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  • 21 Oktober 2017

    Kelak kau akan mengerti, musik itu bukan tentang skill apalagi selera. Hahaha..

  • NITA178

    21 Oktober 2017

  • JEPRI810

    21 Oktober 2017


  • 21 Oktober 2017

    Malam minggu tuh paling enak dengerin musik PanturA, digoyang kang mas, hahaha..

  • GITA977

    21 Oktober 2017

    Tell me why you're so hard to forget.

    Don't remind me, I'm not over it.

    Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.

    I'm just a little too not over you.

  • SKY790

    22 Oktober 2017

    baby lock the door and turn the lights down low #goodnight

  • 22 Oktober 2017

    Alim tak bertingkah, layaknya seorang putri dari keraton.

    Manis tutur kata, dari mulut yang terbungkus norma norma

    Harum wangi tubuh, tebar aroma beratus bunga mawar

    itu palsu.. itu topeng..

  • 22 Oktober 2017

    "Art Of Life"

    X Japan

    Desert Rose Why do you live alone If you are sad I'll make you leave this life Are you white, blue or bloody red All I can see is drowning in cold grey sand
    The winds of time You knock me to the ground I'm dying of thirst I wanna run away I don't know how to set me free to live My mind cries out feeling pain
    I've been roaming to find myself How long have I been feeling endless hurt Falling down, rain flows into my heart In the pain I'm waiting for you Can't go back No place to go back to Life is lost, Flowers fall If it's all dreams Now wake me up If it's all real Just kill me
    I'm making the wall inside my heart I don't wanna let my emotions get out It scares me to look at the world Don't want to find myself lost in your eyes I tried to drown my past in grey I never wanna feel more pain Ran away from you without saying any words What I don't wanna lose is love
    Through my eyes Time goes by like tears My emotion's losing the color of life Kill my heart Release all my pain I'm shouting out loud Insanity takes hold over me
    Turning away from the wall Nothing I can see The scream deep inside reflecting another person in my heart He calls me from within "All existence you see before you must be wiped out : Dream, Reality, Memories, and Yourself"
    I begin to lose control of myself My lust is so blind, destroys my mind Nobody can stop my turning to madness No matter how you try to hold me in your heart Why do you wanna raise these walls I don't know the meaning of hatred My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies I only want to hold your love
    Stab the dollls filled with hate Wash yourself with their blood Drive into the raging current of time Swing your murderous weapon into the belly "the earth" Shout and start creating confusion Shed your blood for pleasure And what? For love? What am I supposed to do?
    I believe in the madness called "Now" Past and future prison my heart Time is blind But I wanna trace my love on the wall of time, over pain in my heart Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams Try to break all truth now But I can't heal this broken heart in pain Cannot start to live, Cannot end my life Keep on crying
    Close my eyes Time breathes I can hear All love and sadness melt in my heart
    Dry my tears Wipe my bloody face I wanna feel me living my life outside my walls
    You can't draw a picture of yesterday, so You're painting your heart with your blood You can't say "No" Only turning the wheel of time with a rope around your neck You build a wall of morality and take a breath from between the bricks You make up imaginary ennemies and are chased by them You're trying to commit suicide You're satisfied with your prologue Now you're painting your first chapter black You are putting the scraps of life together and trying to make an asylum for yourself You're hitting a bell at the edge of the stage and You are trying to kill me
    I believe in the madness called "Now" Time goes flowing, breaking my heart Wanna live Can't let my heart kill myself Still I haven't found what I'm looking for Art of life I try to stop myself But my heart goes to destroy the truth Tell me why I want the meaning of my life Do I try to live, Do I try to love in my dream
    I'm breaking the wall inside my heart I just wanna let my emotions get out Nobody can stop I'm running to freedom No matter how you try to hold me in your world Like a doll carried by the flow of time I sacrificed the present moment for the future I was in chains of memory half-blinded Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dreams
    Close my eyes Rose breathes I can hear All love and sadness melt in my heart Dry my tears Wipe my bloody face I wanna feel me living my life outside my mind
    Dreams can make me mad I can't leave my dream I can't stop myself Don't know what I am What lies are truth? What truths are lies?
    I believe in the madness called "Now" Time goes flowing, breaking my heart Wanna to live Can't let my heart kill myself Still I haven't found what I'm looking for Art of life I try to stop myself But my heart goes to destroy the truth Tell me why I want the meaning of my life Do I try to live, Do I try to love
    Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart You never wanna breathe your last Wanna live Can't let my heart kill myself Still I'm feeling for A Rose is breathing love in my life

