Apakah orang mental ilness bs mempunyai pasangan wanita normal?
Forum • Persahabatan dan hubungan
9 April 2022
Baptis lahir Protestan, besar di ajaran Protestan dan Katolik. Ikut retreat Protestan dan Katolik, tapi energi penyembuhan luka batin lebih kuat dan efektif di Katolik. 😍 Jadi kangen retreat offline lagi, skalian ajak bocil.
MAE309 tulis:
Iyes, bener bgt Bro/Sis...semua org pasti pernah terluka di dunia ini (lahir/batin, luar/dalem, parah/tidak, dst)...gak ada perkecualian...oleh sebab itulah semua org perlu retret gini...dan bener itu, bahwa Retret yg Katolik tsb sangat manjur lho...karena ajaran2 katolik itu sangat detail/mendalam...(*)
(Segala sesuatu kalo gak dalem, kalo cuman dangkal2 gitu, gak akan tuntas penyembuhan masalah2 ke akar2 nya -- Dalam Segala Hal -- coba pikirkan/renungkan)
Ayoo semangat yaa...
(*) Fokuslah dengan jangka eternity..jangan terlalu fokus sama kesedihan skrg di dunia ini...fokus hubungan sama Tuhan Yesus, krn pada akhir hidup kita, itu yg paling penting...sperti yg Tuhan Yesus bilang ke Marta/Maria di Lukas 10:41.
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
9 April 2022
MAE309 tulis:
iya juga Sis..haha...kalo yg dewasa mah takut deh...*kabur*... 😂
Hahaaha..... Iyah tetap lucu dr jauh. 😂
9 April 2022
JUNITA694 tulis:
tmn kk itu udh nemuin seseorang yg rasa dia nyaman sbagai tmpat dia bersandar dari sgala kecemasannya kk?
benar, tiap org punya keresahan masing2. namun bagi org yg ngalamin bisa saja ada faktor genetik (dan lainnya) jd msti terapi obat jg serta support sistem yg emang kuat menopang.
Teman saya ini merasa nyaman dengan ibunya sampai sekarang. Dulu waktu SMP saya dan dia satu kepengurusan di OSIS , kita sama sama di seksi kesenian, dia pinter menari, saya juga bisa menari. Bapaknya guru tari, Bapak dan Ibu saya juga guru tari, jadi kita terbiasa di lingkungan yang sama, bahkan cara bercandaan kita pun sama, kita dulu sama sama termasuk kategori anak yg ceria, banyak ketawanya. Dia mulai merasa ada kecemasan itu ketika kuliah, menurut versi ayahnya karena putus sama pacarnya, tetapi menjadi kompleks, sampai kuliahnya tidak selesai, mungkin hal ini juga menambah dia merasa semakin terpuruk. Terakhir saya berkunjung, temen saya bilang, baru saja periksa lagi ke psikiater. Dan dokter bilang dia bisa sembuh harus berasal dari dalam dirinya. Hal seperti inilah yg paling penting untuk mensupportnya. Kalo untuk urusan obat biarlah ahlinya yang menangani.
Belajar dari pengalaman hidup saya, dulu memang tidak mulus rumahtangga saya. Pada saat titik terendah, saya selalu dibuat panik dan nangis. Kekhawatiran setiap hari itu selalu ada dan semakin berat dan menyiksa, bahkan luka batin itu terlalu dalam buat saya. Karena rumah tangga saya sangat jauh berbeda dengan apa yang saya lihat di lingkungan keluarga besar saya. Bahkan tante-tante saya sempat was-was jika saya melakukan tindakan seperti bunuh diri. Ketika saya benar benar pada titik terendah, saya pergi ke salah satu LSM yang disitu banyak mendampingi klien2 dari berbagai macam bentuk korban kekerasan. Saya selalu rutin konseling dengan psikolog dan juga ahli hukum. Dari situ justru terbuka wawasan saya, ternyata banyak insan yang mengalami kehidupan tragis. Dan saya mulai belajar untuk selalu mengambil hal positif dari setiap hal yg dirasa buruk. Puji Tuhan, Tuhan ternyata menunjukkan cara dan jalanNYA. Semakin hari saya mulai bangkit, mulai percaya diri. Seiring berjalannya waktu, saya sekarang konsen juga sebagai volunteer untuk perlindungan perempuan dan anak milik pemerintah sebagai wujud rasa syukur saya bahwa Tuhan itu baik kepada saya, dan DIA telah menunjukkan dengan caraNYA. Pengalaman pahit saya itu justru menjadi bekal buat saya untuk membantu mereka yang membutuhkan. Bahkan ada beberapa ODDP yang sudah sembuh, yang saat ini saya dampingi untuk mulai bangkit lagi setelah ditinggal suaminya menikah dan dia menjadi ODDP ( orang dalam disabilitas psychosocial) akibat dari tindakan suaminya tsb.
Dari sinilah saya juga selalu terus belajar bagaimana memanajemen konflik batin saya sendiri supaya tetap "BAKOH"
9 April 2022
yup...thumbs up Sis..
TILLIE769 tulis:
Baptis lahir Protestan, besar di ajaran Protestan dan Katolik. Ikut retreat Protestan dan Katolik, tapi energi penyembuhan luka batin lebih kuat dan efektif di Katolik. 😍 Jadi kangen retreat offline lagi, skalian ajak bocil.
9 April 2022
Pandanya bikin seneng sih 😀
Tapi yg paling bikin seneng tuh pandangin dia 😉✌
MAE309 tulis:
Betul Bro's JEFFRY & YUDISAJA...bahagia adalah obat yg manjur..cobalah fokus mikir yh Baik, Benar, dan Bagus (God's Goodness, Truth, and Beauy) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Contohnya, ini YouTube ttg Baby Panda (klip 3-menit) yg kiut dan unyu2 bgt...hihihi...siapa yg gak hepi nonton ini?
