JK Lounge (English Only)
29 April 2018
CHRISTIAN205 tulis:
I will try written english in here,but sorry if I written false,because my skill not perfect and l just learning without an official course
it's alright christian 😉 happy to have you here, we are learning together 👍👍
So i hope you don't mind if some of our friends here help to correct your answer 😊
I will try to write in english, sorry if what i write is wrong, because i'm still learning and i learn it independently without english course
May be like that? Hope i don't make mistake also in the correction 🙏🙏
29 April 2018
Please do not say apology, sorry or any similiar words.
"Little2 I can" is welcome here. 😉
AYUSARI311 tulis:
it's alright christian 😉 happy to have you here, we are learning together 👍👍
So i hope you don't mind if some of our friends here help to correct your answer 😊
I will try to write in english, sorry if what i write is wrong, because i'm still learning and i learn it independently without english course
May be like that? Hope i don't make mistake also in the correction 🙏🙏
29 April 2018 diubah oleh SAURIA580
29 April 2018
So why we have gas in our stomach?
* It can be from food that we eat. Living things produce gas as needed to survive, known as excretion/waste product.
Healthy expert said do not eat meat as your night meal.
* who are the healthy experts?
* one of my late father doctors said that if you're 40 years above try to avoid eating red meat. Why???? Cuz some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease. Red meat fits into a heart-healthy diet.
So who is the creator of this universe God or Doctor and healthy expert?
* God creates the universe. God creates us as human to master the Earth...to live on it..... born....grow...makes a better life by learning in a particular skill to be an expert in a particular field. So, here we are .... different genders and different skill/job cuz God creates us.
God bless.
29 April 2018
A splendorous explanation 👏👏👍
ANDRE032 tulis:
What is gas? Gas contains atoms, molecules and ions which move freely in the absence of electric field. Our body is one of electric field.
Each living creature (mammals, reptiles, etc) needs gas to reproduce its habitual diets.
Yeah, you're right when you uttered ....medical analysis... But medical result always accurate.
Analysis: before, result: after
Healthy expert said do not eat meat as your night meal.
Who said that? Which health experts? Could you please give any references?
The politic in the third-world states/countries prohibit importing meat from abroad, but please eat local meat from our own countries.
Israel and Egypt are totally different. Egypt had been established based on Nile civilization. It well then developed its society until it had chance and proclaimed as a state/nation.
Who is the Creator, God or Doctor?
I do not really understand what you are talking about, my man. You are so "superfantastic"
Happy Sunday, my brother.
29 April 2018
Splendorous? No. It's only basic explanation.
Thanks, Santy. You have additional information.
SANTY423 tulis:
A splendorous explanation 👏👏👍
30 April 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
29 April 2018
Wait ya wait... I open google translate past, so that i young to understand, because i less can english :)
X~eN ^_^
29 April 2018
Ya..ya..ya wait2an yaa..
CHRISTOPEL185 tulis:
Wait ya wait... I open google translate past, so that i young to understand, because i less can english :)
X~eN ^_^
29 April 2018
CHRISTOPEL185 tulis:
Wait ya wait... I open google translate past, so that i young to understand, because i less can english :)
X~eN ^_^
this one is funny 😂 thxs it's a good joke 👍
29 April 2018
Again splendid elaborations. Like it! 👍
Finally! something knowledgeable things to read.
Where hav ya been, dude?! Aime gettin' lame here.
ANDRE032 tulis:
....I do not really understand what you are talking about, my man. You are so "superfantastic"
Happy Sunday, my brother.
30 April 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
29 April 2018
Thanks for your respect about my lill question.
I am so glad to know this.
And am appreciate that.
Knowing first to make your problem going better.
Gas just a term.
But chemistry just a lill part of human eror.
You try explain my question by read the term.
That is why you feel so excited to explain it well through your understanding.
I call it human eror.
If i ask you why the water has a gas?
Why the land that you hit until now has a gas?
Chemistry only classify their family but it can not classify their neighbour.
If you know your God, he is also a gas?
How do you explain him?
By your chemistry?
If we need a good health.
According to healthy expert we can consume fish especially scaly fish.
From day till night. Do not forget your vegetable. It is recommended.
A better time for eating a meat is noun, gathering with your vegetable again.
Yeah, control your meal for your better feel.
Doctor nowadays being a creature of medicines.
Doctor build a perspective in every members of hospital being better for a period time.
