JK Lounge (English Only)
11 Januari 2019
what folks means? 😅
STEVANUS230 tulis:
Hey folks! How y’all doin.
This is actually cool I never realized we have this thread.
Nice to meet you all
By the way Lengkeng / Kelengkeng is indeed longan.
Rambutan is rambutan and Lychee is Lychee
11 Januari 2019
@Stevanus230: It depends on how and from which point of view you're seeing the word 'need' in this context, Bro.
Because, when I said 'need', I didn't mean it to speak merely about earthly things; like money, educations, or our daily/physical needs. I meant it to speak about what we really, really need; our deepest needs while we're living on earth as Christ's followers; i.e. our spiritual needs.
Now let me explain my points..
STEVANUS230 tulis:
Good points. Maybe to make it simpler, understanding grace means to know that basically we deserves not a single thing in this world, but God give them to us anyway because of His unconditional and abundant love for us. Including salvation. We don't deserve to be saved, and in fact we deserve death after all the blasphemy that we did to God since the beginning of time. Only by God's grace that we are saved and our sins are forgiven.
Yes. For it's only by God's grace that we can undeservingly be forgiven, reconciled to God, and received into heaven.
Speaking of heaven, is what will happen when we die. Now, as we're still living, what should we do? What do we NEED to do? To please God, and serving others.. yes. But the biggest part of it all is: to grow up in our spiritual life, to make efforts for our spiritual maturity. I believe, it's God's plan that we are to live a life in such a manner so that from time to time we are conformed to the image of Christ. (Rome 8:29)
And I also think that God's plan doesn't always necessarily involves something that we need, or what we want; however it is always for the greater good.
Yes, God's plan is always for the greater good. And in this case (my context) the greater good is what we all need.
For example, when we put aside a little bit of our income to help a kid from a poor family so he/she can continue to study, we don't need the education, we don't necessarily need the money (because obviously we can spare it), but the Holy Spirit put this little spark in our heart to bless others for the greater good. Now that's God's plan to bless that poor kid, and we are just the vessel and the expansion of His hands.
In this case, we need to learn to share, to care for others, to share God's blessings to those in need. For us, we need it for our spiritual maturity.
And it's God's plan too to have us learned to grow up in our spiritual maturity.
And yes, in the end all is about God's grace and abundant love for all of us.
Absolutely. Couldn't agree more that (last) one.
Those were my points. Anyway, I'm still on my way too to get through. So, I'm humbly asking for corrections if I'm wrong.
But thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's a nice discussion.
11 Januari 2019
VICTOR311 tulis:
what folks means? 😅
hi friends, hi folks, hi guys are all the same only variety of the language, different places has different ways to greet people 😊
11 Januari 2019
yep thats it. pretty much what it is
AYUSARI311 tulis:
hi friends, hi folks, hi guys are all the same only variety of the language, different places has different ways to greet people 😊
11 Januari 2019
FAJAR882 tulis:
@Stevanus230: It depends on how and from which point of view you're seeing the word 'need' in this context, Bro.
Because, when I said 'need', I didn't mean it to speak merely about earthly things; like money, educations, or our daily/physical needs. I meant it to speak about what we really, really need; our deepest needs while we're living on earth as Christ's followers; i.e. our spiritual needs.
Now let me explain my points..
Yes. For it's only by God's grace that we can undeservingly be forgiven, reconciled to God, and received into heaven.
Speaking of heaven, is what will happen when we die. Now, as we're still living, what should we do? What do we NEED to do? To please God, and serving others.. yes. But the biggest part of it all is: to grow up in our spiritual life, to make efforts for our spiritual maturity. I believe, it's God's plan that we are to live a life in such a manner so that from time to time we are conformed to the image of Christ. (Rome 8:29)
Yes, God's plan is always for the greater good. And in this case (my context) the greater good is what we all need.
