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7801 – 7825 dari 17815    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 312  313  314 ... 713  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • 26 Februari 2018

    Under the bridge downtown

    Is where I drew some blood

    Under the bridge downtown

    I could not get enough

    Under the bridge downtown

    Forgot about my love

    Under the bridge downtown

    I gave my life away

  • 27 Februari 2018

  • 27 Februari 2018


    27 Februari 2018 diubah oleh MIKOYU815

  • 27 Februari 2018

  • 27 Februari 2018

  • 27 Februari 2018

  • 27 Februari 2018

    Mad About You <Sting>


    27 Februari 2018

  • 27 Februari 2018

    Mainkan musikku "Rock n Roll"

    Hentakkan laguku "Rock n Roll"

    Biarkan diriku "Rock n Roll"

  • 28 Februari 2018

    I Don't Want To Talk About It

    I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever,
    And the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
    I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
    If I stay here just a little bit longer,
    If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?

    If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart;
    Blue for the tears, black for the night's fears.
    The stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
    I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
    If I stay here just a little bit longer,
    If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
    I don't want to talk about it, how you broke this ol' heart.

    If I stay here just a little bit longer,
    If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, who, my heart?
    My heart, who, heart.



    28 Februari 2018

  • 28 Februari 2018

  • FENRIR705

    28 Februari 2018

  • IAN754

    28 Februari 2018

    Original Version by The Marmalade

    Cover by Heleno Brentano and Friends

    The world is
    a bad place
    a bad place
    a terrible place to live
    Oh but i don’t want to die ….....

    1 Maret 2018 diubah oleh IAN754

  • 28 Februari 2018

    Fast Car <Tracy Chapman>

  • IKI585

    28 Februari 2018

    Menghitung Hari - Kris Dayanti

  • MINDA295

    28 Februari 2018

    Endang soekamti - sampai jumpa

  • 1 Maret 2018

  • 1 Maret 2018

  • IAN754

    1 Maret 2018

    Mrs. Tracy Chapman <3:up:

    ELISA311 tulis:

    Fast Car

  • 1 Maret 2018

    Just a few chords and sublime riffs with Tracy's poem and then you have a nice sleep. ^^

    IAN754 tulis:

    Mrs. Tracy Chapman <3:up:

  • IAN754

    1 Maret 2018

    These are my most favorite part of this Song.. :

    There would be psalms sung by a choir
    I would have a white robe a halo newly acquired
    I'd be at peace and I'd have no desire

    Some would call me a cheat call me a liar
    Say that I've been defeated by the basest desired
    Yes I have strayed and succumbed to my vices

    But I have no regrets no guilt in my heart
    I only feel sadness for any pain that I've caused
    I guess I wouldn't bother to worry at all

    Do you live by "the book" do you play by the rules?
    Do you care what is thought by others about you?
    If this day is all that is promised to you
    Do you live for The Future The Present The Past?

    If there is one thing I know I know I will die
    If anyone cares some stranger may critique my life
    I may be revered or defamed and decried

    1 Maret 2018 diubah oleh IAN754

  • IAN754

    1 Maret 2018

    And She mixed it up with Meaningful Lyrics... :-)

    ELISA311 tulis:

    Just a few chords and sublime riffs with Tracy's poem and

    IAN754 tulis: Mrs. Tracy Chapman <3:up:


    1 Maret 2018

  • 1 Maret 2018

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