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Lowongan Kerja


201 – 225 dari 3364    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 8  9  10 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • FERDINA174

    30 Oktober 2015

    Ada lowongan kerja s1 psikolog g?

  • ADOLFO088

    6 November 2015


    PT. CENTRAL CAPITAL FUTURES  merupakan salah satu perusahaan pialang berjangka di Indonesia bertaraf internasional yang memberikan pelayanan maksimal dalam bertransaksi valuta asing (forex), indeks saham dan komoditi berjangka.    

    Perusahan ini adalah bentuk pelayanan Bank yang bisa mengembangkan modal para nasabah yang ingin menginvestasikan atau mendeposito modalnya ke PT. CENTRAL CAPITAL FUTURES. Sebagai bentuk perbandingan yang sangat signifikan jika nasabah deposito uangnya ke Bank dengan jumlah Rp 100jt, nasabah tersebut memperoleh bunga dari modalnya itu sebesar 7,5%/tahun atau setara dengan Rp 7.500.000/thn. berarti perbulannya modal nasabah tersebut hanya bertambah 0,63% atau setara dengan Rp 630.000/bln. sedangkan jika nasabah deposito uangnya di CENTRAL CAPITAL FUTURES dengan jumlah modal Rp 100jt, nasabah tersebut memperoleh bunga 5-10% atau setara dengan 5-10 juta/bulan, setahunnya bunga nasabah menjadi 60-120juta/tahun.

    Itu saja informasi yang saya sampaikan kepad teman-teman, dibawah ini saya lampirkan lowongan kerja buat teman-teman. semoga bermanfaat.. Tuhan memberkati.. jika belum jelas silakan hubungi bpk Adolf  S.

    Management Development Program [MDP]

    MDP merupakan sebuah program pengembangan yang ditujukan bagi calon Karyawan yang berasal dari perekrutan fresh graduates,maupun yang sudah mamiliki pengalaman kerja, yang akan dididik secara komprehensif, khusus dalam area bisnis. Program pengembangan ini memberikan kesempatan percepatan karir bagi para lulusan universitas yang terpilih mengikuti program kami. Melalui program pengembangan ini kami bertujuan menciptakan individu yang kompeten dan berpotensi sebagai calon pemimpin kami di masa depan, yang akan bersama-sama menumbuh-kembangkan lini bisnis P.T. Central Capital Futures. Melalui program pengembangan ini, setiap peserta akan diberikan kesempatan untuk mempelajari hal-hal baru dalam lingkup industry finansial, memahami ketentuan dan regulasi seputar perdagangan berjangka dan komoditi serta merasakan secara langsung bagaimana bisnis perdagangan berjangka dijalankan dengan menerapkan prinsip kepatuhan serta regulasi yang berlaku.

    Program ini menerapkan prinsip pengembangan yang mengkombinasikan pembelajaran melalui pengalaman, pembelajaran dalam kelas dan pembelajaran melalui orang lain. Bagian terbesar dalam program pengembangan ini akan didapat melalui kegiatan On the Job Training (OJT) dimana setiap peserta akan diarahkan dan didampingi oleh para Mentor yang merupakan manajer senior, yang handal dan berpengalaman dalam bidangnya

    Persyaratan untuk mengikuti MDP P.T. Central Capital :
    1. Wanita / Pria
    2. Minimum Diploma (D3) Semua Jurusan
    3. Mahasiswa D3/S1 semua jurusan di semester akhir dengan batas waktu maksimal 3 bulan sebelum lulus
    4. Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, kemampuan analisa, kepribadian yang menarik akan memberi nilai tambah bagi kandidat
    5. Penempatan di kantor cabang yogyakarta

    Jika Anda memenuhi semua persyaratan dan tertarik bergabung dalam MDP, kirimkan aplikasi lamaran yang terdiri dari resume, transkrip nilai and pas foto terakhir melalui email atau pos.

    Lamaran ditujukan kepada :
    Bpk. Adolf  S. CP: 081215954413
    P.T. Central Capital Futures
    JL. Magelang KM 4 No. 188 Karangwaru
    Tegalrejo Yogyakarta 55241

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Dear all,

    We are a family cozy restaurant based near to Halim airport seeking for a Business administration, with requirements as follow:

    1. Min. D3

    2. Accounting major
    3. Good looking, have good personality and hardworker
    4. Have at least 1year experience in restaurant field

    Please submit your resume to:
    Bale Bengong Resto
    Jl. Angkasa Halim Perdanakusuma
    Jakarta Timur 13810
    Phone 021.80888182

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Senior HIV Care and Treatment Officer: Papua
    (LINKAGES, Indonesia)
    Requisition # 15982

    About FHI 360
    FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in Health, Education, Nutrition, Environment, Economic Development, Civil Society, Gender, Youth, Research and Technology; creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today's interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves more than 60 countries, all 50 U.S. states and all U.S. territories. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of: Senior HIV Care and Treatment Officer, LINKAGES based in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.

    The USAID-funded project, Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV (LINKAGES), under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program is managed by FHI 360 and implemented with local partners. LINKAGES conducts a range of activities to reduce HIV transmission among key populations (KP) — sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender persons and people who inject drugs — and improve their enrollment and retention in care and treatment across the HIV cascade. LINKAGES will accelerate the ability of governments, key population leaders, organizations working with key populations, and private-sector providers to plan and implement services that reduce HIV transmission among key populations and their sexual partners and extend the lives of those already living with HIV. The key elements of the FHI 360-led team’s strategic and technical approach are:
    Identifying key populations and locales and comprehensively assessing risk,
    Diagnosing “leaks” and revealing access barriers within the HIV services cascade,
    Scaling up “what works” while innovating to ensure the most strategic use of resources and access to newly emerging technologies,
    Addressing structural barriers and transforming local KP organizations,
    Ensuring interventions are sustainable over the long term, and
    Supporting the mainstreaming of human rights, gender and competency and capacity development.

    The Senior HIV Care and Treatment Officer in Papua will ensure the quality of all LINKAGES-supported clinical service interventions in HIV/AIDS including STI and TB management and collaborate with local health services and partners in Papua. She/he will be responsible for the development of appropriate local strategies for clinical services support at the provincial and district levels, based on the overall LINKAGES clinical services strategy for Indonesia. Responsible for the development of the annual and quarterly work plans, budgets, and satisfactory responses to all reporting requirement for clinical service support activities in the province. Facilitate coordination of all clinical services activities with provincial and district level stakeholders, including the health services, laboratories, hospitals (public and private), clinics, professional organizations, and partners working in the province as well as other government sectors. Facilitate the development of appropriate quality control and quality assurance systems for all aspects of HIV/AIDS clinical services including STI and TB. Provide technical assistance on STI, HTC, HIV treatment, HIV/AIDS clinical management including management of opportunistic infection (i.e., TB) services to all partner organizations and clinics within the target area, including training, consultations, and mentoring according to national guidelines and standards. Monitor all clinical service activities in the provinces and identify significant issues and provide recommendations to LINKAGES management. Coordinate with the LINKAGES team in Jakarta on all program activities.
    The position will be based in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.
    Suitably qualified candidates openly living with HIV and/or who are representative of the key populations affected by HIV are also actively encouraged to apply.

