Grace is enough
14 September 2015
I can boast to many works
Done out of insecurity & credit many conversations
To my immaturity & while I'm misunderstood
You're understanding me & showing me how grace is enough fot me
For everthing that I've done right
Seems like a thousand I've done wrong & I keep on loosing count of all the time my flesh has won
And when the light of Christ that''s in me is overshadowed by the fall
You're showing me how grace is enough
When I feel unworthy & so underserving
Still I can come just as I'm
For I find Your love is free of condition
So I will run to Your wide open arms
Where I'm accepted & I'm forgiven
Grace is enough..yes Your grace is enough for me
16 September 2015
bagus skalii
17 September 2015
Thx u bro bass
17 September 2015
sama2 mar
17 September 2015
Mantap....lebih mantap lagi jika bahasa indonesia plus dibawahnya bahasa batak hehe
Hidup kita hanyalah kasih karuniaNya. GBU
18 September 2015
Sorry bang don..klu pakai bhs indonesia, kepanjangan kalimatnya bang..klu bhs btk, aq yg ga ngerti..hehehe..ini hnya sekedar curhat di tengah2 badai yg aq hadapi bang..maklum bang, aq msh byk dosanya
18 September 2015 diubah oleh MARIA106