9 April 2022
menikmati dari jarak jauh ...yg penting aman yaa 😂😂
TILLIE769 tulis:
Hahaaha..... Iyah tetap lucu dr jauh. 😂
9 April 2022
iya Sis..unyu2 banget, pengen peluk & usep2 kepalanya...kalo boneka (gak bisa nyakar/gigit) tak peluk deh...haha 😀😉
LINA843 tulis:
Pandanya bikin seneng sih 😀
Tapi yg paling bikin seneng tuh pandangin dia 😉✌
MAE309 tulis:
Betul Bro's JEFFRY & YUDISAJA...bahagia adalah obat yg manjur..cobalah fokus mikir yh Baik, Benar, dan Bagus (God's Goodness, Truth, and Beauy) 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Contohnya, ini YouTube ttg Baby Panda (klip 3-menit) yg kiut dan unyu2 bgt...hihihi...siapa yg gak hepi nonton ini?
9 April 2022
Oprah pernah undang tamu2 termasuk pastur/pendeta ke Talk Show dia. Quote yg disimpulkan: "Whatever you feed will grow." ~Oprah Winfrey Show.
(Apapun yang anda suapkan, akan bertumbuh).
Dalam mental/rohani/kejiwaan/dst, itu ber-analogi dengan fisik. Apapun yg kita perbolehkan masuk ke tubuh kita (makanan tidak sehat, minuman keras, racun, gorengan, dst) itu perlahan-lahan, sadar/tidak, akan merusak TUBUH kita. Jadi kita harus menyaring apa yg kita perbolehkan masuk tubuh kita (mencoba makanan sehat).
Sama saja dengan kesehatan batin/rohani/mental/dst. Itu termasuk musik yg kita dengarkan, buku yg kita baca, media/sosmed yg kita denger, iklan2 yg kita lihat, berita2 yg kita baca, dst. Apakah yg kita perbolehkan masuk ke telinga, mata, dst? Apakah kita menyaring itu semua/tidak?
Kalo boleh kasih input (sbg Saudara Seiman yg peduli), kalo sy lihat dari hobby di profil nya Bro...kelihatannya kamu denger lagu2 Rock, Bee Gees gitu...itu sangat berbahaya u/ kesehatan batin/rohani/mental/dst. kita...lama kelamaan bisa bikin pendengar jadi depresi...itulah sebabnya penyanyi2 rock banyak yg akhirnya bunuh diri...jadi tolong, saringlah musik2, siaran2 TV, iklan2, dst. Gantikanlah dng lagu2 Rohani...retret2 online...pelem2 yg ada hikmatnya, dst. Mungkin itu bisa lumayan membantu Bro...
Juga, yg hobbinya "reset" (saya juga koq..Bro), jangan membiarkan/m'bolehkan diri menganalisa kenegatipan sesuatu terlalu dalem...riset lah suatu yg positip...klo sy seh sukanya riset statistik ato segala sesuatu ttg kebenaran hidup (melalui religius-study keagamaan Katolik -- krn itu sngt membantu)...dan share publikasi itu semua, for the benefits of many others, jadi memuliakan nama Tuhan...semoga bisa membantu Bro...🙏🏻😉✌
9 April 2022
Kasus mu sama kayak temen ku..obat nya banyak uda kayak apotik..pernah cobain obat nya merk clozaril tau 10mili tau 100mili..pas minum tidur jam 8 pagi hari minggu bangun bangun jam 6 pagi hari senin brooo..pas bangun liat jam gw pikir jam 6 sore hari minggu,pas aku liat hp ga tau nya hari senin jam 6 pagi..hahaha...parah obat nya..aku cobain sekitar tahun 2006/2007 1 butir nya 25rb..mungkin sekarang kisaran 50/60rb kali.beli nya juga harus pakai resep dokter.
YUDISAJA095 tulis:
Thanks supportnya, sebenarnya ak bkn sering marah, malah sebaliknya isinya banyak ketakutan dan cemas tanpa sebab yang jelas hehe...
Ak kasi tahu aja, di psikiater RS pertama di diagnosa GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), di psikiater RS ke 2 diagnosanya Agoraphobia dengan Panic Atack.
Bisa dibilang aku sosok extreme introvert sejak kena penyakit ini heheh..
Awal kena Desember 2017, panic attack berkali-kali dan akhirnya masuk UGD, dari dokter UGD diresepkan obat penenang alprazolam
Di tahun 2018 baru ke psikiater, tahun 2019 baru ke psikolog gereja.
Obatku dari psikiater RS obat penenang racikan alprazolam (pagi), obat antidepresan Sentraline (pagi), obat penenang clobazam (Malam), obat anti depresan Sandepril (malam)
Jika awal-awal sih parah, karena sering panic attack, tahun 2018 juga, baru agak lebih baik di tahun 2019
Sampai saat ini masih minum obat sih..
9 April 2022 diubah oleh JEFFRY626
9 April 2022
SERGY895 tulis:
Stigma negatif terhadap gangguan dan kesehatan mental memang menjadi keprihatinan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah rendahnya kesadaran terhadap isu-isu kesehatan mental di masyarakat. Padahal, stigma negatif yang disematkan pada kesehatan dan gangguan mental berakibat jauh lebih buruk dari apa yang pernah kita bayangkan.
Stigma negatif pada gangguan mental bisa membuat orang dengan gangguan mental merasa malu, menyalahkan diri sendiri, putus asa, dan enggan mencari serta menerima bantuan. Ditambah lagi, stigma-stigma tersebut menjadi sebuah penghakiman yang ekstrem terhadap mereka yang mengalami gangguan mental. Hal ini bisa menjadi pemicu diskriminasi publik yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup mereka.
Menurut sebuah penelitian, sebanyak 75% orang dengan gangguan mental mengaku pernah mengalami stigma negatif dari masyarakat. Angka tersebut seakan-akan menggambarkan perilaku masyarakat kita yang minim edukasi, tapi mengedepankan persepsi. Banyak orang masih beranggapan bahwa kesehatan dan gangguan mental adalah sesuatu yang tabu dan layak untuk dihindari.
Sudah saatnya kita bersama-sama menghapus stigma yang salah tentang kesehatan dan gangguan mental.Dengan demikian, maka dunia akan sangat mungkin menjadi tempat yang ramah bagi siapapun, termasuk orang-orang dengan mental illness.
betul. Ini bahasa rohani nya "intimidasi iblis" ya om dok 😁
9 April 2022
Indonesia apa2 makin lama makin ikut2an negara2 Eropa/Amrik yaa...dokter suka kasih jalan pintas, buka resep kasih obat. Pedahal obat itu cuman supress the symptoms (dengan effek sampingan), tapi tidak cure/sembuhkan the root cause (akar masalahnya).
