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  • 22 November 2016

    SETYA612 tulis:

    kalau tersesat balik lagi ke awal bro,, lewat jalan yg sebelum dilewatin 8-)

    Keren bor..

    Pertahankan terus jalannya bor..

    Gua suke gaye lau bor .. ☺

    22 November 2016 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • 22 November 2016

    oke bro.. setel lg ini dulu bro ..

    DAMEAN991 tulis:

    Keren bor..

    Pertahankan terus jalannya bor..

    Gua suke gaye lau bor .. ☺

    berhubung satu bulan lg dekt dng natal jd setel lagu ini dulu deh..

    "Shake Up Christmas"

    Ho, ho, ho...

    Shake up the happiness
    Wake up the happiness
    Shake up the happiness
    It's Christmas time

    There was a story that I was told
    And I want to tell the world before I get too old
    And don't remember it, so let's December it
    And reassemble it, oh yeah

    Once upon a time in a town like this
    A little girl made a great big wish
    To fill the world full of happiness
    And be on Santa's magic list

    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Ho, ho, ho,
    Ho, ho, ho,
    It's Christmas time

    At the same time miles away
    A little boy made a wish that day
    That the world would be okay
    And Santa Clause would hear him say
    I got dreams and I got love
    I got my feet on the ground and family above
    Can you send some happiness with my best
    To the rest of the people of east and the west

    And maybe every once in a while
    You give my a grandma a reason to smile
    'Tis the season to smile
    It's cold but we'll be freezing in style

    And let me meet a girl one day
    That wants to spread some love this way
    We can let our souls run free
    And she can open some happiness with me

    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time

    I know you're out there
    I hear your reindeer
    I see the snow where
    Your boots have been

    I'm gonna show them
    So they will know then
    Then love will grow and
    They believe again

    Shake it up (shake it up), shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Ho, ho, ho,
    Ho, ho, ho,
    It's Christmas time

    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time
    Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time

    Ho, ho, ho,
    Ho, ho, ho,
    Ho, ho, ho,
    It's Christmas time

  • 22 November 2016

    SETYA612 tulis:

    oke bro.. setel lg ini dulu bro ..

    berhubung satu bulan lg dekt dng natal jd setel lagu ini dulu deh..

    Mantap bor..

    suasana natal itu , suasana paling nyaman setiap tahun buat gua bor.

    Hujan menjelang natal adalah hujan yang paling gua nantikan setiap tahunnya bor, karena air hujannya mampu membasahi hati yang krisis karena kekeringan.

    sumpeh deh gue bor, gak bohongin lau deh gue.. Hehehe...

  • SURANTA247

    22 November 2016

    daripade mood mood an..... ngambek2 ga jelas.... kesel kesel gajebo..... mending cekidot ini aja gaisss.... #enjoy:up:


  • 22 November 2016

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    daripade mood mood an..... ngambek2 ga jelas.... kesel kesel gajebo..... mending cekidot ini aja gaisss.... #enjoy:up:


    Semoga natal tahun ini jadi natal yang dinantikan warga ibu kota. Amin.

  • 22 November 2016

    #Joy to the World:-)

    22 November 2016 diubah oleh MIKOYU815

  • 22 November 2016

    Slalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi, dibalik awan hitam. Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini. Menanti Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Selalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi, dibalik awan hitam. Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini. Menanti seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi meneteskan duka meretas luka. Sampai hujan memulihkan luka.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Karna aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    *Semoga natal tahun ini jadi natal yang dinantikan warga ibu kota. Amen*

    22 November 2016 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • JEPRI810

    22 November 2016

  • 22 November 2016

    :up:efek rumah kaca

    DAMEAN991 tulis:

    Slalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi, dibalik awan hitam. Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini. Menanti Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Selalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi, dibalik awan hitam. Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini. Menanti seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi meneteskan duka meretas luka. Sampai hujan memulihkan luka.

    Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Karna aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember. Di bulan desember....

    Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda.

    *Semoga natal tahun ini jadi natal yang dinantikan warga ibu kota. Amen*

  • SUSI324

    22 November 2016

    Something Right - Westlife

    22 November 2016 diubah oleh SUSI324

  • 22 November 2016


    Everything's so blurry

    And everyone's so fake

    And everybody's empty

    And everything is so messed up

    Preoccupied without you

    I cannot live at all

    My whole world surrounds you

    I stumble then I crawl

    You could be my someone

    You could be my scene

    You know that I'll protect you

    From all of the obscene

    I wonder what you're doing

    Imagine where you are

    There's oceans in between us

    But that's not very far

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    This pain you gave to me

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    Everyone is changing

    There's no one left that's real

    So make up your own ending

    And let me know just how you feel

    Cause I am lost without you

    I cannot live at all

    My whole world surrounds you

    I stumble then I crawl

    And you could be my someone

    You could be my scene

    You know that I will save you

    From all of the unclean

    I wonder what you're doing

    I wonder where you are

    There's oceans in between us

    But that's not very far

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    This pain you gave to me

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    This pain you gave to me

    Nobody told me what you thought

    Nobody told me what to say

    Everyone showed you where to turn

    Told you when to run away

    Nobody told you where to hide

    Nobody told you what to say

    Everyone showed you where to turn

    Showed you when to run away

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    This pain you gave to me

    Can you take it all away?