    · Responsible for the development of appropriate local strategies for related clinical services support at the provincial and district levels, based on the overall LINKAGES clinical services strategy for Indonesia.
    · Responsible for the development of the annual and quarterly work plans, budgets, and all relevant reporting requirements related to clinical service support activities in the province.
    Contribute to the achievement of high quality results in accordance with the targets identified in the work plan and performance monitoring plan.
    Stay current and up to date on all aspects of PEPFAR programming and reporting, especially the latest guidelines related to program quality, including USAID/PEPFAR’s Site Improvement Monitoring System (SIMS), FHI 360 standards including quality assurance and quality improvement initiatives and relevant national and international (i.e., WHO) protocols and guidelines.
    Coordinates with Provincial Health Office of the Ministry of Health, district and local officials, as necessary to coordinate and support the overall provincial HIV program.
    Contributes to the production of timely and accurate technical reports to the FHI 360 country office as required.
    · Facilitate coordination of all clinical services activities with provincial and district level stakeholders, including the health services, laboratories, hospitals (public and private), clinics, professional organizations, and partners working in the province as well as other government sectors, as appropriate.
    · Facilitate the development of appropriate quality control and quality assurance systems for all aspects of HIV/AIDS clinical services including STI and TB.
    · Provide technical assistance on the HIV clinical cascade, HIV/AIDS clinical management including management of opportunistic infection (i.e TB) services to all partner clinics within the target area, including training, consultations, and mentoring according to national guidelines and standards.
    · Monitor all clinical service activities in the provinces and identify significant issues and provide recommendations to LINKAGES management.
    · Coordinate with the Senior Technical Advisor: Care and Treatment and LINKAGES Country Representative in Jakarta, as required, on all program activities, and provides regular reports on progress and status of LINKAGES activities in Papua.
    · Perform other duties as assigned.

    Clinical degree (MD) or related field.
    At least 5 years of demonstrated key population group technical expertise, with substantial HIV care and treatment experience in Papua.
    At least 5 years of demonstrated “hands-on” experience in a senior level technical position in Papua, preferably with an international development organization and working with key population groups and/or CSOs.
    Experience with U.S. government rules and regulations, and experience working in an international NGO environment, working on a USAID and/or PEPFAR-funded project.
    Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesian.
    This job description summarizes the main duties of the job. It neither prescribes nor restricts the exact tasks that may be assigned to carry out these duties. This document should not be construed in any way to represent a contract of employment. Management reserves the right to review and revise this document at any time.
    We offer competitive compensation and an outstanding benefit package. Interested candidates, please register online through FHI 360’s Career Center at or send CV and letter of application to
    FHI 360 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. FHI 360 is committed to providing equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran with respect to policies, programs, or activities.

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Kami dari Adrenaline Management saat ini membutuhkan posisi:


    Pendidikan min D3 - S1 di bidang IT / computer
    - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang IT & Networking
    - Memahami installasi hardware dan software computer
    - Memahami perawatan (maintenance) hardware dan software computer
    - Memahami troubleshooting computer, hardware, software dan Networking
    - Familiar dengan LAN/WAN, TCP/IP, Firewall, VPN
    - Bersedia bekerja di daerah Bintaro
    - Bersedia bekerja dalam tingkat urgency yang cukup tinggi

    Silahkan kirim CV dng photo terbaru ke email:

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Sebuah group perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa perhotelan dan hiburan membutuhkan :

    1. Guest Relation Officer
    * Wanita , usia maksimal 25 tahun
    * Status single, diutamakan
    * Pendidikan minimal D3 dari semua jurusan
    * Memiliki penampilan yang baik dan komunikatif
    * Pengalaman sebagai GRO/ Public Relation/ Marketing minimal 2-3 tahun
    * bahasa Inggris aktif
    * Bersedia bekerja dalam sistem shift

    2. Teknisi AC
    * Pria, usia minimal 20 tahun
    * pendidikan minimal STM jurusan elektronika
    * Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
    * Berminat dan menyenangi pekerjaan yang bersifat teknikal
    * Pengalaman sebagai teknisi AC minimal 1 -2 tahun
    * Domisili diutamakan di Jakarta Barat atau Jakarta Pusat

    Lamaran dapat dikirimkan via email ke

    27 November 2015 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Dear All,

    Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000 professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence.

    Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd—a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited comprising Deloitte practices operating in Brunei, Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam—was established to deliver measurable value to the particular demands of increasingly intra-regional and fast growing companies and enterprises.

    In Indonesia, Deloitte is represented by the following:
    - Osman Bing Satrio & Eny (OBS&E), Registered Public Accountants
    - Deloitte Tax Solutions (DTS), Tax Consulting
    - PT Deloitte Konsultan Indonesia (DKI), Financial & Business Advisory

    Deloitte Indonesia now has over 60 Partners & Directors and over 900 staff comprised of two offices in Jakarta and Surabaya, serving companies listed in the Indonesian stock exchanges as well as multinational and large national enterprises, public institutions, and fast growing companies.

    We are looking for : Secretary
    Requirements :
    Minimum Diploma Degree from reputable universities with excellent academic result, preferably have minimum 3 years of working experience in related area
    Proficient in English, both oral and written
    Good computer literate (MS Excel, Word, Power Point, Internet and Outlook especially)
    Good appearance with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
    Task Prioritization and Efficiency
    Well organized, capable in doing a proper filing, and other secretarial duties (Executive Support, Document Filling and Organizing, Administrative knowledge, Writing Business Correspondent, Scheduling & Arranging Travel
    Willing to work hard, good endurance, and detail oriented
    Able to work individually and in team
    Able to work under tight schedule
    Initiative and proactive
    Able to do multitasking work