I have read a bible about a prophecy of human beings.
Because in this era we call it endtimes shows that the earth will fulfilled by the knowledge like the bottom of the sea is covered by the water.
Thats is why i question you that.
Who is the creator in this universe?
Doctor/health expert or Jesus also known as the word become flesh.
Jeremiah 33 verses 6.
The God called as the healing.
His name Jesus.
Nowadays, people come first to Doctor.
Thats an utterence.
"Call the doctor, please.", said the sick man.
Before we eat, God has created what we want to eat.
But He also remind us to avoid forbiden food.
But we never think agree with that.
Finally, we are not realize it.
We have fulfilled the prophecy of jeremiah in 17 verses 5.
If you care about your understanding in Chemistry.
Could you explain to me here,
How to change water into fermentation proccesses being a better wine.
Show me the way.
Happy sunday too.
ANDRE032 tulis:
What is gas? Gas contains atoms, molecules and ions which move freely in the absence of electric field. Our body is one of electric field.
Each living creature (mammals, reptiles, etc) needs gas to reproduce its habitual diets.
....I do not really understand what you are talking about, my man. You are so "superfantastic"
Happy Sunday, my brother.
30 April 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
30 April 2018
Let's discuss something different
MAYA509 tulis:
Again splendid elaborations. Like it! 👍
Finally! something knowledgeable things to read.
Where hav ya been, dude?! Aime gettin' lame here.
30 April 2018
Knowing first to make your problem going better.
- I don't have any problem right now.
That is why you feel so excited to explain it well through your understanding.
- How do you know that I was so excited? You said: Let's discuss, then I was trying to discuss it well.
- It's not my understanding, bro. It has been proven and written in the Journal of Science-series. Each journal has been selected and categorised well. So it has well Decimal Code (library's code)
Why the land that you hit until now has a gas?
- I never hit the land. It must been hurting your hand, my bro.
If you know your God, he is also a gas?
How do you explain him?
By your chemistry?
- I don't know because I'm not God. I don't have "my chemistry". Could you please ask one by one? I don't understand your question: "How do you explain to him?" or "How do you explain about him?"
How to change water into fermentation proccesses being a better wine? Show me the way!
- It's so easy...
1. Open YouTube
2. Search: Wine process
3. Bingo! You've just find the answer.
- Yeah, you're welcome.
Next time I would please answer your question, my man. I'm so sleepy. Have a nice dream, folks.
MARPAUNG019 tulis:
Thanks for your respect about my lill question.
I am so glad to know this.
....Could you explain to me here,
How to change water into fermentation proccesses being a better wine.
Show me the way.
Happy sunday too.
30 April 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
30 April 2018
I agree with you...brother Andre.😃
Lots of proven & written Science journal series have the information about chemistry, gas, water, fermentation, etc either you can find in the website of science journal series or encyclopedia book series.
ANDRE032 tulis:
Knowing first to make your problem going better.
- I don't have any problem right now.
That is why you feel so excited to explain it well through your understanding.
- How do you know that I was so excited? You said: Let's discuss, then I was trying to discuss it well.
- It's not my understanding, bro. It has been proven and written in the Journal of Science-series. Each journal has been selected and categorised well. So it has well Decimal Code (library's code)
Why the land that you hit until now has a gas?
- I never hit the land. It must been hurting your hand, my bro.
If you know your God, he is also a gas?
How do you explain him?
By your chemistry?
- I don't know because I'm not God. I don't have "my chemistry". Could you please ask one by one? I don't understand your question: "How do you explain to him?" or "How do you explain about him?"
How to change water into fermentation proccesses being a better wine? Show me the way!
- It's so easy...
1. Open YouTube
2. Search: Wine process
3. Bingo! You've just find the answer.
- Yeah, you're welcome.
Next time I would please answer your question, my man. I'm so sleepy. Have a nice dream, folks.
1 Mei 2018
wkwkwk.. I will try to invent a machine to a flesh
CHRISTOPEL185 tulis:
Wait ya wait... I open google translate past, so that i young to understand, because i less can english :)
X~eN ^_^
1 Mei 2018
Hi.. May i join?. This forum will make us practice our english. Practice makes perfect, right? Thank you 🙏🙆
1 Mei 2018
I don't know where you are heading... How can you explain your statement below (bold) ?
How can a created thing dare to despise the All Migthy God to a level of substance ..
