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  • JANGAN506

    8 Maret 2018


  • 9 Maret 2018

  • HELENA256

    9 Maret 2018

    Mujizat itu nyata

  • IAN754

    9 Maret 2018

    Is there a God??
    Why is he waiting???
    Don't you think of it odd
    When he knows my address??
    And look at the stars
    Don't they remind you of just how feeble we are?????
    Well it used to, I guess

    I'm a new man
    I wear a new cologne and
    You wouldn't know me if your eyes were closed
    I know what you'll say
    'This won't last longer than the rest of the day'
    But you're wrong this time
    You're wrong

    Numb is the New Deep
    Done with the old me
    I'm over the analyzing

    Stop trying to figure it out
    (you try to figure, you try to figure it out)
    Deep will only bring you down
    You know, I used to be the back
    porch poet with my book of rhymes
    Always open knowing all the time I'm problably
    Never gonna find the perfect rhyme
    For "heavier things"

  • IAN754

    9 Maret 2018

    Asik nihh lagunya lae..

    Jadi sambil "Joget" ane dengerinnya.. :-D

    Btw, Memang "Gila" yahh si Kurt Cobain itu.. hahahaa :up::up:

    DAMEAN991 tulis:

    9 Maret 2018 diubah oleh IAN754

  • VERA234

    9 Maret 2018

    Soldier Of Fortune - Depp Purple


    9 Maret 2018

    "Straight From The Heart"

    I could start dreamin' but it never ends
    As long as you're gone we may as well pretend
    I've been dreamin'
    Straight from the heart

    You say it's easy but who's to say
    That we'd be able to keep it this way
    But it's easier
    Comin' straight from the heart

    Give it to me straight from the heart
    Tell me we can make another start
    You know I'll never go
    As long as I know
    It's comin' straight from the heart

    I'll see you on the street some other time
    And all our words would just fall out of line
    While we're dreamin'
    Straight from the heart

    Give it to me straight from the heart
    Tell me we can make one more start
    You know I'll never go
    As long as I know
    It's coming straight from the heart

    Don't ever leave me darling

    Straight from the heart
    Tell me we can make one more start
    You know I'll never go
    As long as I know

    You give it to me now straight from the heart
    Tell me we can make one more start
    You know I'll never go
    As long as I know
    It's coming straight from the heart

    Give it to me oh no oh no straight from the heart
    You know I'll never go
    As long as I know
    It's coming straight from the heart

  • 9 Maret 2018

    Kembali kerumah yang kosong

    Kalo penuh, itu dosa

    Itu biasa, aku tak papa

  • 9 Maret 2018

    Itu palsu, Itu topeng. Hehehehe..

  • 9 Maret 2018

    aku lelahhhh

  • 10 Maret 2018

  • 10 Maret 2018

  • JANGAN506

    10 Maret 2018

    Saya mendengarkan " Love Buzz (Live at Pine Street Theatre)-Nirvana ". Nikmati musik di JOOX! ... d&ksongid=0 (#JOOX)

  • MELLY459

    10 Maret 2018

    Every praise is to our God.
    Every word of worship with one accord
    Every praise every praise is to our God.
    Sing hallelujah to our God
    Glory hallelujah is due our God
    Every praise every praise is to our God.

    God my Savior
    God my Healer
    God my Deliverer
    Yes He is, yes He is <3<3<3

  • JANGAN506

    10 Maret 2018

  • LALA509

    10 Maret 2018

    Ajarku memahami semua yg Kau ingini

    Agar hidupku puaskan hatiMu

    BagiMu aku rela sepenuh hati menghamba

    serahkan diri genapi karyaMu.

  • JANGAN506

    10 Maret 2018

  • 11 Maret 2018

  • 11 Maret 2018

    Selamat hari minggu dan selamat berbahagia. God Bless.

  • VERA234

    11 Maret 2018

    With or Without You - U2

  • IMELDA411

    11 Maret 2018

    Berlari tanpa kaki - gamaliel

  • 11 Maret 2018

    Kalo menjelang tengah malem gini, paling enak dengerin lagu yang Slow & Soft


  • LISTON872

    11 Maret 2018

    Lagi teringat kampung halamn

  • MAYA509

    11 Maret 2018

  • MAYA509

    11 Maret 2018

    DAMEAN991 tulis:

    Kalo menjelang tengah malem gini, paling enak dengerin lagu yang Slow & Soft


    kirain burgerking. Efek ngantuk inii.

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