold valid clearance issuer certification.
    - Hold Pump Certification.
    - Technical knowledge.
    - Knowledge of pneumatic and hydraulic system.

    - Holds MCU Operator certificate.
    - Senior High School (SMU) with minimum 3 years’ experience or D3 with minimum 1-2 years’ experience.
    - Holds B2 driving license (SIM B2).
    - Experience as equipment operator is advantage.

    - Holds MMU Operator certificate.
    - Senior High School (SMU) with minimum 3 years’ experience or D3 with minimum 1-2 years’ experience.
    - Holds B2 driving license (SIM B2).
    - Experience as equipment operator is advantage.

    - Senior High School with minimum 21 years of age and 9 years’ experience or D3 with minimum 6 years’ experience
    - Holds Certificate of Forklift and Boiler.
    - Holds driving license (SIM A), preferably with B2 Driving License and defensive driving license.

    - Senior High School (SMU) with minimum 6 years’ experience or D3 with minimum 3 years’ experience.
    - Holds Certificate of Forklift and Boiler.
    - Holds driving license (SIM A), preferably with B2 Driving License and defensive driving license.

    Should you meet the above requirements, we invite you to submit your application no later than 2 weeks after the publication date to:

    Please put [POSITION CODE – YOUR NAME] as email subject. Only short listed candidates will be notified for interview.

  • DEBORA588
  • RIEN186

    6 Agustus 2015

    Terimakasih banyak k Debora atas kepeduliannya terhadap saya.

    Apa ada pekerjaan yang lebih sederhana? Mohon bantuannya.

    Saya bisa Troubleshot Computer, Network (LAN/Internet), PHP Programmer/Junior.

    Kalau tidak ada juga, yang mungkin yang butuh fisik saya sebagai tenaga angkat barang.

    Terimakasih. GBU

  • DEBORA588

    6 Agustus 2015

    Hi Rein,

    Mungkin bisa coba buka link ini ... bPositionId=708

    mereka ada beberapa loker untuk PHP programmer di Bali.

    RIEN186 tulis:

    Terimakasih banyak k Debora atas kepeduliannya terhadap saya.

    Apa ada pekerjaan yang lebih sederhana? Mohon bantuannya.

    Saya bisa Troubleshot Computer, Network (LAN/Internet), PHP Programmer/Junior.

    Kalau tidak ada juga, yang mungkin yang butuh fisik saya sebagai tenaga angkat barang.

    Terimakasih. GBU

  • RIEN186

    6 Agustus 2015

    Trimakasih K Debora.

    Engkau sungguh baik. Tuhan Yesus memberkatimu.

    Akan saya coba melamar.

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