In this case, we need to learn to share, to care for others, to share God's blessings to those in need. For us, we need it for our spiritual maturity.
And it's God's plan too to have us learned to grow up in our spiritual maturity.
Absolutely. Couldn't agree more that (last) one.
Those were my points. Anyway, I'm still on my way too to get through. So, I'm humbly asking for corrections if I'm wrong.
But thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's a nice discussion.
11 Januari 2019
STEVANUS230 tulis:
yep thats it. pretty much what it is
glad to know that my answer is correct 😅✌️
11 Januari 2019
Thanks, bro for your kindly opinion.
In common opinion, I would say like what you or others said, "need".
But I just realized other perception related to the word "need" in sentence/terms we've known before.
God works in unique ways. He give us lessons in life, He allows troubles come for us, see us fall in our sins, just to make us realized through things that happened to us. Things that make us learn that we deserved the consequences of sins and all the bad things we've done. So somehow, we realized how great He is and turn back to Him, back on His track.
My lines didn't come from any literature people known commonly, but according to what I felt through this life.
That's a simply sharing of mine. 😊
FAJAR882 tulis:
Hi Folks..
sorry for jumping in. I was just tingled, and interested to have a little discussion here.
This is interesting..
Hi Liezt, I'm sorry to quote you. I hope it's alright for you, if I picked up your sentence for a discussion.
Simple but frankly speaking, I'd prefer to use the word 'need' rather than 'deserved' as the last word for that sentence above. Hence, (if I may suggest) the sentence will become: "God's plans doesn't always comes in something that we want, but definitely in something that we need."
I don't know what you exactly mean with that saying, (in case you would like to clarify it, at this point, I would be very thankfull and appreciate it) - but, in my humble opinion, most of what God do (plan, give, love, etc.) for us is most likely NOT something we deserve.
Let's take 'grace' as an example.
The New Testament word for 'grace' is Charis. It focuses on the provision of salvation.
Grace means God’s love in action towards men who merited the opposite of love. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. - (allaboutgod.com)
Grace means God sending His only Son to descend into earth and suffer the penalty of the sin on the cross so that we guilty ones might be reconciled to God and received into heaven. ‘(God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him’" (2 Corinthians 5:21)
"Grace may be defined as the unmerited or undeserving favor of God to those who are under condemnation." – (Paul Enns, a theologian)
Shortly, God's grace is not something we deserved; but we obviously need it.
A hundred percent agree.., and "Amen" for that (last) one.
12 Januari 2019
LIEZT708 tulis:
Thanks, bro for your kindly opinion.
In common opinion, I would say like what you or others said, "need".
But I just realized other perception related to the word "need" in sentence/terms we've known before.
God works in unique ways. He give us lessons in life, He allows troubles come for us, see us fall in our sins, just to make us realized through things that happened to us. Things that make us learn that we deserved the consequences of sins and all the bad things we've done. So somehow, we realized how great He is and turn back to Him, back on His track.
My lines didn't come from any literature people known commonly, but according to what I felt through this life.
That's a simply sharing of mine. 😊
Alright. Thanks for your response. At least we can now see your perspective on this matter; a matter that get even more and more interesting as we dig deeper through our discussion.
Before I go on, I want to clarify that I didn't just pick the word 'need' from common literature, nor simply because others have always said it. I have of course been through a deep thought and careful considerations that include Bible reading (meditating on God's word) before I decided to share my opinion in here.
So, with no disregard on your opinion, nor on what you felt about life situations you've been through, you can consider this as a little sharing from a Christian brother, a fellow disciples of Christ.
(*sharing will be posted on my next comment..)
12 Januari 2019
Do we deserve all the bad things happen in our life?
It is a common thought that everything in the world is a causality. Some would call it Karma; others like to name it the 'law of sowing and reaping'. He who sow, will reap. The one comes with good deeds, will get all the good. Bad things are for those who have done bad deeds. And so on.
