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  • FRANS003

    1 Desember 2017

  • 1 Desember 2017

    Lengkap sudah, 7 sahabat karib dan anak perempuannya. Entahlah, asuhan setan atau malaikat.

    Mari kita goyang lagi dunia persilatan.

    I see trees of green, red roses too

    I see them bloom for me and you

    And I say to myself, what a wonderful world

    I see skies of blue and clouds of white

    Bright sunny days, dark sacred nights

    And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

    The colors of the rainbow are so pretty in the skies

    Are also on the faces of the people walking by

    I see friends shaking hands saying

    How do you do?

    They're really saying I love you

    I see babies cry, I watch them grow

    They'll learn much more than I'll ever know

    And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

    Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

    1 Desember 2017 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


    Di Muka Tuhan Yesus, Betapa Hina Diriku
    Kubawa Dosa Dosaku, Di Muka Tuhan Yesus

    I Was So Blind, I Was So Lost
    He Gave His Life, He Paid The Cost
    Bila Kuingat Por La Via Dolorosa
    Tuhanku Mati Karena Ku Berdosa
    Kini Kuberoleh Anugrah Keselamatan
    Oleh Bilur Dan Darahnya Ku Diselamatkan
    Terlepas Dari Cengkraman Belenggu Maut
    Seberapa Buruk pun Aku Dia Menyambut
    I'm The Worst Of The Worst Ku Yang Terburuk
    Pencipta Ku Tak Rela Biarkan Ku Terpuruk
    Yeah I Know I Used To Be A Sinner
    He Gave His Live To Me, Now I'm A Winner

    Kadang Kita Tak Tahu Darimana Asal Kita
    Terlalu Terbuai Dengan Kilaunya Dunia
    Hura Hura Yang Penting Enjoy Bahagia
    Jatuh Ke Dalam Dosa Hidup Jadi Sia-Sia
    Tahta, Harta Buat Semua Jadi Gelap
    Seperti Orang Mati Suri Tidur Terlelap
    Tapi Yang Dulu-Dulu Biarlah Berlalu
    Kuingin Merubah Hidupku Jadi Baru
    Karena Tanpa Dia Aku Tak Seperti Ini
    Dan Tanpa Dia Ku Tak Mungkin Berdiri Di Sini
    Aku Mengaku Di Hadapan Tuhanku
    Aku Orang Berdosa Tapi Dia Ampuni ku

    Tak Ada Panggung Televisi pentas Atau Show
    Yang Buatku Tersungkur Bow Down So Low
    Popularitas Status, Gelar Semua Terhapus
    Keburukan Ku Tak Dapat Ditutup Topeng Bagus
    Kelemahanku Jadi Beban Rebahkanku
    Dihadapan Nya Bergetar Setiap Gerakanku
    Isi Hati Ku, Dosa Serta Masa Laluku
    Terpampang Jelas, Bangkitkan Rasa Malu ku
    Tapi Kau Bangkitkan Ku Baru Jadikan Ku
    Keselamatanku Nyata Ku Tak Lagi Ragu
    Oleh Kasih Karunia Ku Tak jadi Angkuh
    Di Muka Tuhan Yesus Aku Di Hadiratmu

    Di Muka Tuhan Yesus, Ku Dapat Kasih Sayangnya
    Hatiku Pasrah Berserah, Di Muka Tuhan Yesus
    Di Muka Tuhan Yesus, Betapa Hina Diriku
    Kubawa Dosa Dosaku, Di Muka Tuhan Yesus

  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017

    Dalam Kristus Kuberikan Kemuliaan Atas Kemenanganku
    Sungguh Ku Terpesona Akan Kekuatan Dan Kuasamu
    Oh Tak Dapat Kumengukurnya Namun Semuanya
    Tak Dapat Menyamai Anugerahmu Yang Kuterima

    Dalam Kristus Kupercaya
    Ada Kemuliaan Di Balik Salibmu
    Kan Ku Nyatakan Kemenangan Darimu
    Kekuatanku Harapan Ku, Hanya Yesus