Walopun "FDA-Approve" di label obatnya, tetep gak 100% aman...karena mereka approve cuman krn the benefits outperformed the risks (keuntungannya melebihi resikonya).
Kesembuhan yg bener2 ke akarnya, itu melalu Kristus...
Contoh: menyadari segala sesuatu (yes, segala sesuatu) itu adalah GRACE & GIFTS dari Tuhan. 🙏🏻✌
JEFFRY626 tulis:
Kasus mu sama kayak temen ku..obat nya banyak uda kayak apotik..pernah cobain obat nya merk clozaril tau 10mili tau 100mili..pas minum tidur jam 8 pagi hari minggu bangun bangun jam 6 pagi hari senin brooo..pas bangun liat jam gw pikir jam 6 sore hari minggu,pas aku liat hp ga tau nya hari senin jam 6 pagi..hahaha...parah obat nya..aku cobain sekitar tahun 2006/2007 1 butir nya 25rb..mungkin sekarang kisaran 50/60rb kali.beli nya juga harus pakai resep dokter.
YUDISAJA095 tulis:
Thanks supportnya, sebenarnya ak bkn sering marah, malah sebaliknya isinya banyak ketakutan dan cemas tanpa sebab yang jelas hehe...
Ak kasi tahu aja, di psikiater RS pertama di diagnosa GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), di psikiater RS ke 2 diagnosanya Agoraphobia dengan Panic Atack.
Bisa dibilang aku sosok extreme introvert sejak kena penyakit ini heheh..
Awal kena Desember 2017, panic attack berkali-kali dan akhirnya masuk UGD, dari dokter UGD diresepkan obat penenang alprazolam
Di tahun 2018 baru ke psikiater, tahun 2019 baru ke psikolog gereja.
Obatku dari psikiater RS obat penenang racikan alprazolam (pagi), obat antidepresan Sentraline (pagi), obat penenang clobazam (Malam), obat anti depresan Sandepril (malam)
Jika awal-awal sih parah, karena sering panic attack, tahun 2018 juga, baru agak lebih baik di tahun 2019
Sampai saat ini masih minum obat sih..
9 April 2022
Sharing doa meditasi yg diajark dari St. Francis de Sales:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC, 2721–2724) states that there are three modes of prayer: vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplative prayer. While vocal prayer is out loud, meditation is quiet. It is an interior prayer. Leonard (2022) stated that the definition of meditation, is attentive reflection on our Lord that is aided by some kind of a spiritual input such as a Bible, a book of Saint, etc. Ultimately, meditation (whether using Bible or a book of Saint’s biography) are your conversation between you and Lord Jesus.
[On every bullet, we can pause and meditate after reading each bullet point. As everyone takes varying time to pause and meditate for each bullet point, the suggested time to pause and meditate is about 20 seconds or as much as one need].
As we begin previously on the work of meditation done by St. Francis de Sales, we begin with what we called considerations, things to ponder and meditate upon; then move to affections and resolutions, sentiment of our hearts; and making acts of will to amend our lives. Then we will close by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayer. The focus of this meditation would be ‘On the Gifts of God’.
We begin by taking 3 breaths and calming yourself interiorly and exteriorly. As you exhaling, imagine the stress of your day being flushed out so that you can enter into the calm of Christ. Breath-in through your nose and out through your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds between each breath.
Invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
Now take a few moments to place yourself before God.
You are in the presence of your merciful Father, the King of the Universe, who wants only what is the best for you; asking to inspire your heart, and guide you during this Spiritual Communion and conversation.
Now is time to begin meditation on the Gifts of God. First, Consider the material gifts, He gave you: your body and the means to its preservation; your health and all that maintains it; your friends and many helps. Consider too how many persons more deserving than you are without these gifts. Some suffering in health or limb; others expose to injuries, contempt and troubles; or some can have jacked poverties; while God willed you to be better off.
Consider the mental gifts God has given you; why are you not foolish or abound sound minds like some others. God has favored you with at least a moderate level of education and understanding while many had no fault of their own, have grown up with utter ignorance.
Consider now God’s incredible spiritual gifts. You are a child of His Church. In fact, you are His child, destined to ultimate membership of His Divine Family. How often has He given you, His Sacraments to move you to the sense; what inspiration of interior life, what correction He has given to lead you toward Divine ecstasy? How often He has forgiven you? How often has He delivered you from occasion into falling? Think of all the opportunities He has provide you opportunities to progress in the spiritual life.
Think about how generous God has been to you for giving you faith as well as the teaching of His Church to guide to you salvation. What a great gift to be save in the present of Holy Mother Church.
Now is time for Affection of the Heart and Resolution of the Will.
Remember that Prayer is not just a conversation but is meant to change your life.
First, allow yourself to marvel of God’s goodness to you and all the grace He has gifted you.
How good He has been to me. How abundance and mercy and full of loving and kindness, O my soul, never stop thinking of the great things the Lord has done for you.
Take a few moments now and consider your lack of gratitude for all the Lord has given you. Ask for forgiveness for the many times you take it all for granted.
What am I Lord that You remember me? How unworthy am I. I have trampled your mercy under my foot. I have abused Your grace, turning it all against Your very self. I have sinned against the depth of my gratitude, against the deed of Your favor.
Now, begin to stoop the fire of your gratitude to God. Tell Him how much you love Him and how thankful you are of all His great gifts while making some of them, in your mind.
O my soul, be no more so faithless and disloyal to Your mighty benefactor; how my soul not serve the Lord who has done such great things in me and for me.
Now it’s time for Resolutions, so as to change of live to be more deserving of God’s gifts.
First, resolve to refrain from material indulgences that undermine your relationship with the Lord; think of your body as completely into service for God who gave it to you, who has done so much for it; yes, pleasure is a gift from God but it must be ordered and never become an idol that take our eyes off our Lord.
Now, resolve and set your soul by seeking to the devout practices and meditation that is suitable to your state in life. Think specifically about what those practices are and ask the grace to be faithful in them.