    Job Responsibilities:
    Arrange and confirm internal and external appointments and meetings as requested including Video Conference. This includes but not limited to: manage the timeframes for each meeting, provide buffer between meetings, coordinate the attendance of all invitees, book and set up meeting room based on requirements, fulfill any special needs required for each meeting, reschedule any meeting as required and update the participants, conduct set up trial time with other participant for video conference, and coordinate with other function (internally) and externally
    Prepare correspondence, reports and materials for publications and presentations by updating client contact database
    Setup travel management for both business and personal purpose. This includes but not limited to: coordinate with the appointed travel agent to book both domestic and international flights according to timeframes and communicate for any changes and updates, arrange the accommodation (if requested). Prepare itinerary with venue detail and contact for each appointment
    Prepare and maintain both business and personal Partners/Directors/Senior Managers/Managers expenses reports and ensuring all the supporting documents attached and make copy of all the submitted expenses for follow up
    Handle incoming and outgoing phone calls, as follows: promptly greet and identify needs of each incoming caller, manage the caller’s expectation on regards to return call timeframes, provide detailed messages indicating caller identity, caller need and contact details to users, redirect any phone call enquiries to other members of staff who are in a position to assist with the enquiry, arrange outgoing calls as well as conference calls
    Support and coordinate international or VIP visits by: communicate the guest’s travel plan to their PA, book accommodation (if required), administer the meeting agenda and timetable, coordinate with internal support for transportation, security and immigration escort, provide support to the guest during the visit
    Coordinate internal events: book venues and ensuring all the facilities are in place, order food & beverages, create and send invitations, prepare all the necessary documents if required, and act as a stand by person if necessary
    Accurately and timely prepare and coordinate correspondences in the form of standard letters, memos, and other documents (including presentations, engagement letters and other reports in addition to other materials involving creative layout and design)
    Perform general clerical duties to include but not limited to: photocopying, faxing, mailing and filing
    Handle and prepare BR (Billing Request) using SAP. Liaise with Billing Department regarding reissue, revised and collection of billings. Apply support to superiors to input timesheet and reconciliation and submission of expenses and ensuring all the supporting documents attached and makes copy of all the submitted expenses for follow up
    Ensures that any professional, technical, or client service problem or request is resolved in a timely manner and by the appropriate people and resources.
    Assist in collecting contribution from all staff for certain events such as weddings, condolences, new baby born, etc
    Other duties as assigned

    Berty Dorothi
    Ph. 021 29923100
    Deloitte Indonesia
    The Plaza Office Tower Lt. 32
    Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 28 - 30
    Jakarta Pusat

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Jakarta based company with more than 33 years of experience in providing services to oil and gas industry and Geothermal in Indonesia. We are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant position for our projects

    1. Senior Drilling Supervisor
    1. Age limit maximum sixty (60) years old.
    2. Minimum of 15 years drilling industry experience
    3. At least worked 3 years as Night DSV and of this at least 2 years offshore.
    4. At least worked 5 years as Senior DSV and of this at least 4 years offshore.
    5. At least 2 years worked as Drilling Engineer.
    6. Has worked at least 3 years with a major International Oil Company
    7. Has international (outside own geographic region) working experience for a minimum of 3 years. Alternatively has worked in South East Asia for a minimum of 3 years. Alternatively a combination of the aforementioned requirements.
    8. IWCF Supervisor combined subsea and surface stack certificate.
    9. Have valid International Well Control Certificate (IWCF) and Ahli Pengendali Bor (APB) MIGAS Certificate covering for the well operation campaign duration.
    10. Have valid offshore safety passport (T-BOSIET)
    11. Excellent in English language – written and spoken fluently
    12. Excellent knowledge of hydraulic drilling rigs
    13. Excellent knowledge directional development well drilling
    14. Experience in Development wells operation
    15. Excellent knowledge of well operations
    16. HND/D3 academic degree or equivalent
    17. Experience in ERD, well unloading and completion operation.
    18. Experience in Coring, Casing Drilling and MPD operation
    19. Experience in WBM, SBM and any other treated water based mud system in drilling operation

    2. Drilling Specialist
    1. Minimum 7 years experiences in oil and gas industry with at least 5 years experiences in Drilling especially with related to drilling and completions material operations.
    2. Bachelor Degree in Engineering or similar from university.
    3. Have worked experience in big operator company who deals with both development and exploration phases.
    4. Have worked experience in big operator company who deals with both development and exploration phases.
    5. Personnel must be familiar, fully trained, certified and have and clear understanding and working knowledge of DS-1 Standards, and must have the support from the owner/company of DS-1 Standards as evidenced by an original supporting letter from said owner/company of DS-1 Standards, dated within the last three (3) months from November 2016.
    6. To inspect the procedures as per the QA/QC Standard and to implement QA/QC for all COMPANYs designation on inspection point.
    7. Update the projects and its business within the strict compliance of the “Quality System” standards and procedures as set out by COMPANY.
    8. Provide on-going assessment of work quality within the procedure laid down along with having the necessary documentation, reports and handover submittals.
    9. Maintain a good working relationship with the COMPANY and earn respect through a professional approach and a quality controlled performance.
    10. Verification of effectiveness and adequacy of QC including corrective action by monitoring Quality activities at the inspection site.
    11. Prepare daily and weekly QA/QC report and distribute to COMPANYs designation positions.

    3. Wellsite Geologist
    1. Must be Indonesian with age between 34 to 50 years old.
    2. Minimum 8 years of industry experience which 5 years of experience as Wellsite geologist
    3. Direct experience in offshore well operations.
    4. Have excellent knowledge of geology in siliciclastics and carbonates.
    5. Experience in fracture carbonate reservoir and well with high temperature.
    6. Strong background in the theory and practical application of pore pressure prediction is required.
    7. Must be able to operate the Geologger full suite software
    8. Regional experience from Offshore Java (Madura Offshore) is preferred.
    9. Minimum of 3 years experience in drilling with ERD and horizontal wells.
    10. Experience in Development wells operation.
    11. Bachelor Degree in Earth Science or Geology or similar from university.
    12. Computer Literate. Familiarity with geological software packages.
    13. Have valid offshore safety passport (T-BOSIET).

    Please send your CV with valid certification and valid MCU certification to

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) is a national market leader in EPC with regional existence and global performance.

    The successful operation of various production facilities as intended above is the result of hard works and commitment to continuously innovate in order to provide the best quality service and product to the clients and places Rekind as a leading National EPC Company at the regional level.

    We would like to invite professionals from various disciplines to join us and become part of our nations better future.

    Analysis and management of Corporate income Tax consisting of PPh 21,23, and 4 paragraph 2

    • Candidate must possess at least Bachelors Degree in Accounting/Tax .
    • Maximum 35 years old.
    • Minimum 4 years experiences as Tax Staff and 2 years in EPC Oil and Gas/Petrochemical Project.
    • Good knowledge about Tax regulation
    • Good knowledge about PPh21, PPh23,PPh 4 (2), PPh 26
    • Having Brevet A, B, & C
    • Computer literate
    • Good Command in English

    If you would like to take the challenge, please send your application, curriculum vitae and recent photograph to or
    Registration your CV via website-recruitment PT Rekayasa Industri:

    Please write name, proposed position and Petromindo at the subject.
    for example:
    Budi_ Tax_Petromindo

    Only short candidate and right email subject to be proceed

  • DEBORA588

    26 November 2015

    Senior Geotechnical Engineer
    PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia (VEI) is a long standing Indonesian mining services company and is a subsidiary of Vale SA, one of the world’s largest international mining companies with its Head Office in Brazil. We are driven by the vision to be the number one global natural resources company in creating long-term value, through excellence and passion for people and the planet.

    VEI is seeking a Senior Geotechnical Engineer to provide technical advice and assist with collection, interpretation and analysis of geotechnical and hydrogeological data.

    Tasks and Responsibilities:
    • QA/QC for geotechnical field data collection including supporting exploration team through procedure development and training.
    • QA/QC for hydrological and hydrogeological field data collection
    • Carry out geotechnical characterization for underground projects adopting the MRMR classification system
    • Provide geotechnical design parameters for underground mining design
    • Geotechnical risk assessment for exploration field activities

    The position is based in South Jakarta but will require regular travel to the site location in Sumbawa. The position will report to the Project Development Manager based in Perth Australia.