    Tak Ada Yang Mustahil Dan Tidak Mungkin
    Bermegah Dalam Dia aku Semakin
    Penuh Sukacita Tak Ada Keraguan
    Semakin Jelas Jalanku Semakin Ada Tujuan
    Yang Dulu Gelap Sekarang Jadi Terang
    In The Name Of Jesus Aku Pasti Menang
    Lepas Dari Belenggu Dan Masalah
    Meskipun Iblis Menggoda Aku Tak Akan Kalah
    Sorak Sorak Glory Haleluya
    Kumemuji Menyembah Hatiku Bahagia
    Selalu Kutinggikan muliakan Namanya
    Terpujilah Tuhanku Selama-Lamanya

    In Christ Alone Put Me In The Zone
    He Makes Me Feel That I Can't Be Owned
    And I Know That I Can Go Beyond As
    Long As I Let Him To Lead Me On And
    If I Ever Ever Let Him Walk Beside Me
    And If I Put His Name Always Above Me
    So His Mercy And Blessing Surrounds Me
    So His Love And Grace A-All Around Me
    Dunia Boleh Coba Buatku Terjatuh
    Tapi Ku Mau Untuk Terus Belajar Patuh
    Mic Check One Two One Two
    Tuhanku Yesus Engkau Nomor Satu

    Semua Yang Kudapatkan Tak Bisa Dibanggakan
    Hatiku Kuarahkan Dan Kasihnya Kurasakan
    Hikmat Kudapatkan Dari Takut Akan Tuhan
    Jelas Bertolak Belakang Dengan Yang Bukan Bukan
    Kilauku Hanya Pantulan Sinarmu Bapa
    Kau Bentukku Masa Depan Berbinar Ku Dapat
    Berserah Penuh Kala Tangan Tinggi Kuangkat
    Hapuskan Masa Lalu Dan Beriku Rahmat
    Dalam Kristus Ku Merdeka Dari Maut Dan Dosa
    Damai Sejahtera Kau Berikan Nikmat Yang Sentosa
    I Fought The Good Fight And I Kept My Faith Strong
    In Christ Alone, You Feel Me? Now Sing This Song


  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


  • SURANTA247

    1 Desember 2017


  • 2 Desember 2017

  • SILABAN551

    3 Desember 2017

    "No Expectations"


    Take me to the station

    And put me on a train

    I've got no expectations

    To pass through here again

    Once I was a rich man

    Now I am so poor

    But never in my sweet short life

    Have I felt like this before

    You heart is like a diamond

    You throw your pearls at swine

    And as I watch you leaving me

    You pack my peace of mind

    Our love was like the water

    That splashes on a stone

    Our love is like our music

    Its here, and then its gone

    So take me to the airport

    And put me on a plane

    I got no expectations

    To pass through here again

    3 Desember 2017 diubah oleh SILABAN551

  • ZEGA376

    3 Desember 2017

    Chrisye - seperti yang kau pinta

  • SURANTA247

    3 Desember 2017


    No more anger,

    no more hate,

    No more fighting,

    We must all learn to unite

  • SILABAN551

    3 Desember 2017

    "Love In Vain".. by The Rolling Stones


    Well I followed her to the station

    With a suitcase in my hand

    Yeah, I followed her to the station

    With a suitcase in my hand

    Whoa, it's hard to tell, it's hard to tell

    When all your love's in vain

    When the train come in the station

    I looked her in the eye

    Well the train come in the station

    And I looked her in the eye

    Whoa, I felt so sad so lonesome

    That I could not help but cry

    When the train left the station

    It had two lights on behind

    Yeah, when the train left the station

    It had two lights on behind

    Whoa, the blue light was my baby

    And the red light was my mind

    All my love was in vain

    All my love's in vain

  • SILABAN551

    4 Desember 2017

    "You Can't Always Get What You Want".. by The Rolling Stones


    I saw her today at the reception

    A glass of wine in her hand

    I knew she would meet her connection

    At her feet was a footloose man

    No, you can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometime you find

    You get what you need

    I saw her today at the reception

    A glass of wine in her hand

    I knew she was gonna meet her connection

    At her feet was a footloose man

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes well you might find

    You get what you need

    And I went down to the demonstration

    To get my fair share of abuse

    Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration

    If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes well you just might find

