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  • 27 April 2018

    IRMA707 tulis:

    kalau aku selalu z ketemu orang yang memberikan harapan palsu,, makanya yang cocok lagu buat ku adalah "kau pemberi harapkan palsu" wkwkwkwk sakittttt banget

    Kasus 3 7 8 lagi..

    Sing sabar mba ☺

    27 April 2018 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • VERA234

    27 April 2018

  • 27 April 2018


    27 April 2018

  • VERA234

    28 April 2018

  • 28 April 2018

    I don't know where to begin, Oh no

  • VERA234

    28 April 2018

    Mau malming tp ujan trs jd Baper😢

  • ANDRE032

    28 April 2018

    Terkadang... kita salah mengartikan maksud orang lain. Seperti sekumpulan kotoran mengejawantahkan budi pekerti. #ngomongopoakuiki

  • 28 April 2018

    Dj Qhelfin Happy Ajalah minions version

  • ANDRE032

    28 April 2018

    Manusia itu indah dengan segala perbedaan, dan kerumitannya. Biar saja mengalir menjadi sebuah keberagaman...

  • ANDRE032

    28 April 2018

    Buat sobat gue yang lagi LDR-an... Sabar ya, sis. Dia lagi kumpulin modal buat nikahin ente:-D

  • ANDRE032

    28 April 2018

    Pas dengar lagu ini keponakan gue manjat meja makan ngambil pisang dan joget-joget sambil ngunyah pisang #terlalukaunak:-D

  • VERA234

    28 April 2018

    Enjoy your satnite guys

  • FAJAR882

    28 April 2018

    DAMEAN991 tulis:

    I don't know where to begin, Oh no

    Kalau saran saya: bagaimana kalau dimulai dari (dan jangan lupa) "Makan yang banyak.."

    Malam minggu ini, Menn.. Biar kuat menghadiapi 'kenyataan'.. :-D hahahaha..

    Atau, kalau enggak.. ya, "Bang a Drum" boleh lah.. :-)

    (*hajarr.. Choyy..)

    "Bang A Drum" (by: Bon Jovi)

    I went to see the preacher to teach me how to pray
    He looked at me and smiled, then that preacher turned away
    He said if you want to tell him something, you ain't gotta fold your hands
    Say it with your heart, your soul and believe it
    And I'd say amen

    Bang a drum for the sinners, bang a drum for the sins
    Bang a drum for the losers, and those who win
    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need
    Bang a drum for yourself son, and a drum for me

    Ooh, let me hear you say yeah (yeah), hallelujah, amen

    I called upon my brother just the other day
    He said: John I'm gonna die if I don't start to live again
    I work each day and night like clockwork, just trying to make ends meet
    I could kick this bad world's ass, if I could just get on my feet

    I'd bang a drum for the dying, bang a drum for the truth
    Bang a drum for the innocence, lost in our youth
    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need
    Bang a drum for you brother, and a drum for me

    # I don't know where all the rivers run
      I don't know how far, I don't know how come
    *  Well I'm gonna die believin' each step that I take
    *  Ain't worth the ground that I walk on
        If we don't walk it our way

    [Guitar solo] (ooh...)

    No I don't claim to be a wiseman, a poet or a saint
    I'm just another man who's searching for a better way
    But my heart beats loud as thunder
    For the things that I believe
    Sometimes I wanna run for cover
    Sometimes I want to scream

    Bang a drum for tomorrow, bang a drum for the past
    Bang a drum for the heroes that won't come back
    Bang a drum for the promise, bang a drum for the lies
    Bang a drum for the lovers and the tears they've cried
    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need

    But as long as my heart keeps on bangin'
    I got a reason to believe (I got a reason to believe)

    (Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, hallelujah, amen)
    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah
    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) hallelujah, amen
    Come on now (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah
    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) hallelujah, amen
    All right girls (yeah) brother (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah
    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) Hallelujah..! Amen.