    Requirements of the position
    • Undergraduate or Graduate Degree in Engineering Geology, Mining Engineering or Civil Engineering
    • More than five (5) years relevant geotechnical experience in large scale, underground, hard rock mining
    • Experience with Geological/Geotechnical Modelling software - please indicate in CV
    • Knowledge of hydrogeological characterization for hard rock environments is highly regarded
    • Fluency in Bahasa and English
    • Ability to scope, select, and supervise consultants providing specialty evaluation.

    Senior Underground Mining Engineer
    PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia (VEI) is a long standing Indonesian mining services company and is a subsidiary of Vale SA, one the world’s largest international mining companies with its Head Office in Brazil. We are driven by the vision to be the number one global natural resources company in creating long-term value, through excellence and passion for people and the planet.

    VEI is seeking an experienced and motivated Senior Underground Mining Engineer to undertake scoping, pre-feasibility, feasibility, and due diligence mining studies to determine the potential feasibility of resource opportunities. The successful candidate will be accountable for all Mine Engineering aspects of the studies including:
    • Mining method evaluation
    • Mine design and optimization
    • Minable reserve estimation and scheduling
    • Mine development
    • Mine operating and capital cost estimation
    • Risk assessment

    The position is based in South Jakarta but will require occasional travel to the site location in Sumbawa. The position will report to the Project Development Manager based in Perth Australia.

    Requirements of the position
    • Mining Engineering degree with 8+ years experience including pre-feasibility/feasibility studies for large underground base metals projects.
    • Proficient in various mine modeling, planning, and scheduling software. Experience with PCBC software is highly regarded.
    • Ability to act or support the competent person for Mining Reserves reporting
    • Experience with feasibility analysis with ability to highlight and optimize the key economic drivers for the project
    • Ability to scope, select, and supervise consultants providing specialty evaluation.
    • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English

    The person we’re looking for will have good interpersonal skills, be a confident presenter and have the ability to produce high quality written reports in English. They will also need to be team player, be results driven and able to work autonomously.

    If your qualification is matched with the requirement above, please send your complete CV to in English version.

    VEI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and employs on the basis of job requirements.

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015


    NKNLegal, which focuses on corporate and commercial legal matters, is seeking a qualified individual to fill a position as:

    Accounting and Tax Staff

    with the following qualifications:

    - Female, with maximum 30 years old
    - Single
    - Graduated from a reputable academy/university majoring in accounting
    - Minimum 2-3 year experience in the similar position
    - Familiar with standard accounting principal (SAP)
    - Familiar with Accounting software (MYOB) is a must
    - Familiar with Tax software (e-SPT PPh 21 & PPN)
    - Familiar with microsoft word and excel
    - Hard working
    - Self motivated and detail oriented; and
    - Have a good communication skill

    Job descriptions:

    1. Verifying the accuracy of invoice and other accounting documents or records
    2. Update and maintain accounting journal, ledger and other documents transaction using MYOB sistem
    3. Prepare monthly financial report: income statement & balace sheet
    4. Control & review tax documentation to ensure correct tax is applied
    5. Preparing for VAT In and VAT out report
    6. Preparing monthly corporate tax art. 4(2), 23, 25

    To those who are interested and meet the above qualifications, please send application letter, CV, and photograph to:

    Nurhadian Kartohadiprodjo Noorcahyo

    Plaza Bisnis Kemang II
    Jalan Kemang Raya No. 2
    Jakarta Selatan 12730, Indonesia
    Telephones : (62 21) 7179 1973, 7179 1978
    Facsimile : (62 21) 7179 3478
    E-mail :

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015

    A Group of Futsal and Spa based in Jogjakarta who owned and managed currently 7 business in Yogyakarta and Bandung. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:


    Job Description :
    Handle all operational process for modern trade
    Analyze market needs, develop account strategies and convey to chief responsible personnel
    Schedule advance working appointments and respond promptly
    Arranging travel, accommodation and occasionally, travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations
    Producing documents, briefing papers, reports and presentations
    Organizing and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings
    Maximum 33 years old, candidate should possess Bachelor’s Degree in any field
    With experience min 2-3 years of working experience in Sales / Marketing field
    Undertand to the jobs of: General Affair/Finance/Administration/HRD
    Familiar with MS Office and Internet
    Fluent in English. Able to speak Mandarin / Japan will be an advantage
    Able to work independently and also in team
    High level capability with the handling of confidential documents or information
    Willing to travel and work over time
    Good personality, responsible, fast learner, efficient and well-organized
    Having an interest in the field of sport, lifestyle & entertainment
    This position will be based in Yogyakarta

    If you feel that you can meet the qualification and up to the challenge, please send your complete application (application letter, resume, expected salary, and any related supporting documents) to:

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015

    Kami PT Kirana Sakti Komputindo, Perusahaan Swasta Nasional yang bergerak dibidang Information Technology (IT), merupakan Business Partner resmi dari Hewlett Packard dan memiliki customer di seluruh Indonesia.

    Saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat untuk menempati posisi berikut :

    IT Support
    Kualifikasi :
    · SMK / DIPLOMA Jurusan Teknik Komputer/Informatika
    · Pria (20-27 thn)
    · Memiliki SIM C
    · Memiliki pengalaman dibidang teknik komputer, IT, Jaringan diutamakan
    · Jujur, bertanggung jawab, minat belajar & motivasi tinggi
    · Berdomisili di Mampang & sekitarnya.

    Bagi Kandidat yang memenuhi/memiliki kualifikasi diatas, silahkan mengirimkan Surat lamaran, CV yang disertai pas foto, Copy Ijazah & Transkrip NIlai, ke alamat/email:

    PT Kirana Sakti Komputindo
    Komplek Pelita Air Services
    Jl Kalibata Utara No.25 Jakarta Selatan
    Telp : +6221 791 88468
    Email :

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015

    CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and enterprise & economic development.

    CARE International Indonesia in Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara-NTT) is currently recruiting the following position for its project:



    The HR and Admin Officer is responsible to provide secretarial and administration services to all project staff in Kupang Sub-Office, and provide Human Resource (HR), Administration & Procurement support to Project Manager(s) (PMs), and designated officers.


    1. Secretarial & Administrative Support.
    a. Provide general secretarial and administrative support to PM(s), and designated officers.
    b. Fill in monthly petty cash and prepare petty cash report to Finance Officer in Kupang.
    c. Assist staff in the preparation and collection of Travel/Project Expense Report and other documents and support related to financial matters.
    d. Arrange/book flights and/or hotel accommodation for official travel purpose for all project staff in Kupang, including assisting the hotel accommodation booking and/or transportation arrangement for CARE staff or consultant who visit Kupang, when necessary
    e. Arrange/prepare documents for delivery/shipping.
    f. Manage incoming/outgoing telephone calls, faxes, mails, and other correspondences; register; duplicate; circulate; and file.
    g. Supervise the operation of the photocopy machine.
    h. Greet, escort and direct visitor(s) at Kupang sub office to get the required information or prior to meet the intended/appropriate staff.
    i. Manage office and project filing system (including monitoring and maintenance).
    j. Maintain updated list of important telephone numbers such as police, hospital, fire brigade, etc. and share it with staff.
    k. Administer invoice or Request of Payment (ROP) submitted by third party, including local NGO for further processing in Finance Unit.