But things are not always as it may seems, or at least not always as we expect it to seems like. We keep seeing bad things happen to people we don't expect them to suffer it. And then, good things happen to people whom we think of as bad persons. Such an unfair world we are living in, isn't it?
Too bad, such perspective get us fall into a judgemental attitude so oftenly; that when we see something bad happen to someone, we tend to judge him/her as beeing bad, or has done something bad. Or when we see a poor person, who's materially disadvantaged, we tend to think that there's something wrong with his/her life, or his/her faith, or relation with God, or.. whatever.
But, is that true? Is that so?
Let's take time to think of a man in the Bible (The Old Testament) name Job. I believe we all know about him. Did he deserve his suffering?
(*to be continued..)
(*you, or anyone can add something or give comments at this point..)
12 Januari 2019 diubah oleh FAJAR882
12 Januari 2019
However, considering the very first verse of The Book of Job, we know that Job "was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil." (Job.1:1). Even God Himself, proclaim it in verse 8: "Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”" (Job.1:8) - we know for sure that Job's suffering, the calamity that befell him, from the disaster to follow, was not the result of his mistakes, and was not something he deserved.
It was God permission to Satan's attack, to run some kind of test answering Satan's challenge.
Why would a good God allow suffering?
Why just in order to run a test, God allows His beloved ones to suffer?
Share your thoughts!
12 Januari 2019 diubah oleh FAJAR882
12 Januari 2019
What you just explained below is actually the meaning of Grace, and living in the Gospel 🙂
LIEZT708 tulis:
Thanks, bro for your kindly opinion.
In common opinion, I would say like what you or others said, "need".
But I just realized other perception related to the word "need" in sentence/terms we've known before.
God works in unique ways. He give us lessons in life, He allows troubles come for us, see us fall in our sins, just to make us realized through things that happened to us. Things that make us learn that we deserved the consequences of sins and all the bad things we've done. So somehow, we realized how great He is and turn back to Him, back on His track.
My lines didn't come from any literature people known commonly, but according to what I felt through this life.
That's a simply sharing of mine. 😊
12 Januari 2019
anyway happy weekend everyone! what have you guys been up to?
12 Januari 2019
yep hehe...”hey folks, friends, buddies, mates, fellows, guys”...they all pretty much have similar meaning only used in different context.
normally people use “folks” to approach or mingle with a group of people they dont know, like for example if you come to a wedding party and you are seated with people you dont know you can say “hey folks, can i join in?”...like “halo semuanya, boleh gabung gak” 😁
where the other words mainly used amongst friends or people who know each other
AYUSARI311 tulis:
glad to know that my answer is correct 😅✌️
12 Januari 2019 diubah oleh STEVANUS230
12 Januari 2019
Job 1:20-22
20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,
21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
Job 2:9-10
9 Then said his wife unto him, Do you still retain yours integrity? curse God, and die.
10 But he said unto her, You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.
12 Januari 2019
Ilustration by Marco Melgrati -Be careful with who you mess with-
To me as a self reminder : Respect to all God's creation.
12 Januari 2019
😱 My brain couldn't processed all the explanation here, 😳 my eyes has selective reading problems (if it's more than 5 sentences, it fade away from my sight 😅#joke) I couldn't stand to read heavy topic... Tons of small letters in a tiny screen..
Anyway happy to learn english with all of you guys 😁😁😁 keep the forum alive 👍👍👍
12 Januari 2019
Haha, you will get used to it, sista.. 😁😂
I tend to avoid heavy topic before, and yes, it force my brain to work harder and I don't really comfortable with that. It makes me dizzy 😁
But then I thought, hey, getting headache from some literature wouldn't so bad... It would improve my knowledge, improve myself. And at least, it's better than seeing my credit card bills 😂
It's ok to skip topics you don't want to. We were free to share our thoughts and opinions here. No matter how bad or great our grammar, light, heavy or cheesy topic, pics, video, or simply writing.
