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    26 Agustus 2016

    Menjaga hati-Yovie n Nuno

  • ALIANA233

    26 Agustus 2016

    Sepenggal lirik :-)

    Never mind

    I'll find someone like you

    I wish nothing but the best for you too

    "Don't forget me," I begged

    "I'll remember," you said

    "Sometimes it lasts in love

    But sometimes it hurts instead."

    Sometimes it lasts in love

    But sometimes it hurts instead,


  • NANA985

    26 Agustus 2016

    ADELE - SEND MY LOVE .... -#coleksuranta

  • SURANTA247

    26 Agustus 2016

    NANA985 tulis:

    ADELE - SEND MY LOVE .... -#coleksuranta

    acie..cie..cie..cie... lope lopean ni yeeeh..

    tumben tumbenan ngalong kakak oe yg satu ini...

    huauahuhauhauaaa... #pissssssssssss


  • TATA304

    26 Agustus 2016

    27 Agustus 2016 diubah oleh TATA304

  • ROMA855

    27 Agustus 2016


    27 Agustus 2016


    #stay ( Faraway , So Close ! )

  • 27 Agustus 2016

    salah satu lagu U2 yang saya suka

    OCV714 tulis:


    #stay ( Faraway , So Close ! )


    27 Agustus 2016

    BCL - tentang kamu

    Bgm bila akhirnya ku cinta kau?

    Dr kekurangan mu hingga lebihmu?

    Bgm bila semua bnr tjd?

    Mgk inilah yg terindah

    Begitu byk bintang spt pertanyaan ku ttg km..


    28 Agustus 2016

    I'm gonna love u like i'm gonna loose you - Meghan trainor

  • 28 Agustus 2016

  • SURANTA247

    28 Agustus 2016


    You can breathe all the stars
    You can hush the raging storms
    Yet You formed me and You called me by my name
    You can walk on the ocean
    Part the sea and halt the sun
    Yet You see me and You hear my every cry

    I surrender all
    To the Savior of my soul

    Let the weak in me say I am strong
    You're my refuge and my song
    I will trust in You for all my days
    Let my fears and doubts be cast away
    You're my strength I will not fear
    Jesus I will call upon Your name
    You are my hiding place

    Broken steps broken hearts
    You are mending every part
    I am safe and I'm covered by Your grace
    Only You and Your light
    Could turn my darkness into dawn
    By Your blood death has lost and love has won


  • 28 Agustus 2016

  • SURANTA247

    28 Agustus 2016




  • NANA985

    28 Agustus 2016

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    acie..cie..cie..cie... lope lopean ni yeeeh..

    tumben tumbenan ngalong kakak oe yg satu ini...

    huauahuhauhauaaa... #pissssssssssss


    Hahahahaaaaa .. Namanya jg Usaha .. Udh send my love lanjut lah ke Never forget you yuhuuuu .. Betull gaaa .... #gaplokcilad

    ZARA LARSSON "Never Forget You"

    (with MNEK)

    [Zara Larsson:]

    I used to be so happy

    But without you here I feel so low

    I watched you as you left but I can never seem to let you go

    'Cause once upon a time you were my everything

    It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing

    It's buried deep inside me but I feel there's something you should know

    I will never forget you

    You'll always be by my side

    From the day that I met you

    I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die

    And I will never want much more

    And in my heart I will always be sure

    I will never forget you

    And you will always be by my side 'til the day I die

    'Til the day I die ('til the day I die)

    'Til the day I die ('til the day I die)


    Funny how we both end up here but everything seems alright

    I wonder what would happen

    If we went back and put up a fight

    'Cause once upon a time you were my everything

    It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing

    So what in this world do you think could ever take you off my mind (take you off my mind)

    [Zara Larsson:]

    I will never forget you

    And you'll always be by my side

    From the day that I met you

    I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die

    And I will never want much more

    And in my heart I will always be sure

    I will never forget you

    And you'll always be by my side 'til the day I die


    Feeling it, loving it

    Everything that we do

    And all along, I knew I had something special with you

    But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through

    But I'm still tired and I can't hide my connection with you

    Feeling it, loving it

    Everything that we do

    And all along, I knew I had something special with you

    But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through

    I can't hide my connection with you

    I will never forget you

    And you'll always be by my side

    From the day that I met you

    I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die

    And I will never want much more

    And in my heart I will always be sure

    That I will never forget you

    And you'll always be by my side 'til the day I die

    'Til the day I die... [6x]

    I will never forget you...

    'Til the day I die.

  • ANDRI150

    28 Agustus 2016

    Kekasih dalam hati - Kahitna

  • ALIANA233

    29 Agustus 2016

    Anak medan, Anak medan,

    Anak medan do au, kawan

    Modal pergaulan boido mangolu au,

    Tarlobi dipenampilan main cantik do au, kawan

    Sonang manang susah happy do diau,

    Nang pe 51, solot di gontinghi,

    Siap bela kawan berpartisipasi,

    378 Sattabi majo disi,

    Ada harga diri mengantisipasi


    Horas......Pohon pinang tumbuh sendiri

    Horas......Tumbuhlah menantang awan

    Horas......Biar kambing di kampung sendiri

    Horas......Tapi banteng di perantauan

    Anak medan, Anak medan, Anak medan do au, kawan

    Susah didonganku soboi tarbereng au

    Titik darah penghabisan ai rela do au, kawan

    Hansur demi kawan, ido au kawan

    #efek nonton "Horas Amang", jd teringang2 lagu nie :-)

  • SURANTA247

    29 Agustus 2016

    khususon... spesial... buat kak nana, biar gak lupaan ama babang ape mamas ato kokoh nih kak?


  • 30 Agustus 2016

    Mychurch on choir ....Mikoyu :-) backing vocal/angklung ...

    30 Agustus 2016 diubah oleh MIKOYU815

  • NANA985

    30 Agustus 2016

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    khususon... spesial... buat kak nana, biar gak lupaan ama babang ape mamas ato kokoh nih kak?


    Hahahahaaaa thx dek .. Dgr lagu ini jd semangat ngePlank hehehehe ... Siapa aj dek yg ptg laki2 tulen, 1 iman & spadan  ... Betuuulll gaaaaa .. #geplakcilad


    30 Agustus 2016

    Wahgak peengen kena "saipul jamil' syndrome" ..... Gk ada lgu yg mewakili perasaan saat ini... ☺☺☺

  • DESIANA667

    30 Agustus 2016

    :-)10.000 Reasons(Bless the Lord) Mark Ramussen

  • TATA304

    31 Agustus 2016

  • SOFIE471

    31 Agustus 2016

    Beyoncé - Single Ladies

  • JEPRI810

    1 September 2016

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