JK Lounge (English Only)
24 Juni 2018
FAJAR882 tulis:
It does..
I heard, it's every 11.30 pm. (west Ind. Time), on ANTV.
24 Juni 2018
I think we must be extra careful with a theological denotation. Picking up the interpretation so randomly will lead to a misleading practice. Chrstianity does not believe in 'karma', but it does hold the princhiple of 'sowing and reaping' which looks somewhat the same but actually they are different in essense. The principle of Grace => Sola Gratia, meant by appostle Paul is not against that principle. They just work in a different stages..
happy weekend all
GLORIA115 tulis:
I think it seems right because karma says "if we do something good, we'll get our due(and also the opposite)" but true christians will say that only by grace we've been saved, it's not of our works, it's a gift from God so no one should boast (forget the bible verse)
Thanks for another enlightenment sis 🖒
24 Juni 2018
Yep...I just make it simple so I won't be confused with the concept. With karma, we work for ourselves to have a better life but sowing and reaping make us believe that God works on us not solely because of our deed (biblical context) Thanks for showing your perception🖒
CRISTIANO501 tulis:
I think we must be extra careful with a theological denotation. Picking up the interpretation so randomly will lead to a misleading practice. Chrstianity does not believe in 'karma', but it does hold the princhiple of 'sowing and reaping' which looks somewhat the same but actually they are different in essense. The principle of Grace => Sola Gratia, meant by appostle Paul is not against that principle. They just work in a different stages..
happy weekend all
24 Juni 2018
You can love many people in your lifetime, searching for your one true love. But an awakened man or woman learns how to listen to their heart, to follow the soul’s promptings and not the advice of the ego-mind. Ego always wants the easy way out. It has a plan. And it’s not for your highest good. It coerces you to pursue a partner for all the wrong reasons. And it wants to camouflage how real love works by stimulating your senses and making you feel good.
Now, whilst there is nothing wrong with feeling good at the time, it doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on your long-term happiness and the survival of your relationship. The soul’s way is different. The soul works in collaboration with the divine. It looks at the heart and decides who your perfect life partner is, someone who will love you unconditionally, someone who adores you, someone who will pour out so much love upon you that it will be difficult to take it all in. It creates beauty from the inside out.
And never think that love in itself is not enough, because it is. Love will find a way to overcome every obstacle. It will produce the environment to resolve all issues. And ultimately, it will help you write your own happily-ever-after story. Choose wisely, go within, and listen to your soul. ~ DN
24 Juni 2018
Totally agreed sista. It happens at early age. Aducators should appreciate such role. Unfortunately most teachers don't, at the same time most parents don t realize it. Teachers enjoy and steal all the authority 😏🙂🙄
GLORIA115 tulis:
Got it sis😊...That's why collaboration between parents and educators is needed because the way parents educate and treat their kids from an early age will determine the learner's character formation.
The educators here support the students' educational success and also help parents to develop their kids' good personality which remain intact and grow..
25 Juni 2018
Yup.. could be terrifying ya.. 😊 allowing some room for mistakes would be great..👍👍 moreover correction with an acceptable improvement is also good for others...
Tak perlu merasa trll iritasi, adlh jiwa yg sehat yg sdg bljar 😊 salam mns sll😊😋
LIEZT708 tulis:
We come from different back ground and ability in English.
In the other side, making correction in every people sentences could make other member terrify and afraid to share their opinion in this forum. Maybe we could have some permission to get wrong, miss?? 😊😊
25 Juni 2018 diubah oleh PHABIOLA085
25 Juni 2018
Huhuhu... Again. Your share stab me right at my ego. Learning hard to listen to my heart and less to other people opinions. Still learn to believe that love will find a way, no matter what the obstacles around us.
MAYA509 tulis:
You can love many people in your lifetime, searching for your one true love. But an awakened man or woman learns how to listen to their heart, to follow the soul’s promptings and not the advice of the ego-mind. Ego always wants the easy way out. It has a plan. And it’s not for your highest good. It coerces you to pursue a partner for all the wrong reasons. And it wants to camouflage how real love works by stimulating your senses and making you feel good.
