Sebutkan lagu yang mencerminkan dirimu saat ini
19 Februari 2017
RESAH - mick jagger
19 Februari 2017
19 Februari 2017
Sup bro, kemana aja nih? Mainlah ksini,
VICTORAJA256 tulis:
RESAH - mick jagger
19 Februari 2017
PANDU409 tulis:
masih relevan buat di dengar ,,,,
19 Februari 2017
19 Februari 2017
20 Februari 2017
20 Februari 2017
"You Wear It Well"
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
but to settle down and write you a line
I've been meaning to phone you but from tangerang <----
hell it's been a very long time
You wear it well
A little old fashioned but that's all right
20 Februari 2017
Reason to Believe - Rod Stewart
If I listened long enough to you
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still I look to find a reason to believe
Someone like you makes it hard to live without
Somebody else
Someone like you makes it easy to give
Never think about myself
If I gave you time to change my mind
I'd find a way just to leave the past behind
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still I look to find a reason to believe
20 Februari 2017
Hujan lagi
20 Februari 2017
kok sama lagi denger rod stewart juga mas pandu?!
20 Februari 2017
Wow, jodoh dong.... Rod stewartnya, ahaha
Msh relevan musiknya, jadi msh enak didengar mngkin, hehehe
NITA178 tulis:
kok sama lagi denger rod stewart juga mas pandu?!
20 Februari 2017 diubah oleh PANDU409
20 Februari 2017
20 Februari 2017
Cupumanik-perkenankan aku mencintainya...
20 Februari 2017
Never got love from a government man
Heading downstream till the levee gives in
What can i do to get the money
We ain't go the money, we ain't gettin' out
Heading downstream till the levee gives in
And my dreams are wearin' thin
All I need's relief
I need I need some sympathy
Look at me
I Just can't believe
What they've done to me
We could never get free
I just wanna be
Look at me
I Just can't believe
What they've done to me
We could never get free
I just wanna be
I just wanna dream
All of my life been wadin in
Water so deep now we got to swim
Wonder will it ever end
20 Februari 2017
Kubersyukur Tuhan tuk smua yg kualami,,
Kubersyukur Tuhan kau briku kekuatan,,
Kupercaya Engkau slalu bsertaku,,
Takkan tinggalkanku..
#demen banget sama lagu ini,, memberi kekuatan
20 Februari 2017 diubah oleh ESTER168
20 Februari 2017
20 Februari 2017
I don't know if you were looking at me or not
You probably smile like that all the time
And I don't mean to bother you but
I couldn't just walk by
And not say hi
And I know your name
Cause everybody in here knows your name
And you're not looking for anything right now
So I don't wanna come on strong
But don't get me wrong
Your eyes are so intimidating
My heart is pounding but
It's just a conversation
No girl I'm not gunna waste it
You don't know me
I don't know you but I want to
I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just want to take your time
I don't wanna wreck your Friday
I ain't gunna waste my lies
I don't have to take your heart
I just wanna take your time
20 Februari 2017
Ga ngerti marshall ngomong apa, hmm.. Tapi bagus sprtinya
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
20 Februari 2017
21 Februari 2017
Selamat Pagi samuaaaaa...
Selamat menempatkan Tuhan Yesus
di tempat tertinggi dan terpenting dari semua aktivitas kita
21 Februari 2017
B'rikanku hati
Seperti hatiMu
Yang penuh dengan belas kasihan
B'rikanku mata
Seperti mataMu
Memandang tuaian di sekelilingku
B'rikanku tanganMu tuk melakukan tugasku
B'rikanku kakiMu melangkah dalam rencanaMu
B'rikanku hatiMu
21 Februari 2017
New release, lg hot
Song 'bout her ex, gagal move on
Cover : kelly clarkson
Cover : cassidy wales
21 Februari 2017
21 Februari 2017
Kalau aku , dadali aja deh
Di saat aku tersakiti
Tak kusangka dirimu berubah
Menduakan cintaku selama ini
Sayang terimakasih tuk semua
Selama ini kau telah menyakitiku
Ku terima semua keputusan mu ....