Sebutkan lagu yang mencerminkan dirimu saat ini
29 November 2016
PANDU409 tulis:
m. ( huruf m dan titiknya ) Dihapus bro
Selamat mencoba
29 November 2016 diubah oleh INNE351
29 November 2016
PANDU409 tulis:
29 November 2016 diubah oleh INNE351
29 November 2016
Oh gtu, hahaha.. Makasih sis
29 November 2016
PANDU409 tulis:
Oh gtu, hahaha.. Makasih sis
Kembali kasih bro
29 November 2016
29 November 2016 diubah oleh PANDU409
29 November 2016
Buat miss roma dan miss inne, semoga malam ini tidur nyenyak, :)
29 November 2016
Ini buat para bro biar semangat pantang menyerah
29 November 2016
"Faktor Ekonomi" vs. Love
"Love Will Keep Us Alive"
(by Eagles)
I was standing, all alone against the world outside
You were searching, for a place to hide
Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
Don't you worry, sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing, right before your eyes
Now I've found you, there's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
I would die for you, climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Now I've found you, there's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
[ - Solo - ]
I would die for you, climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
I was standing, all alone against the world outside
You were searching, for a place to hide
Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
30 November 2016
Aku ora ngerti bahasa jawa tulen kie mas,, opo meneh ono catetan faktor ekonomi vs love tambah ora mudeng.. #gagalpaham :)
FAJAR882 tulis:
"Faktor Ekonomi" vs. Love "Love Will Keep Us Alive"
(by Eagles)
I was standing, all alone against the world outside
You were searching, for a place to hide
Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
Don't you worry, sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing, right before your eyes
Now I've found you, there's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
I would die for you, climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Now I've found you, there's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
[ - Solo - ]
I would die for you, climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
I was standing, all alone against the world outside
You were searching, for a place to hide
Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
When we're hungry, love will keep us alive
30 November 2016
SETYA612 tulis:
Aku ora ngerti bahasa jawa tulen kie mas,, opo meneh ono catetan faktor ekonomi vs love tambah ora mudeng.. #gagalpaham :)
Hehe.. Mboten usah digagas mas. (Abaikan saja lah.)
Punika wau namung pramodyasmaraning hindriyå. (Hanya sesuatu yang terlintas di benak.)
30 November 2016
weh tak kira tuh ada artiny untuk menjawab pertanyaan antara judul lagu dng dng faktor ekonomi vs cinta trnyata hanya terlintas sekilas,, *OKB deh (okelah kalau begitu)
FAJAR882 tulis:
Hehe.. Mboten usah digagas mas. (Abaikan saja lah.)
Punika wau namung pramodyasmaraning hindriyå. (Hanya sesuatu yang terlintas di benak.)
30 November 2016 diubah oleh SETYA612
30 November 2016
Unwell | Matchbox Twenty
All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for somethingHold on
Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown
And I don't know why[Chorus]
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be...meI'm talking to myself in public
Dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they've all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I've lost my mind[Chorus]
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to beI've been talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
Yeah, they're taking me away[Chorus]
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to beYeah, how I used to be
How I used to be
Well, I'm just a little unwell
How I used to be
How I used to be
I'm just a little unwell -
30 November 2016
SETYA612 tulis:
weh tak kira tuh ada artiny untuk menjawab pertanyaan antara judul lagu dng dng faktor ekonomi vs cinta trnyata hanya terlintas sekilas,, *OKB deh (okelah kalau begitu)
Sugeng enjang, Mas Setya.
Inggih temtu kemawon wonten lir-ipun, wonten tegesipun. Nanging menawi andadosaken mboten rena ing penggalih, inggih kula aturi supados mboten prelu dipun gagas. Nyuwun pangapunten sakderengipun.
Kejawi saking menika, posting comment kula wau mboten mligi kagem panjenengan, kok. Sampun ngantos runtik ing penggalih, nggih. Lan menawi ngersakaken mawi basa Jawi, mangga wonten thread mironggan Jawi. Menawi ngersakaken ngobrol, mangga sapejagong mawon wonten thread "Kedai Kopi dan Teh".
Menawi wonten thread mriki, mboten sande malah dados OOT. Ugi mboten sekeca kalian anggota sanesipun. Pramila, menawi wonten klenta-klentunipun atur kula, utawi wonten tetembungan ingkang andadosaken klentu ing panampi, kanthi andhap asoring manah, kula nyuwun agunguning samodra pangaksami.
Mekaten. Nuwun.
Gusti mberkahi.