    2. Asset & Procurement Support.
    a. Provide asset and procurement support to PM, and designated officers.
    b. Manage asset and procurement activities and ensure that process complies with CARE Indonesia Procurement Manual and Donor Regulations.
    c. Maintain and monitor organization’s assets, including vehicles/motorcycles, also monitor vehicle usage log and fuel consumption analysis.
    d. Procure office supplies and consumables including manage their stocks to ensure proper support to project(s) operation in Kupang sub office
    e. Prepare contract for services and repair requests for office equipment, office building, vehicles, etc.
    f. Prepare Request of Payment (ROP) and breakdown of invoices for office utilities, courier, and others.
    g. File and document important and confidential paperwork related to procurement for database purpose, list of local vendor/supplier and vendors/suppliers’ profiles.
    h. Update and submit Procurement Status Report (PSR) to the Jakarta Procurement Officer.
    i. Ensure data distribution; purchasing mechanism and payment procedure are meet with CARE standard policy.

    3. Human Resource Support.
    a. Preparing staff attendance, medical reimbursement, leaves report, and preparing payroll calculation and all supporting document.
    b. Coordinate with HR Head Quarter if there is personnel requisition for project purpose and other HR duties.
    c. Responsible for recruitment process in Kupang (Make a shortlist and arrange time for interview if there new recruitment staff or consultant).
    d. Responsible to maintain all personnel file staff and consultant in Kupang.
    e. Responsible to report staff’s BPJS in Kupang, its including with all administration matters.
    f. Key person who will handle labor issue and misconduct.
    g. Update employment monthly report and sent to Human Resource Unit at Jakarta Office.
    h. Provide human resource advice to PM(s), and designated officers.
    i. Provide training and support to local partners on CARE procurement & administrative matters.

    4. Reporting & Other Support.
    a. Provide asset report to IT & Asset Management Officer at Kupang Sub-Office & Payroll/Procurement Officer HQ on regular basis.
    b. Assist PM in the preparation of letters, project data, and other reports as required.
    c. Assist program staff in organizing and implementing meetings, workshops, and conferences, cross visits, field monitoring, and other program activities.
    d. Provide translation support (English to Bahasa Indonesia or vice versa) to project(s), when required.

    5. Other
    a. Any other assignment as requested by Supervisor or CARE management.

    Drivers (2), Guards (2), Office Helper (1)

    1. Education: Minimum Bachelors Degree in Administration or Management.
    2. Experience: Minimum 3 years experience in administration or HR.
    3. Specific Technical Skills:
    - Demonstrated ability to promote and initiate work processes and complete given assignments with minimum supervision.
    - Ability to communicate in English is preferable, excellent in Bahasa.
    - Strong inter-personal and communication skills
    - Ability to operate standard computer programs (Window, Excel, Outlook & Internet, PowerPoint).
    - Ability to build and work in teams.
    - Able to handle petty cash.
    - Trustworthiness, integrity, good analytical thinking and attention to detail.
    - Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines.
    - Ability to work in a team and a Customer satisfaction oriented.


    CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment, and women candidates are encouraged to apply. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject.

    Please submit your applications before December 02, 2015 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:
    "Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015

    Dear All,

    ILO is looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Admin and Finance Clerk. More information is as follows:

    Vacancy No:

    JAKARTA/2015/ 011


    24 November 2015

    Position title:

    Admin and Finance Clerk

    Deadline for application:

    04 December 2015

    Project title:

    ILO Better Work Indonesia

    Organization unit:

    Duty Station:
    Contract type:

    3 months with possible extension subject to funding availability

    Expected starting date:
    01 January 2016

    For any questions related to this post, please contact:- Ms Hermawaty Misnan, Admin/ HR Assistant,
    The Better Work programme is a unique partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The programme involves the development of both global tools and country level projects that is being implemented in Cambodia, Vietnam, Lesotho, Jordan, Haiti, Nicaragua, and recently extended to Indonesia with initial funding provided by the Government of Australia under the Australia-ILO Partnership Agreement 2010-2015.
    The Better Work Indonesia (BWI) project aims to improve working conditions and respect workers’ basic rights in Indonesian apparel enterprises by promoting compliance with the provisions of the Indonesian labour law and regulations and international core labour standards. The project will also promote productivity and competitiveness of enterprises in Indonesia that are linked to the apparel global supply chains, with an initial focus on the apparel industry in the Greater Jakarta area, with a view toward expanding to other industries and geographic areas. The focus is on scalable and sustainable solutions which build cooperation between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and international buyers.
    BWI will implement the following strategy:
    · Replace duplication of social audits with independent enterprise assessments on voluntarily participating enterprises that are recommended by the international buyers;
    · Provide enterprises with advisory and training services, as well as capacity development for the national stakeholders; and
    · Ensure long-term sustainable solutions supported by the Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the sustained engagement of international buyers
    For more information about the programme, see
    This position involves providing general administrative/financial support to the operation of Core Service Team (Enterprise Advisors), including communication to the clients.

    Supervision and Guidance
    The Administrative and Finance Clerk works under direct coordination/report of the Senior Enterprise Advisor with close collaboration with Senior Finance and Admin Assistant of BWI.

    1. Maintain office administrative files and official records. Search and select relevant information and records for officials upon request.
    2. Prepare payment voucher for project request and maintain records of such payments both in paper and electronic file.
    3. Communicate with clients – factories and buyers under supervision of supervisor
    4. Receive visitors, place and screen telephone calls, and respond to routine requests for information.
    5. Update information on announcement board with information of staff missions/leave and incoming missions and other official information such as workshops and seminars.
    6. Draft routine correspondence on administrative matters from oral instructions, previous correspondence or other available information sources in accordance with standard office procedures
    7. Maintain petty cash for operational of core service team, under supervision of Sr. Finance Assistant
    8. Classify and code material relating to a number of subject-matter areas.
    9. Make travel arrangements, hotel reservations and type travel authorization forms.
    10. Assist in procurement of office equipment and supplies. Maintain and update the inventory records of non-expendable equipment.
    11. Provide administrative support for meetings, seminars and/or workshops
    12. Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor.

    Education Completion of secondary school education, supplemented by a secretarial /administration diploma

    Experience: Two years general clerical work.