And ultimately, it will help you write your own happily-ever-after story. Choose wisely, go within, and listen to your soul. ~ DN26 Juni 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
25 Juni 2018
LIEZT708 tulis:
Huhuhu... Again. Your share stab me right at my ego. Learning hard to listen to my heart and less to other people opinions. Still learn to believe that love will find a way, no matter what the obstacles around us.
Dont mean to do it though sist. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
But this is my Gift from Heavenly Father, to uncloaked those whose listen to Him shed by shed. 😁 It will hurt humanly.😁
Yes yes yes, love will only come to those whom ready to receive it. Ever try give your heart to God instead of man? 😊
25 Juni 2018
It's ok, sist.. It's just like God speaks to me continously about the same thing. It becomes like I've been told more often about it lately. Ignoring Him, pretend about how I feel, it's all my fault actually. But thank you for sharing and remind me to "doing my homework" 😂😂
MAYA509 tulis:
Dont mean to do it though sist. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
But this is my Gift from Heavenly Father, to uncloaked those whose listen to Him shed by shed. 😁 It will hurt humanly.😁
Yes yes yes, love will only come to those whom ready to receive it. Ever try give your heart to God instead of man? 😊
26 Juni 2018
LIEZT708 tulis:
It's ok, sist.. It's just like God speaks to me continously about the same thing. It becomes like I've been told more often about it lately. Ignoring Him, pretend about how I feel, it's all my fault actually. But thank you for sharing and remind me to "doing my homework" 😂😂
Excellent job sista.👏
I've been there, start listening to Him. Then I urge Him to teach and give me power to accept what am listen from Him.
Now, I know dos and don'ts from Him. If I bit walking away using my wild card of free will, He DEFINITELY nudge me over and over and over. 😁
26 Juni 2018
Haha... That's exactly what am tryin to say. 😂😂
MAYA509 tulis:[/b
If I bit walking away using my wild card of free will, He DEFINITELY nudge me over and over and over. 😁
26 Juni 2018
LIEZT708 tulis:
Haha... That's exactly what am tryin to say. 😂😂
Wkwkwkwkwk,,,,He always do that sista to whose whom eager do to listen to Him. 😁😁 even to me whom used to like using my wild cards. Xixixixi😂😂😂
26 Juni 2018 diubah oleh MAYA509
26 Juni 2018
Agree with this sist 🖒
But sometimes it's confusing to differ ego-based relationship and soulful one but as I know ego means "being right" all the time and have desire to be loved, not to love
Soulful love works in different way. It discovers who we are and who another really is then trying to understand each other and giving compassionate love so we're able to get rid of ego. Listen to our heart? Definitely yes but It needs a lot of efforts and experiences as well.
So let's have someone here and find out which side we are hehehe 🙊
MAYA509 tulis:
You can love many people in your lifetime, searching for your one true love. But an awakened man or woman learns how to listen to their heart, to follow the soul’s promptings and not the advice of the ego-mind. Ego always wants the easy way out. It
ultimately, it will help you write your own happily-ever-after story. Choose wisely, go within, and listen to your soul. ~ DN
26 Juni 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
27 Juni 2018
On progress.. 😁
GLORIA115 tulis:
So let's have someone here and find out which side we are hehehe 🙊
27 Juni 2018
GLORIA115 tulis:
Agree with this sist 🖒
But sometimes it's confusing to differ ego-based relationship and soulful one but as I know ego means "being right" all the time and have desire to be loved, not to love
Soulful love works in different way. It discovers who we are and who another really is then trying to understand each other and giving compassionate love so we're able to get rid of ego. Listen to our heart? Definitely yes but It needs a lot of efforts and experiences as well.
So let's have someone here and find out which side we are hehehe 🙊
Yeah, I know. 😊 I have been there too. Hell time. 😂😂😂😂
We cannot get rid ego dear sista. I ever mentioned this in Indonesian thread. Ego is whole package in human, but we definitely can CONTROL our own ego.
