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  • PANDU409

    4 Agustus 2017


    wonderful, you are wonderful and im pathetic, we were wonderful..

  • PANDU409

    4 Agustus 2017


  • PANDU409

    4 Agustus 2017

    Lorde - perfect places

  • PANDU409

    5 Agustus 2017

    Bastille - pompeii

    But if you close your eyes

    Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

    And if you close your eyes

    Does it almost feel like you've been here before?

  • PANDU409

    5 Agustus 2017

    Eminem - GUTS OVER FEAR ft. Sia

  • ANDRI150

    6 Agustus 2017

  • ANDRI150

    6 Agustus 2017

  • EFRON969

    6 Agustus 2017

  • NON401

    6 Agustus 2017

  • PANDU409

    7 Agustus 2017

    Friends - Michael w. Smith

    Pertahankan teman yg membangun, menemanimu saat sulit,tertawa saat getir,bersuka dalam hidup yg singkat, teman dalam kasih Tuhan. Text them, call them, meet them..

    Packing up the dreams God planted

    In the fertile soil of you

    Can't believe the hopes He's granted

    Means a chapter in your life is through

    But we'll keep you close as always

    It won't even seem you've gone

    'Cause our hearts in big and small ways

    Will keep the love that keeps us strong

    And friends are friends forever

    If the Lord's the Lord of them

    And a friend will not say never

    'Cause the welcome will not end

    Though it's hard to let you go

    In the Father's hands we know

    That a lifetime's not too long

    To live as friends

    With the faith and love God's given

    Springing from the hope we know

    We will pray the joy you'll live in

    Is the strength that now you show

    But we'll keep you close as always

    It won't even seem you've gone

    'Cause our hearts in big and small ways

    Will keep the love that keeps us strong

    That a lifetime's not too long

    To live as friends

    No, a lifetime's not too long

    To live as friends

  • PANDU409

    7 Agustus 2017

    Tak terasa gelap pun jatuh

    Diujung malam menuju pagi yang dingin

    Hanya ada sedikit bintang malam ini ?

    Mungkin karena kau sedang cantik-cantiknya !

    Lalu mataku merasa malu

    Semakin dalam ia malu kali ini

    Kadang juga ia takut

    Tatkala harus berpapasan ditengah pelariannya

    Di malam hari..

    Menuju pagi...

    Sedikit cemas....

    Banyak rindunya.....

    Payung Teduh - Untuk perempuan yg sedang dlm pelukan..

  • BAGUS901

    7 Agustus 2017

    "Tears in Heavens"

  • 7 Agustus 2017

    Menghitung Hari. soalnya tadi abis urus BPJS dan disuruh nunggu konfirmasi sms nya dlm 3 hari.

  • SURANTA247

    7 Agustus 2017

    For my battle symphony.....................................................................


  • SURANTA247

    7 Agustus 2017

    I'll ride my bike up to the road
    Down the streets right through the city
    I'll go everywhere you go
    From Chicago to the coast
    You tell me, "Hit this and let's go.
    Blow the smoke right through the window."
    'Cause this is all we know.....................................................................................


  • SURANTA247

    7 Agustus 2017

    "Where d'you wanna go?
    How much you wanna risk?
    I'm not looking for somebody
    With some superhuman gifts.
    Some superhero,
    Some fairytale bliss.
    Just something I can turn to.
    Somebody I can kiss.
    I want something just like this."...........................................................................



    8 Agustus 2017

    John Lennon - Imagine

  • IRAYANA326

    8 Agustus 2017

    This is Me -Demi Lovato

  • SURANTA247

    8 Agustus 2017



  • PANDU409

    8 Agustus 2017

    Sapardi djoko damono

    Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

    Dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

    Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

    Dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

    Ari reda - aku ingin

  • ANDRI150

    8 Agustus 2017

  • PANDU409

    8 Agustus 2017

    ingat aku saat kau lewati

    jalan ini setapak berbatu

    kenang aku bila kau dengarkan

    lagu ini terlantun perlahan

    ingat aku bila kau terasing

    dalam gelap keramaian kota

    Endah & rhesa - untuk dikenang ( jikustik )

  • 8 Agustus 2017

    Asal Kau Bahagia - Armada


  • 8 Agustus 2017

    Percayalah segalanya
    Telah diatur semesta
    Agar kita mendapatkan yang terindah

    8 Agustus 2017 diubah oleh BETA487

  • 8 Agustus 2017

    Sebenar nya lagu dibawah bukan mencerminkan diriku saat ini.

    Cuma merasa lucu aja dengan video Boyzone ini. Seluruh personel nya masih pada cupu, culun, imut2 gitu...:-)

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