    Nationality: Indonesian

    Languages: Excellent English and Bahasa

    Remuneration: General Service Level 3 of the UN common remuneration system and/or commensurate with the qualifications and competency of the selected candidate.
    a. Proven ability to use General Microsoft Office software and email.
    b. Ability to use other software packages required by the work unit.
    c. Proven typing abilities.
    d. Knowledge of office administrative procedures and of clerical practices.
    e. Knowledge of in-house procedures for the preparation of documents and administrative forms, and for the use of filing systems.
    f. Ability to reply in an appropriate manner to work related inquiries.
    g. Ability to work well with colleagues.
    h. Ability to organize own work.
    i. Ability to evaluate correspondence and inquiries for best course of action.
    j. Ability to obtain services from other work units inside or outside the office for completion of tasks.

    Application – Qualified women and men are encouraged to apply. Only qualified candidates will be notified. Please submit application indicating the Vacancy Announcement Number along with your CV and 3 references to:
    Email :

    Only qualified candidates will be notified.

    The ILO promotes opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive employment in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity

  • DEBORA588

    27 November 2015

    A Group of Futsal and Spa based in Jogjakarta who owned and managed currently 7 business in Jogjakarta and Bandung. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:


    Job Description :
    Monitoring and manage operational activities
    Responsible for managing human resources
    Maintain productivity , effectiveness and discipline of employees reached in accordance with standart of company
    Working with team sales and marketing communication to reach its sales target
    Support digital marketing activities for theme campaigns, promotions, including artwork, copywriting and content development as necessary.
    Responsible for maintenance and updates to corporate website
    Monitor and report on campaign results
    Any other duties as assigned by Supervisor
    Male with maximum 35 years old.
    Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing Communications/Marketing/Business/ Management with minimum 2-3 years’ of relevant working experience
    Familiar with MS Office and Internet
    Familiar with digital marketing & Social Media
    Fluent in English. Able to speak Mandarin / Japan will be an advantage
    Able to work independently and also in team
    Willing to travel and work over time
    Good personality, responsible, fast learner, efficient and well-organized
    Having an interest in the field of sport, lifestyle & entertainment
    This position will be based in Yogyakarta

    If you feel that you can meet the qualification and up to the challenge, please send your complete application (application letter, resume, expected salary, and any related supporting documents) to:

  • FRANGKI440

    27 November 2015

    yahh telat saya tau info ini

    padahal saya pengen banget ngajar lagi

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    PT Dire Pratama adalah perusahan berkembang disektor pertambangan dan fasilitas pelabuhan yang berorientasi untuk menjadi operator utama pelabuhan indonesia di pertambangan, minyak dan gas. Dalam rangka mendukung peningkatan target dan produksi perusahan, kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang dinamis, memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi, menyukai tantangan, dan berkomitmen untuk bergabung bersama kami

    1. Sr. Process Engineer (Code : OPR-PE)
    Kalimantan Timur
    Gambaran pekerjaan
    Melakukan pengawasan, perawatan terhadap seluruh area kerja Plant Conveyor, serta melakukan koordinasi dengan Processing Plant, Crushing Plant, sampai Jetty agar kegiatan in Loading dan out Loading berjalan dengan lancar. Membuat laporan terkait aktivitas maintenance Conveyor, Control Room, serta memastikan setiap pergantian stock dan kebutuhan spare part material conveyor dan plant.

    - Min. S1 Teknik Elektro atau Teknik Mesin, IPK min 3,00
    - Memiliki pengalaman min. 3 tahun di bidang electrical maintenance dan bersertfikasi Ak3 Listrik
    - Mengetahui dan memahami electrical power, mengetahui dan system program scada
    - Mengetahui dan memahami system electrical baik untuk building maupun plant conveyor
    - Mengetahui dan memahami syestem electrical untuk control room baik di MCC maupun control room dan menguasai sistim troubleshooting electrical
    - Pengetahuan Safety, Risk and Environmental Action Plans dan JSEA
    - Memiliki Ethos kerja yang baik, Pro Aktif dan self-Starter
    - Motivasi diri yang kuat, pekerja keras dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin yang baik
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Kalimantan Timur

    2. Workshop Supervisor (Code : MTC-WS)
    Kalimantan Timur
    Gambaran pekerjaan
    Kemampuan melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan serta troubleshoot mesin mesin fixed plant, crushing Plant dan conveyor. Ahli dalam Welding khususnya 4G/SMAW dalam memodifikasi/fabrikasi asset plant maintenance, fixed plant dan equipment. Serta memahami dan mengerti prosess maintenance eningeering project cost estimates,

    - Min. S1 Teknik Mesin atau jurusan lain yang berhubungan, IPK min 3,00
    - Memiliki pengalaman min. 5 tahun di bidang Maintenance, Fabrikasi dan Fixed Plant
    - Familiar mtc gearbox, pumps, chutes, pulleys, sizer, feeder breaker etc,
    - Familiar dengan sistim conveyor system dan welding
    - Mempunyai Sertificat Jurus Las (Kelas 2) lebih di utamakan
    - Memiliki Ethos kerja yang baik, Pro Aktif dans elf Starter
    - Motivasi diri yang kuat, pekerja keras dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin yang baik
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Kalimantan Timur

    3. Workshop Foreman (Code : MTC-WF)
    Kalimantan Timur
    Gambaran pekerjaan
    Kemampuan melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan serta troubleshoot mesin mesin fixed plant, crushing Plant dan conveyor. Ahli dalam Welding khususnya 4G dan SMAW dalam memodifikasi/fabrikasi asset plant maintenance, fixed plant dan equipment.

    - Min. D3 (pengalaman 2 Tahun) dan STM (Pengalaman 5 Tahun)
    - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Maintenance, Fabrikasi dan Fixed Plant
    - Familiar mtc gearbox, pumps, chutes, pulleys, sizer, feeder breaker etc.
    - Mempunyai Sertificat Jurus Las (Kelas 2) leih di utamakan
    - Famiiar dengan sistim conveyor system dan welding
    - Memiliki Ethos kerja yang baik, Pro Aktif dans elf Starter
    - Motivasi diri yang kuat, pekerja keras dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Kalimantan Timur

    4. Logistik Supervisor (Code : FPL-LOG)
    Kalimantan Timur
    Gambaran pekerjaan
    Melakukan monitoring operasional pengelolaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan dn pengeluaran barang di gudang, menjaga kesesuaian stock fisik dan data administrasi. Mengelola seluruh sarana dan prasarana inventaris dengan baik dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan bagian bagian terkait untuk memastikan pengelolaan barang berjalan dengan baik serta sudah sesuai dengan SOP atau prosedur yang syaratkan.

    - Min. D3 (Logistik Bisnis, Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, dan Administrasi Niaga)
    - Mahir dalam pengoperasian microsoft Office
    - Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang logistic dan pergudangan
    - Diutamakan memiliki pengetahuan tentang aplikasi MEX.
    - Memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang baik, teliti dan analis
    - Pro Aktif dan mampu bekerja sama dalam Tim
    - Motivasi diri yang kuat, pekerja keras dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Kalimantan Timur

    5. Admin Operation Supervisor (Code : OPR-ADM)
    Kalimantan Timur
    Gambaran pekerjaan
    Melakukan verifikasi dan sentralisasi dokumen pada semua kegiatan operasional dalam bentuk laporan kinerja operasional secara berkala dan berkelanjutan mencakup operasional produksi dan maintenance Selalu berkoordinasi dan melakukan singkronisasi dengan bagian-bagian lain terkait operasional mencakup operasional kendaraan dan antar jemput karyawan agar berjalan dengan lancar, efektif dan sesuai dengan aturan atau prosedur yang sudah ditetapkan.