Resolve to make diligent use of the needs provided by the Church to help you to love God and save your soul. Set your mind to be constant in prayer and to get sacraments as often as possible. Practically speaking, what can you do to make that happen, without neglecting your vocation and necessary duties.
Lord, help me to hear your voices, and obey your inspirations and counsels, help me to setup my life to grow in your love; and make use of the incredible gifts You have given me.
Now, thank God of the clear knowledge that He has given you His benefits and your own duties toward Him and your neighbor.
Offer your heart and all its resolutions to Him.
Finally, ask the Lord to strengthen all your resolutions to fulfill faithfully, by the merits of the death of His Son.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As you move towards your day, try to turn-in your mind to the resolutions you made in this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let the sweet perfume to refresh you towards your activities.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
This meditation is based on the work of St Francis de Sales. We will begin with things which he called considerations, things to ponder and meditate upon. We then move to what he called affections and resolutions, sentiment of our hearts and making acts of will to amend our life. Finally, we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers. The focus of this meditation is ‘On Creation’.
We begin with taking 3 deep breaths to help calm your body and spirit. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds for each breath.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We begin by letting the Holy Spirit to direct your time and prayer.
Now, take a few moments and focus on God.
Focus on the fact that you are on the present of your merciful Father.
The King of the Universe, asking to inspire your heart, and guide you during this Spiritual Communion and conversation.
Now is time to begin your Meditation. Your subject for Considerations is your very Creation.
First, think about the fact, you were not born, and your soul was not even existed. Where were you then, O my Soul? The world has already old ahead of you, it was not the smallest size. Realize that God brought you out of nothingness, in order to make you what you are, not because He has any needs of you but solely out of His Goodness and Overflowing love.
Think about that how amazing it is to be created into the image of likeness of God the universe. You are unique amongst all of His creations, adopted to live eternally to be perfectly united into God’s Divine Majesty.
Now is time for Affection of the Heart and Resolution of the Will. Remember that prayer isn’t just a conversation but you encounter in prayer by a change in your life.
Begin by humbling yourself completely before God. In your heart, pray along with the psalmist: O Lord, I am nothing without you – what am I Lord, that you should remember me? O my soul, you are still lost in the bits of nothingness; and if God had not called you forth, what of you then?
Once again, Give God thanks of what He has done for you.
O great and good Creator, what do I not owe You? You created me from out of that nothingness, by your mercy, made me what am I. How can I enough do worthily to praise You, Your Holy Name? Thank you so much Lord, for your loving kindness and goodness.
Now, confess your sins, and how many times that you have rejected the Lord?
Forgive me Lord, instead of uniting myself with you, I have rebelled against you. I have given in sinful desire and departed from you. I have ignored your goodness as if You have not created me and given me life.
Now imagine yourself at the King’s Holy and Majestic Throne and spiritually prostrate yourself before Him.
O my soul, know that the Lord. It is He who have made you, and not yourself
O God, I am the work of Your Hands and from now on, I will not seek to rest myself. Without You, I am nothing. How can I who is nothing, but dust and ashes glorify myself? How can I who is nothing, exalt myself? Because I am nothing and you are everything and now, I resolve my ways and follow You alone, Lord. I realized that I am supremely blessed and honored to have been created; and I will use my life to solely obey you, Lord; and do your will in all things. I will learn Your Ways and live them.
As you conclude your meditation, thank God for what he has done for you.
Bless the Lord, O my Soul. Praise His Name with all beings because His Goodness called me forth for my nothingness and His Mercy created me.
Now, get an offering of yourself. Tell the Lord that you are giving yourself to Him.
O my God, I offer you with all my heart the being that you have given me. I dedicate and consecrated it to You.
O God, strengthen me in this Affection and Resolution.
Dear Lord, I place myself and all those I love in the Hands of Your never-failing mercy.
Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen.
As you move to the rest of your day, try returning your mind to resolution that you have made in this meditation. Gather them together as spiritual bouquet and that sweet perfume refresh you in the midst of your activities.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
In this meditation based on St. Francis de Sales, we begin with things called considerations, things to ponder and meditate upon; and then move to affections and resolutions, sentiment of our hearts and making acts of our will to amend our lives; and in the end, we will close by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayer. The focus of this meditation is ‘On the End for which you were Created’.
Begin with 3 deep breaths and calming yourself down interiorly and exteriorly. Breathe-in through your nose and out through your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds for each breath. As you are entailing, imagine the stress and worries of the day being flush-out so that you can enter into the calm of Christ.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As you begin, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
Now, take a few moments and place yourself before God. You are in the presence of your merciful Father, the King of the Universe. Ask Him to inspire your heart and guide you during this time of spiritual communion and conversation.
Now is the time to begin meditation on the end for which you are created.
First, consider the fact that God didn’t bring into this world because He had any need of you; useless as you are but solely that He might show forth His goodness in you, giving you His grace and glory. And to this end He gave you understanding that you may know Him; memory that you might think of Him, a will that you might love Him, imagination that you might realize His mercy; sight that you might hold the marvels of His work, speech that you may praise Him, and so on, with all your other faculties. The question is that are you using all these for His Glory or solely for yourself?
Think about the fact that every single good thing you are or you have come from Him and is intended for use for Him.
Once we realize that we were created and placed in the world for God’s good pleasure and glory, we also need to understand that everything that opposes to His Glory should be shun and rejected.
What in your life, even if it’s not necessarily bad in and out of itself, distract you from the things from God?
Think about how unhappy and unfulfilled people who never considered these things, who lived as though they are created just to build and plan, to heed-up riches and to amuse themselves to trifles. Has anything of this world you have accumulated brought you lasting fulfilment?
Now is time for Affection of Heart and Resolution of the Will.
Remember that prayer is not just a conversation. It’s meant to change your life. First, let the fact that you thought too little about the end to which you were made, humble you. Alas my God, what was I thinking when I did not think of You? What did I remember when I forgot You? When did I love when I did not love You?
When I ought to be filled on the truth, I was filling myself with vanity; and serving the world which was meant to serve me. Tell the Lord that you are sorry for focusing too much on the gifts and for not having lifted your eyes up to the Giver.
Now is time for Resolution on how we are going to change our lives through God’s grace.
