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  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    She - Slow Down Baby


    jangan buru buruuuuu #)cubit cubit kak nana

  • NANA985

    14 Mei 2016

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    She - Slow Down Baby

    [video] jangan buru buruuuuu #)cubit cubit kak nana

    Hahahahahaaaaa .. Aduh makin illfell deh dek ... #cubit2cowkJK

  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    okeh ganti ini ajah... biar ga ilfillll

    Alesso - Heroes (we could be) ft. Tove Lo


  • NANA985

    14 Mei 2016

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    okeh ganti ini ajah... biar ga ilfillll

    Alesso - Heroes (we could be) ft. Tove Lo


    Hahahhaaaa .. Dikit terhibur, thx anyway .. Utk memotivasi para jomblowati keknya enak neh lagu jutin bieber - boyfriend .. Ladiesssssa ... #colekcewk2JK

  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    sepsial pake telor buat kak nana #)tosssssssssssss



    14 Mei 2016

    Cinta jangan buru-buru..biarkan smua mngalir...

    SURANTA247 tulis:

    She - Slow Down Baby

    [video] jangan buru buruuuuu #)cubit cubit kak nana

  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    TEREHALOHO803 tulis:

    Cinta jangan buru-buru..biarkan smua mngalir...

    yoih nona tere, keep celoh down

  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    buat nemenin jomblowan en jomblowati


  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    sembari loncat loncat kangguru ato senam jumba biar malem minggunye sehat, itun itung ngebakar lemak en kolesterolll



    14 Mei 2016

    buat nemenin jomblowan dan jomblowati juga deh #EfekMalamMinggu


    14 Mei 2016

  • SURANTA247

    14 Mei 2016

    selamat malam, selamat beristirahat


  • VIE890

    14 Mei 2016

    Tangga - Cinta tak mungkin berhenti.



    14 Mei 2016

  • JOSHUA628

    15 Mei 2016

    walau by The Toppenk... walaupun sound dan klipnya acak2an tp syairnya dlm bngt... itu yg sy rasakan saat ini

  • 15 Mei 2016

    Melly - I'm Still Loving You (OST AADC2)


    "I'm Still Loving You"

    Ku terkenang
    Hangat wajahmu
    Sedang apa kau
    Ingatkah kau padaku

    Aku rindu aku ingat kamu
    Aku terbayang-bayang yang dulu
    Masa masa indah dulu

    Ingin mengulang balik kembali
    Karena rasa ini pun masih seperti yang dulu

    I'm still loving you
    I'm still loving you

    Bila malam
    Kuingin cepat pagi
    Dan bila siang
    Aku ingin cepat malam

    Mengganti hari biar berlalu
    Dan menanti keajaiban
    Cinta yang dulu datang lagi
    Sempat ku ingin sekarang tiba
    Tiba kau disini mengulang
    Cinta yang dulu

    I'm still loving you
    I'm still loving you


  • SURANTA247

    15 Mei 2016

    selamat hari minggu, selamat beribadah, semangat semangatttt...


  • LADYWEN496

    15 Mei 2016

    Aisitheru by Zivilia

  • EFFENDI949

    15 Mei 2016

    Andra And The Backbone - Sempurna

    Kau begitu sempurna
    Dimataku kau begitu indah
    Kau membuat diriku akan s'lalu memujamu

    Disetiap langkahku
    Ku 'kan s'lalu memikirkan dirimu
    Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu

    Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
    Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
    Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

    Kau adalah darahku
    Kau adalah jantungku
    Kau adalah hidupku
    Lengkapi diriku
    Oh sayangku, kau begitu
    Sempurna... Sempurna...

    Kau genggam tanganku
    Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
    Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

    Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
    Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
    Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

    Kau adalah darahku
    Kau adalah jantungku
    Kau adalah hidupku
    Lengkapi diriku
    Oh sayangku, kau begitu
    Sempurna... Sempurna...

    15 Mei 2016 diubah oleh EFFENDI949


    15 Mei 2016


    15 Mei 2016


    15 Mei 2016


    15 Mei 2016


    15 Mei 2016


    Jika kau tak percaya padaku
    Sakitnya aku

    Jika lebih dengar mereka
    Sedih hatiku
    Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
    Ku menolak
    Semua itu karena ku cinta kau.. kau..

  • NANA985

    15 Mei 2016

    ONEREPUBLIC - Good Life

    Woke up in London yesterday

    Found myself in the city near Piccadilly

    Don't really know how I got here

    I got some pictures on my phone

    New names and numbers that I don't know

    Address to places like Abbey Road

    Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want

    We're young enough to say

    Oh this has gotta be the good life

    This has gotta be the good life

    This could really be a good life, good life

    Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

    Like this city is on fire tonight

    This could really be a good life

    A good, good life

    To my friends in New York, I say hello

    My friends in L.A. they don't know

    Where I've been for the past few years or so

    Paris to China to Colorado

    Sometimes there's airplanes I can't jump out

    Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now

    We all got our stories but please tell me-e-e-e

    What there is to complain about

    When you're happy like a fool

    Let it take you over

    When everything is out

    You gotta take it in

    Oh this has gotta be the good life

    This has gotta be the good life

    This could really be a good life, good life

    Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

    Like this city is on fire tonight

    This could really be a good life

    A good, good life


    I feel like there might be something that I'll miss


    I feel like the window closes oh so quick


    I'm taking a mental picture of you now

    'Cause hopelessly

    The hope is we have so much to feel good about

    Oh this has gotta be the good life

    This has gotta be the good life

    This could really be a good life, good life

    Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

    Like this city is on fire tonight

    This could really be a good life

    A good, good life

    Oh yeah

    Good, good life

    Good life



    To my friends in New York, I say hello

    My friends in L.A. they don't know

    Where I've been for the past few years or so

    Paris to China to Colorado

    Sometimes there's airplanes I can't jump out

    Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now

    We all got our stories but please tell me-e-e-e

    What there is to complain about

    Lagu ini sya persembahkan utk temen2  WISKUL Bogor & meetup kitah .. Cant wait 2 c u all guys .. Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016 .. Bogorrr beranggkaattt ... #coleksuranta

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