    - Min. D3 semua jurusan (minimal IPK. 3.00)
    - Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai administrasi produksi (lebih disukai di bidang Power plant atau fixed Plant)
    - Cekatan, teliti, fleksible dan memiliki jiwa kepepimpinan, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab
    - Motivasi diri yang kuat, pekerja keras dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
    - Pro Aktif dan mampu bekerja sama dalam Tim
    - Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Kalimantan Timur

    Bagi Anda yang memenuhi Kualifikasi diatas dan berminat untuk mengisi posisi tersebut, silakan mengirimkan CV anda ke Email:
    subject: “Sesuai dengan Code Posisi yang dilamar”
    Contoh : Petromindo_nama anda_Code posisi

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    We are one of the tastest growing mining & coal trading company, having its site in South and East Kalimantan. Currently we are mining and exporting our coal to various countries. Now we are in the process of expanding our business, looking for a good candidate for:
    • Male and Female max 35 years old.
    • Must be posses from Bachelor Degree (strata 1) in Accounting.
    • Have experience as Accountant minimum 3 (three) years and have experience to handle General Ledger, Monthly Book Closing, finalization of accounts and the Audit (internal/ external/ tax).
    • Fluent in English is a must.
    • Computer Literate and can use accounting software especially in Tally would be advantage.
    • Able to work under pressure, fast learning, have good initiative and hard working.
    • Willing to do travelling if required.

    Send your complete application, CV in English (MS. Word), and please put also your expecting salary to:

    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    We, PT TAM is an established coal mining company that located in Central Borneo and currently is seeking a dedicated person to fill in a position of :
    1. Adm Engineer Officer
    - Possess a Diploma Degree ( D3 ) from general education background.
    - Male, age between 22 – 28 years old.
    - Minimum 1 year experience in related industry.
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.

    2. Engineering Supertendent
    - Possess a bachelor degree from mining / geology education background.
    - Male, age between 30 – 40 years old.
    - Minimum 5 years experience in related industry.
    - Having POM certification.
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.

    3. Surveyor Supervisor
    - Possess a bachelor degree from engineering / geology education background.
    - Male, age between 25 – 35 years old.
    - Minimum 3 years experience in related industry.
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.

    4. Production Supervisor
    - Possess a bachelor degree from mining education background.
    - Male, age between 25 -35 years old.
    - Minimum 3 years experience in related industry.
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.
    - Having POM Certification

    5. Jetty Master Supertendent
    - Having education background in ANT 5/4/3 in shipping
    - Male, age between 30 – 40 years old
    - Minimum 5 years experience in shipping or related industry
    - Possess POM certification
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.

    6. HSE Supertendent
    - Possess Bachelor degree in social health/mechanical engineering major /chemistry major /industrial engineering/forestry/environmental major.
    - Male, age between 30 – 40 years old.
    - Having minimum 5 years experience.
    - Possess POM certification.
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication

    7. Environment Officer
    - Possess diploma degree in Forestry / Environment / Agriculture major education background.
    - Male, age between 22 – 28 years
    - Having minimum 1 year experience
    - Possess OHS certification
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication.

    8. HRD & GA Supertendent
    - Possess bachelor degree in law major, Industrial engineering / Psychology/social politics
    - Male, age between 30 – 40 years.
    - Minimum 5 years experience
    - Having ISO certification
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication

    9. HR Officer
    - Possess bachelor degree in law/Industrial engineering/Psychology/social politics
    - Female, age between 22-28 years old
    - Having minimum 1 year experience.
    - Located in Jakarta
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication

    10. Mine Plan Supervisor
    - Possess bachelor degree in mining / geology educational background.
    - Male, age between 30 – 40 years old
    - Having minimum 5 years experience
    - Willing to be assigned on site.
    - Proficient in operating computer and having basic english communication

    Please send your comprehensive resume and recent color photograph not later than 10 December 2015, to email address

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    We are, from a mining business group of four coal mining firms and two gold mining firms which have been in operation with KK, PKP2B, and IUP, would like to recruit new professional workers with good track records in their fields, to join and progress with us at the positions and qualifications as follow:
    Metalurgy Tehnician
    Requirements :
    Experiance : 2-3 Years in Area of Gold Mining Company - Process Plant
    Skills : Familiar with metallurgical Test Works, communicative, Good initiative and team worker, good attitude, & have wilingness to learn and grow.

    Detailed Job responsibilities :
    Assisting metallurgist on conducting metallurgical testworks and assisting metallurgist on rolling as technical support to the plant.

    Requirements :
    Experiance : 2 – 5 Yeas in Area of Gold Mining Company
    Skills : Have tehnical experiance & good understanding in conventional cil processing and expert in developing & metallurgical testwork.
    Education : Bachelor in metallurgical engineering

    Other Qualification :
    Good Analytical, problem solving, strong team player , good initiative & communicative (in Bahasa & English) , have wilingness to learn and grow.

    Detailed job responsibilities :
    - Supervising met testwork, analysing the result & reporting to senior metallurgist during project.
    - During operation, rolling as a tehnical support to Plant Departement.

    If you are interested and have the qualifications, please send your CV to this Email address:

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    Dear Teman-teman JK yang mengunjungi forum loker ini, saya boleh minta tolong bantuannya untuk meluangkan waktu beberapa menit. Mohon bantuannya untuk menekan tombol laporkan di beberapa lowongan kerja yang sudah expired, mungkin ada di halaman 2-11. Kemudian teman-teman bisa isi keterangan "mohon di delete karna loker sudah expired"

    thanks before ya.

    Gbu all

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    FINS RECIPE merupakan usaha yang bergerak di bidang makanan, salah satu produknya “KUE IJO”, saat ini sudah membuka outlet di Plaza Indonesia, Senayan City, Pondok Indal Mall. FINS RECIPE juga segera buka di beberapa Mall prestisius di Jakarta, membutuhkan tenaga muda professional sebagai :

    1. Sales Promotion Girl / Boy (SPG/B)
    · Penampilan Menarik, usia 17 - 25 th.
    · Pendidikan Mi. SMA sederajat.
    · Tinggi minimal, Pria = 165 cm, Wanita = 155 cm.
    · Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
    · Jujur dan memiliki penampilan menarik.
    · Sehat dan tidak buta warna.
    · Penempatan Jakarta Selatan : Plaza Senayan
    · Penempatan Jakarta Pusat : Grand Indonesia
    · Penempatan Jakarta Utara : Mall Kelapa Gading

    2. Kitchen Hand
    · Usia maks. 25 tahun.
    · Jujur dan bersih.

    3. Delivery Man
    · Memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku.
    · Mengetahui area Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
    · Penempatan PLUIT - Jakarta Utara

    Kirimkan lamaran lengkap + pas foto terbaru ke
    Training Center FINS RECIPE
    Jl. Pantai Indah Selatan Ruko Elang Laut Blok B No. 16
    Pantai Indah Kapuk - Jakarta Utara

    Atau email ke : recruit.02@...