Keep the good talk. 😉
AYUSARI311 tulis:
😱 My brain couldn't processed all the explanation here, 😳 my eyes has selective reading problems (if it's more than 5 sentences, it fade away from my sight 😅#joke) I couldn't stand to read heavy topic... Tons of small letters in a tiny screen..
Anyway happy to learn english with all of you guys 😁😁😁 keep the forum alive 👍👍👍
12 Januari 2019
This verse simply describe my thought about "deserve" word in my last post.
Thank you for remind me of this 😊
ZEGA376 tulis:
Job 2:10
"...Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?..."
12 Januari 2019
I believe that we deserve consequences for our sins or bad things we've done. Others may say the 'law of sowing and reaping', I choose the word "lessons". Lessons for us not to make/fall in the same mistakes again. Lessons for us to realized that we have a great God and His grace and mercy are unstopable for us. Lessons that we might learn more about Him, get to know Him better, how to count on Him in every situation, live in His path, under His will.
And yes, sometimes God let all the bad things happened to us, let us fall or suffering, so finally we could learn His lessons, and be a better person in Christ. 😊
Anyway, thank you for your kindly and excellent sharing. I really blessed 😊
FAJAR882 tulis:
Why would a good God allow suffering?
Why just in order to run a test, God allows His beloved ones to suffer?
Share your thoughts!
12 Januari 2019
Spending time with my mom. Cook for her, laying beside her and talk about our weeks before.
May all JK members have a great time too this weekend. 😊
STEVANUS230 tulis:
anyway happy weekend everyone! what have you guys been up to?
12 Januari 2019
LIEZT708 tulis:
Haha, you will get used to it, sista.. 😁😂
I tend to avoid heavy topic before, and yes, it force my brain to work harder and I don't really comfortable with that. It makes me dizzy 😁
But then I thought, hey, getting headache from some literature wouldn't so bad... It would improve my knowledge, improve myself. And at least, it's better than seeing my credit card bills 😂
It's ok to skip topics you don't want to. We were free to share our thoughts and opinions here. No matter how bad or great our grammar, light, heavy or cheesy topic, pics, video, or simply writing.
Keep the good talk. 😉
good point, but i'll stay on the light chat first sis 😁✌️indeed scrolling this app is better (and healthier, more beneficial) than scrolling online shopping app... but i'm not ready for heavy discussion 🙈🙈
Yes keep the good talk and wish you a good weekend folks 😘
12 Januari 2019
Enjoy your weekend, sistaa... 😊😊
AYUSARI311 tulis:
good point, but i'll stay on the light chat first sis 😁✌️indeed scrolling this app is better (and healthier, more beneficial) than scrolling online shopping app... but i'm not ready for heavy discussion 🙈🙈
Yes keep the good talk and wish you a good weekend folks 😘
12 Januari 2019
More you practice, more you better.. 😋
12 Januari 2019
what the difference between though and thought or thoughts..
Thank you for sharing.. 👍
FAJAR882 tulis:
Why would a good God allow suffering?
Why just in order to run a test, God allows His beloved ones to suffer?
Share your thoughts!
12 Januari 2019
VICTOR311 tulis:
what the difference between though and thought or thoughts..
I'm sorry, Bro.. I don't mean to behave like a teacher. But, because you've asked me, I'll try my best. Hopefully, this will answer, and can be understandable enough.
You know what? I will enclose links, so that you can check it out; and next time, it'll be easier for you to find out any word, meaning, or vocabulary yourself.
though (a conjunction) = although, though, even though, even if, etc. (translate.google.co.id/?hl=id& ... amp;text=though)
thought (a noun) = thinking, opinion, idea, reasoning, consideration, reflection, etc. (translate.google.co.id/?hl=id& ... mp;text=thought)
thoughts : plural form of thought
Thank you for sharing.. 👍
You are welcome.