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  • AGNES219

    31 Januari 2017


  • JERRY042

    31 Januari 2017

    Galaxy Ranger - no guts no glory.


  • 31 Januari 2017

  • 31 Januari 2017

    Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain #dalam arti sbnrnya. Hujaaan, adem dah

  • LIZ681

    31 Januari 2017

    Don't tell me good night - Lobo

  • 31 Januari 2017

    31 Januari 2017 diubah oleh SACROTES504

  • 31 Januari 2017

    Newsboys - God's Not Dead

    31 Januari 2017 diubah oleh SACROTES504

  • 31 Januari 2017

    Feels Like We Only Go Backwards (Tame Impala Cover)

  • SURANTA247

    31 Januari 2017

    aahh... syudahhhlahhh...


  • 31 Januari 2017

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    aahh... syudahhhlahhh...


    Gokil lu borr...

    Ni lagu pas banget baru selesai gua nyanyiin dikamar pake gitar lapuk gua. Hahaha..

    Emang dah lu borr, paling tau aja dah...

    31 Januari 2017 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • 31 Januari 2017

    Especially for you

    I wanna let you know what I was going through

    All the time we were apart

    I thought of you

    You were in my heart

    My love never changed

    I still feel the same

    Especially for you

    I wanna tell you I was feeling that way too

    And if dreams were wings, you know

    I would have flown to you

    To be where you are

    No matter how far

    And now that I'm next to you

    No more dreaming about tomorrow

    Forget the loneliness and the sorrow

    I've got to say

    It's all because of you

    And now we're back together, together

    I wanna show you my heart is oh so true

    And all the love I have is

    Especially for you

    Especially for you

    I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me

    How I'm certain that our love was meant to be

    You changed my life... ooh

    You showed me the way

    And now that I'm next to you

    I've waited long enough to find you

    I wanna put all the hurt behind you

    Oh, and I wanna bring out all the love inside you, oh

    And now we're back together, together

    I wanna show you my heart is oh so true

    And all the love I have is

    Especially for you

    You were in my heart

    My love never changed

    And now that I'm next to you

    No more dreaming about tomorrow

    Forget the loneliness and the sorrow

    I've got to say

    It's all because of you

    And now we're back together, together

    I wanna show you my heart is oh so true

    And all the love I have is

    Especially for

    Together, together, I wanna show you,

    My heart is oh so true, and all the love I

    Have is especially for you...

  • 1 Februari 2017

    Yoshizawa Rie - Ne Nande

    (Ending song Trouble Chocolate)

    Dicintai oleh dirimu bagai lukisan indah senja di sore hari

    Di saat aku menangis, kaulah yang menghiburku

    Di saat aku berjalan sendirian, bayanganmu mengikutiku

    Bahkan saat aku telah memikirkan jalanku, kau diam dan tetap di sisiku

    “Hei, sudah cukup berkata egois”

    Tapi jika aku lebih kuat, aku pasti akan membalas kebaikanmu

    Melindungimu dari kesedihan dan memperhatikanmu

    Oh, kenapa tapi kenapa aku tak bisa melakukannya?

    Teringat bau kembang api yang kurindukan

    Dan mungkin aku telah membencinya

    Merindukan tangan yang begitu lembut di hari yang telah lalu

    Seketika aku tersentuh dengan caramu melewati keramaian untuk menemuiku

    “Hei, sudah cukup berkata egois”

    Bahkan senyumanmu terus mengikutiku, sehingga aku jadi lebih kuat

    Menjaga dan melindungiku dari kesepian

    Oh, kenapa tapi kenapa aku tak bisa melakukannya?

    Sedikit lagi saja, jangan ragu dan tak perlu khawatir

    Aku ingin tahu apakah kau berpikir aku selalu mengandalkanmu?

    Tapi bagiku sekarang aku pikir aku telah jadi lebih kuat

    Jadi seandainya kau tak ada pun aku akan baik-baik saja

    “Kenapa tapi kenapa aku tak bisa melakukannya?”

    Oh, kenapa tapi kenapa aku tak bisa melakukannya?

  • BIGDUDE962

    1 Februari 2017

    Januari - Glen Fredly

  • LISTON872

    1 Februari 2017

    BIGDUDE962 tulis:

    Januari - Glen Fredly

    Kalo February, sama Maret, ada lagunya gk??


    1 Februari 2017

    Singkong dan keju..

  • BIGDUDE962

    1 Februari 2017

    LISTON872 tulis:

    Kalo February, sama Maret, ada lagunya gk??

    Adanya cuman Maret, Mei, dan September om.

    September: wake me up when September ends

    Mei: Meibi  yul sei yu stil want mi, meibi yul sei dat yu don (Enrique Iglesias)

    Maret: Mareett kita laksanaaa..kan wajib belajar,putra putri tunas bangsa harapan negaraaaa....

  • CIEDIE549

    1 Februari 2017

    Like A Fool - Keira Knightley

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

    Fields of gold - sting

    Cover - eva cassidy :-D

    So she took her love

    For to gaze awhile

    Upon the fields of barley

    In his arms she fell as her hair came down

    Among the fields of gold

    Will you stay with me, will you be my love

    Among the fields of barley

    We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky

    As we lie in fields of gold

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

    "When We Dance"

    If he loved you

    Like I love you

    I would walk away in shame

    I'd move town

    I'd change my name

    When he watches you

    When he counts to buy your soul

    On your hand his golden rings

    Like he owns a bird that sings

    The priest has said my soul's salvation

    Is in the balance of the angels

    And underneath the wheels of passion

    I keep the faith in my fashion

    I'm still in love with you

    When we dance

    Angels will run and hide their wings

    (I'm gonna find a place to live

    Give you all I've got to give

    I'm gonna love you more than life

    If you'll only be my wife

    I'm gonna love you night and day

    I'm gonna try in every way)

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

    "It's Probably Me"

    If the night turned cold and the stars looked down

    And you hug yourself on the cold cold ground

    You wake the morning in a stranger's coat

    No one would you see

    You ask yourself, who'd watch for me

    My only friend, who could it be

    It's hard to say it

    I hate to say it, but it's probably me

    When your belly's empty and the hunger's so real

    And you're too proud to beg and too dumb to steal

    You search the city for your only friend

    No one would you see

    Ask yourself, who'd watch for me

    A solitary voice to speak out and set me free

    I hate to say it

    I hate to say it, but it's probably me

    You're not the easiest person I ever got to know

    And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show

    Some would say I should let you go your way

    You'll only make me cry

    But if there's one guy, just one guy

    Who'd lay down his life for you and die

    I hate to say it

    I hate to say it, but it's probably me

  • PRISKA446

    1 Februari 2017

    Setengah mati merindu - Judika

  • PANDU409

    1 Februari 2017

  • JEPRI810

    1 Februari 2017

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