First we must full surrender to Him and fix our relationship to Him to be intimate.
Here's a sneak peek between Ego and Soul; Ego seeks to serve itself. Soul seeks to serve others.
Ego seeks outward recognition. Soul seeks inner authenticity.
Ego seeks life as a competition. Soul seeks life as a gift.
Ego seeks to preserve self. Soul seeks to preserve others.
Ego looks outward. Souls looks inward.
Ego feels lack. Soul feels abundance.😍😍
Ego is mortal. Soul is eternity.
Ego is drawn to lust. Soul is drawn to love.
Ego seeks wisdom. Soul is wisdom.
Ego enjoys the prize. Soul enjoys the journey.
Ego is cause to pain. Soul is cause of healing.
Ego seeks to be filled. Soul is eternal wholeness.
Ego is me. Soul is We.
Ego rejects God. Soul embraces God.
Enjoy your journey sista. 😊🙏🏻
27 Juni 2018
Soul speaks.. but living it is another, so hard to get rid of 😊 that state 👉 fed up.😊
27 Juni 2018 diubah oleh CRISTIANO501
27 Juni 2018
MAYA509 tulis:
Yeah, I know. 😊 I have been there too. Hell time. 😂😂😂😂
We cannot get rid ego dear sista. I ever mentioned this in Indonesian thread. Ego is whole package in human, but we definitely can CONTROL our own ego.
....Enjoy your journey sista. 😊🙏🏻
just want to say 👍👍
my english 👎😌😂
27 Juni 2018 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN
27 Juni 2018
[Agree sista.. ego itself has the capacity to play n overflow the Truth within us n blind our inner soul to see the 'real us' hidden within, 🤔🐮
GLORIA115 tulis:
Agree with this sist 🖒
But sometimes it's confusing to differ ego-based relationship and soulful one but as I know ego means "being right" all the time and have desire to be loved, not to love
Soulful love works in different way. It discovers who we are and who another really is then trying to understand each other and giving compassionate love so we're able to get rid of ego. Listen to our heart? Definitely yes but It needs a lot of efforts and experiences as well.
So let's have someone here and find out which side we are hehehe 🙊
27 Juni 2018
HERI771 tulis:
just want to say 👍👍
my english 👎😌😂
Wkwkwkwk,,,,,,Come on lets learn more kak. Try to catch English in its concept, not by words.
My grammar is bad too. 😁😁
27 Juni 2018
This words caught my attention most. Suddenly smile and shout "ohhhh....so sweet" then mommy came with her weird stares 🙈.
I'll definitely post this sentence hehehe thanks for the quotes btw
MAYA509 tulis:
Ego is me. Soul is We.
27 Juni 2018
Right....endeavour to control 'it' sist 😊
PHABIOLA085 tulis:
[Agree sista.. ego itself has the capacity to play n overflow the Truth within us n blind our inner soul to see the 'real us' hidden within, 🤔
27 Juni 2018 diubah oleh GLORIA115
28 Juni 2018
GLORIA115 tulis:
This words caught my attention most. Suddenly smile and shout "ohhhh....so sweet" then mommy came with her weird stares 🙈.
I'll definitely post this sentence hehehe thanks for the quotes btw
Gkgkgkgkgk,,,,I can imagine how's your mommy startled sist. 😂😂
You're welcome.
28 Juni 2018
Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their face, but they character.
28 Juni 2018
Yup. I had an ex BF whom make me like standing in front of mirror and talking to myself. Oh my,, he's just so ME! All the worst and good character. And it's trully terrifying and scared me a lot! We're too similar and it's totally strange for me.
MAYA509 tulis:
Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their face, but they character.
28 Juni 2018
Sorry, you had talk about mirror and I compare it with a camuflage mirror, my own self mirror 😅 but, i got your point.
MAYA509 tulis:
Many people would be scared if they saw in the mirror, not their face, but they character.