    Fasilitas: Gaji menarik + insentif + BPJS Ketenagakerjaan + BPJS Kesehatan

    Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat di
    Atau hubungi Bapak Taufik di jam kerja, telp : 021-2903 3345
    SMS / WA : 0877 7551 7400

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat is the nerve centre of ASEAN, a regional inter-governmental organisation founded in 1967, to promote peace and stability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social progress. It comprises the ten countries of Southeast Asia.

    The entry into force of the ASEAN Charter on 15 December 2008 had provided new impetus to ASEAN's integration efforts by establishing a legal and institutional framework required to achieve the ASEAN Community by 2015. This includes the newly approved organisational structure of the ASEAN Secretariat that is aligned to the requirements of the Charter and the three Blueprints of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC). The ASEAN Secretariat is therefore well positioned to provide the necessary functions required to effectively support the community building process under the Charter and the Blueprints.

    Currently the ASEAN Secretariat is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the position of Senior Officer Transport, under the Infrastructure Division; Finance, Industry & Infrastructure Directorate; ASEAN Economic Community Department. This position shall work in close cooperation and consultation with, and report directly to the Head of Infrastructure Division.

    Private Sector

    Duties and Responsibilities

    The duties will cover, but are not limited to the following

    1. Provide policy and technical advice and recommendations by undertaking research work and preparing policy papers to support the formulation and implementation of ASEAN regional integration policy in transport, including providing inputs into the development of sectoral work plans (and similar documents) and agreements.

    2. Facilitates discussions and negotiations among ASEAN Member States.

    3. Monitor the implementation of sectoral work plans (and similar documents) and compliance with ASEAN agreements in the transport sector.

    4. Manage and coordinate the activities and provide the required support for the development, implementation and monitoring of programmes and/or projects in transport:

    Propose/formulate project/activities
    Involve in the preparation of project proposals
    Assist in mobilising resources for the implementation of programmes/projects
    Monitor and report the implementation of programmes/projects
    5. Provide support in the development and implementation of programmes/activities of cooperation between ASEAN and external parties, including ASEAN Dialogue Partners, international organisations and the private sector, in the field of transport:

    Initiate future work plan and key activities
    Propose and implement joint agreements, programmes and activities with the external parties
    Liaise with the external parties
    6. Promote ASEAN transport sector by preparing promotional materials and taking part in speaking engagement at national, regional and international events as required.

    7. Support the ASEAN bodies with respect to meetings:

    Prepare the necessary documents required for the meetings
    Act as a resource person and facilitator at meetings
    Represent the ASEAN Secretariat at meetings as required
    Assist the hosting organisations in preparing for meetings
    Qualifications and experience

    Postgraduate degree in Management, Economics, or other appropriate specialist discipline;
    Extensive supervisory experience, within management position with a minimum six (6) years high-level experience in a recognised specialised field;
    Sound experience in public policy development and negotiation,
    Good corporate, strategic and business planning skills;
    Strong leadership and strong administrative capabilities;
    Understanding of international and regional issues, and knowledge of and commitment to ASEAN ideals;
    High-level interpersonal, negotiation and communication skills, including experience in cross cultural environment and international settings;
    Proven ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships with government representatives, public and private sector organisations and other stakeholders;
    Proven ability for accuracy under pressure and adherence to deadlines;
    Commitment to teamwork and collaborative work practices;
    Excellent command of English, written and spoken.
    Competency in computer skills with adequate knowledge of Microsoft Office and Outlook where relevant to the position;
    Remuneration and Benefits

    Successful candidate will be offered an attractive remuneration package including housing, outpatient medical reimbursement, hospitalization insurance, education of dependent children and gratuity. Subject to good performance during the probation, the candidate will be offered a fixed term contract of three (3) years, inclusive of the six-month probationary period. Successful candidate is expected to be on-board as soon as possible.

    How to apply

    Send your application to highlighting your suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sized photograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained, and completed Employment Application Form, which can be downloaded at .

    Incomplete applications will not be considered.

    Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for Senior Officer Transport.

    Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 18 December 2015.

    The Selection Committee's decision is final and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

  • DEBORA588

    30 November 2015

    Beasiswa S2 di Thailand - Full

    Peluang-peluang beasiswa 2016 kini semakin banyak yang buka. Salah satunya jika Anda berminat mengambil S2 di Asian Instittute of Technology (AIT) Thailand. Pemerintah Kerajaan Thailand menyediakan kesempatan beasiswa S2 di kampus tersebut bagi mahasiswa di kawasan Asia. His Majesty the King’s Scholarships dan Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships. Dua beasiswa master sedang dibuka untuk perkuliahan yang dimulai 2016. Beasiswa tersebut sebagai bentuk penghargaan raja maupun ratu Thailand.

    Keduanya merupakan beasiswa penuh. His Majesty the King’s Scholarships adalah beasiswa bagi lulusan sarjana berprestasi dari kawasan Asia untuk mengambil gelar master mereka di School of Engineering and Technology (SET) dan School of Management (SOM), AIT.

    Sementara, Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships merupakan beasiswa S2 penuh bagi lulusan sarjana berprestasi untuk meraih gelar master di bidang yang terkait lingkungan di School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), AIT.

    Setiap beasiswa yang diberikan sudah mencakup biaya kuliah, akomodasi, serta biaya hidup di perumahan kampus AIT. Beasiswa tersebut akan diberikan selama 22 bulan selama program master. Total nilai masing-masing beasiswa sebesar 970.900 Baht (± Rp 369 juta)

    1. Warganegara dari kawasan Asia
    2. Lulus dalam bidang yang terkait dari perguruan tinggi terakreditasi
    3. Memiliki prestasi yang baik pada program sarjana. IPK 3.5 ke atas atau setara
    4. Mahir berbahasa Inggris (skor TOEFL 550 atau setara)

    Calon harus dinominasikan oleh ketua jurusan / departemen atau dosen pembimbing dengan mengisi formulir nominasi yang dikirim via email ke: atau melalui fax: +662-524-5024. Setelah mendapat nominasi, pelamar diminta untuk mendaftar ke AIT dengan mengisi aplikasi online di

    Batas terakhir pendaftaran dan pengajuan nominasi adalah 31 Maret 2016. Dokumen aplikasi yang diminta untuk pendaftaran ke AIT, di antaranya:

    › Salinan ijazah dan transkrip S1
    › Dua surat rekomendasi
    › Sertifikat TOEFL (550) atau IELTS (6)

    Informasi lebih lanjut bisa Anda tanyakan dengan menghubungi Khun Wannapa, Tel. 02-524-5071 atau Khun Wilailak, Tel. 02-524-5023, web (, atau melalui email

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