    You get what you need

    I went down to the Chelsea drugstore

    To get your prescription filled

    I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy

    And man, did he look pretty ill

    We decided that we would have a soda

    My favorite flavor, cherry red

    I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy

    Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"

    I said to him

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes you just might find

    You get what you need

    You get what you need--yeah, oh baby

    I saw her today at the reception

    In her glass was a bleeding man

    She was practiced at the art of deception

    Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes you just might find

    You just might find

    You get what you need

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    You can't always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes you just might find

    You just might find

    You get what you need


    4 Desember 2017

    Hanyalah Tuhan saja bisa menentukan semua

    Kesabaran daku menantimu

    Kutetap memaafkan dan berdoa kau kembali

    Sebelum diri melangkah pergi...

    -Terry: dilema-

  • 4 Desember 2017

  • 4 Desember 2017


    4 Desember 2017 diubah oleh MIKOYU815

  • GRACIA048

    4 Desember 2017

  • META103

    4 Desember 2017


  • LALA509

    4 Desember 2017

    Intuisi - yura yunita

  • SILABAN551

    4 Desember 2017

    "Orange County Suite".. by The Doors



    Well I used to know someone fair

    She had orange ribbons in her hair

    She was such a trip, she was hardly there

    But I loved her, just the same


    There was rain in our window

    The FM set was ragged

    But she could talk, yeah

    We learned to speak

    And one year has gone by


    Such a long, long road to seek it

    All we did was break and freak it

    We had all that lovers ever had

    We just blew it and I'm not sad


    Well, I'm mad and I'm bad

    And two years have gone by

    Now her world was bright orange

    And the fire glowed


    And her friend had a baby

    And she lived with us

    Yeah, we broke through the window

    Yeah, we knocked on the door


    Her phone would not answer

    Yeah, but she's still home

    Now her father has passed over

    And her sister is a star


    And her mother smokes diamonds

    And she sleeps out in the car

    Yeah, but she remembers Chicago

    The musicians and guitars


    And grass by the lake

    And people who laughed

    And made her poor heart ache

    Now we live down in the valley


    We work out on the farm

    We climb up to the mountains

    And everything's fine and I'm still here

    And you're still there and we're still around

  • SILABAN551

    5 Desember 2017

    I See A Darkness.. by Johnny Cash

    Well, you're my friend and can you see,

    Many times we've been out drinkin',

    Many times we've shared our thoughts,

    But did you ever, ever notice, the kind of thoughts I got?

    Well, you know I have a love, a love for everyone I know.

    And you know I have a drive to live, I won't let go.

    But can you see this opposition comes rising up sometimes?

    That it's dreadful imposition, comes blacking in my mind.

    And that I see a darkness.

    And that I see a darkness.

    And that I see a darkness.

    And that I see a darkness.

    Did you know how much I love you?

    Is a hope that somehow you,

    Can save me from this darkness.

    Well, I hope that someday, buddy, we have peace in our lives.

    Together or apart, alone or with our wives.

    And we can stop our whoring and pull the smiles inside.

    And light it up forever and never go to sleep.

    My best unbeaten brother, this isn't all I see.

    Oh, no, I see a darkness.

    Oh, no, I see a darkness.

    Oh, no, I see a darkness.

    Oh, no, I see a darkness.

    Did you know how much I love you?

    Is a hope that somehow you,

    Can save me from this darkness.

  • SURANTA247

    5 Desember 2017


  • SURANTA247

    5 Desember 2017


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