First, think for a moment about the sin of your past and reject it. I renounce you obeying thoughts and useless confutation, fraudulence, and hateful memories. I renounce all relationship that turned me from you, God. I reject miserable and ungrateful self-indulges and compliance with the world.
Now turn your interior eyes upon God. From now on, you are my God and my Savior will be the sole object of my thoughts. No more will I give my minds to ideas that do not please you.
All the days of my live, I worth well upon the greatness of Thy goodness, so lovingly poured out upon me. From now on, you will be the delight of my heart, the resting place of all my affections.
From this time forward, I will forsake and pour the vain of pleasures and amusements; the empty pursuit which absorb my time; the unprofitable tithes which bound my heart, I will loosen from now on.
Now take a few moments and think of specific things that you want to accomplish you have told the Lord that you would do for Him. Remember that these resolutions don’t mean we can’t enjoy the world that God has given us. Rather, that we need to make sure they are not our focus; and that we spend our time, well. So, do a brief inventory of your life, and think about particular things you need to change, so that not waste the precious life and grace God has given you.
As you conclude, thank God for the incredible divine End for which He made you.
You have made me O Lord for Yourself, that I may enjoy eternally the immensity of your glory. When will I be worthy of it? When will I know to bless you as I ought?
Now make an offering of your heart, give yourself to God. O dearest Lord, I offer Thee all my affections and resolution with all my whole heart and soul.
Now with your heart offer the following prayer to God. Please God, I beg you to accept my desire and longings. Please give your blessings to my soul, to fulfill the holy desire of my heart, thru the merits of your dear Son’s precious blood, shed upon the Cross, for me.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
As you move toward the rest of your day, try to move your mind toward resolution you have made in this meditation. Gather them together as a Spiritual Bouquet and let their sweet perfume refresh you toward the rest of your activities of the day.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
This meditation is adapted from the prayer of St Francis de Sales. We will begin with things which he called considerations. We then move to what he called affections and resolutions. Lastly, we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers.
We begin by taking 3 deep breathe taking-in and breath out.
Breathe-in the peace of God and breathe-out the worries of the day so that you can enter into calm of Christ.
Inhale thru your nose and out thru your mouth. Hold about 5 seconds for each breath.
In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.
As you begin, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Take a few moments at the feet of your Heavenly Father, who is full of mercy and forgiveness. Asking to inspire your heart and guide you towards spiritual communion and conversations.
Now is time to begin meditation on sin.
First, consider how much time has passed since you have committed sins; and since that beginning, sins have multiplied in your heart. Every day you have added your sins against God, against yourself, and against your neighbor, by deed, word, thought, and desire.
Consider your evil tendencies and how far you have followed them. Most honestly considered, it becomes that sins are more numbered than the sand on the seashore.
Leaving aside sins, consider your ingratitude towards God which is in itself a sin and folly on the other.
Ingratitude magnifies all other sins and adds to them.
How angry your attitude on another sin you have done?
And more gifts you have given. Have you not done even more to God?
Think about those gifts which God has given you. How many times you are ungrateful of those? And not only being ungrateful but even turn those very gifts against the Giver? How many times you brush aside the beautiful inspirations He’s given? How often you slap away the gently guiding hands or frustrated His attempts to help you do good and please Him?
Take a moment and contemplate how many times you have received the various Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, where they are foods in your life.
What have you done the Precious Jewels bestowed upon you by the Heavenly Bridegroom?
How you even prepared to receive these Incredible Treasures from God?
Reflect upon the gratitude on which God starts to save you. You have fled from Him and rush towards your own destruction.
Now it’s time for Affection and Resolution.
First, humble yourself in your wretchedness. Oh my God, how dare I come before Your Eyes. I am but a corrupt being. The very image of ingratitude, wickedness. Can it be than I have been disloyal that not one sense, not one faculty has not been solely stained? Not one day has passed without sinning against You. Is this a fitting return to My Creator’s gifts? For my Redeemer’s Blood?
Now ask for Forgiveness. Throw yourself, as the Lord fit, as the prodigal son; as Mary Magdalene, as the woman committed adultery.
Have mercy O Lord, on me, a sinner. O Living Fountain of Mercy, have pity on me, unworthy as I am.
Now make a Resolution to do better and destroy sins in your life.
Lord, with the help of Your grace, I would never again give myself up to sin. I have love it too much. From now on, I would have hoar it and cleave to You. Father of Mercy, I would live and die for You.
In order to put away sins, accuse yourself briefly, name it and don’t avoid it. He knows it all anyway.
Now Resolve and make every effort to tear it all; especially those you constantly bringing up in the confessional. While we never atone for your sins, Christ can and has already done so. He has paid your death. The question now become how are you going to repay Him?
My Lord and Savior, please forgive me on many terrible offenses against You. I am so sorry for having wounded You. Thank you for Your Forgiveness. And please, help me to live so as to glorify You. I offer myself to You. I love You, Jesus, and want to be One with You, forever. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
As you move towards the end of your day, try to move your mind to the resolutions you made on this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let them sweet perfume you towards all your activity.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
As we done previously on these Meditation adapted from the work by St. Francis de Sales, we will begin by considerations, and then move to affections and resolution. And we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers.
Begin by taking 3 deep breathes, taking-in and calming yourself done, interiorly and exteriorly, and breath out. Inhale thru your nose and out thru your mouth. Hold about 5 seconds for each breath.
As you do it, breathe in the peace of God and breathe out the worries of the day so that you can enter into the calm of Christ. In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
As you begin invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Take a few moments at the feet of your Heavenly Father, who is full of mercy and forgiveness. Asking to inspire your heart and guide you towards spiritual communion and conversations.
Now is time to begin meditation on death.
First, begin with imagining yourself at your dying bed, at your final moments without the smallest hope of recovery. Consider the uncertainly of your death. One day, your soul will quit this body. Will it be in summer or winter, in-town or out of the country, by day or by night. Will it be sorry or mourning? Will it be due to sickness or accident? Will you have time to make your last confession or not? Of all these things, we know absolutely nothing. What we do know is one day we will certainly die. And it would probably be sooner than we expect.
Consider then, the world, is there an end, as far as you are concern. There will be no more that for you and will hold nothing for you. All pleasures, vanities, worldly joys, and empty life, will be a distant memories or fantasies.