30 November 2016
hanya intermezzo,, oke ini forum umum untk posting musik,, sebaikny kembali lagi deh ke dunia asalny (ke forum khusus kalau mau pake bahasa roh hehe.. :))
FAJAR882 tulis:
Sugeng enjang, Mas Setya.
Inggih temtu kemawon wonten lir-ipun, wonten tegesipun. Nanging menawi andadosaken mboten rena ing penggalih, inggih kula aturi supados mboten prelu dipun gagas. Nyuwun pangapunten sakderengipun.
Kejawi saking menika, posting comment kula wau mboten mligi kagem panjenengan, kok. Sampun ngantos runtik ing penggalih, nggih. Lan menawi ngersakaken mawi basa Jawi, mangga wonten thread mironggan Jawi. Menawi ngersakaken ngobrol, mangga sapejagong mawon wonten thread "Kedai Kopi dan Teh".
Menawi wonten thread mriki, mboten sande malah dados OOT. Ugi mboten sekeca kalian anggota sanesipun. Pramila, menawi wonten klenta-klentunipun atur kula, utawi wonten tetembungan ingkang andadosaken klentu ing panampi, kanthi andhap asoring manah, kula nyuwun agunguning samodra pangaksami.
Mekaten. Nuwun.
Gusti mberkahi.
30 November 2016 diubah oleh SETYA612
30 November 2016
SETYA612 tulis:
hanya intermezzo,, oke ini forum umum untk posting musik,, sebaikny kembali lagi deh ke dunia asalny (ke forum khusus kalau mau pake bahasa roh hehe.. :))
Lhoh.. kok malah diulangi lagi..
Lha ya itu tadi yang saya utarakan di komen (tanggapan) saya di atas.
(*lha katanya, Jawa tulen.. hehehe.. Ya, trus saya tanggapi dengan bahasa Jawa.)
Okelah. Saya buat terjemahan bhs. Indonesianya deh.
(*biar juga turut dimengerti oleh yang lain..)
FAJAR882 tulis:
Sugeng enjang, Mas Setya. (= Selamat pagi, Mas Setya.)
Inggih temtu kemawon wonten lir-ipun, wonten tegesipun. Nanging menawi andadosaken mboten rena ing penggalih, inggih kula aturi supados mboten prelu dipun gagas. Nyuwun pangapunten sakderengipun. (= Iya tentu saja ada maknanya, ada artinya. Tetapi apabila menjadikan tidak suka, ya saya sarankan untuk diabaikan saja. Mohon maaf sebelumnya.)
Kejawi saking menika, posting comment kula wau mboten mligi kagem panjenengan, kok. Sampun ngantos runtik ing penggalih, nggih. Lan menawi ngersakaken mawi basa Jawi, mangga wonten thread mironggan Jawi. Menawi ngersakaken ngobrol, mangga sapejagong mawon wonten thread "Kedai Kopi dan Teh".
(= Selain daripada itu, posting saya tadi bukan khusus ditujukan kepada Anda, kok. Jangan sampai tersinggung/marah, ya. Dan jika menghendaki menggunakan bahasa Jawa, mari saya persilakan thread khusus Jawa. Jika menghendaki ngobrol, mari ngobrol saja di thread "Kedai Kopi dan Teh".
Menawi wonten thread mriki, mboten sande malah dados OOT. Ugi mboten sekeca kalian anggota sanesipun. Pramila, menawi wonten klenta-klentunipun atur kula, utawi wonten tetembungan ingkang andadosaken klentu ing panampi, kanthi andhap asoring manah, kula nyuwun agunguning samodra pangaksami. (= Kalau di thread sini, tidak urung malah jadi OOT. Juga tidak enak dengan anggota yang lain. Oleh karena itu, apabila ada keliru-keliru dalam penyampaian saya, atau ada kata-kata yang menjadikan salah faham, dengan segala kerendahan hati, saya mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya.)
Mekaten. Nuwun.
Gusti mberkahi. (= Demikian. Terima kasih.
Tuhan memberkati.)
30 November 2016
30 November 2016
Puff Daddy/Faith Evans/112 - I'll Be Missing You
30 November 2016
Feliz navidad
30 November 2016
30 November 2016
Witrie - Lembayung Bali
30 November 2016
mauliate ka rom
ROMA855 tulis:
30 November 2016
30 November 2016
STPHN101 tulis:
Feliz navidad
30 November 2016
Mengapa Ada Dia Diantara Kita - Obbie Messakh
30 November 2016
Butiran debu