    Can you take it all away?

    Well you shoved it in my face

    This pain you gave to me

    This pain you gave to me

    This pain you gave to me

    You take it all

    You take it all away...

    This pain you gave to me

    You take it all away

    This pain you gave to me

    Take it all away

    This pain you gave to me

    ** ALKOHOL tidak akan pernah menyelesaikan masalah, apalagi ES TEH. Hahaha... Cheers ☺ **

  • 22 November 2016

                             "My Friends"

    My friends are so depressed

    I feel the question of your loneliness

    Confide 'cause I'll be on your side

    You know I will, you know I will

    Ex-girlfriend called me up

    Alone and desperate on the prison phone

    They want to give her 7 years

    For being sad

    I love all of you

    Hurt by the cold

    So hard and lonely, too

    When you don't know yourself

    My friends are so distressed

    And standing on the brink of emptiness

    No words I know of to express

    This emptiness

    Imagine me

    Taught by tragedy


    Is peace

    I heard a little girl

    And what she said was something beautiful

    "To give your love no matter what."

    Is what she said.

    Adakah seseorang yang bisa menerjemahkan lirik lagu diatas ??

  • SURANTA247

    23 November 2016


  • 23 November 2016

    Lagunya seru....(",)

    d'Masiv - Dengarlah Sayang

  • EFFENDI949

    23 November 2016

    Katon Bagaskara - Negeri Di Awan

  • 23 November 2016

  • CUNIETH521

    23 November 2016

  • 23 November 2016

    Someday - John Legend

    As days go by
    and fade to nights
    I still question
    why you left
    I wonder how
    it didn’t work out
    but now you’re gone
    and memories all I have for now
    but no it’s not over
    we’ll get older we’ll get over
    we’ll live to see the day that I hope for
    come back to me
    I still believe that
    we’ll get it right again
    we’ll come back to life again
    we won’t say another goodbye again
    you’ll live forever with me
    someday, someday
    we’ll be together
    someday, someday
    we’ll be together
    I heard someday
    might be today
    mysteries of destinies they
    are somehow
    and are someway
    for all we know
    they come tomorrow
    for today
    my eyes are open
    my arms are raised for your embrace
    my hands are here to mend what is broken
    to feel again the warmth of your face
    I believe there is more to life
    oh I love you much more than life
    and still
    I believe I can change your mind
    revive what is dying inside
    and someday, someday
    we’ll be together
    someday, someday
    we’ll be together
    someday, someday
    we’ll be together
    we’ll be together
    we’ll be together

  • 23 November 2016

    Lagunya cihuy dah.... (",)

    d'Masiv - Jeda

  • 23 November 2016

    In every breathe that I take
    In every move that I make
    Jesus I need You, I Need You
    All of my days

    Nothing can separate us
    Nothing can compares to your love
    Jesus I need You, I need You
    All of my life

    As high as the sky above
    How great is Your love
    As deepest the ocean
    Lord Your unfailing love
    You are my everything, my everything
    Jesus I love You

    Through the valleys of shadow
    You’re always by my side
    Jesus Your promises
    That keep me alive
    You are my everything, my everything
    Jesus I love you

    **Jesus how I love you 3x
    Now and forever
    You are my father
    How much I love You

  • SURANTA247

    23 November 2016


    Up above candles on air flicker
    Oh they flicker and they flow
    And I am up here holding on to all those chandeliers of hope

    And like some drunken Elvis singing
    I go singing out of tune
    Singing how I've always loved you, darling, and I always will

    Oh when you're still waiting for the snow to fall
    It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all
    Still waiting for the snow to fall
    It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

  • DARY438

    23 November 2016

    Andai ia tahu - kahitna

  • BENING481

    23 November 2016

    Natal sudah dekat dan lagunya New kids on the block selalu terngiang...  I"l be missing you come christmas  (a letter to santa)....  *I"l be missing you come christmas, wishing hard my dear,  missing you come christmas wishing you were here ...*

  • 23 November 2016

    DARY438 tulis:

    Andai ia tahu - kahitna

    Takkan terganti - kahitna

  • EFFENDI949

    23 November 2016

    Hanson - I Will Come To You

    When you have no light to guide you

    And no one to walk beside you

    I will come to you..

    Oh.. I will come to you..

    When the night is dark and stormy

    You won't have to reach out for me

    I will come to you..

    Oh.. I will come to you..

    Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days

    And you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way

    Have no fear when your tears are fallin'

    I will hear your spirit callin'

    And I swear that I'll be there come what may

    We all need somebody we can turn to

    Someone who'll always understand

    So if you feel that your soul is dyin'

    And you need the strength to keep tryin'

    I'll reach out and take your hand

    23 November 2016 diubah oleh EFFENDI949

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