Woe is me, for what mere trifles of realities have I ventured offend my God.
In the Final Tally, adding up with your whiny moments, you will see what you prefer to God was nothing. But on the other hands, all your devotions and good work will then see so precious, and so sweet. Why did I not more often tread that pleasant path?
As your ends draw near, what you thought to be little sins will look like huge mountains. And your devotions will seem but very little things.
Consider now, the universal farewell to your soul will take of this world. It will say good bye to riches, pleasures, and idle companions; to amusements and past times; to friends and neighbors; to husband, wife, and child. In short, to all creations. Lastly, it will say farewell to its own body which it will leave pale and cold; to become repulsive and decay.
Consider how the survivors will hasten to place those cold and lifeless bodies away and hide it beneath the world. And then the world will barely give you thoughts nor remember you anymore you have done to those who already gone. God rest his soul, they will say, and that is all.
O death, how pitiless, how hard thou art.
Consider that when it quits the body. The soul must quit one to the right hand or to the left. To which, will your soul go? What side, will it take? None other be sure, the direction of which it’s already volunteer in, while still on this world.
Now is time for Affections and Resolutions. Pray fervently to God and throw yourself into His Arms.
O Lord, be Thou of my stay on that day of anguish. May the hour of my death be blessed with favorable, even the rest of my life be full of sadness and trial.
Now Resolve to despise the world. Since I do not know the hour for which I must quit the world, I will not grow fond of it. I will not attach myself to its fleeting pleasures.
O dear friends, beloved ones with my hearts, please be content that I cleave to you only with the Holy Friendship which may last forever. Let us put God at the Center of our Relationships and not cling to each other with ties which will certainly be broken.
Now Resolve to Prepare for the Hour of Death and take every precaution for its peaceful arrival.
I will thoroughly examine through my state of conscious and put in order whatever is wanting.
Finally, thank God for inspiring you with His Resolution. Offer Him with His Majesty. Ask Him again, to grant you a happy death by the merits of His dear Son’s death. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
As you move towards the end of your day, try to turn your mind to the resolutions you made on this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let them sweet perfume refresh you towards all your activity.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
As we done previously on these Meditation adapted from the work by St. Francis de Sales, we will begin by considerations, and then move to affections and resolution. Then we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers.
The Focus of this meditation will be on judgment.
Begin by taking 3 deep breathe to calm yourself done, interiorly and exteriorly.
Inhale thru your nose and out thru your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds for each breath.
As you do it, breathe in the peace of God and breathe out the worries of the day so that you can enter into the calm of Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now is time to begin meditation on judgement.
As you begin, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
To begin, consider the time when God has appointed to the end of this world. And after many terrible signs and warnings, which overwhelmed men with fear, the whole Earth will be destroyed and nothing will be left.
There will be signs, and sun, and moon, and stars. And upon the Earth, distressed of nations and perplexity of the roaring of the sea and waves; men fainting with fears and with foreboding of what is coming of the world. What a power of Heavens will be shaken!
After the destruction of the world, everyone, except those who already risen, will rise from the death. And at the voice of the Archangel appear in the Valley of Josephat, but how’s that the contrast between the houses will be! For some will be glorious and shining, others horrible and ghastly.
Consider the Majesty with which the Sovereign Judge will appear around it by all His Saints and Angels.
Imagine His Cross, the sign of grace to the good and of terror to the evil, shining brighter than the sun.
This Sovereign Judge will, with His awful word instantly fulfilled, separate the evil and the good, setting the one in His right hand, the other on His left: an eternal separation, for they will never meet again.
With such separation of evil and good made, the book of conscience will be opened; and all men will be held the malice of the wicked, and how they are treated God with contempt, as well as the penitents of goods, and the results of the grace they have received.
Nothing will be hidden. O my Sovereign God, what confusion for the condemned. What rejoicing for the righteous!
Consider the final sentence for the wicked, “Depart from Me, ye cursed into everlasting fire; prepare for the Devil and his angels.”
Now, dwell upon these awful words, “Go!”, He said to the damned, forever discarding these wretched sinners; banishing them forever from His Presence. He calls them cursed.
O my soul, what a curse; a curse involving all others imprecations, all possible evil and irrevocable curse, including all time at eternity, condemning them to everlasting fire.
Consider what an eternity at suffering would be like.
Now, consider the sentence of the good. Come, O Blessed loving Word, which God draws us to Himself and receive such of His bosom. Blessed is my Father, O blessing among all blessings. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. O my God, whose Kingdom will never end.
Tremble, my soul; and ask yourself, who will be my support at that hour when the pillars of the earth are shaken? Abhor you sins which alone can cause you to be lost when those fearful days come.
Judge yourself now, so that you will not be judge later by God.
I will examine my conscience, accuse, condemn, punish myself, and the Judge will not condemn me, then. I will confess my fault and follow the council given to me.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy steadfast love!
Now, thank God for having given you mean of safety on that terrible day and time for repentance. Offer Him your heart and ask for Grace to use it well.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As you move through the rest of your day, try to return your mind to the resolutions you made on this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let their sweet perfume refresh you towards all your activities.
This concludes our meditation. -
9 April 2022
Kalo temen ku ini sis..uda parah sekali sis..aku waktu itu kasihan juga..nikah 2 kali dua dua nya di selingkuhin..padahal temen ku ini anak org kaya.anak kesayangan mami nya..tapi dia itu pemalas cuma ngerti duit tapi ga mau kerja.tinggal telpon mami nya langsung di transfer..mantan istri nya juga gerah mungkin punya suami pemalas.akhir nya selingkuh.akhir nya temen ku ini bisa di bilang gila kali ya abis di selingkuhi.kelakuan temen ku ini parah suka bicara sendirian,obat nya banyak banget uda kayak apotik,sering ke psikiater juga di puri dr handoyo..aku sering nemenin dia ngobrol segala macam..karna kalo di tinggal sendiri makin parah dia..suka ngomong sendiri,terkadang ketemu orang bisa takut,halusinasi dan segala macam..waktu itu dia kena penyakit kejiwaan kisaran thn 2005-2010..terakhir ketemu dia uda nikah lagi dan uda waras bebas dari obat obatan sama sekali..karna istri nya baik dan mendukung dia..jadi kalo di bilang ga bisa sembuh bisa sih..yg pertama dari diri sendiri dan support org terdekat..