  • FAJAR882

    28 April 2018

    VERA234 tulis: Enjoy your satnite guys

    Hopefully not be a "Sad-nite" ya... :$) Ahahaha.. (#kidding)

    Have a nice Saturday night to you too, Mbak Vera. :-)

    Have a wonderful Sat-Nite, and a blessed weekend, Everyone. :-D

    Cheers.. O:) GBu.

    "Someday I'll be Saturday Night" (by Bon Jovi)

    Hey, man.. I'm alive I'm takin' each day and night at a time
    I'm feelin' like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night

  • 28 April 2018

    FAJAR882 tulis:

    Kalau saran saya: bagaimana kalau dimulai dari (dan jangan lupa) "Makan yang banyak.."

    Malam minggu ini, Menn.. Biar kuat menghadiapi 'kenyataan'.. :-D hahahaha..

    Atau, kalau enggak.. ya, "Bang a Drum" boleh lah.. :-)

    (*hajarr.. Choyy..) "Bang A Drum" (by: Bon Jovi)

    I went to see the preacher to teach me how to pray

    He looked at me and smiled, then that preacher turned away

    He said if you want to tell him something, you ain't gotta fold your hands

    Say it with your heart, your soul and believe it

    And I'd say amen

    Bang a drum for the sinners, bang a drum for the sins

    Bang a drum for the losers, and those who win

    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need

    Bang a drum for yourself son, and a drum for me

    Ooh, let me hear you say yeah (yeah), hallelujah, amen

    I called upon my brother just the other day

    He said: John I'm gonna die if I don't start to live again

    I work each day and night like clockwork, just trying to make ends meet

    I could kick this bad world's ass, if I could just get on my feet

    I'd bang a drum for the dying, bang a drum for the truth

    Bang a drum for the innocence, lost in our youth

    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need

    Bang a drum for you brother, and a drum for me

    # I don't know where all the rivers run

      I don't know how far, I don't know how come

    *  Well I'm gonna die believin' each step that I take

    *  Ain't worth the ground that I walk on

        If we don't walk it our way

    [Guitar solo] (ooh...)

    No I don't claim to be a wiseman, a poet or a saint

    I'm just another man who's searching for a better way

    But my heart beats loud as thunder

    For the things that I believe

    Sometimes I wanna run for cover

    Sometimes I want to scream

    Bang a drum for tomorrow, bang a drum for the past

    Bang a drum for the heroes that won't come back

    Bang a drum for the promise, bang a drum for the lies

    Bang a drum for the lovers and the tears they've cried

    Bang a drum, bang it loudly, or as soft as you need

    But as long as my heart keeps on bangin'

    I got a reason to believe (I got a reason to believe)

    (Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, hallelujah, amen)

    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah

    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) hallelujah, amen

    Come on now (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah

    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) hallelujah, amen

    All right girls (yeah) brother (yeah) yeah (yeah) oh yeah

    Let me hear you say yeah (yeah) Hallelujah..! Amen.


    Yoms mas fajar, Di save..

    Thanks yo mas fajar.

  • 28 April 2018

    I say yeah hallelujah

    28 April 2018 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • 28 April 2018

  • VERA234

    28 April 2018

  • ANDRE032

    28 April 2018

    Interpretasi menarik...

    P.I. Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto Op. 35

    Galneryus - Angel of Salvation

  • 29 April 2018

    Ini delein bukan pathos (seperti yang kamu kira) 😁😁

    you will never come close to how i feel ☺☺


    Ah.. Sudahlah, jangan ajak saya kembali masuk kedalam dunia halu

    29 April 2018 diubah oleh DAMEAN991

  • ANDRE032

    29 April 2018

    Terberkatilah kalian, jiwa-jiwa yang berpengharapan akan kasih, karunia Pencipta... Selamat hari Minggu.

  • VERA234

    29 April 2018

  • VERA234

    29 April 2018

  • 29 April 2018

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