he is being.
23 Mei 2016
Several lights were singing to declared the peace,
No place to think no changes for taking,
Everyone seeks a gift changes for pleasure time..
But, only the priest think for the changing one.Every night felt by human talk and whisper
Like every time goes with different moment …
Look at the stars an only cloud has painted in the sky,
Take and taste fresh air where it came and turned,Several trees growth very fast tonight,
When the dog sleep and dream alone… with
No sweet barking around… just whisper
Look and go there to find where any sing aloud…
Many angles around the stars playing and blessing the leaves…I’m join with midnight going to dance and joy..
Fall in love with the blossom of angles sings..
For the time being… when the baby cried around…
Donkey and sheep were enjoying to smell the moment
Dignitaries and gypsies of the great east raring to go to worship..Any sing from the east… with any lustrous present for worship,
Young lady and Man love the Grace of sky forever,
Like night has mystery no matter at the moment…
For the way, none can explain them where…Night kept the secret and the day will tell you later,
No moment has brought a praise to make the time repeat,
In the last count the Man ask you about…
For the future no matter about you make refuse,
The natures call the end and tell again to began…For the time being… call you to come,
Yet for eternal love you stay…. -
23 Mei 2016
Roaming aku....
23 Mei 2016
Ai aha do i?
23 Mei 2016
itu puisi yang saya tulis.
bercerita mengenai kehadiran kristus yang mengasihi manusia.
23 Mei 2016
Baen ma translatenya amang bao..
23 Mei 2016
Ima da.hamu akka naposo ima mangattusi i...
23 Mei 2016
khan Uda MEA?
24 Mei 2016
Sarupa, alana par porsea iba, gabe dang mangatusi aha artina...
Vahen jo translate na bang, asa faham iba
24 Mei 2016
Bahasa tingkat tinggi.....roaming
24 Mei 2016 diubah oleh ENGLELINA753
24 Mei 2016
ENGLELINA753 tulis:
Bahasa tingkat tinggi.....roaming
Gpp, kan pake lift
24 Mei 2016
Error gw...tinggi bnget bahasanya...wkwkwk..:))
24 Mei 2016
LISTON872 tulis:
Sarupa, alana par porsea iba, gabe dang mangatusi aha artina...
Vahen jo translate na bang, asa faham iba
toe ma ito holan bahasa spanyol do na diattusi itoanon,,hahaahaha
24 Mei 2016
LINA058 tulis:
toe ma ito holan bahasa spanyol do na diattusi itoanon,,hahaahaha
Ima dah, malelengku abangan di inggris, ahu pe najolo songoni do ito, malelelngku iba di huta gabe palancarhu mar bahasa toba on
24 Mei 2016
ENGLELINA753 tulis:
Bahasa tingkat tinggi.....roaming
Aku malah eror tingkat nasional...
24 Mei 2016
Gua dukung Marpaung...
lue punya bakat sastra yg bgs tp untuk berikutnya lbh baik sertakan terjemahannya...
Tetap semamgat kawan..
Gua demen di JK bnyk bngt potensi yg keren2...
24 Mei 2016
Ada rangkumannya?? spaya kl bsok diujiankan, gw bs dapat nilai min 90...#salam knal ito marpaung#
24 Mei 2016
24 Mei 2016
Knp christian??
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
24 Mei 2016
Just feel like to smile mey
feel like being pushed to the time i got rid of
MEY072 tulis:
Knp christian??
25 Mei 2016
Kirain error tingkat Kecamatan...:))
LISTON872 tulis:
Aku malah eror tingkat nasional...
25 Mei 2016
haduhh jgn merasa begitu, semangat ya
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
Just feel like to smile mey
feel like being pushed to the time i got rid of
26 Mei 2016
Merasa apa mey.. kan aku blng pingin senyum aja
MEY072 tulis:
haduhh jgn merasa begitu, semangat ya
26 Mei 2016
hahaha..hbz pke emot ini----
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
Merasa apa mey.. kan aku blng pingin senyum aja