MAE309 tulis:
Indonesia apa2 makin lama makin ikut2an negara2 Eropa/Amrik yaa...dokter suka kasih jalan pintas, buka resep kasih obat. Pedahal obat itu cuman supress the symptoms (dengan effek sampingan), tapi tidak cure/sembuhkan the root cause (akar masalahnya).
Walopun "FDA-Approve" di label obatnya, tetep gak 100% aman...karena mereka approve cuman krn the benefits outperformed the risks (keuntungannya melebihi resikonya).
Kesembuhan yg bener2 ke akarnya, itu melalu Kristus...
Contoh: menyadari segala sesuatu (yes, segala sesuatu) itu adalah GRACE & GIFTS dari Tuhan. 🙏🏻✌
9 April 2022
Setiap doa meditasi tsb cuman sekitar 15-menit/doa.
Ada 6 doa meditasi -- untuk 6 hari
Semoga makin sayang & makin dekat sama Tuhan Yesus..ayoo semangat! 😉
9 April 2022
Penyakit jiwa itu muncul dari pikiran..pikiran itu kayak sapi liar mengembara terus engga bisa diam..meditasi itu penting sih supaya bisa fokus
MAE309 tulis:
As we done previously on these Meditation adapted from the work by St. Francis de Sales, we will begin by considerations, and then move to affections and resolution. Then we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers.
The Focus of this meditation will be on judgment.
Begin by taking 3 deep breathe to calm yourself done, interiorly and exteriorly.
Inhale thru your nose and out thru your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds for each breath.
As you do it, breathe in the peace of God and breathe out the worries of the day so that you can enter into the calm of Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now is time to begin meditation on judgement.
As you begin, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
To begin, consider the time when God has appointed to the end of this world. And after many terrible signs and warnings, which overwhelmed men with fear, the whole Earth will be destroyed and nothing will be left.
There will be signs, and sun, and moon, and stars. And upon the Earth, distressed of nations and perplexity of the roaring of the sea and waves; men fainting with fears and with foreboding of what is coming of the world. What a power of Heavens will be shaken!
After the destruction of the world, everyone, except those who already risen, will rise from the death. And at the voice of the Archangel appear in the Valley of Josephat, but how’s that the contrast between the houses will be! For some will be glorious and shining, others horrible and ghastly.
Consider the Majesty with which the Sovereign Judge will appear around it by all His Saints and Angels.
Imagine His Cross, the sign of grace to the good and of terror to the evil, shining brighter than the sun.
This Sovereign Judge will, with His awful word instantly fulfilled, separate the evil and the good, setting the one in His right hand, the other on His left: an eternal separation, for they will never meet again.
With such separation of evil and good made, the book of conscience will be opened; and all men will be held the malice of the wicked, and how they are treated God with contempt, as well as the penitents of goods, and the results of the grace they have received.
Nothing will be hidden. O my Sovereign God, what confusion for the condemned. What rejoicing for the righteous!
Consider the final sentence for the wicked, “Depart from Me, ye cursed into everlasting fire; prepare for the Devil and his angels.”
Now, dwell upon these awful words, “Go!”, He said to the damned, forever discarding these wretched sinners; banishing them forever from His Presence. He calls them cursed.
O my soul, what a curse; a curse involving all others imprecations, all possible evil and irrevocable curse, including all time at eternity, condemning them to everlasting fire.
Consider what an eternity at suffering would be like.
Now, consider the sentence of the good. Come, O Blessed loving Word, which God draws us to Himself and receive such of His bosom. Blessed is my Father, O blessing among all blessings. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. O my God, whose Kingdom will never end.
Tremble, my soul; and ask yourself, who will be my support at that hour when the pillars of the earth are shaken? Abhor you sins which alone can cause you to be lost when those fearful days come.
Judge yourself now, so that you will not be judge later by God.
I will examine my conscience, accuse, condemn, punish myself, and the Judge will not condemn me, then. I will confess my fault and follow the council given to me.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy steadfast love!
Now, thank God for having given you mean of safety on that terrible day and time for repentance. Offer Him your heart and ask for Grace to use it well.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As you move through the rest of your day, try to return your mind to the resolutions you made on this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let their sweet perfume refresh you towards all your activities.
This concludes our meditation.
9 April 2022 diubah oleh JEFFRY626
9 April 2022
Buat yg mental illness ,pd aja dg nutrisi seimbang+olahraga+byk doa pasti sembuh.
Nih ada rekomendasi pengganti anti depresant : Greenworld Nutrimax dari ramuan blueberry (bkn promosi krn aku bukan penjualnya).
Jangankan mental illness, ponakan aku ada yg debil , bisa menikah. Kalian pasti ada jodohnya!
Ttp berusaha dan jangan menyerah join JK.
9 April 2022
betul Bro...mmg kalo udah parah bgt, terpaksa harus resort ke obat dokter sih...
iya itu kalo sampe nikah 2x gagal...di Alkitab ada kasus yg sampe 5x nikah gagal, dan yg ke 6 (diluar nikah) koq...[angka 6 melambangkan ketidak-sempurnaan, and yg ke 7x itu akhirnya org tsb mencapai Tuhan Yesus, 7 adalah lambang kesempurnaan di Alkitab -- akhirnya org itu sembuh/gak nyari2 pasangan yg tidak sempurna lagi 😉.... Jadi Tuhan Yesus sudah mempersiapkan semua kasus2 dgn cerita2 di alkitab..