Are you serius? If you are.. then how dare you are ( realize or not) to put God in a mold of chemistry ?
ANDRE032 tulis:
Why the land that you hit until now has a gas?
- I never hit the land. It must been hurting your hand, my bro.
If you know your God, he is also a gas?
How do you explain him?
By your chemistry?
- I don't know because I'm not God. I don't have "my chemistry". Could you please ask one by one? I don't understand your question: "How do you explain to him?" or "How do you explain about him?"
- It's so easy...
1 Mei 2018 diubah oleh CRISTIANO501
1 Mei 2018
Ask to MARPAUNG019, Christian. Scroll up please.
That was his question. I tried only answering his question.
Yeah, I'm seriously having a question, CHRISTIAN501.
Had you checked this thread already clearly before you responded my last statement?
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
I don't know where you are heading... How ca you explain your bold statement below ?
How can a created thing dare to debase my All Migthy God to a level of substance ..
Are you serius? If you are.. then how dare you ( realize or not) put God in a mold of chemistry ?
1 Mei 2018 diubah oleh ANDRE032
1 Mei 2018
Wkwkwkwk,,,,,chill out bro.
Let them evolve as their each own path of faith.
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
I don't know where you are heading... How can you explain your statement below (bold) ?
How can a created thing dare to despise the All Migthy God to a level of substance ..
Are you serius? If you are.. then how dare you ( realize or not) put God in a mold of chemistry ?
1 Mei 2018
MAYA509 tulis:
Again splendid elaborations. Like it! 👍
Finally! something knowledgeable things to read.
Where hav ya been, dude?! Aime gettin' lame here.
When somebody write dude, remember me Dude Herlino
1 Mei 2018 diubah oleh TORO617
1 Mei 2018
Ooh yeaah sorry bro.. to Marpaung then ( so sorry.. i always skip things that did not attract my observant eyes
ANDRE032 tulis:
Ask to MARPAUNG019, Christian. Scroll up please.
That was his question. I tried only answering his question.
Yeah, I'm seriously having a question, CHRISTIAN501.
Had you checked this thread already clearly before you responded my last statement.
1 Mei 2018 diubah oleh CRISTIANO501
1 Mei 2018
wkwkwk.. the ground temperature is reported good for landing
MAYA509 tulis:
Wkwkwkwk,,,,,chill out bro.
Let them evolve as their each own path of faith.
1 Mei 2018
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
Ooh yeaah sorry bro.. to Marpaung then ( so sorry.. i always skip things that did not attract my observant eyes
So that statement attracted you and thought that it'd been written by me. Then you tried to judge me that how I dared to put God in a mold of Chemistry? How poignant....
It is well accepted, brother. I have also a mistake. Your name is CRISTIANO501, not CHRISTIAN501. Sorry for that
It's been 2 days. There is still not reaction from brother MARPAUNG019.
Okay. I think the theme about Gas could be closed. I have a question for you:
I am a dog lover. I have more than 5 dogs in 3 islands in Indonesia. At least there are 3 types of dogs I have, i.e Terrier, Shepherd and Hunting dogs. These 3 types of dog comes from 4 breeds. And the question is: "Who did create dog, God or human?"
1 Mei 2018
Wew very serious topic in a lounge, i'll stay away ✌️ couldn't handle it 😅😅
1 Mei 2018
We even do as a silent reader, sis...lol
AYUSARI311 tulis:
Wew very serious topic in a lounge, i'll stay away ✌️ couldn't handle it 😅😅
2 Mei 2018
Genesis 1.
The spirit of God flies on the water.
We never can find the Lord by our eyes.
When the lord gives his spirit toward Adam.
The spirit means air or gas.
Chemistry is a fatalic of science branch.
Because of chemistry is built for human eror.
If chemistry is real science...
Please elaborate the spirit of God by the form of chemistry?
How come a mineral water being better wine?
Please take a look your Holy bible. When Jesus made the first miracle in Cana. He converted the water become better wine.
There was not a trial and eror. Completely perfect.
1 John chapter 4 verses 20.
Unseen god means...?
Like air or the same compound.
God becoming flesh?
The word becoming flesh?
Air becoming flesh?
So, please explain how does Maria being pregnant?
The angle said She will pregnant by Holy spirit...
Biology also can not prove that.
Finally, when Jesus lifted up to the heaven,
Where is Physics at the time...?
There was a term of gravitation' law.