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  • TRISH197

    17 Mei 2016

    Cieeee Inne dan Alfred...

    Mau naik k puncak gunung si ko Alfred Ne..

  • ALFRED304

    17 Mei 2016

    Mother mother tell your children

    That their time has just begun

    I have suffered for my anger

    There are wars that can't be won

    Father father please believe me

    I am laying down my guns

    I am broken like an arrow

    Forgive me

    Forgive your wayward son

    Everybody needs somebody to love

    (mother, mother)

    Everybody needs somebody to hate

    (please believe me)

    Everybody's bitching

    'cause they can't get enough

    And it's hard to hold on

    When there's no one to lean on

    Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain

    Lord you got to keep the faith

    Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

    Right now we got to

    Keep the faith

    Keep the faith

    Keep the faith

    Lord we got to keep the faith

    Tell me baby when I hurt you

    Do you keep it all inside

    Do you tell me al's forgiven

    And just hide behind your pride

    Everybody needs somebody to love

    (mother, father)

    Everybody needs somebody to hate

    (please don't leave me)

    Everybody's bleeding

    'cause the times are tough

    Well it's hard to be strong

    When there's no one to dream on

    Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain

    Lord you got to keep the faith

    Now you know is not too late

    Oh you got to keep the faith

    Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

    Right now we got to

    Keep the faith

    Keep the faith

    Keep the faith

    Lord we got to keep the faith

    Walking in the footsteps

    Of society's lies

    I don't like what I see no more

    Sometimes I wish that I was blind

    Sometimes I wait forever

    To stand out in the rain

    So no one sees me cryin'

    Trying to wash away the pain

    Mother father

    There's things I've done I can't erase

    Every night we fall from grace

    It's hard with the world in yours face

    Trying to hold on, trying to hold on

    Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain

    Lord you got to keep the faith

    Faith: don't let your love turn to hate

    Right now we got to keep the faith

    Faith: now it's not too late

    Try to hold on, trying to hold on

    Keep the faith

  • INNE351

    17 Mei 2016

    ALFRED304 tulis:

    thx n good luck for you sis

    Masama bro :up:

    Ditunggu kabar baiknya oleh Trish ;-)

    Cieeee Trish Ihirrrrr ;-)

    @Alfred : Bon Jovi :-)

    17 Mei 2016 diubah oleh INNE351

  • TRISH197

    17 Mei 2016

    Keep the faith...bon jovi.

  • INNE351

    18 Mei 2016

    (Ala2 penyiar radio)

    Untuk all Jkers... Purnama menggelayut manja pertanda malam semakin larut, selamat beristirahat temans mimpi indah diperaduan

    Dari crew yg bertugas kami putarkan musik pengantar mimpi Indah..

    Selamat malam sampai bertemu diwaktu dan dithread yg sama ...

    Bhay ;-)

    18 Mei 2016 diubah oleh INNE351

  • TRISH197

    18 Mei 2016

    Byee Inne

  • YUDI139

    18 Mei 2016

    Dari : Saya

    Untuk : All JK members.

    Isi : This song is for you all. So please stop pengkotak2an members berdasarkan ras chinese, jawa, sunda, batak, dll.

    Hidup lebih indah tanpa membedakan manusia darimana mereka dilahirkan dan dari keluarga ras ataupun agama lain.

    18 Mei 2016 diubah oleh YUDI139

  • INNE351

    18 Mei 2016

    Thanks bro Yudhi wherever you are ;-)

  • DEHOPE594

    18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: all member JK

    DU: YESUS LOVE u all

  • INNE351

    18 Mei 2016

    DEHOPE594 tulis:

    D: saya

    U: all member JK

    DU: YESUS LOVE u all

    Thank you bro Dehope

    Jesus <3 you abundantly :up:

    D : Inne

    U : All members JK

    DU : Salam manis dari akuh.. Semangat dlm menjalani kehidupan ..  be excellent each others. :up:

    18 Mei 2016 diubah oleh INNE351

  • TRISH197

    18 Mei 2016

    D : akuh

    U : kamuh

    DU : selesaiin yang perlu diselesaiin...dont be procrastinator...habit ga bagus itu.

  • MEY072

    18 Mei 2016

    ketinggalan kereta mbk inne..

    Dari: mey072

    untuk: teman JK semua, keluarga atopun sahabat yg lagi sakit, GWS, ttp  semangat berjuang dan percaya Tuhan akan sembuhkan semua luka penyakit

    specially buat mama Satria261

  • DEHOPE594

    18 Mei 2016

    AMIIINNNN.....there no one can compare to our GOD Jesus is the Lord and the Lord is Yesus, HE is A LIVING GOD

    MEY072 tulis:

    ketinggalan kereta mbk inne..

    Dari: mey072

    untuk: teman JK semua, keluarga atopun sahabat yg lagi sakit, GWS, ttp  semangat berjuang dan percaya Tuhan akan sembuhkan semua luka penyakit

    specially buat mama Satria261

  • INNE351

    18 Mei 2016

    MEY072 tulis:

    ketinggalan kereta mbk inne..

    Dari: mey072

    untuk: teman JK semua, keluarga atopun sahabat yg lagi sakit, GWS, ttp  semangat berjuang dan percaya Tuhan akan sembuhkan semua luka penyakit

    specially buat mama Satria261

    Thank You Mey :up:

    <3 GWS all friends <3

    <3 GWS mama Satria261 <3

  • OLIN865

    18 Mei 2016

    D : aku

    U : Anak2 ku

    DU : Cepet besar ya...nak....buat mami bangga... love u :-)

  • DEHOPE594

    18 Mei 2016


    OLIN865 tulis:

    D : aku

    U : Anak2 ku

    DU : Cepet besar ya...nak....buat mami bangga... love u :-)

  • 18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: "HOPE"

    DU: Always be with me......


  • DEHOPE594

    18 Mei 2016

    i'll be with you bro yossie....;-) eh kok ge er saya heheheh

    YOSSIE472 tulis:

    D: saya

    U: "HOPE"

    DU: Always be with me......

    --- ... 3/hope-hero.jpg

    18 Mei 2016 diubah oleh DEHOPE594

  • SWARRY836

    18 Mei 2016

    OLIN865 tulis:

    D : aku

    U : Anak2 ku

    DU : Cepet besar ya...nak....buat mami bangga... love u :-)

    Up uuuu

    Kata kenzo gitu

  • 18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: @all Jkers

    DU: Spread your love....


  • ROSIANA028

    18 Mei 2016

    D    aku

    U      km

    Du    jgn bkn ak galau wkkkkk

  • 18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: seorang disana

    DU: Thanks a lot yah buat cambukannya.....(",)

  • DEHOPE594

    18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: anda

    DU: makasih

    ROSIANA028 tulis:

    D    aku

    U      km

    Du    jgn bkn ak galau wkkkkk


    18 Mei 2016

    D: saya

    U: all JKers

    DU: hidup penuh sukacita dan kemenangan..

  • ROSIANA028

    18 Mei 2016

    DEHOPE594 tulis:

    D: saya

    U: anda

    DU: makasih

    Wkkk doain ya ko test ak oke Gbu

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