JEFFRY626 tulis:
Kalo temen ku ini sis..uda parah sekali sis..aku waktu itu kasihan juga..nikah 2 kali dua dua nya di selingkuhin..padahal temen ku ini anak org kaya.anak kesayangan mami nya..tapi dia itu pemalas cuma ngerti duit tapi ga mau kerja.tinggal telpon mami nya langsung di transfer..mantan istri nya juga gerah mungkin punya suami pemalas.akhir nya selingkuh.akhir nya temen ku ini bisa di bilang gila kali ya abis di selingkuhi.kelakuan temen ku ini parah suka bicara sendirian,obat nya banyak banget uda kayak apotik,sering ke psikiater juga di puri dr handoyo..aku sering nemenin dia ngobrol segala macam..karna kalo di tinggal sendiri makin parah dia..suka ngomong sendiri,terkadang ketemu orang bisa takut,halusinasi dan segala macam..waktu itu dia kena penyakit kejiwaan kisaran thn 2005-2010..terakhir ketemu dia uda nikah lagi dan uda waras bebas dari obat obatan sama sekali..karna istri nya baik dan mendukung dia..jadi kalo di bilang ga bisa sembuh bisa sih..yg pertama dari diri sendiri dan support org terdekat..
MAE309 tulis:
Indonesia apa2 makin lama makin ikut2an negara2 Eropa/Amrik yaa...dokter suka kasih jalan pintas, buka resep kasih obat. Pedahal obat itu cuman supress the symptoms (dengan effek sampingan), tapi tidak cure/sembuhkan the root cause (akar masalahnya).
Walopun "FDA-Approve" di label obatnya, tetep gak 100% aman...karena mereka approve cuman krn the benefits outperformed the risks (keuntungannya melebihi resikonya).
Kesembuhan yg bener2 ke akarnya, itu melalu Kristus...
Contoh: menyadari segala sesuatu (yes, segala sesuatu) itu adalah GRACE & GIFTS dari Tuhan. 🙏🏻✌
9 April 2022
Bener bgt Bro...
Selalu semangat, jangan pernah putus asa dan selalu andalkan Tuhan Yesus, Dia pasti bantu 🙏🏻
JEFFRY626 tulis:
Penyakit jiwa itu muncul dari pikiran..pikiran itu kayak sapi liar mengembara terus engga bisa diam..meditasi itu penting sih supaya bisa fokus
MAE309 tulis:
As we done previously on these Meditation adapted from the work by St. Francis de Sales, we will begin by considerations, and then move to affections and resolution. Then we will finish by thanking God, offering ourselves to Him and closing with prayers.
The Focus of this meditation will be on judgment.
Begin by taking 3 deep breathe to calm yourself done, interiorly and exteriorly.
Inhale thru your nose and out thru your mouth. Aim for about 5 seconds for each breath.
As you do it, breathe in the peace of God and breathe out the worries of the day so that you can enter into the calm of Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now is time to begin meditation on judgement.
As you begin, invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
To begin, consider the time when God has appointed to the end of this world. And after many terrible signs and warnings, which overwhelmed men with fear, the whole Earth will be destroyed and nothing will be left.
There will be signs, and sun, and moon, and stars. And upon the Earth, distressed of nations and perplexity of the roaring of the sea and waves; men fainting with fears and with foreboding of what is coming of the world. What a power of Heavens will be shaken!
After the destruction of the world, everyone, except those who already risen, will rise from the death. And at the voice of the Archangel appear in the Valley of Josephat, but how’s that the contrast between the houses will be! For some will be glorious and shining, others horrible and ghastly.
Consider the Majesty with which the Sovereign Judge will appear around it by all His Saints and Angels.
Imagine His Cross, the sign of grace to the good and of terror to the evil, shining brighter than the sun.
This Sovereign Judge will, with His awful word instantly fulfilled, separate the evil and the good, setting the one in His right hand, the other on His left: an eternal separation, for they will never meet again.
With such separation of evil and good made, the book of conscience will be opened; and all men will be held the malice of the wicked, and how they are treated God with contempt, as well as the penitents of goods, and the results of the grace they have received.
Nothing will be hidden. O my Sovereign God, what confusion for the condemned. What rejoicing for the righteous!
Consider the final sentence for the wicked, “Depart from Me, ye cursed into everlasting fire; prepare for the Devil and his angels.”
Now, dwell upon these awful words, “Go!”, He said to the damned, forever discarding these wretched sinners; banishing them forever from His Presence. He calls them cursed.
O my soul, what a curse; a curse involving all others imprecations, all possible evil and irrevocable curse, including all time at eternity, condemning them to everlasting fire.
Consider what an eternity at suffering would be like.
Now, consider the sentence of the good. Come, O Blessed loving Word, which God draws us to Himself and receive such of His bosom. Blessed is my Father, O blessing among all blessings. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. O my God, whose Kingdom will never end.
Tremble, my soul; and ask yourself, who will be my support at that hour when the pillars of the earth are shaken? Abhor you sins which alone can cause you to be lost when those fearful days come.
Judge yourself now, so that you will not be judge later by God.
I will examine my conscience, accuse, condemn, punish myself, and the Judge will not condemn me, then. I will confess my fault and follow the council given to me.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy steadfast love!
Now, thank God for having given you mean of safety on that terrible day and time for repentance. Offer Him your heart and ask for Grace to use it well.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Our Father; Hail Mary; Glory Be. Amen. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As you move through the rest of your day, try to return your mind to the resolutions you made on this meditation. Gather them together as a spiritual bouquet and let their sweet perfume refresh you towards all your activities.
This concludes our meditation.
9 April 2022
Temen ku mah uda parah banget deh..tertolong dia anak orang kaya aja,sekali beli obat aja berjuta juta di apotik pasar baru..kalo dia org ga punya mungkin uda masuk rsj kali..
MAE309 tulis:
betul Bro...mmg kalo udah parah bgt, terpaksa harus resort ke obat dokter sih...
iya itu kalo sampe nikah 2x gagal...di Alkitab ada kasus yg sampe 5x nikah gagal, dan yg ke 6 (diluar nikah) koq...[angka 6 melambangkan ketidak-sempurnaan, and yg ke 7x itu akhirnya org tsb mencapai Tuhan Yesus, 7 adalah lambang kesempurnaan di Alkitab -- akhirnya org itu sembuh/gak nyari2 pasangan yg tidak sempurna lagi 😉.... Jadi Tuhan Yesus sudah mempersiapkan semua kasus2 dgn cerita2 di alkitab..
9 April 2022 diubah oleh JEFFRY626
9 April 2022
Siapppp sis..🙏
MAE309 tulis:
Bener bgt Bro...
Selalu semangat, jangan pernah putus asa dan selalu andalkan Tuhan Yesus, Dia pasti bantu 🙏🏻