Forum • Persahabatan dan hubungan
14 Mei 2016
Time no becoming …
River slams the water...
I earn corns of expectation,
like children are crying to cheat my dreaming..
In the lake no fish show me the way...
Throw any cent to call the way,
for a moment ... I'm waiting for a change..
Suddenly ... The water roar the children's expectation...The flocks of bird were enjoying to fly in the sky...
The water giving a birth any beautiful waves...
With several noises of sound that fill my life...
You can breaths the sounds of the mountain in the early morning,touch the sea and smell the people noise...
thunder sounding the bell where never getting well...
the wind roar behind the mountain to slams the water...
for a moment for uncategorized season...Fresh and cold touch my head,,,
I think my flesh is going burst,,
for the next moment happened by there was no actor...
I count my chance like children's exciting...
in pool with any toy and any fish...River goes slow and river up throw...
I and my journey telling the expedition,,
for many kilometers i stay, i think to remember...
Like river flow where the storm roar the water...
For many times with no destination... -
14 Mei 2016
Sepertinya thread puisi sudah ada bro...
14 Mei 2016
Roaming sayah
15 Mei 2016
maaf ya broo, saya bersastra lewat puisi bukan untuk sayembara...
saya menyukai puisi untuk menggabarkan keberadaan manusia.
terimakasih untuk komentarnya...
Jesus save you.