  • 22 Oktober 2017

    X Japan


    I'm wandering the town all light off I don't know where I'm leaving for the muddy rain start to fall on me and I'm walking down to subway
    I can't see all around me get me out of here talk to me if someone is in this darkness
    I'm out of my head out of my mind tell me where I'm what's going on, oh please
    something is hiding me off is this the wall of my heart
    I have been lost so many things I've got for long time I've been searching for my way
    I carry on, carry on ...
    I'm so spiting to their ugly heart to this so stood world
    everyday I forbear to fall the tears don't wanna be down
    everynight hurt is so deep in my heart is this my life oh! show me please
    the wall close to me it's so painful, stop it! is there someone to help me please get me out of here oh! get me out!
    dead or alive, no place to run get it settled once and for all dead or alive, can't live in the past only one way to live
    * give my heart finishing blow if I could only turn my back let me do screaming high squeeze the throes of death for me
    it comes here the blame I'd done before fall on me as if it grow in my brain the ugly side of myself tears me up at this time I can't go back
    give my heart finishing blow if I couldn't run from the past let me do screaming high disclose the feeling inside of me
    dead or alive, can't live in the past only one way to live
    [* repeat]
    the fight is over the mad rain had gone past over me blood is flowing down tear is flowing down now I'm alive and I'm walking to town again

  • 22 Oktober 2017

    cinta itu gak banyak nuntut

    cinta hanya minta rangga melanjutkan study di Indonesia, itu aja.

  • 22 Oktober 2017

    Selamat hari minggu dan selamat berbahagia. God bless.

    Take me to that place Lord

    Where there's nothing else but me and You

    Longing for Your presence

    I know that You're calling me to You

    Here I stand

    And long for Your embrace

    Nothing else

    Could ever take Your place

    Come Holy Spirit

    Fall in this place

    I need more and more of You

    Fill me again with the power of Your Spirit

    Lord I'm crying out for more and more of You

    22 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • SURANTA247

    22 Oktober 2017

    Selamat hari minggu... selamat bersorak bagi Tuhan Yesus..... tossssssssssssssssss...


    Haleluya, haleluya
    Kekal mulia
    Haleluya, haleluya
    Dahsyat berkuasa

    Bersorak nyatakan
    Yesus Kaulah Tuhan
    Kau Raja pemenang
    Bersorak mahsyurkan
    Yesus Kaulah Tuhan
    Juru S’lamat dunia ooo

  • SURANTA247

    22 Oktober 2017

    Kita malah bermegah juga dalam kesengsaraan kita, karena kita tahu, bahwa kesengsaraan itu menimbulkan ketekunan, dan ketekunan menimbulkan tahan uji dan tahan uji menimbulkan pengharapan. Dan pengharapan tidak mengecewakan, karena kasih Allah telah dicurahkan di dalam hati kita oleh Roh Kudus yang telah dikaruniakan kepada kita.


  • 22 Oktober 2017

    yang satu pamulang, yang satu bekasi. Sepakat bertemu dicikini

    sepakat bertemu dicikini, semua demi jalinan kasih


  • 23 Oktober 2017

    Selamat bermimpi indah bagi yang ingin tidur.

    Selamat berbahagia bagi yang sudah bangun dari tidur.

  • SURANTA247

    23 Oktober 2017

    Lagu yang memberkati dan menguatkan


  • 23 Oktober 2017

  • SURANTA247

    24 Oktober 2017

    A M I N


  • 24 Oktober 2017


  • 24 Oktober 2017


    24 Oktober 2017

    "Kalau dulu kita tak bertemu, tak kan pernah kurasa kan arti rindu..

    Kalau dulu kita tak kenal, tak kan pernah kurasa kan jatuh cinta..

    Kau berikan aku cinta dan semua yang terindah, namun hanya sehari saja..

    Katakanlah.. katakan sejujurnya.. Apa mungkin kita bersatu..

    Kalau tak mungkin lagi hujan, menyejukan hati kita untuk apa kau dan aku bersatu..

    Kalau tak mungkin lagi kita bercerita tentang cinta, biarkan lah ku pergi jauh.."

    Sebenarnya yg lagi galau itu gua atau Lae sih, keduluan gua share lagu ini :-/

    JEPRI810 tulis:


  • JEPRI810

    24 Oktober 2017

    Share lg aja lae gpp qo :)

    FERNANDO207 tulis:

    "Kalau dulu kita tak bertemu, tak kan pernah kurasa kan arti rindu..

    Kalau dulu kita tak kenal, tak kan pernah kurasa kan jatuh cinta..

    Kau berikan aku cinta dan semua yang terindah, namun hanya sehari saja..

    Katakanlah.. katakan sejujurnya.. Apa mungkin kita bersatu..

    Kalau tak mungkin lagi hujan, menyejukan hati kita untuk apa kau dan aku bersatu..

    Kalau tak mungkin lagi kita bercerita tentang cinta, biarkan lah ku pergi jauh.."

    Sebenarnya yg lagi galau itu gua atau Lae sih, keduluan gua share lagu ini :-/

    24 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh JEPRI810

  • MIKHAEL918

    24 Oktober 2017

    Lagu ini khusus untuk cewek-cewek JK :-)

    24 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh MIKHAEL918

  • 25 Oktober 2017

    Thanks for coming.. Baek2lah dimedan.

    25 Oktober 2017 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • 25 Oktober 2017

    Selamat beraktivitas. God bless.

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